Apr 14·edited Apr 14

They are protesting the US and don't even understand that the reason they can is because they are IN the US. Try a protest against the government in one of the countries they are cheering for...

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Also, I’d like to see how far the women supporting Trans-children would get in Iran

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“Be Like Others” is a German documentary about Iranian gov forcing some gay men to have sex-change. That way, their more-masculine gay partner is having sex with “A woman” and therefore not sinning against God. I saw film with a Leftist friend who is also a public health professor at fancy university. He is also gay as am I. He saw nothing wrong with forced “sex-change”. Dystopia.

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Run as far away from him as you can!

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Anyone who is “forced” to undergo sex-change chemical or surgical procedures is living in a fascist regime. In most countries ruled by Muslim Extremist, they invoke the death penalty.

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Yeah; that idea that homosexuality is evil/criminal, but that transgenderism is totally OK, is such a weird belief set. But it's common not just in some Islamic countries, but also Hindu India, and even Mormonism. Forcing/encouraging gay people to go through surgery instead of just being gay is such a strange thing to me.

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Where did you get the idea that the LDS church is supportive of transgenderism? It's not. Stop defaming.

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I'm not Mormon, but my wife has a former co-worker who was big time Mormon that for whatever reason got into transing his 6 year old daughter (this took place in California). The mother (his then-wife who he had met during his missionary days in Chile) objected. The Mormon church told the dad he cannot do that to his daughter. So, the dad left the church, and the mom left the dad. The kid will be one fucked up individual for life. Like all religions, the Mormon's believe some wackadoodle things, but child sterilization and mutilation is not one of them.

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How do you pick which partner gets their junk cut off?

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Coin-toss or arm-wrestle

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

Because we now stand on the brink of global war, everyone who shouts "Marg bar America" on US soil should be branded a "traitor" and sent to an internment camp for as long as WWIII lasts.

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I request permission to edit: Go to a bar in America

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Freedom privilege

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Common sense must be in extremely short supply these days

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They should take their movement on the road starting with Iran.

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That sort of admonishment will get you nowhere...these folks lack the skill of critical thinking.

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I dont get your logic. Because they can they shouldn't?

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It’s not logic but an observation. These loonies who are exercising their freedom of speech are supporting a regime that is repressive and totalitarian . No free speech , no gay rights, no women’s rights. These dangerous useful idiots are the ones who make no sense

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In 1930s thousands of those socialists went to the USSR to be in the worker's paradise, they obtained Soviet passports to do so. They had a rude awakening when they found themselves in the Gulag. I wish the modern socialists all went to Iran or Gaza to experience the anti-colonialist paradise.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

I don't know if you have a subscription Daily Wire+ Money well spent

"What We Saw Empire Of Terror"



Mar 5, 2024 #DailyWirePlus #DailyWire #News

Join Bill Whittle as he journeys through the history of the Soviet Union to understand present-day Russia.

Ep 6 - Red Terror

What We Saw•Apr 9, 2024

At the seizure of power, Lenin and his Bolsheviks are met with assassination attempts and resistance that turns into a civil war. The retaliation that the Bolsheviks unleash on the failed resistance and the people of Russia is unspeakably and gruesomely horrific. Witness the internal conflict in early Soviet Russia and the consequential atrocities with Bill Whittle.

And TERROR is the operative word.

"Lenin wrote The Manual. Stalin just followed it."

Bill Whittle

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This documentary and the one about the Cold War are excellent. Bill Whittle is an effective storyteller.

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You know who is one of the leaders of Gays For Gaza? Angela Davis, a former Black Panther, a darling of the Soviet Union and an open lesbian. Her wife is the head of the DEI office at UC Santa Cruz. One may wonder why they are not in Gaza? The answer is simple: Davis knows exactly what would happen to her if she went to Gaza, but it is easier to fuel the flames of anti-americanism by supporting terrorists like Hamas.

