Mar 13·edited Mar 13

lol they're just now finding out, I could have told you this 20 years ago. These same lawyers bury their head in the sand and keep voting Democrat because the main stream media convinced them that Donald Trump is the devil. Well, now we're seeing who truly hates Jews & Israel, the same people these lawyers thought were their friends.

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If he were President, Donald Trump would be solidly behind Israel. Never forget he was the one who moved the embassy to Jerusalem and promoted the diplomatic efforts that led to the Abraham Accords.

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Yes, he would. I publicly praised his move of the U.S. embassy because (gasp) every nation has the sole and exclusive right to name its capital. Israel named Jerusalem, so that's that. You know I'm not a Trump fan, but he was dead-on correct in that case.

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Shane, we all know that Judaism is the font of all evil, just ask any left wing NAZI. They'll say it's true and spit on you if you don't believe them.

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I'm particularly happy that you referred to NAZI's as left wing. Because that's what they are...from 1933 to 1945 and now as well.

Many have mistaken Germany's NAZISM as some right wing extreme when in fact it's a left wing extreme.

It's true that Hitler hated communism but that system is the other side of the same coin. Both despise the individual, one worships the state, the other worships the party.

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Spot on. The left hates that comparison.

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Which is why the left has always worked to denigrate Stalin's crimes.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

The other error many make is that Hitler was elected Chancellor. He wasn't. He was appointed I believe by Von Hindenburg. Also, NAZI is an abbreviation for National Socialism. I know that's not new information.

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Because it's nonsense. There have been left-wing dictatorships, and right-wing ones, and neither Hitler nor Mussolini has left-wing ones.

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NSDAP was the full name of the party. It stood for National Socialist German Worker's Party. The Volkswagen--"People's Car"--was Hitler's idea. The Beetle appearance was Hitler's personal design contribution, and the intent was to provide subsidized cars to German workers. I can't decide if it is ironic or appropriate that a car with such a close connection to the Nazi's became a symbol of the 60's and 70's.

I will also mention that the peace symbol, which was introduced by the British CND, which was Soviet infiltrated to the gills, and which sought in effect a unilateral nuclear surrender to the Communists, was an inversion of a traditional Germanic rune called Algiz, which was protective. Turning it upside down would seem to indicate the opposite of protection. I suppose it would be appropriate now for the Biden Administration.

They also were going to subsidize German worker vacations, by among other things operating a large resort on the Baltic Sea.

Communists and Fascists and National Socialists are all Collectivists. They are all totalitarians. They are just rival street gangs. It doesn't really matter which violent gang wins the gang war, to the people who have to live with the result.

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HItler was a populist, exactly like Trump. Are populists always "left- wingers"? Is Trump a left-winger because he's a populist rabble-rouser like Hitler?

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Exactly. Nazism grew out of the National Socialist Party, initially with strong communist leanings.

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Hitler quickly wiped out the communists the moment he took over. Does that sound "left-wing" to you?

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You. should read some history. The Nazis were right-wing fascists, just like the Italian fascists. All fascists throughout modern history have made the communist left wing their bitter enemies, and have killed as many commies as they could. You simply have a very confused idea of Nazis, presumably because "socialist" was part of their full name. Nazis were 110% on the side of German capitalist fat cats, who supported Hitler fervently because he made them so much money and did away with unions. Does that sound "left-wing" to you?

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There are lots of good comments here, no need for me to add.

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You should really read more 20th century European history.

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"We are Socialists. Enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system...."

Gregor Strasser, Nazi ideologue, 1927.

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Here's a primary source: Joseph Goebbels, 1949. The linked document identifies the key planks of the Nazi platform: Nationalists, Socialists, 'A Workers' Party', anti-Semitism..


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Very true. Just ask Adam Schiff the "The Jewish (Trump) Impeachment Star".

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Trump would support Israel if that’s what the last person to talk to him wanted. Otherwise he’s totally transactional, amoral and without coherent principles.

If he was mad at Netanyahu or Adam Schiff or saw some benefit to not supporting Israel but rather saying he’d supported Israel enough and let the Jews pay for Israel themselves, I have no doubt that’s where he’d land.

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Its hard arguing about personalities because our perspectives are inherently subjective, but my sense if Trump is that he is VERY consistent. He viewed his campaign promises as a To-Do list, in a much more obvious way than any President I can remember.

Bill Clinton, George W and Barack Obama all made noise, when it seemed appropriate, about moving the Embassy.

Trump DID it. That is a significant difference.

I often wonder, listening to people bash Trump, what they are seeing that I am missing. He has a reality TV veterans habit of self promotion. He was and maybe still is a womanizer. But his policies were sound, consistent, and intended to help as many Americans as possible. Biden, in contrast, is hurting nearly all of us.

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Unsaint, I agree, except for the womanizer part. NO recent (not including JFK) president can compare with Bill Clinton!

Democrats want to preach, “THAT’s PERSONAL” when Bill’s sexual misconduct was brought up, which btw was taking place IN THE OVAL OFFICE! And HIS rape charge, brought by Paula Jones, was settled with Clinton paying her.

Bottomline, Trump will NEVER be able to escape from the ridicule he constantly gets from the “TDS Infected”

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Agreed. Its just so obvious to me that they overlook in others what they condemn in him I cannot but wonder how so many people can be that stupid. Joe Biden has tripped on stairs a dozen times. Imagine if Trump did it once.

Its like somebody is playing a practical joke but nobody is laughing.

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Clinton was not accused of rape with Paula Jones. She sued in civil court for sexual harassment because he showed her his dick.

Juanita Broadrick is the woman who accused him of rape.

And while Presidents probably should avoid it, getting a blowjob at the office is not to be underestimated.

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Exactly HD so perfectly posted. Bill Clinton was a disgrace to America.

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"Biden, in contrast, is hurting nearly all of us."

No truer words were spoken!

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Trump's policies are not consistent - and it's hard for me to understand how you would think otherwise. A very current example of Trump's fickleness is coming out against banning TikTok even though he strongly promoted the ban while he was in office. Reportedly, he wants the hurt Meta because he was banned on Facebook, so that means TikTok is out of the hot seat despite the obvious issues with the CCP owning a major news source for and influencer of young Americans.

Trump was pro-choice before running for the Republican nomination. Heck, he was a registered Democrat. Yes, others have done that too, but this is in direct contradiction to your assertion that Trump "is VERY consistent."

As far as I can tell, the only thing Trump is very consistent at is going after people that say bad things about him and liking people that say good things about him. There really doesn't seem to be any other principle behind his policies. That is what I am seeing.

By the way, I agree that Biden "is hurting nearly all of us." He's awful but that doesn't make Trump good.

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You're fight JGM, Biden's awfulness doesn't make Trump good, but it makes Trump a much better choice when we go to vote.

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If my only two choices were Trump and Biden, I would choose Trump. However, I decided years ago to stop restricting my right to vote to only the two candidates that the duopoly tells us are our only choices.

When enough of us reject the propaganda that there are only two choices, we will break the two party system that is dividing and bankrupting our country.

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Do you think Facebook is not run by and for Communists?

I havent studied the issue, but will say simply that he was an outstanding President, and that virtually none of the critiques made of him are not doubly true for just about anybody you could name.

Hes no saint. Neither is anyone else.

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I've never been a member of Facebook, as I am not a teenaged girl. But I don't know about run by and for communists. When Meta stock was down in late 2022, I bought a chunk on a hunch, even though I hate the company. As of this morning, it is up 271.87% in about 16 months, which I think means it's run by capitalists. I can't speak for those who use it.

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Yep. Hitler was a vegetarian who didn't drink or smoke and didn't like to see animals harmed. Go figure.

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I think Facebook is run by leftists who are more likely to be sympathetic to communist ideals but probably aren't out and out communists. However, that is a far cry from providing data to the Chinese communist party who is running psy ops against the citizenry of the USA.

In my opinion, the long term threat level to the USA on a scale of 1-100

Meta/Facebook controlled by leftists: 20

Amazon/AWS controlled by leftists: 20

Alphabet/Google controlled by leftists: 40

TikTok controlled by the CCP: 60

Therefore, in my opinion, it's far more important to deal with TikTok than Facebook. Personal gripes should never enter into it.

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Facebook is Tik Tok for old people at this point. Aunt Betty posting photos of her flowers starting to bloom is hardly "communist."

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Your intense dislike of President Trump is very obvious in your comments which IMO are not accurate.

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"iMO." That is always the crux of the matter.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

JGM, a reasonable take on why Trump’s FlipFlop on TikTok, has to do w/ Twitter Files. Trump in favor of defanging TikTok prior to revelations of Twitter Files. Trump now against TikTok falling into hands of a Fed-chosen entity that could use this persuasion platform in the same way Twitter was (including tilting the 2020 election), but can no longer be, now that X is owned by Musk.

The bigger story still yet to be revealed, is who TikTok will be sold to, and are those new owners cozy or frosty to our 3-Letter agencies.

