So help me understand this. I’m at college, I’ve done nothing wrong - and some girl who doesn’t like me says I sexually attacked her…. there will be just one person investigating her claim????? So basically I’d be screwed big time. Kicked out of college? Jail time? Public humiliation? Job prospects significantly reduced? All of the above?

Am I in the middle of a nightmare? PLEASE someone wake me!!

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No, I think you misunderstand completely. You see, colleges are run almost exclusively by registered Democrats. And Democrats are the smartest people in the world who know what's best for you. If you are condemned by them, then it is a sign that there is something seriously wrong with you and maybe you need help. You need to TRUST people in power. They are the good guys. If you're unsure, maybe you need to start listening to more NPR. They have know that the pursuit of "truth" is not the highest goal. And of course, keep reading The Free Press! Because in November, they will remind you to vote for the Democrats because Trump is just really, really bad.

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Note the similarities to the insane reign of Stalin and Beria.

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It is actually an improvement over Stalin's process. Then the decisions were being made by three people (troyka or тройка), not one like it would be now.

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That's comforting.

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Thanks for your comment! This is all really scary!

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What is scary is that Summer Lee won in Pennsylvania. How did the 14th ward in Pittsburgh vote? Bari grew up in the 14th ward.

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Summer Lee was endorsed by The Squad.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Summer Lee voted no on Israel aid and against a resolution condemning Iranian attack.

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At University of Washington, it can be done anonymously. You can be accused and kicked out of school without ever knowing who accused you. You could have kept to yourself, never have any sex, not go to any parties... and if someone doesn't like you, you could be kicked out. And while it's likely mostly used by women against men, it's not limited -- women can accuse each other, men can accuse each other, etc.

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The more I hear about this the more I’m just…….. I actually don’t know a word to use here. We need to create some new word that combines “ insanity; madness, lunacy, WTF……..” because this combines all of the above.

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Thank anyone who votes Democrat and voted Democrat.

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The word is Democrat

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The word is Commierat

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Hmmm. No wonder de Boer jumped ship.

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Welcome to life in America under the despotic rule of a Senile Imbecile.

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He is just the figurehead.

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He and the false "doctor" are richly deserving of the fate of the Ceausescus.

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The theory is: any woman who believes herself to have been sexually mistreated (by a man, anyway) *has* been. The feeling is the fact--even if the feeling appears only years later, at the instigation of, say, an activist women's studies professor. The policy is as close as they dare come to implementing the theory--for now.

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She doesn't even have to believe it. She just has to claim it.

This is fine, because women don't lie, unlike men.

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"This is fine, because women don't lie, unlike men."

unless it's Israeli women of course. Apparently we aren't supposed to believe them

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if you do a deep dive into Title IX complaints you'd find on many campuses there are more men filing complaints than women.

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Per the article that Augustin provided below:

"The overwhelming majority of people accused and sanctioned under Title IX are male, but research has found that men and women experience sexual victimization at nearly equivalent rates, and the majority of male victims report female perpetrators. Meanwhile, the majority of Title IX administrators nationwide are women. In addition, Title IX administrators can also often use biased and unscientific training materials."

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"have begun to appear more frequently" is comparing against their previous frequency, not against the female reporting frequency. I.e. it says that the frequency of male reporting is increasing over time. It does not mean that it's more than female reporting frequency. It also does not say that it's less either, though.

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Yes, per Augustin's comment below, please share sources you found re: men filing more than women.

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What I was able to find: "The overwhelming majority of people accused and sanctioned under Title IX are male," https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2019/12/18/men-are-banding-together-class-action-lawsuits-against-discrimination-title-ix

This is the only one I was able to find, but I assume you had some reliable reference to back your claim. I look forward for seeing it.

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being an employee on a campus and a mandatory reporter, and that information coming straight from the director of Title IX during a meeting most of us felt was just going to be "all college males are potential rapists." This was in 2022.

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Sounds like a self-serving statement made by the director

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Got a reference to some these "deep dives?"

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extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I note you did not provide any.

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Chill. Give them time to respond. Not everybody is continually online like some of us. :)

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you're right. It was a bold claim though!

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Fortunately for the accused, "women" just don't exist anymore. So, anyone accused by a "woman" can just counter-accuse "as a woman" and label the original accuser a transphobe.

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Not quite: If a woman believes herself to have been sexually mistreated by a Democratic politician, the allegation is false.

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I just got a remote job at a company based in New York. So I had to go through the NY mandatory sexual harassment education. Some of it was useful (except that it's a remote job and all my immediate coworkers are women, but like at least it potentially could be useful at some point in my life), but it also had parts that made my head spin.