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Gays for Gaza! Amazing. The fans of the Soviet Union must know how the government intimidated and persecuted homosexuals. For almost 60 years, Article 121.1 of the Russian Criminal Code stipulated that “sexual relations between men are punishable by prison terms of up to five years.” It was only revoked in 1993. Lesbian sex was not mentioned, but the government did not look kindly at any deviation from the “traditional” sex. My only question is: are these American followers of the socialist system that failed in such a spectacular way ignorant or idiotic?

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

There is a fun video somewhere on Youtube of Israeli journalist's interview of San Francisco gays waving Palestinian flag. When they are told what happens to gays in Gaza, they are a bit shocked and explain that they did not know. I give them full credit for recognizing and acknowledging facts, because many are brainwashed to the point that they refuse to acknowledge any facts. However, I have ZERO doubts that people who design all the brainwashing of American progressives know the truth perfectly well and cynically use these useful idiots for their purposes. There is a reason why Angela Davis and her wife live a wealthy life as academics in the society they hate so much and not in Gaza that they love so much.

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Gee, how surprising! What’s keeping her from joining her peeps?

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Understand The Goal of Angela and her ilk, is the destruction of of liberal western society, and replacing it with Marxism. Hence Gays For Gaza.

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Yes, it makes perfect sense. Yet she has lived her life in the lap of luxury, all of he while calling for totalitarianism. She thinks for her loyalty she will be spared the guillotine when the revolution comes. Au contraire, people like her are among the first to feel the steel blade .

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She is the smart one, she knows quite well what is going to happen to her in Gaza. Apparently, when she was asked in the 1970es if she would support political prisoners in the socialist countries, since she considered herself a political prisoner in the US, her response was that they deserved to be imprisoned. This is all you need to know about American socialists.

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These people are dangerous idiots.

I take issue with those who want to transform our country into their image.

If they truly support Iran they should go there to their utopia.

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Useful idiots is exactly right.

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I'm a classic Jimmy Carter liberal. I may not agree with what you say but I will defend with my life your right to say it.

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Their idea of fee speech is free speech for Them.

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Too smart, by half.

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Why did the Teamsters allow this group to meet in their basement???

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There is a VERY STRONG relationship between the Socialist Workers Party and the Teamsters. The SWP is very anti-Israel and anti-US/Western Country.


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In the US, the hijab seems to be a sign of commie affiliation. At least at protests. It's a head-scratcher.

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A hijab is an anti-Western symbol. That's good enough for communists.

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My guess is that some conservative Muslims, who almost universally oppose the foreign policy of the United States, are drawn to Communism because it too opposes United States foreign policy. I'm not sure how they square that with the far left social views of American Communists.

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I am from Turkey and I do remember how some of my friends struggled between communist ideology and political islam. Both try to cloak themselves as supporters of (in their own definition) suppressed (either suppressed by nationalism or suppressed by laicism). If we consider them pyramids, at the bottom there is regular conservative Muslim and they are drawn to Communism. But as they progress up the pyramid, that force of pull turns into disgust. You can also look at the history of Iran. Communists and socialists supported the current regime around the revolution. And once fundamentalists established their regime, they collected all communists and socialists and either executed them or jailed them.

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From my observations, I have only seen lip curling contempt for the useful idiots from the muslim side. I have never seen evidence that the islamists are confused, only happy to try to convert them, if that, while violently keep trans and gay activists away from their children.

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I don't disagree with anything you've said.

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Harj-o-marj Iran!

This crap has been happening since the Shah, and the brain damaged policy that approved asylum for islamists of the Muslim brotherhood organizations: Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etcetera. The Muslim brotherhood was createdin 1926 to re-establish the caliphate across the world. The muslim brotherhood allied formally with the Nazis in WW2 and maintained an embassy throughout ww2 in Berlin.

Those were marching in kaffiyeh in San Francisco circa 1979.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

The UAW maintained a Marxist university in Michigan. I used to be friends with a man on the UAW committee for the future, who told me about it. A hillbilly from Kentucky who didn't see a road or have shoes until he was 13, Floyd was self taught. As he put it, billies are smart, and really hard workers, just uneducated. The Marxists reach out to billies, and others laugh at them. (Yes, even today. They are deplorables.)