It will also be interesting to see if part of the sale will include the full algorithm. The $ value is in that algorithm.

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Been thinking of late about other "womanizers" we don't critique: MLKing, JFK and his dad (apparently for the dad). We always have to remember the context of the times in which they lived--and that context is very different than today. Now a mere accusation can torpedo a man--without facts to back up, etc. I'm all for being faithful in a marriage, absolutely, but I'm against lobbing accusations without proof.

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Two words to refute your argument about Trump’s consistency: Tik Tok.

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I'll see your two words, raise you a link, and call: https://tuckercarlson.com/uncensored-the-tiktok-ban/

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Oh I’m sure the politics leads to any number of conspiracy theories and deep state critiques, but on its face it’s the simple “flip flopping” politician story, same as it ever was and Trump’s no better.

Trump was against China and TikTok, until some wealthy owner paid him off and shoved some cash at him he desperately needs more than ever for his legal judgments and campaign costs.

I don’t care about the reasons or your fights between Musk and Zuckerberg about supposed deep state “censorship” and free speech.

It’s much simpler, as always, follow the dollars.

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Well, yes, he would. I do believe Trump would support Israel if there were no other pressures on him, but as you point out, self-interest is his middle name. That said, he did move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and that was both the correct thing to do and a profile in courage because the entire world was against it.

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Self-interest is EVERY politician's middle name. Especially at that level. Do you think Clinton, W., Obama ran for office for some selfless altruistic reason? Do you think HRC is some selfless protector of the people. Nothing to see here.

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Of course there's self-interest in every politician's DNA. But Trump's is so excessive, and overpowers all other considerations, that his hyper level of Me Me Me is unique to the American presidency (thus far). A bit of that is useful to politics. Too much is poisonous to making good decisions for a nation.

That comes in large part because he didn't make his bones in politics like most of our other presidents. He came up through his father's titanic ego, then the carnival-barker worlds of New York real estate and TV reality shows. "Hype Thyself" is his First Commandment.

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One of the expressions we often hear today is :"He/She said the quiet part out loud".

I think President Trump said the quiet part out loud about being self-interested. Obama, Bush and Bush and Clinton practiced it quietly. Yes, Trump is often over the top.

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Bush 2 ran because he wanted to spread the beauty of democracy. At least that's what he said when he invaded a country for no reason.

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There was a reason; to redeem his daddy's name and oil.

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But I do agree that slapping a US Embassy sign and a plaque honoring Ivanka and Jared on the existing US consulate building in West Jerusalem was a brilliant pr move in certain circles that cost almost nothing.

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1. What else is moving a U.S. Embassy from one city to another but changing the signs?

2. The Ivanka and Jared plaque, while stupid and megalomaniacal, does not dilute the fact that the plaque is on an Embassy, not a lowly consulate building. Status of buildings matters greatly in statecraft.

3. Do you think the Embassy move was wrong? If so, why? If nations do not have the exclusive right to declare their own capitals, then why shouldn't France tell the United States to can D.C. in favor of Peoria, Illinois?

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Having the Ivanka & Jared plaque on the Isreali Embassy was an extremely sound move (sorry to disappoint the Trump haters here), because they are Jewish! And both have been very involved in standing strong for Israel and the Jewish people, especially during their visit after Oct. 7th.

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Hey Shane, I agree that every country can have its capital where it wants. But of the roughly 100 embassies in Israel, all but 5 are in Tel Aviv. We are joined in Jerusalem by Papua New Guinea, Kosovo, Honduras, and Guatemala. An all-star line-up. (But I should be careful, as some of our fellow commenters will start calling Belgians, Indians, Japanese, Swiss, Brazilians, etc. antisemitic because they haven't moved their embassies to Jerusalem.) And I have no issue with Trump deciding to move it, as it was his executive privilege. But Israel favored it because it was a slap in the face to the Palestinians, a deliberate and likely unnecessary one.

I would not wish Peoria on anyone. Even Cat moved their HQ. Pekin, however, would be an outstanding stand-in suburb for Alexandria, VA, for the rich lobbyists and think tankers. I did see Def Leppard live at the Peoria Civic Center, and a buddy in the radio industry wangled us backstage passes, which was not nearly the party of debauchery I had expected. No groupies, no bowls of cocaine, just some nice, young English lads.

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A plaque on the the Embassy is ridiculous but I cannot begin to tell you what it meant to me personally and millions of other Israelis to have the U.S. put their Embassy in Jerusalem. You can scoff from abroad, but it means something to us.

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Is the Papua New Guinea embassy another source of strength?

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Jack, how do you feel about Trump taking out # 2 Iranian at the time, Qasem Soleimani? Was that 2020 action also, transactional? News report 1-week ago where Miami FBI warned an assassin was on the hunt for Trump, in revenge. Enough 'costs' for you?


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Matt, how soon Trump haters forget, if they EVER acknowledged, that ISIS was practically destroyed under President Trump’s policies.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

One of my dad's favorite sayings (about a local eccentric who occasionally had good ideas) was the old chestnut about "even a stopped clock is right twice a day". So, yeah Solemani (which was probably in Trump's mind something about Trump x Solemani > Obama x bin Laden), and was probably not Mossad's notion of a good idea, since they could have done that and thought the wiser of it.

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I wonder if the FBI is REALLY interested in who hired the assassin. Could be Iran, could be someone who is thinking of a last resort, as the keep-him-off-the-ballot and put-him-in-jail strategies don't appear to be bearing much fruit.

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He also made a point of defending Jewish students on campuses throughout the US and backed Nikki Haley's pro Israel position in th UN. Trump has many despicable qualities but he is no Jewhater ( formerly known as "anti Semite").

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I agree with you, Trump is not a Jew-hater, and I never got any vibe that said he secretly was so. He defends Jews and Israel consistently, and properly moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the capital city of Israel: Jerusalem.

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Jack, say what you want, “But, but, but Trump” “Orange Man Bad” but on this one you are wrong. Trump haters are gonna hate Trump … it their “TDS” infection thing they must always do.

On Israel, Trump has NEVER wavered! And had he been allowed to follow through, the Abraham Accord might surely have been a game changer.

Alas, we have Biden. Oct 7th, HE came out strong for Israel. As his poll numbers dropped, due to negativity from the Squad & young radical pro Palestine/ pro Hamas protestors, Biden began backpedaling his support for Israel.

You know, his mic drop moment after his Campaign Speech … uh, SOTU, when he bloviated, “I’m gonna have a come to Jesus meeting with BiBi” which we all know is bullshit. Biden, like Obama before him, has problems when it comes to “drawing red lines that best not be crossed” because NO WORLD LEADER fears, or respects Biden.

I think, sir, you may have Trump confused with Biden on this one.

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HD Jack is a meshugana, he is what we call a self hating Jew don’t take the bait.

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Or maybe Biden began backpedaling his support due to the IDF killing civilians for fun.

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That''s your JEWHATE manifesting itself, Builttoill. You got the angle wrong - it's Hamas terrorists who did that. Perhaps you have not seen their own camera footage? Educate yourself.

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I stopped caring about you yappers and your groundless "Antisemite!" "Jew-hater!" bullshit some time ago. Yeah, Hamas killed 1,200 people. IDF's body count is 25 times that, and growing. Perhaps you have not seen that? You could probably find a Youtube clip of Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin testifying to Congress that more than 25,000 women and children have been killed in Gaza. And that was a couple weeks ago, so surely more bodies have piled up since then. Educate yourself.

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Builttoill, you MUST stop watching MSM for all your news on the Hamas - Israeli War! There are some VERY accurate, day to day, videos on YouTube reporting on the War!

War is awful! Innocent people get killed! Families are torn apart! Many more Palestinians would be alive today IF Hamas had not attacked innocent Israelis on Oct. 7th!

Even more Palestinians would be alive today IF Hamas didn’t use them for human shields, or hide in their churches, schools, hospitals & homes …

YET, we NEVER hear antisemitic pro Palestinian protestors STAND UP & SPEAK OUT AGAINST HAMAS, or demand Hamas ceasefire!

Remember, there was a ceasefire between Israel & the Palestinians BEFORE Oct. 7th!

Hamas are barbaric terrorists who would (perhaps will if not stopped) kill ANY Jew or NON Muslim or Gay or Female who doesn’t cover her head & body! They would gladly kill those who have pink or blue hair, body piercings & tattoos! Hamas doesn’t care where you go or went to college, because they are illiterate except for the what their religion teaches, which is KILL the INFIDELS!

Builttoill, are you any of the above? And if you feel safe to spew your hateful rhetoric against Israel & the IDF, in support of THE HAMAS killers of Palestine, please go to GAZA where you will be useful to help their cause.

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Hi Honey, I haven't watched TV news in several years. For news on the Israel-Hamas war, I come here to The Free Press to get the biased, Israel-can-do-no-wrong perspective. Then I consult others (Glenn Greenwald is a fabulous resource) for objectivity.