For example, the video stated that 60% of men are worried about working one on one with a woman because they are afraid of being accused of sexual harassment. Then it proceeds to explain that if you were accused that likely means you did something wrong, so you shouldn't do something wrong and then you won't be accused.

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Reread Brave New World or 1984. We are now living it and our president is helping to create it. If you don't like it, don't vote for Biden in 2024. My suggestion: take a good look at RFK Jr.

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I read 1984 recently (my son was reading it for school and I was embarrassed I hadn’t 😀). It is terrifying the similarities. The one that really gets me is the changing/scrubbing of history.

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Wasted vote. He can’t win. Vote for Trump.

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I believe in democracy. If you prefer Trump to Kennedy or Biden, or the others, you SHOULD vote for Trump. Voting for anyone else would be a waste for you. For me, I prefer Kennedy, and so I will likely vote for him, if he is still running in November. For me to vote for anyone other than who I believe in would be a waste FOR ME. Democracy revolves around voting your conscience. It is an exercise of individual will. Voting strategically makes a certain degree of rational sense, and I understand the argument, but it invalidates the theme of democracy, which is the exercise of the popular will. I would rather go down voting for whom and what I believe in than compromise my beliefs. You don't just vote for a person, you vote for an idea. The idea is strengthened by the the exercise of your honest belief, regardless of who wins the election. We need more integrity in this world, and those who stick to their guns are the only ones who will bring it.

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Doing the same thing and expecting different results is one definition of insanity. Bobby may differ with Joe on a few things, but he's still a Democrat.

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A vote for RFK Jr is actually a vote for Trump as RFK Jr is mostly going to draw liberal voters away from Biden. Vote for Kennedy if you wish but you are really voting for Trump.

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Sumdood. I believe you missed the point of my comment. It's not important who wins. The important thing is that the process isn't corrupted by those who think they are outsmarting the system. Democracy thrives only when we express our political wishes clearly. In voting for Trump, you should not be voting for Trump, but for what Trump represents to you. Otherwise democracy is a sham.

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But it is important who wins because the left wants to prevent us from expressing our political wishes clearly by removing Trump from the ballot in as many states as possible, and by filing these phony charges against him, preventing him from campaigning.

If you want this banana republic Democrat party stopped you must vote for Trump and not take a chance Biden wins again. YOU MUST!

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Well said. Perhaps quixotic to some degree, with a touch of "the meek shall inherit the earth" futility, but in essence I agree.

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If you want change, don't look to RFK Jr. He's a Democrat and will surround himself with Democrats - probably many of the same people who are in high government positions now. I like Bobby's views on a few issues and he'd be better than Biden, but that's a low bar.

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You could be right, Bob. However, my impression of RFK is that he is the most likely and capable of bringing about change, especially considering who the alternatives are. If you aren't persuaded by him, please vote for whoever you think would do the job better.

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Good Intentions = Unintended Consequences

Or in this case, are they really good intentions?

Kids are having less sex, fewer babies - who does this benefit? 🤔

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Thanks for the clarity! I know various developed countries are having population declines that are a serious problem. Sounds like this won’t help our country’s trajectory

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The world is in a weird place. Population is an issue in that on some levels there are too many of us, but our economies are all built on growth. Almost all social programs are based on the next generation paying for the previous. So lack of growth is going to cause serious pain.

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Many are already experiencing serious pain. And it is not because of lack of growth. I like your comment because it states the bald truth - our economies are built on growth. Unsustainable growth I think. Not enough housing. Not enough water. Food scarcity. But oh no!!!! The sky is falling!!!!! Tesla stock is dooooown!!!!! We must sell more so it can recover.!!!!

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We Import people in the U.S. so we always have population gains.

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Well, the good news is, there’s no jail time. This is a civil matter not a criminal matter. They can drag you through the mud, but they can’t throw you in jail without a trial and an actual judge.

It’s sort of like cancellation, except without using social media. Think of it that way.

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Except if you are found responsible, you are expelled. And, you cannot transfer schools because if there is a Title IX violation noted on your transcript, no one will take you. So no college education.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

I suspect most employers would also take a dim view of being expelled for sex crimes.

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Hey, you may not be able to get an education or a job but at least you won't be in jail.

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Ironically, many universities have onboarding programs for people who are incarcerated, putting those people in better positions than those found responsible for Title IX violations.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

not quite. In most cases they are either sanction (like being on probation) or suspended for a semester. I've advised men who have been accused to Title IX violations and none were permanently expelled. In many cases, the complaints were dropped.

EDIT: One kid I wish had come to me first got expelled. He told the panel "when a girl is touching my dick I consider that consent." Idiot.

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I have personal experience to the contrary. Suspensions also come with a permanent notation on a transcript, marked Title IX Violation. Many Title IX lawsuits seek restitution including removal of that notation. Truly, it is a "Scarlet A".