Floyd hit it off with my half Cherokee ex-wife who grew up harvesting mistletoe out of the trees with a. 22 rifle, at the age of 6. She knew exactly what part of Kentucky Floyd was from by his accent.

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Literal basement dwellers.

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Teamsters? Did they poll their membership?

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My question as well, I live here in the Marxist State of Chicago, yet that seemed surprising.

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The participants could be useful on the next strike. The leader is a demagogue who attracts those seeking a tribe

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I was in New York City on Friday and there was a march of Palestinian supporters, probably a few hundred or maybe even 1,000. However, NO ONE they walked past cheered them on, or even gave a thumbs up. I saw a few people give them the middle finger, but that seemed more out of inconvenience at being kept from crossing the street than disagreeing with their message. The protesters are loud and know how to use social media to amplify their message, but, even at large universities, they're not even close to a majority.

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That has always been true. It doesn’t take anywhere near a “majority “ to destroy a civilization.

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I've read that only a minority of American colonists supported armed rebellion against the Crown. Yet here we are.

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Intersting . . . but I'm not convinced that you're right about the degree of support this lunacy receives from college undergrads

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Ron-- it may not be support, but indifference , that can put these people in power!

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Do you know what TikTok is?

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These idiots are going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing... Normal people are tired of their crap. You notice you don't see this very much in flyover country, right?

Idiots. It's going to be THEIR blood in the streets eventually..

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Thus seeds the process of normalization.

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Those who see themselves as "part of the arc of resistance" should read about the brutality unleashed on the people of Syria by Bashar al-Assad, the brutality unleashed on the people of Iran, particularly on women determined to live a free life, the brutality of Hamas on dissidents, and on and on. The unwillingness of so many people to confront the truth is beyond belief.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

The ones draped in the Soviet flag would not last one day in GULAG. Though I would be eager for these people to try. No better test of their convictions.

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They don't care about any of that that. Their one motivating passion in life, the one thing that gets them out of bed in the morning, whether they're on the left or right, is to accuse Jews of genocide.

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Hey, you wanna make an omelette… AMIRITE, leftists?

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Cowards all. None of them would ever fight for anything, physically. THEY ARE WEARING MASKS IN 2024. Dear God, even the Iranians have to be wondering: is THIS who we have to work with? Infidels, gays, self loathing Jews, and lunatics?

But I think the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes out of that region somewhere, and you take useful idiots wherever you can find them.

I will note, as has happened often, that our worst critics would never consider living anywhere else. And practically speaking, most of the world would not put up with their bullshit anyway. They are pawns, to be used as needed, and discarded when they become inconvenient.

It may be that none of them said to themselves "I want to be the dupe of psychotic misogynists, homophobes and racists when I grow up", but you know, a lot of us wind up somewhere other than where we planned. This kind of IS a delusion and failure on a much higher level, though, isn't it?

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Truly….the masks, the service poodle, the leather harness over shirt. This is like the army of misfit toys.

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Totally agree. It’s hard to pick a defining characteristic of the left: ignorance, stupidity, hypocrisy, bigotry, obnoxiousness, lack of dignity, willful joblessness, etc., but if I had to pick one, it would probably be cowardice.

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Please add: narcissistic, entitled and whiny to the list

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Thanks for insulting all the left with your ignorant, stupid, hypocritical, bigoted, obnoxious, undignified and cowardly attack. My spouse and I do not fit your characterization.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

As soon as you and your spouse, and all the leftists supposedly just like you out there start rejecting and marginalizing the mobs of pro-Hamas leftists/progressives marauding through American cities, college campuses, and public schools--not to mention harassing Americans going to their temples and synagogues, and vandalizing their businesses, or just walking down the street--I promise I’ll apologize.

For the record, I voted almost exclusively Dem for more than 35 years, including twice for Obama, and Hilary and Biden. I’m not a right winger—just someone who understands what the left has become. If you don’t push back on it, then you’re part of it.

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I think your post is one of the best I’ve read today. Thank you.

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The extreme polarization is really galling, isn't it?

I'm generally left of center, politically, but have experienced increasing revulsion for the illiberal progressive mob on the far left.