Don't hold your breath waiting for antisemitic pro-Palestinian protesters to speak out against Hamas. Why? They are antisemites.

However, there are many, many, many people who are pro-Palestinian, or who have no dog in the fight, but think that Israel is in the process of making itself into a pariah on the international stage with its continued, brutal killing of as many civilians as possible. These people criticize Hamas all the time. But you're not really looking for Hamas critics; you just want to censor the Israel critics by calling them names.

Those same many, many, many, who would like to see a ceasefire obviously seek it from both sides. Ceasefires don't work if one side doesn't play. But since the initial Hamas attack, which side has been doing the shooting and bombing?

No shit more Palestinians would be alive if no attack happened. There would also be more alive if Israel understood the concept of proportionate response. But if Israelis say they thought everything was hunky dory prior to October 7, they're either lying or REALLY unobservant. Oppressing people and exercising brutal controls over their rights and movement is not a situation that will remain hunky dory for long. Sooner or later, oppressed peoples need their issues addressed, or say sayonara to any shot at peace.

What existed before 10/7 was two sides, both dead set against a two-state solution.

There's nothing hateful about my rhetoric. I comment based on observations or in response to others. I don't get wound up so tight I start accusing all who don't agree with me of being savages, barbarians, haters, etc. the way you lot do.

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How you could place Netanyahu and Schiff in the same category speaks volumes.

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I don't but I presume Trump could. Like maybe they're both Jewish.

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His immediate about-face with Tik Tok after a billionaire who supports Tik Tok gave him a large donation makes him no different than any other politician.

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Gosh, you make him out to be a typical politician. Who knew?

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I’m sure Vladimir Putin, Recip Erdogan and Victor Orban have some ideas about whether the US should support Israel.

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Well, he also said Putin could do "whatever the H*ll he wants". Lets'

tell the whole truth about that "man".

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Bullshit. You've been snorting too much MSNBC.

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You can find the clip on Youtube or Rumble if you prefer of him saying "I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want."

Marsha was correct.

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No Marsha was not correct. Trump made the comment about NATO members not paying up, and how he would tell non-NATO aggressors to do what they want. Typical Trump hyperbole. He never said let Putin do whatever he wants. But the leftist MSM and their rabid supporters - like you and Marsha - embellish what he said then spit it back out as part of the 'orange man bad' campaign. Hell, even your demented president, doing his best angry Joe impression, jumped on that bandwagon, in a hilarious attempt to sway voters.

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You need to go relisten to that clip because you are dead wrong. Trump said it was about Russia in the sentence immediately before the quote.

Further, your ad hominem attacks are so far off base, you make it even more clear you don't know what you're talking about.

Just because I point out your errors doesn't mean I'm a Biden supporter nor a leftist. Both Trump and Biden are terrible candidates and I'm heartbroken for my country that those are the two most likely to win the presidency. They are both awful.

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NATO is a treaty that calls for all member countries to provide military aid if any country in the alliance is attacked. It's not a pot of money sitting in a bank somewhere that countries pay into.

When we were attacked on 9/11, the NATO countries honored the pact and sent troops. Not as many troops as the U.S. but they're also smaller countries.

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😂😂I think not enough of the real stuff. Perhaps if they did they would drop the MSM.

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Oh Marsha, Marsha, Marsha… “Let’s tell the whole truth???” Because ‘that “man”’ is not at all like Obama with his righteous and powerful resistance to Putin when he annexed Crimea … right? Oh wait… Obama literally let Putin do … whatever the hell he wanted…. (Waah, sanctions…)

Dial back your irrational TDS and try to find some level of rational thought. Putin invaded Ukraine, and took over Crimea in a clear first step during OBAMA’s term. Then he did nothing during Trump’s. Biden moves into the White House and what happens? Oh, Putin once again “does whatever the hell he wants…”

But sure, keep smoking that TDS blunt - Trump is the dangerous one.

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Nice reference. So, that makes you Jan, and Trump would be Mike Brady. I guess that leaves Putin with Sam the plumber, Alice's boyfriend.

I think Obama's VP may have been napping when in 2014, Obama declared that Ukraine had not been, was not currently, and would never be in the strategic interests of the United States.

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He has been napping through the whole of his 2020 Presidency.

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And Biden said a "small incursion" into Ukraine would be okay.

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"small incursion" (which I doubt would happen, or Congress would approve), vs "whatever the h*ll he wants" does not sound equivalent to me at all.

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Marsha, once again, Trump Haters with Stage 5 TDS, love to pick apart whatever Trump says that THEY can use against him. You repeating the “Putin statement” Trump made IS TAKEN OUT of CONTEXT! There’s plenty to rag on him about without doing what the MSM propaganda arm of the Democrats do.

Do better, please! If you despise him and think he’s worse for this country than Biden, then vote for Biden again!

Just one sincere question, how’s that working out for you?

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I'd consider the accusation of TDS an ad hominem attack. As for Biden? My state received infrastructure $$, though my state's GOP reps claimed credit for that, having voted against it. I will vote for Biden if the GOP runs DT again. I consider him an awful human being, without morals, principles, or honesty. Do better yourself than to back a lying cheater accused of 91 crimes.

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What actually DID happen? That “small incursion” is ongoing… how’s it looking to you?

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Don’t forget Trumps statement was in response to a question about how he would feel

about defending with boots on the ground a NATO member that consistently refused to meet the 2% defense spending commitment.

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Baruch HaShem some human here with common sense thank you 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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How do you know that he said it? We have all heard the clip of him boosting how he got the Europeans to pay more towards NATO. But we also know he is a bull shitter who will say anything. So how do you know he actually said that back when he was President? If he had don’t you think there would have been a massive uproar then about he saying such a thing? There were no secrets in his administration yet no one at the time claimed he said such a thing. I think what he claims to have said was just BS to illustrate a point.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

You’re not wrong, Unsaint. But isn’t the American government behind Israel now? We are the only nation to have major military assets nearby ready to use them in case Hezbollah/Iran does something stupid. I do not understand your distinction.

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Practically it's about the same. But Biden is surrounded by pro-Hamas staffers, and he is unquestionably under a lot of pressure to abandon the Jewish vote and endorse the Islamist agenda. If it were not an election year, I suspect his people would be trying to cut off aid to Israel. And of course Biden's people have also done a lot to support Iran, including freeing up a whole lot of money to be used for nukes and political repression.

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If Trump were in charge he would have to satisfy an isolationist base who want no military involvement anywhere outside of US borders - his challenge would be similar, imo.

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I don't personally think we should be involved militarily in any wars going on right now. But we should support Israel rhetorically and financially to the same extent we always have.

And we should not be giving large sums of money to Iran and the Ukraine, both of which would not have happened in a Trump Administration. And certainly we need to oppose to the extent possible a nuclear Iran. Mutal Assured Destruction doesn't work with people for whom being destroyed is desirable.

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Yip 💯 and he set to return the Boss is coming back! Please God.

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If Jews are now going to rush to back our would-be fascist dictator, thank God the Jews have so few votes, thank God Biden has far more money than Trump will ever be able to raise, and thanks God the few Jewish voters there are are almost entirely concentrated in totally non-swing states, including Florida, so it doesn't matter how the Jews vote for dictatorship vote.

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You present this as if these lawyers are merely naive dupes. They are not; they are fully on-board with the PRO-crime democRAT agenda.

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A lot less work if their clients aren’t prosecuted

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Doesn't matter if their individual clients are prosecuted or not; there is still the entirety of the weaponized civil and criminal justice system for them to exploit. lobbying, "lawfare", arrests etc.

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They won't change how they vote. Nothing will change.

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"All settler colonial projects should stop and be dissolved—Israel, the US, and all others alike—and restorative justice must start."

"Be dissolved" - boy, sounds kinda insurrection-y to me.

By the way, would this include pretty much every Central and South American country, due to Spanish colonization? What about the Philippines, also colonized by the Spanish? I mean, hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.

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It’s all crazy talk since it would be impossible to implement. Is everyone supposed to move out of the US so the Native American tribes can get their land back? So where exactly would 300 million people go? Where would the hundreds of millions for Latin America go? Squish them all in Spain? They should be shut down for the simple crime of being stupid.

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Perhaps these "anti-colonial" people can lead by example and get the fuck off the continent. That would be a win-win.

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That has always been one of my thoughts...if you truly believe in this anti-colonial stuff, go back to where your ancestors came from. But I don't see many of them doing that

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Of course not. For the same reason you don’t see any of them moving off their comfortable couches, putting down their Starbucks (ooh another evil white oppressor) , and joining the freedom fighters over in Gaza.

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It's the South Park "Underpants Gnomes" Theory of Social Justice:

Step 1: Dismantle capitalism and colonialism

Step 2: ....

Step 3: Social Justice!

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Great reference. Step 2 is always the most difficult in most of life.