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college “education"

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But your life can be severely damaged by the whole mess. Ask the young men from the lacrosse team who were falsely accused. Their lives were turned upside down. I can only imagine what their parents went through.

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OMG. So even if you are proved innocent without a doubt you’re screwed because the accusation makes page one of the news but when proven innocent it’s buried on page ten. Unreal.

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great analogy.

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Love it. Not sure how to pronounce though 😀

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kaff-kah-ess-k! Describes a lot of what's going on in our times!!

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When you wake up as a cockroach you are having a bad Kafka day. Read his short stories they are great.

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This also reminds me of Kafka's novel "The Trial", in which the hapless protagonist Josef K. is accused of some unspecified crime, undertakes a nightmarish and unsuccessful quest to prove his innocence, and at the end is murdered by a couple of thugs.

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So I looked up this cool word and found this…

“of, relating to, or suggestive of Franz Kafka or his writings

especially : having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality”

I’m assuming this is where you got this word from. I think you nailed it! Perfect word!!!! Like the way it rolls off the tongue. We sound pissed off when we say it.

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JMF-- exactly!! PO'd at, disdainful of, or terrified about the insanity of our government and society!!

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Today's generation doesn't know Franz Kafka????

What about this interesting term: "Shakespearean"?

Or how about "Poetic"? OK that was just a play on words.

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Not jail time , that’s the trick . They will ruin your life and reputation but claim it’s not a criminal procedure so no due process required

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One factual correction here: You can't be thrown in jail by these kangaroo courts. For criminal (or civil) cases in real courts, nothing has changed. These policies affect the processes used by schools to decide internal matters. You can be suspended or expelled, made to undergo re-education/indoctrination, get a mark on your permanent school record, but you can't be either fined or jailed, because those require a governmental court. That's the excuse that's been used to allow this trampling of rights--because your "life, liberty, or property" aren't at issue, due process isn't required.

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Obama redux

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Not only could you do something someone doesn't like, you might not be interested in a person and they don't care for your lack of interest. Under these rules one can be accused and have no recourse. Hopefully, since the Biden Administration apparently has no constitutional lawyers working for it to advise them, this will go to the Supreme Court swiftly and be declared unconstitutional.

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Men are sometimes reported when they break up with a woman in college, often a woman with mental issues. Met a guy who had that happen to him.

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That is one of the major problems with this whole thing.

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no jail time. just kicked out of college - no refund.

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These are administrative panels. So, the worst thing is they kick you out and report it as such. There can be no criminal adjudication, so no jail time. Since universities have been sued a lot and lost often, it is unlikely they will follow the new rules. Most universities need to have a set of procedures that implemented would limit lawsuits. I'm guessing most will abide by the older rules instead of the new Title 9 rules just implemented.

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Hope you are right. A guy who gets screwed in one of these kangaroo proceedings may eventually win but it will take a lot of time and money.

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That’s interesting Dave. Glad to hear that.

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Dave-- we should not just guess about the implementation of these new rules! If someone wants to "screw" someone over- this puts a weapon in their hands!

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You are if you are a college student. Div I male athletes are already educated in the risks posed.

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The Title IX updates harm both men and women. Now men will be able to destroy women’s sports and expose themselves in women’s locker rooms. How long will women keep overwhelmingly voting for the party that causes them so much physical and mental harm? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-save-womens-sports-riley-gaines

Great to see KC featured - his reporting on the 2006 Duke Lacrosse hoax is legendary.

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I don't see anything in the new rules that would demand transgender men being allowed to compete in the female category. The fact is that the NCAA and universities refused to enforce existing sexual harassment rules by allowing a male, with a penis, to parade around in female locker rooms naked. It is the classic definition of non-consensual sexual harassment that all sport coaches are taught in safe/sport classes.

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The recent 4th circuit decision about trans people in sports was based on a twisted view of Title IX

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In terms of sports, this doesn't touch that. It will be a separate policy that will come out later. In its draft form - which I read fully - it does allow high school and colleges to bar transwomen (natal males) if it is a matter of safety or fairness for female athletes. When the draft came out, trans folks freaked out. But it disallows a total ban without any rationality. So, it's a mixed bag. But certainly better than what is happening now. Hopefully, the NCAA lawsuit brought by female athletes wins and this nonsense, at least on the collegiate level, ends. But, ultimately, the change the Biden admin has done to change gender for sex will get thrown out by the Supreme Court, as it should be.

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The author writes:

“Back when Obama was president, his administration made the elimination of campus sexual assault a priority—an effort led by then–Vice President Biden. It was a worthy goal.”