It doesn't come down to "right good, left bad" . . . nor, I hasten to add, the other way around.

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Thank you for saying that. I'm liberal and want nothing to do with the Progressive moment. And still we get painted with the same broad brush because we're not right wing.

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You, in fact, get labeled AS right wing! Now Mr. Berliner is a right winger, as is Matt Talibi and sometimes Bill Maher. The goal posts are moving. Marginalizing people is a very effective way to control and silence them.

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If the shoe fits… Being a leftist and voting for Democrats in the US is destroying western civilization.

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Being a leftist, yes. Voting for Democrats? The Party has moved away from liberalism. It has increasingly become a radical left-wing Party. The problem is the Republican Party has become the cult of Donald Trump. I'm a traditional liberal and a Democrat and would vote for a Chris Christie or possibly even a Nicole Haley. But Donald Trump? No, I'll hold my nose and vote for the man with early onset dementia. We'll survive another four years of him. Let's just hope we have a Republican congress to keep him in check.

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Many of us are center-left; we are upset with the direction that the far-left has gone. They do not understand their hypocrisy. I was raised in a neighborhood that became black during my childhood; I initially supported BLM, until I heard the far left support Defund the Police. I was raised just north of Detroit, and began reading the newspapers everyday, as the city descended into chaos. The leaders of the far left are upper class elites who do not have to deal with reality; they have no answers whatsoever to societal problems, and often make them worse for those communities.

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Isn’t this the kind of attack that ALL of us resent? But I believe our media and politicians LOVE to encourage and model these attacks so that we focus all our angry emotions on each other, and not their corrupt incompetence. The majority of the American people are moderate, reasonable, empathetic, fair and would like to be left alone, if only the government would agree. Many on the “right” (whatever that is now) are also not accurately characterizations either. Don’t fall for it.

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I appreciate your comment because it keeps this forum from becoming a complete echo chamger. I hope that more of the comments are logical arguments rather than ad hominem attacks.

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After Babs, Jon Stewart, et. al. reneged on their pronouncements that they would relocate to Canada if Trump won in 2016, I'm pretty sure these folks aren't going anywhere if there's a repeat in 2024.

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As soon as rich people find out how high income taxes are in Canada, they quickly sour on the place. Sure health care is free (sort of) but you can't pay extra to jump the queue. You have to line up with all the poor people.

And of course you can't up and move to Canada and live there just because you feel like it. You have to apply to immigrate and convince Canada that you have something to offer us. (Unless you sneak in.)

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When I was young and threatened to run away, my Mom said "Is that a threat or a promise?" Well, I never got further than the back yard and then it was dinner time.

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The Israeli satirical group Eretz Nehederet would have a field day with your first paragraph….

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If you have connections with any of them, send it to them. My whole intent is always to spur interesting new things and ideas.

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Finbar, I agree with almost everything you said, but they're wearing masks to hide their identities. They're not afraid of COVID, they're afraid of being identified with the convictions they supposedly hold so deeply. They're a bunch of cowards.

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I can't say I know. It could be both.

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Point taken, it could.

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They and the regime that supports them here are an existential threat to the Republic.

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So it is not the whites living in rural communities?? Or the parents at PTA meetings?

Or Catholics attending mass? Who knew!

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Battle lines will soon be drawn. The Catholics and others will face the awesome power of the illegitimate regime wielded against them. It won't be the first time the fedzillites murder our people.

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You people should be institutionalized

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You people have a history of doing exactly that. Look up Rooseveltian EO 9066. Then procede to look up the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments. When you're done with that MKULTRA. Please stop by the lobby on your way out for your free clue.

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LOL!!! Go to Gaza. Hang with your progressive pals there. Enjoy flying.

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Moi? Yo? Eu?

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Don’t despair if you ask there is help available.

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Welcome to the woke jihad, comrade. You must wear face coverings, support child mutilation, and attack anyone who criticizes your cult: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-wage-a-progressive-jihad

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It may look like their positions have nothing in common, but they do.

All of them are against Western Roman culture. Otherwise, they don't need to have any consistency. These aren't activists, they're insurgents.