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So the poor widdle Nay-tive Amewicans can continue fighting among themselves like they have done since they came bouncing across that land bridge, dancing, singing and banging their drums and all getting along with each other while under the protection of The Great Spirit? Does anyone else get disgusted at the infantilzation of Indian tribes? Drives me nuts!

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Honest question: Can you be effective counsel if you advocate dissolving the Country whose legal system you are sworn to uphold?

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Seriously. I read that and actually laughed audibly. These people are so ridiculously untethered from reality so much so they are arguably suicidal. Like, your job wouldn’t exist if this country ceased to exist? Why do they bother defending anyone’s rights when they claim rights should not exist. It’s all getting very confusing and rather hilarious.

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Mkwultra, except it appears many of them aren’t upholding the legal system the swore to, and they clearly don’t believe in it.

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Do we have to give Alaska back to Putin?

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Nope, goes back to the Aleuts.

Then again, their ancestors crossed over the land bridge that is now submerged under the Bering Strait, so... they have to go back to Asia?

Like I said, the decolonizers need to budget a lot more meeting time to think through these issues. But their final PowerPoint presentation will be epic.

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At the rate we're sinking into moral depravity with the mutilation of children, Alaska might go back willingly.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Are unions not also subject to Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, when it comes to workplace harassment/hostile work environment? That law covers race, color, religion, sex and national origin.


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Hopefully that’s one reason Congress is investigating this.

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Lawyers convinced of something by cheap media pile-ons?.....not much cop as lawyers then! Aren't lawyers supposed to be highly trained, forensic, sceptical weighers of evidence? So the law really is an ass....who knew?

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Judging by the spelling and grammatical errors found in the very first message screen grab, I’m not sure.

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Graham, remember Affirmative Action, DEI, etc. hires.

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You summed it up perfectly!

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By all means support the would-be dictator Trump, Bibi and Putin's "Messiah." No question the only way for right-wing Jews to stop progressivism from taking over our politics in the coming decade, as overwhelmingly right-wing Boomers fade away and are replaced at the ballot box and in power by millennials and Gen Zers is to install a fascistic Trump government which may well end all elections for the foreseeable future, since he clearly "should" be our Dear Leader for life, as Bibi and Putin would love. But don't forget this variation on the line Jews used to revel in: "First they came for the blacks, Muslims, and immigrants. Finally they came for ME." If Trump's American fascism ever reverts to its American Nazi roots, watch out.

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Did you memorize that rant from MSNBC?

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Either from MSNBC or from Stormfront.

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Watch out for the beam in your eye, Frank. You stated your case, here's a response. A government headed by an 82 year old with 2 aneurysms has encouraged a mass migration by its actions and public pronouncements that didn't exist before his ascendancy to the presidency and then in response to the migration largely abjures its responsibility to protect the borders letting in significant numbers of dangerous people (FBI Wray testimony) and dangerous drugs by cartels who are able to operate with unparalleled freedom. This abandonment of government responsibility to protect the border and thusly the American people is enough in my mind to vote the Dems out. We have already seen the effect on municipal budgets and criminal (including gang) activity. We have yet to see, and hopefully won't get to, the results of the activities of those dangerous people. A vote for Democrats is a vote for continuing this insane policy.

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I bow to no one in my utter disgust with the rich Dem donors (including many liberal Jews, of course) who are entirely responsible for Biden's candidacy. They totally should have made him an offer he could not refuse right after his "victory" in '22. They should have forced him to give an LBJ speech by promising to give him zero money, and promising to find a younger, more charismatic candidate to back with all their money to crush him in the primaries. Such a candidate would have wiped the floor with Trump and won all of Congress for the Dems Why the rich donors chose Biden instead remains an utter mystery to me, unless they were fine with a Trump victory but still wanted to tell their wives they were "liberal Dems for abortion rights" and looked forward to more tax-cuts for the rich from Trump. I admire plenty Biden has done--our economy has never been stronger in history, for starters--but he's far too old, and his handling of the border has been pathetic. Mainly, I'm a Dem who wants to win, and it's insane to run a feeble old man who is yugely unpopular, especially when his opponent has rightly recently been voted our worst president in history, who just happens to be Putin's puppet doing al the can to stab heroic Ukraine in the back, and turn America into a sister authoritarian government to Orban's Hungary.

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What was already clear became painfully obvious when you said "our economy has never been stronger in history, for starters".

Low credibility became zero credibility with that statement.

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Which "younger, more charismatic candidate" did you have in mind?

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Newsom, Whitmer, Beshear, and Shapiro for starters.

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No, no, no. Newsom is extremely dangerous. He ran California into the ground. He's also pushing all things "transgender" like there's no tomorrow. Go woke and go broke.

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Whitmer lol. She's about as likeable as Hillary.

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Gosh, Fred - they aren’t on the ballot. And admiring a clearly crooked, demented Biden for anything (but especially anything related to a POST PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN relative recovery) is a fever dream.

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I got Polis and Mayor Pete as dark horses.

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You might want to ask yourself - WHY doesn’t the DNC do this? There’s no one who actually backs Biden - just people who oppose Trump. WHY doesn’t the DNC do what you suggest? Hmmmmm….

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Oh bullshit about right wing Jews. Do you know who Hamas slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped? You have no idea. It’s left wing Jews who lived in that area near Gaza. One of the ones burnt to death by Hamas was named Vivian silver. She was a peace activist. She was identified by a jaw bone. Hamas is ‘right wing’. It’s a very non progressive org to say the least.

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Hamas isn’t on any political spectrum. They are blood thirsty criminal terrorists.

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Nope. They were duly elected by people calling them "Palestinians". They run Gaza - every single ministry, university, school, etc. These bloodthirsty criminals represent these Gazans.

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And 70% of the "Palestinians" in Gaza support the initial savage gruesome and bestial slaughter of 1,200 Israeli babies, children women and men on October 7th.

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Yes and the Arabs in Judea and Samaria feel the same. Bloodthirsty barbarians all.

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Last election was 17 years ago. And we seem to agree they are blood thirsty criminals

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Hamas is still overwhelmingly popular in Gaza. And they are ALL Jew-hating barbarians.

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Yes, Bill, and the WOKE LEFT Democrats are rooting for Hamas … how frightening is THAT!

It’s true, the FAR RIGHT FRINGE (a minority!) hate Jews. But the majority of Republicans / Independents, even those awful white rural voters, support Israel & Jewish people! They also love America and want to see HER united, again!

Unfortunately, Biden is obviously hellbent on dividing us + flooding our borders with illegals (you know, his undocumented future democrat voters!)

Trump may say some stupid things, but have you EVER heard him stand before a crowd and call the democrat voters Nazis? Ever heard anyone on the Right call them

Deplorables? Ignorant? Just fill in the derogatory blank, yet Biden says he’s for ALL AMERICANS! Bullshit! And more & more Blacks are

remembering him, “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”

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Vote Biden out in November he has to go!

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When did I support Hamas? When did I defend Hamas? Obviously was just as happy to slaughter left-wing Jews as any others. It was Bibi who literally supported Hamas for years, as the world knows, in order to have the handy excuse that no two-state solution was ever possible because of Israel had "no partner for peace." Are you actually supporting Trump? I assume Vivian Silver would not.

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I’m not supporting Trump. I’m stating that this war is about getting rid of Hamas. It’s not a right wing war.

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Not so young, you do not have to defend who you vote for! Nor do you (any of us) have to explain the facts surrounding the war.

As much as the MSM want to spread their propaganda

anyone paying attention knows HAMAS attacked Israel on Oct. 7th. HAMAS attack was an act of war!

HAMAS killed, raped & kidnapped innocent men, women & children in Israel. HAMAS are an ignorant group of barbaric terrorists men, would just as soon rape & kill any of these antisemitic WOKE Progressive Americans WHO SUPPORTER THEM!

Israel retaliated to the brutal surprise attack! Please STOP with the ceasefire rhetoric! There WAS a ceasefire between Israel & Gaza BEFORE Oct. 7th!

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And then after they retaliated, they continued to kill, and continued to kill, and continued to kill, and continued to kill civilians, mostly women and children. It is over 30,000 dead now, with a lot more to come from famine and disease. And before you start whining that the 30K figure comes from Hamas, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified to Congress that more than 25,000 women and children--just women and children have been killed. That was a couple weeks ago. So take up any numbers arguments with Sec. Austin.

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Bravo. Thanks. Well said.

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And if you were supporting Trump it has Fk all to do with Fred, as far as I know TFP is not a voting site for the November election. Perhaps Fred can vote on Facebook that might come available soon.

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Fred, in this comments section, it is wholly unnecessary for you to actually write something to be accused of it. Soon it will be antisemite, Jew-hater, all their favorites.

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I think people assume when an organization rebels against right-wing oppressors, they get the benefit of the doubt as somewhat to the left.

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Amazing how people who fear fascism and “trampling of the Constitution” are happy to support such if it supports their own power goals. Any election interference that has occurred in the past few years has been generated by the Left. And complete disregard for our border laws isn’t fascist, right? Spare us.