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No. No. No. You must be mistaken. We have been reliably informed that WHITE MEN are the biggest danger to America. It can't be this peace-loving, anti-war DEATH TO AMERICA crowd.

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Lots of white men in that crowd.

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Just like the white women brainwashing little kids at sexualized drag shows. Just like the monster that birthed Jazz and then worked to make money off destroying him.

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I wouldn’t call them MEN, exactly.

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and an existential threat to the Iranian people

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I couldn't posdibly care less about the entirety of Islam.

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That's how I feel and then I remember that half my family is Muslim. The problem is the loudest Islamic voices are the most radical. It is incumbent upon secular Muslims to speak up and denounce the fundamentalists who have been growing in number since the second half of the last century.

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It's come to that, hasn't it?

One can spend the entirety of one's life learning about and being tolerant and accepting of minorities, but it doesn't take but a minute for knuckle-dragging zombies apes like these Chicago conference goers to bludgeon all that right out of him.

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Please don’t insult apes by comparing them to these people. Apes have dignity.

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No, the zombies are trying to destroy our country, our culture, and our values. It's nothing to do with tolerance of minorities, it's self-defense.

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The Iranian people HATE their government; only 15% support it. Graffiti around Tehran is literally asking the Israelis to bomb Tehran to get rid of their government.

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According to the newsletter I received from American Friends of Magen David Adom this morning, a seven year-old girl suffered a critical head wound from shrapnel when her bedroom in the Negev was hit by a Iranian missile.

Think of her and other innocents when you see Iran's and Hamas' and Hezbollah's rotten apologists in action.

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That girl was, ironically, a Bedouin and a Muslim. Iran didn't injure a single Jew.

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From what I remember, about 20 Bedouins were killed on October 7.

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Yes, and several Bedouins risked their lives to save Jews. Although Islam forbids killing other Muslims, neither Hamas nor Iran care about that.

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It's beautiful poetic justice that the only outcome of Iran's attack is a sin against Allah.

Even in a theocracy, spending billions to sin against Allah is reason to remove your leadership.

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May their memories be for a blessing.

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The little girl was a Bedouin Israeli Muslim

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Just agreeing and clarifying - we mourn her loss no matter

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Did she pass away? I thought she was critically wounded but still alive?

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As of yesterday, she was still fighting for her life.

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SARA RIGLER! I am so honored to get a reply from you. I've been reading you for years at Aish...and your bio on Henny Machlis was literally life-changing for me.

Thank you for the update; I will pray for her complete and speedy recovery. As an Israeli, she is one of ours.

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Mahsa Amini. In September 2022, she was murdered (beaten to death) in an Iranian police station for disobeying the Islamic dress code; her hijab was ill-fitting; showing too much hair. There was massive outcry; protests in the streets, Iranian women were videoed cutting their hair and burning their hijabs. There were arrests, tortures and hangings. The protests grew and grew to worldwide proportions and here in the U.S., a number of celebrities jumped on the bandwagon (although I don't recall seeing Susan Sarandon or Mark Ruffalo). Last night's battlecry was, "Hands Off Iran." Forget about history; these uneducated educated will soon realize that no matter how hard they struggle, they will eventually land on the wrong side and history will label them as nameless, dangerous fools.

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May Mahsa Amini's memory be for a blessing, and may the Iranian people soon live in freedom.

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These people would have been proud Nazis. So sad they can't learn from history...

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Islam did support the Nazis. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem moved to Berlin during WWII hoping Hitler would murder all the Jews in the world.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

And that Grand Mufti was also Yasser Arafat’s uncle, who Arafat grew up under his tutelage. After WW2 the Mufti had to flee to Egypt/Cairo because no other country would take in this Jew-hater

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He had to flee because he'd been charged with war crimes by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg after WW II. The Mufti recruited 2 divisions of Muslim troops for the Nazi cause who then committed atrocities in the Balkans during the war.

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Wow! I didn't know that, thanks for the info.