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Hey Fred, I think mommy's calling. Lunch is ready.

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I gotta hand it to you. When you go retard, you go full retard

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Tropic Thunder the best movie ever.

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It's up there. Easily Tom Cruise's best performance.

Of course, I think Dodgeball: An Underdog Story is also a compelling film, so there's no accounting for my taste.

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I like your taste similar to mine and my family all good movies!

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Speaking of deranged.

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Are you campaigning to be the next ComProf 2.0? While you are a troll you are no ComProf2.0.

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GEEZ, Fred! Your “TDS” is now in Stage 5. It must be frightening to think of a 2nd term for Trump. I totally understand, because it scares the crap out of me to think of a 2nd Biden term. WW 3, and all THAT looming!


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HD😂😂😂classic Fred has all the answer for Israel

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So, what is going to happen after Palestinians get their river to the sea deal? There are 10 million citizens of Israel. Hamas made it clear that Arab citizens of Israel are same as Jews to them. What is your solution?

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I thought Bibi was going to eradicate Hamas, so they should be irrelevant, right? My solution is exactly the same as that of the six former heads of Shin Bet in the great Israeli documentary The Gatekeepers a decade ago: a just two-state solution for both peoples, who both have a right to their own state and freedom from interference by the other side. These shin bet leaders, who knew something about Israel's security needs, unanimously agreed that if Israel fails to achieve such a solution, Israel is simply doomed--ultimately from international pressure, like the Boers of South Africa, as much as from Palestinians' hostility. Yet Bibi and his far-right backers are determined never to have this solution, which means keeping the Palestinians in an oppressed condition forever, as if they were blacks in Alabama in the bad old days. This simply will not fly in America or around the world, anymore than segregation forever flew in the 60s, no matter how defiantly Bama's Bibi, George Wallace, assured the world Bama would keep "segregation forever."

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

First, for the record, i don't support settlements in the West Bank, and I can't wait to see Bibi gone. Now, to the river to the sea deal that Palestinians want or marching crowds in the US demand - that is NOT a two-state solution. Israel spent 25 years trying to work out the two-state agreement with Arafat. Who walked away from it on the day of signing? Arafat did, and started intifada again! The tragedy of Israel is that it is forced to negotiate with the terrorists who made it very clear that they want extinction of Israel. It is like forcing Ukraine to negotiate peace with Putin who wants nothing but destruction of it. As for oppression, it is Hamas who oppresses Palestinians. I see no difference between oppression of Palestinians and oppression of Russians, except you don't blame Ukraine for oppression of Russians who go and kill Ukrainians, do you?

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Thanks for not supporting settlements and maybe being open to going back to the line after the Six-Day War. I meant that what I want is a just division of the land between the river and the sea, certainly not a Palestinian takeover of the whole area, anymore than I want the Jews to absorb their fantasy of "Judaea and Samaria." I want fairness for all. It is, of course, hotly contested by knowledgeable people on both sides whether Israel has made truly fair, just offers to the Palestinians in the past which they have invariably been rejected. But Bibi now says he's going to wipe Hamas from the face of the earth, the Hamas he's supported for years to give him an alibi for NOT making a two-state deal. When Hamas' is gone, what will Israel's excuse be then? It can't be: "They hate us!" Duh. What group of people who've been subjected to what the Palestinians have been subjected to since 1914, when Jews were 8% of the population of these lands, would not hate the people who did all this to them? Who cares whether Palestinians are overwhelmingly angry with Israel, and after Oct. 7 a very solid majority of Israeli Jews hates the Palestinians' guts, too? That's all just a given. North and South Korea are pretty hostile as well, but the US and the UN have kept the peace between them for seventy years, and they could do it in Israel also. The truth is Israel has no choice now, once it has wiped out Hamas and that excuse. The world, including the US, will no more accept permanent occupation of Palestinian lands by Israeli Jews than it accepted apartheid in South Africa. As Tom Friedman said in the Times today, the war on Gaza has made Israel "radioactive" throughout the world. The radiation from Israel and hostility to it around the world will grow explosively if peace in Gaza, with Hamas gone, is not followed soon thereafter by serious negotiations to end this unjust madness once and for all--for the sake of both long-suffering peoples! Meanwhile, peace be with everyone concerned, over there and here.

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It makes two to tango. Before Bibi started his games with Hamas, and even before Bibi came to power in 2009, Israel withdrew from Gaza, left orchards, hot houses, hospitals etc. to Gazans intact. What did they do almost immediately? Voted out Fatah which was more likely to make peace with Israel and elected Hamas which was clear about their goals to kill the Jews and spread Islam to the entire world (you included, so get ready and start reading Quran). Hamas successfully killed every Fatah official with their families who were not able to flee Gaza and got to work. Instead of building up economy, it built rockets to shoot at Israel. All the orchards and hot houses were destroyed, in glee. I have no hopes for UN. Just in case you did not know, UN-ran schools in Gaza are busy indoctrinating their students with Mein Kempf and military training. This is not a peace-keeping force, this is open support for one side. One thing I can say, Israel neglected and completely lost information war. Hamas and Islamists found that weak spot in the Western educated class: self-flagellation over past colonialism and slavery and sympathy for children's suffering, which they skillfully exploit in their propaganda. Even those who agree that Hamas is a cannibalistic regime brutal to its own people, do not see how forcing Israel to stop fighting against Hamas does not solve the problem of Palestinian suffering.

What I see especially appalling is the backlash against American Jews, no matter what their positions are on Netanyahu and the conflict. After Putin invaded Ukraine, there was no vandalism against Russian-owned businesses or shouting down academics of Russian origins. Hamas attacked Israel, killed dozens of non-Jews and took hostage American, Thai, Tanzanian citizens who just happened to be there, and killed them, too. Yet, there are marches calling for the death of Jews, harassments of Jewish children in elementary schools by their teachers, vandalism of Jewish-owned businesses. Let's not conflate Bibi's policies with hateful treatment of Jews outside Israel. By that same token, you should be OK with hateful treatment of every American citizen for what Bush and Trump have done abroad. Would you turn the other cheek if you were harassed in Mexico for the hateful things that Trump has done?

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Quit starting wars and losing them. Simple.

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Thanks for translating what must have been a severely convoluted and mixed metaphor that Friedman wrote. Haven't heard about him in a while. (a)(b) - 3 = Swedish Girls Like Chocolate

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Well George Wallace was a Democrat...

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By all means vote for the guy who proudly announces to the world, and his ventriloquist Putin, that he wants to be a dictator like Orban (and Putin). But how have dictatorships worked out for Jews in the past? Jews, more than any other group, had better back the rule of war and democracy itself to the hilt, or they may before long be the victims of the dictatorship Israel's "Messiah" Trump plans to replace our Constitution with.

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No amount of conservative support will ever change the price of tea in China.

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The fox has been in the hen house for a very long time. This is the consequence of voting for Democrats. Welcome to reality folks.

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You don’t get it!

Donald Trump is mean! He’s a really big meanie!

Maybe he’s never called for the ethnic cleansing of Israel and he has an Orthodox Jew for a son-in-law… but he’s still Orange!

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He's worse than a big meanie. He's a meanie weenie! Maybe even a double super duper meanie weenie! Plus the orange thing, of course.

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High time for an in depth look at law schools and what they teach and preach. Which law schools have " far right" or " white supremacist" students. What percentage of law grads smoke from the progressive pipe ( same for law professors). Lovecto hear from conservative law students or recent law grads about the atmosphere these days and their views on the long term effects of all this in terms of how law are being enforced or applied and the extent to which progressive law grads will focus more on weaponizing the law as opposed to respecting the rule of law without regard to politics or their ideological ends.

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There are lots of real-time examples of this. Alex Berenson just had a follow up piece yesterday on the case of two climate critics that found error in the research of a prominent climate scientist. They were each sued by the scientist for “defamation” after pointing out statistical sorcery in his work. They actually had to pay exorbitant punitive damages to the plaintiff. The judges and the jury sided with this scientist! Imagine not being able to criticize the work of these so called scientists without fear of life ruining consequences. The woke law school spillout is already in full swing. Another case in point: how many progressive prosecutors refuse to prosecute most crimes of civil menace altogether.

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We are a people reknown for answering questions with questions. There is value in asking questions. More important are the questions we ask. I'll ask again. Why is a Jew supportive of leftism? Convince me.

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This union has been around since 1969 - that’s six Republican administrations ago. Wouldn’t they be held accountable as well for the idiocy of this union?

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And what’s wild is that Bari, Suzi, Nellie & Wiseman will all continue to promote & vote for the very party that backs this flavor of antisemitism. The vast majority of these union lawyers are neck deep in the latest anti-Israel cult movement & they'll most like be the folx who’ll be overseeing the line formations leading to the box cars.......all while standing proud in their virtue. Its just hard to intellectually reconcile the progressive/leftist mind virus that seems to be all over everything.

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I'm not sure they will vote for the anti-semitic ones. Hopefully for more moderate and reasonable ones. But overall, yes, the Democrat Party has been hijacked by Marxists and pro-China useful idiots, for many years now.

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Strangely, I don't see a nickels worth of difference in todays "moderate" democrats and antisemites.......just sayin.

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There is none.

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They are gonna vote for Biden...the guy who told the Jewish leader they they needed to have a Come to Jesus moment about Gaza.

They cannot connect that these issues that they hate are direct results of the same thinking that the modern Dems support.

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"Come to Jesus..." Was Biden suggesting mass conversions?🤣

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The problem is, there is no way to know WHAT Biden is actually thinking (if anything). He could have meant Jesus...this Hispanic guy that hung out with Corn Pop.

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I thought he meant this Jesus:


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Nobody fucks with The Jesus!

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Next visit to Japan, he'll complain that something costs more than "all the rice in China."

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He said it was an expression popular in the southern part of Delaware. LOL.

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It's an expression common among his generation, that simply means "a very serious meeting".

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Of COURSE! But my comment was meant as humor. As an elected official he probably should NBOT have used that expression in relation to JEWS! "Come to Moshe", maybe...

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Not my principal comment re: this column, but, as an evangelical Christian, I think everyone should have a come to Jesus moment - however, I think in this context the 💩 💩 in chief was conflating his own position in the universe with that of the Son of God, regardless if you believe Him to be be the Christ to come or the Christ resurrected

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Biden’s, “Now don’t repeat this, but I’ve had a come to Jesus meeting with BiBI and told him …”

Seriously, does anyone believe this wasn’t just another one of Biden’s braggadocio lies he thought would “impress” those Democrats he was talking to! Joe Biden doesn’t frighten or intimidate BiBi and the Israelis AT ALL! They have a war to fight, and all the so called “Red Lines” aren’t going to stop them! The Israeli people have never been more united than they are now. And it isn’t Right vs Left there. It’s Israel vs those who want to destroy them! Everyone else needs to stand back!

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The Israelis may be more united than ever before, but it's our bombs they're dropping on kids in Gaza. Not that I think he'll do it, but Grandpa Joe could stop begging Mike Johnson and the House for more Israel money, and stop sending the bombs.

Israel dropped 25,000 tons of explosives IN THE FIRST MONTH of its attack on Gaza. The bomb on Hiroshima was 15,000 tons of explosives. So about two Hiroshimas in the first month. All those bombs aren't coming out of a factory in Israel, they're coming from Grandpa Joe.

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I feel like it is hard to continue to care - knowing that these people will continue to use to support the party causing so much heartache and destruction to every area of society. I do care - but how long can you continue to care when people vote for and support the people causing the problem

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Close enough to my own thoughts.

Left ideology is all about hate and destruction. Our first real exposure to this was WWII where visceral hate, whether manufactured or real, led to the death of 6M+ Jews, countless Romani and other undesirables (deplorables⁉️). Not to make light of the usefulness of ‘hate’ throughout humanity to enslave, decimate, or shun. But WWII, and the events leading up to, elevated the role of "hate" to new levels in Europe, in Asia. Since then we’ve seen "hate" employed in Africa, in the Middle East; and now here in the USofA today and in the recent past. When have we ever heard the use of hate speech like "Deplorables" used in American politics? A significant portion of national leadership (one particular party) has no problem fomenting anger and horrific passion against a particular group here. But this is to be expected since this has been employed for the last half century: how do you get one race of people, some of whom were born under slavery, to oppose the political party formed to end their slavery, to destroy their family structures, thrown back into slavery much as rather were enslaved before (First time Africans were SOLD in to slavery by their fellow Africans who had power over them through war or economics; today their fellow Americans of African descent have sold them into a slavery of economics , dependent on their adopted tribe (overseers) for their existence.

One could argue that American Jews has made the same bargain, a bargain that is now biting them in the soft parts. There may have been a time when democrats were a Jew’s best friend, back in a time when democrats had a good soul and there was little difference between bigDs and bigRs. But that age followed the dodo into obscurity - known only by the fossil records they left behind. Jews and black Americans today have been better served by Republicans and republican policies and ethics. And while many today have indeed had a "come to Jesus moment," (sorry, couldn’t resist), too many still worship in the shadow of Beelzebub.

As the grandson of hate filled Marxists, the son of a hate filled "socialist, a deplorable to most of my family, I’m not surprised that the founders/writers of theFP are still card carrying demonratz. Having the belief you can change HATE from within is laudable, stupid and inane in the face of reality, but admirable. The aforementioned individuals, should they truly desire to effect change, ought’a come out in full throated support of constitutional conservatism, public disavow themselves of the Demonrat party, not just what it has become but what it has been since man knoweth not to the contrary, and put their support behind the current standard bearer of the Republican Party - the best friend Israel has known for decades. We’d welcome you, with suspicion truly, but we’re a big party, open to libertarian ideals that support the Constitution.

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Great post SR you nailed this one!🇮🇱🇺🇸

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SR Miller, well said!

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Evans, perhaps you should throw your anger at the hundreds of lawyers out of conservative Federalist ranks who refuse to practice public law and instead end up at prestigious law firms for the big bucks right after they pass the Bar. Everybody on this comment forum screams at the ‘antisemite Dems’ but no self respecting hard right Republican lawyer wants to get in there and change things from within. That’s the hard part. Voting will not change things on the ground.

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Happy to do that very thing Lee......as soon as they write a story on that. In the meantime, I'll comment on the actual article posted. Thx.

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‘The vast majority of these union lawyers are neck deep in the latest anti-Israel cult movement & they'll most like be the folx who’ll be overseeing the line formations leading to the box cars.....’

Just responding to what you wrote. You don’t want anyone neck deep in anti semitism - get other lawyers in there..

Voting won’t do it - my point.

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Hmm, think that’s been tried before. Just ask the creator of this publication. It might be why she struck out in her own.

No, to try and reform the Democrat party is a fool’s errand for anyone considered to the right of the squad. The only hope is for enough moderates to see the light.

To try and reform from within would be to be called every obscene name daily, death threats in your email. Threats against your family. Being told they are going to get you fired. Told you are guilty of genocide. Sound like a hostile work environment? It sure is. Brought to you by the hypocrites that brought crap like that to HR.

There’s s responsibility for reform all right, but it’s the liberals who are going to have to bear the brunt of this. They created the monster.

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And who dismantles this monster? All comments around here point fingers - but solutions? Not many.

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I think I was pretty clear.

Democrats, Liverals, Leftists are responsible to fix this. That or hopefully Darwinism will just kill the party.

Don’t go whining to Republicans when you make a deal with the devil and it goes bad.

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I’m not whining. But there sure are a lot of commenters here who are.

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I'm not sure Bari has voted for a Dem is a good while. And isn't there another nepo-member of the team? Coby Weiss, or Cody Weiss?

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I guarantee she didn’t and won’t vote for Trump. She’s a. TDS case.

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This is outrageous. I was a union chairman for years in Chicago, at the Sun-Times Newspaper Guild. This kind of behavior from union officials like me, or our professional staff like our executive director or attorney? I would have asked the board to fire anyone who did this to a member. Unions exists to protect members, not slime them. What a shitty union.

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Maybe I read the article too fast(?), but are these redacted-name assholes in the union leadership or "professional staff," or are they just other union members?

Bottom line is that the type of people who are going to end up in this union will be proggies, and being a proggie means being for dissolving all places and governments that they deem "colonial." Taken to its logical end, this is everywhere on the planet, but the low hanging fruit is Israel.

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Hard to know from the reporting, but if union leadership is not quashing the Jew-bashing among its members immediately and in the strongest possible ways, it has no business leading unions. Part of my job was reining in the haters in my own ranks.

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Unions now have become all about politics.

I live in NJ. I am not a government employee, but know people who are. The CWA is the union for government employees and from what they tell me, they negotiated a very bad contract that kept the workers well behind inflation.

But their war chest for far-left Democratic/Marxist candidates sure seems to be full.

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To an extend, the national unions have to be into politics, because government makes policies that can help or ruin unions and their workers. CWA is such a national union, though it represents government and private workforces.

Union locals are the ones who negotiate the contracts with local employers, though the national office gets involved for huge employers with offices around the world. I have no idea if they negotiated a "very bad contract," but sometimes you can only negotiate what your members are willing to risk to get it passed. If contract negotiators believed a strike would fail because members wouldn't say out as long as it took to make the company yield, then negotiators had to accept that reality and sign.

When Republicans start supporting unions and workers as vigorously as Democrats do, then union political money will go to Republicans, too. But the GOP demonizes unions and workers as lazy Marxist trash getting in the way of profits, so why would a union donate to the GOP?

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The inmates are clearly running the asylum.