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Arafat was more like a spiritual godson to Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. This link under ‘Political Family’ section describes it. In my current thinking, Arafat couldn’t make peace w/ Israel because of his connective tissue to Amin al-Husseini in his formative years. Arafat couldn’t have his legacy being the PLO member who made peace w/ Jews after all the Arab bloodshed and his linkage to a family steeped in Jew hatred.


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The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem didn't speak for all of the Muslims in the world at the time. Islam is a religion, one I am not sympathetic to, and its followers don't all think the same way.

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You're right but in those days he claimed to speak for all Muslims to people who wanted to murder all Jews.

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From the story: “The man at the podium, Hatem Abudayyeh…”. You can’t make this stuff up.

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They wear masks to hide their identity or to show their fascist tendencies?

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They are also the lunatic Covid devotees. Masking for life , lovers of Covid mRNA shots

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And lovers of lockdowns, don't forget.

But the masks, ... yeah, that's just weird. Really weird.

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Thank the Lord about the "shot" thing. Long may the myocarditis reign.

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Olivia, please follow up with the Teamsters about this.

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Unions need their rent paid, by somebody. They've stolen the member's dues, usually.

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Genuinely sick mentally ill people.

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Evil isn’t a sickness

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I would argue the Iranians and Hamas are evil. Those who cheer on people that would slaughter them for existing are clearly off their rocker.

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No, they are not mentally ill. They have chosen evil. Once a person signs onto an evil ideology, they ignore the contradictions and illogical conclusions they encounter along the path to moral turpitude.

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I think they suffer from chronic and terminal dumbassery.

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So many things to say. Here's a few: "A woman in a hot pink gas mask, wielding a matching neon cane and dressed in a “Protect Trans Kids” t-shirt, throws her fist in the air." If she were in Iran or its satellites, or in a World taken over by Iran, she, her t-shirt, her fist, and unfortunate Trans Kids would all be thrown off the rooftops. Second, if these people hate America so much, they should leave, it's that simple. Third, it's amazing how after Oct. 7th there are so many Middle East experts among us. They should all have full Professorships in Middle East Diplomacy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Diplomacy. Finally, if they disrupt Biden's chances for reelection (just as they hurt Hillary's chances of election), they will, at the margin, bring us Trump and really find out what living in a Fascist world is like and see the U.S. and Israel finally destroy their beloved Ayatollahs.

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Are you really serious about the last portion of your comment, from "Finally"?

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Tom, you have a lot of words there against the craziest of the Left. Then in your last paragraph you let us know perhaps they are part of your clan, too?

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Well, asshat basement dwellers, the Israeli Air Force - together with a little help from our friends - managed to take out 99% of the drones and missiles. There was only one person in Israel injured - a little Muslim girl. I slept pretty well in Israel last night - and most Israelis were absolutely not in any kind of panic. Trust in God and the IDF.

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Queers for Palestine launch a Queers for Iran yet?

They should hold their confab in Tehran. They’ll only need one way tickets since they won’t be coming back.

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This comment is hysterical. Something Bill Maher would say.

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If this is the Pro Palestinian community I think we are gonna be ok…this had me laughing

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Yes, the "protect trans kids" shirt, the "service poodle..." if it wasn't so sad, it would be a piece out of The Onion. Kind of like the DSA convention video that has been circulating for a while now. Jazz Hands for "Marg Bar America!" - but not too noisy, cause, you know, I'm really sensitive to noise, OK?

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The real life absurdity has exceeded anything Onion or Babylon Bee can come up with. BB’ contributors complained in a recent interview that they can no longer compete with real life events. And many of their jokes turned into accurate predictions.

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that poodle would be outlawed in a muslim country

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or eaten.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

Perfect. Thank you hitting on the main theme here.

Imagine these people in combat.

From the Foxhole:

“You stepped on my service poodle bastard!”

“Sorry, I didn’t see him cuz my mask always fogs my glasses. But that doesn’t mean mask don’t work. They do. They totally do. They trap 100% of the virus.”

“What’s your dog’s name?”



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Yeah, I left that out.

But I had to make some editorial choices. Otherwise the comment would have gone to 20,000 words.

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Why doesn't SNL pick up on this stuff? They could be so funny....Mr. Brick, you should offer your talents as a writer for them!

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