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The hate was always there, festering beneath the surface. Now people are emboldened to let their true feelings out. The distinction between "Jew" and "Zionist" is a clever one being pushed by media and "influencers". If you're a Jew, you're okay (you will passively allow yourself to by killed) If you're a Zionist (you dare to fight back for your country and your rights) you're a Nazi and they are justified in dehumanizing you and killing you. So, either way, they now are justified to exterminate Jews. I fear this hatred will only grow bolder.

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Agree completely, Karen. To hate Zionists is to hate Jews, there is zero distinction.

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Yes. The hatred is getting worse -- even from people you thought were your friends. A couple of weeks ago, I had a falling out with someone I had always been more than cordial to. But when started started spouting "pro-Palestinian" talking points, I told her in a civil voice that the friendship was over and that she should never call me again. Then I said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Frankly, I don't need to put with that kind of abuse in my personal life. You spout. And you're out.

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Sadly, this is the choice we must make. You did the right thing!

As a writer, I now receive threats because I stand with Israel. It goes with the territory.

People in the West are fools. They are ignorant. As a child, my family escaped out of Egypt just days before the 6 Day War. I will never forget the hatred. I lived in Luxor, Egypt for almost 3 years recently. I've been writing about my experiences and the truth of living under Sharia Law. Love and Lies on the Nile: Introduction. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/love-and-lies-on-the-nile-introduction

Love and Lies on the Nile: Part I https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/love-and-lies-on-the-nile-part-i

And I just wrote The Truth about UNRWA https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-truth-about-unrwa

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I hadn't even mentioned the word Israel. I merely spoke about the hostility and abuse Jews in this country suddenly faced -- just for the fact that they had been born ethnically Jewish. Instead of getting a sympathetic response from this former friend of mine, I got "1948" boilerplate. propaganda. She obviously felt it had become acceptable to dump on the Jews.

I didn't even have to think. In less than ten seconds, I had declared the friendship over, and I was off the phone with her for good.

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It's terrible but in a way I guess it's better that the truth comes out. A lot of "friends", also people I would have considered fighting on the same side since I started writing on Substack, have been revealed as Jew haters. I prefer to call it as it is: they hate Jews, plain and simple. I don't feel "antisemitic" does it justice. As soon as I started writing pieces in defense of Israel, I had to cut off many people and I lost a lot of subscribers but I don't care. I've now been threatened in emails. But that goes with the territory and I consider it a badge of honor. It's sad to lose friends, but then, they were never really friends to begin with.

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It's always been there, bubbling just below the surface. I don't appear to be identifiably Jewish, and my last name isn't a dead giveaway either. But over the decades, on a few rare occasions, I've gotten a whiff of that hatred, usually directed at others.

And you're right that the word "antisemitism" doesn't do it justice. "Antisemitism" is when you're barred from joining the "restricted" country club in Westchester. Or when your father tells you he went to law school because, back in the 1920s, Jewish students were subjected to a strict quota for admission to medical school. Jew hatred is when your grandmother reveals on her deathbed that eight of her brothers and sisters were slaughtered by the Nazis in the death camps at Treblinka.

Anyway, I'm glad that I jettisoned that so-called friendship at the first overt sign of trouble. Screw it. With "friends" like that who needs enemies?

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They can’t stand Jews with the chutzpah to fight

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Yip 💯

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My first reaction is a union for lawyers? What? Make sure the workplace is free if deadly paper cut injuries? Not like these lawyers couldn’t quit tomorrow and pull down $200k literally anywhere in the private sector.I just don’t understand why unions are necessary in many of the places they appear.

The fact that they are so focused on this issue just bolsters my point.

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these are the dregs of the profession who could not effectively practice law or get hired at a firm. Hence their small-mindedness when it comes to matters of culture and morality. Probably couldn't get a job working at Starbucks

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These are people who feed off the government teat, or perhaps off the NGO "non-profit" teat. You don't "pull down $200K" (a year?) representing poor people.

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I know that. Just saying they have alternatives unlike some industries. Hard to justify a union when workers have that kind of mobility.

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I'm in the same profession. These are not the "best and brightest". The reality is that some attorneys do very well (I admit to being one of them), but way more struggle and either squeak by or quit and do something else. A classic Pareto distribution.

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Scary to think that your life might literally depend on them if you don’t have money.

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Being poor is no way to go through the criminal justice system. Easy to get RR'd into coping a plea, thereby setting yourself for a life of poverty. No one will feel sorry for you, because you are a criminal in their eyes. "Even if not guilty of this, no doubt guilty of a billion other things"

The legal aid lawyers are like everyone else. A few are great, a few more are pretty good, the majority are mediocre at best, and some are just mendacious assholes, such as the ones who wrote the emails that are the subject of this article.

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Agreed. These people may have managed to squeak through the bar exam, but they lack the ability, business sense and social graces to fit into a law firm or corporate legal department.

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Well-paid professional athletes have unions.

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Same question I have about them. Pay for performance. Not like either side has to sign the contract.

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Of course lawyers need unions. Every person who is not the owner of a company should have access to high-quality union protection, and most lawyers in America are not partners or owners but staff attorneys who are to a position paper as a plumber is to a pipe wrench. These lawyers get abused like any other worker bee, and many of them do not pull down 200k a year.

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There’s a reason why they don’t have great billing rates. Supply and demand.

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I was in a unionized system for 4 years. I was young, energetic, and went far beyond what was expected of me, introducing new programs that had never existed before I got there. I was applauded in all ways except those that count. I was the lowest paid member of the staff by far and that would continue to be the case no matter what I did or how long I stayed. Meanwhile the laziest, least competent "workers" got paid more than 10x what I did and they worked half the hours and accomplished a quarter as much. If a layoff would come, I would be the one to walk. If a cherry assignment became available, I would not even be considered for it.

IMHO, people join unions either because they are forced to do so, or because they want to be protected from the free market. Just look at American public education. It is disgraceful, and it is led by a disgraceful union.

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Bullshit. Unions have destroyed this country. They only had usefulness in coal mining towns where the workers were literally trapped. I never was protected by a union my whole life and never needed it.

There’s a way to protect yourself from exploitation. It’s called hard work, continually improving yourself and moving on to greener pastures if you feel you aren’t bring valued. We have a free country and you are free to work anywhere you can get yourself hired.

Unions protect incompetent workers and reward complacency. Free labor markets reward performance.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

"Unions have destroyed this country."

Uh-huh. Unions represent a whopping 10 percent of the U.S. workforce, yet they managed to destroy the nation. Nice work if you can get it.

If Joe and Stella Lunchbucket had only understood that hard work and continual self-improvement would have let them avoid triple-shifting, sociopathic supervisors, stolen pension funds, and terminations for calling in sick. No need for a union, all it takes is a quiet word with The Boss and those pensions will go back where they belong!

We know this because companies have never abused any employee in the history of Work. Mining companies didn't hire Pinkerton detectives to beat, shoot, and kill miners. 146 garment workers didn't burn to death at Triangle Shirtwaist because bosses locked doors and exits to, ironically, prevent union organizers from talking to abused sweatshop workers. Labor has always been treated as co-equal to capital because without both, capitalism doesn't exist. Companies have never deducted employees' taxes from paychecks and NOT forwarded the money to state and federal tax agencies, with shocked workers getting unpaid-taxes letters long after those bosses flew the coop.

Corporations are the very model of efficiency, vigor, and fair play, you know. Enron showed us the way by stealing . . . uh, wait, not Enron, how about Adelphia, which committed largest financial fraud in the history of publicly traded companies . . . oh, wait, I know, the Tribune Company, which took every penny in its employees' pension funds then declared bankruptcy, leaving everybody but the billionaire corporate raider who bought the company without a pension. Pension fund raids were so common the federal government had to create the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation to keep those earned pensions going . . .

Or, you might be wrong about unions, and understand that while they have their drawbacks like every other human institution (including employers), no one else is going to stand up for abused and raided workers--particularly those who can't leave an abusive workplace to "move on to greener pastures if you feel you aren't being valued."

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Your examples all may be good reasons to have workplace safety and pension protection provided by the legal system. But unions? Infiltrated by the mob? Yeah we don’t need that.

When 10% of the workforce is driven by perverse incentives like seniority it destroys productivity. Just ask people who work in the garment industry. Oh yeah, it doesn’t exist in this country anymore.

People have agency and often don’t use it. That’s the true problem. Unions protect those people too stupid to walk away when they are being exploited.

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If government had a way to protect workers in all those areas, I'd be fine abandoning unions. Even when I ran one for awhile I considered it a necessary evil, not the ideal, but nobody else including government was stepping up to the job. And how can government mandate pay raises and other benefits without being accused of being either fascist or communist?

The garment industry didn't flee this country because of unions. It fled because it could get the work done in sweatshops in foreign countries for pennies on the dollar, in factories that would make the Chicago slaughterhouses look like a day at the carnival. American workers could not live on what a Pakistani or Sri Lankan workers will accept as pay--our cost of living is a thousand times higher.

Some unions are infiltrated by the mob, others are not. That is not a reason to abandon the union system, it's a reason to break mob rule. And for every criminal union I can find you a criminal company.

Unions protect everyone, not just "people too stupid to walk away when they are being exploited." Most union grievances are not lodged for general exploitation. They're lodged against managers who treat individual employees in ways that violate the contract signed by union AND company. I won grievances and lost grievances depending on the circumstances of the violation. If the company won, OK, it proved its case and therefore it should have won. But the same went for me and my people.

Why do you demonize unions so much when they represent only 10 percent of the workforce? I don't demonize employers and they are 100 percent of the other half of capitalism.

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Government doesn’t protect workers? Have you never heard of OSHA? DOL? EEOC? and probably 20 more agencies.

I demonize unions because in most industries, where a union is established, all workers are forced by law to pay union dues even if they refuse to join the union. No one should be forced to pay if they don’t see the value. If unions are so valuable then get rid of the laws that force workers to pay. These laws are the only reason unions exist anymore.

I also demonize unions because they’ve damaged manufacturing in this country beyond recovery. Just drive through the rust belt to see it.

I also demonize unions because they create an adversarial relationship between labor and management. This creates ridiculous incentives that serve no one. Neither side wants to give an inch because winning is more important. It’s like our politics today.

I think everyone has a right to organize or not and work where they get the best deal for themselves. But unions with heavy handed support from the left’s government policies have done a huge amount of damage to this country.

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Bernie Karsh could not have been any more eloquent.

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Bernie Karsh? You'll have to "edumacate" me on Bernie!

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If only the Democrats hadn't traded the support of union members for Wall Street cash...

Excellent headline explanation on the importance of collective action. I attended the U of Illinois's graduate Industrial Relations program (I think it's called Employment Relations now), and I wonder if you ever ran across some of their graduates, either in union positions or across the table during your time at the Guild in Chicago. And I'll never forget Prof. Bernie Karsh, a longtime labor supporter, who reminded us occasionally when we had a bathroom break in the middle of a 3-hour class, we should thank those early union activists who insisted on dignity, being able to use the restroom without asking a supervisor's permission.

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Ah, never mind below question, now I know about Mr. Karsh! I'm happy he told you those kinds of things, because they're true: without unions, many of the things we enjoy as workplace rights would literally not exist.

One of the problems with the modern Democratic Party is that it began chasing corporate money as hard as the GOP did, and abandoned middle- and working-class Dems as part of that chase. Smart party leadership would have done both at the same time. If it had, Trump wouldn't win a job as dogcatcher, let alone president, because Democrats would be representing the white working class that make up the bulk of his base--in addition to the Wall Street and Woke crowds. A good party can do all that at once. The Dems lost their touch a while ago in holding onto many bases at the same time.

I probably did run across U of I IR grads, but didn't know it at the time.

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A lot of them are diversity hires who may not have even passed the bar.

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Two points here: 1) The perceived need by every organization throughout the country to make a "statement" about every single event in the world has become ridiculous. My employer is no different. I work for a mid-sized nonprofit, and every time somebody passes gas the CEO feels like she has to weigh in. Seriously, who cares what these places think, and how did they become so self-important that they think we do care? 2) I learned long ago that you don't have to be particularly intelligent to be an attorney. When I went to film school 20 years ago we had several aspiring screenwriters who were also successful attorneys. Half of them couldn't string together a coherent sentence. So I guess it shouldn't surprise us when some of them espouse ignorant opinions.

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When I was contemplating a later-in-life law school effort, I wondered if it was something I could really do. Then I looked around me at some lawyers I knew, and some were truly dumb as dirt. "If ____'s dumb ass can do it, I know I can!" (And I did.)

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Congratulations! With your previous life experience you probably have more common sense than all of the attorneys in this union, combined.

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Oh I could dedicate an entire Substack to how lawyers fuck everything up! ;)

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Agree. Anyone can get a degree these days if they have the right amount of money.

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Not just the legal union, teacher unions are also attacking pro-Israel educators.

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Don't redact their names. Let's see who the apologists for Hamas terrorist's are.

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We are only a short distance from the woke liberals who support Hamas and Hezbo from demanding Jews be labeled and expelled from everything. The deranged minds of these freaks are very dangerous and must be defeated. Sickening MFs.

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Sadly, that is not an exaggeration. Every day they get even more deranged.

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The freaks demanding the dissolution of Israel because it's a "Euro Colonial Settler Project" must, to be intellectually honest, also demand the dissolution of Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria formed the same exact way: by the Mandate system formed after WWI. Get rid of one state, you must get rid of all five. But the freaks are not intellectually honest, just Jew-bashers, so here we are.

For those unfamiliar, the Western alliance that won WWI formed the League of Nations to prevent further world wars from occurring. To that end, the League proposed the victors give the vast lands of the conquered Ottoman Empire to local residents to form sovereign states run by locals. In other words, the West proposed not colonizing, but DEcolonizing, a vast swath of Middle East.

The French and British (Americans said Nah, we're going home) could easily have said "we're keeping these vast lands as war booty, thanks." But it agreed instead to became administrators of the Mandate system, which was created solely to distribute Ottoman land to the locals.

(Fuckin' white colonial invaders guys, always stealing the locals' land, right? /s/ )

Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria became sovereign states through this Mandate system. The final land to be Mandated was Palestine, which was more complicated for two reasons:

1. Palestine contained two indigenous peoples who needed states: Jews and Arabs, not only Arabs. (Why two peoples? Recent DNA analysis suggests both people descended from Iron Age Canaan. Jews kept their tribal name intact for 3,500 years, but the name of the other Canaanite tribe of Palestine disappeared in the 600s AD, replaced with "Arabs" due to the Islamic Arab Conquest of the Middle East. Like Palestine's Jews, who are a mixture of Canaan descendants and Jewish immigrants, Palestine's Arabs are a mix of Canaan descendants and Arab immigrants.

2. Neither Arabs nor Jews wanted to live in a single state and risk being be governed by the other tribe. Each wanted to steer his/her own ship. So the United Nations, which replaced the League after WWII, proposed the Partition: gave half the land to Palestine's Jews for their state and the other half to Palestine's Arabs for their state. Nifty, neat, moral, and above all, AS LEGAL AS THE MAPS THAT MADE THE ARAB NATIONS THAT NOBODY BITCHES ABOUT NOW OR EVER.

Jews said yes and declared Israel. Arabs said no and declared war, invading Israel to destroy the Jewish state, steal its land, and make both halves the Arab State of Palestine.

Fortunately, Arabs lost, and Israel is with us. Unfortunately, Arabs never wised up. The failed Arab invasions of Israel of 1967 and 1973, the failed Arab Intifadas, the successful mass murder of Israel athletes at the Munich Olympics, the failed skyjackings, the ongoing Hamas and Hezbollah military strikes on Israel, the ongoing Hamas rocket and arson attacks on Israel, and now the Hamas slaughter of October 8, along with all the rejections by Arabs of a two-state solution, all stem from a century of Arab refusal to accept that Jews had as much right to a state in Palestine as Arabs did.

Fuck the freaks. Palestine is free from river to sea, and its name is Israel. Palestinians and their hand-holders don't like it, Israel doesn't give a damn. If Palis want a state, they can stop their century of war, go with peace, negotiate a state with the sovereign of the entire parcel, Israel, and live their lives in peace and comfort. If they don't want to do that, they can die. The pogrom of October 8 gives Palis two stark choices: peace or death. They should choose wisely.

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Don't confuse people with actual facts and history. That is like teaching a pig to read. Wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

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This compared to TFP reporting from Israel earlier this week. Israel needs to go finish the job and eliminate Hamas, and to hell with leftist clowns like these.

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Aside from misspelling Israel multiple times (same lawyer?), they've kind of laid bare their agenda. Including getting rid of the USA.

The progressive wing is dangerous to America. They are telling us this.

I find it amusing that some progressives seem to think what's most likely a liberal lawyer is somehow "trumpian" and "right wing"

The pathetic irony is the mission of the organization is going to flail because the bashers really don't give "2 shits" about the people they pretend to care about. They'll lose lawyers and funding.

But they do "care" about a society that's misogynistic, antisemitic and homophobic. Which believes in suppressing voters, suppressing speech, suppressing the press, suppressing peaceful protest. That's the society they are elevating, those are their real values.

The cognitive dissonance is staggering!!

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Thank you for pointing out so well the vast difference between liberal and progressive. I'm a liberal down to my marrow, and some progressives I know think I'm a right-wing lunatic for defending Israel. So be it.

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Yeah, the difference really is vast. Its metastasized so quickly.

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More proof that leftists and progressives are not only deranged, bigoted ignoramuses, they’re also borderline illiterate.

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I'm Jewish and politically conservative. These same people clutching their pearls over their union's antisemitism are the same people who think white supremacism and Trump is the biggest threat to this country. Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming.

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And Ray Charles. :-)

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