Later he writes: “Then, in 2020, under Trump, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos prioritized Title IX reform. Uncharacteristically for the Trump administration, her effort was thorough and comprehensive, with regulations that carefully balanced the rights of both accuser and accused.”


Why is it that TFP writers can’t help themselves but to cheer for leftist and criticize the right, even in a piece like this?

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I don’t understand it ether. There is always that “cute” (or so they think) jab. It’s why people hate reporters and the news media. You can’t trust any of them.

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I’m not as hard on TFP as many given that they do report on leftist insanity from a fairly balanced (and sane) perspective. I knew when I subscribed that TFP was staffed largely with people who mostly if not always vote D, or for anyone not R, and that’s ok. They aren’t pushing leftist insanity but rather calling it out. In comparison to the WSJ, which I have a subscription to, TFP is better, imo. Albeit they employ different styles of reporting but nonetheless I prefer TFP. I used to scour the WSJ daily but am finding myself spending less time there now given their obvious pivot to attract younger, leftist subscribers.

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About the time that I think TFP is being pretty fair, they will go sharp and disappoint me. TGIF, telling me how fair the biased jurors are in the stupid Trump trial, there will always be these BS jabs. They can’t help it. And I don’t trust them to be fair.

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Sharp LEFT (sorry, we use the same proofreaders).

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I subscribe to both. WSJ just covers a lot more stuff. And of course their opinion section is always worth reading

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True. If WSJ didn’t have the OpEd section, my subscription would have ended a long time ago.

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Yep, I figured it was my best compromise position, I couldn't stand subscribing to the NYT even though sometimes they do have some interesting reporting.

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I thought the same thing and had to read that sentence twice thinking why make a dig at Trump when discussing this topic. At least his administration did something about this.

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Because "it was a worthy goal." Stated intention is all that matters to them. They are SURE they can bring about a utopia if only allowed to get the alchemy right. Just give it time, have faith. They know what is best...

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Why was this necessary: Uncharacteristically for the Trump administration

What does that add to the actual topic? Its just a dig.

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Of course. But it has to be. Orange man bad. Hate Trump. Those are bona fides.

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For Pete’s sake, this was a great article until: “ Uncharacteristically for the Trump administration, her effort was thorough and comprehensive, with regulations that carefully balanced the rights of both accuser and accused.”

Bari and team, I have been a staunch supporter of your cause since the beginning. But your complete inability to give the Trump administration credit where it is due, without qualification, is losing me. I have had enough.

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Hehe...I said the same thing. If a publication can't avoid Bias even when the topic of the article has nothing to do with trump, how the heck can I trust them when it comes to real information about him?

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Not a Trump fan here but observed the Trump Admin doing its thing in various ways. If journalists had been journaling instead of decrying, we might have seen more of theses “Uncharacteristically for the Trump administration,”.. I call these clauses “drive-bys”. I guess the point is to signal.. that the author knows all the Trump Admin did and can fairly weight everything from agriculture, to education, to foreign policy..

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Would that be like "Characteristically the Biden administration has fucked up again"?

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Noticed this also. It wasn’t necessary. I also don’t like the man, but come on. This subtle but not really subtle dig is more characteristic of something of MSM reporting. Bari let’s run things by an editor first.

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It’s the one rubicon they dare not cross , showing support for trump

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To be fair while I agreed with a lot of Trump policies the way some of them were enacted left room for them to be struck down (Trump's rhetoric didn't help). The travel ban was a great example of this.

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I wonder if Biden would be willing to apply this legal framework to his sexual assault of Tara Reade.

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Or his daughter, Ashley Biden.

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I don't want to vote for Trump, but I don't see any alternative to voting for the GOP candidate. The Democrats--my preferred party for most of my life--have lost their collective mind. I no longer view things as e.g. Trump vs. Biden, but as whole administrations vs. other whole administrations. With Trump, we got Betsy DeVos--who, given another four years, might just have saved Western civilization...or, well, taken significant steps in that direction. With Biden we get the return of people like Catherine Lhamon, and the return of illiberal policies like this. They've made it clear that they will never stop. DeVos got rid of this nonsense, but the Biden administration immediately got to work re-instituting it. They've done it in a way this time that will be harder to undo.

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Sweet Jesus, what will it take? I've been independent for as long as I can remember (voting R or D for whoever i thought to be best for the country).

The Dems have swung so damn far left they're unrecognizable and frankly I couldn't even think of voting for them now...

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It's not R v. D anymore. It's sanity vs insanity.

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One's vote should be about collective success versus collective failure. It's that simple.

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So this action by the Biden activist administration in one fell swoop allows men to infiltrate women’s sports and private spaces. In essence erasing women. And, at the same time leaving men helpless to defend themselves against any complaint about sexual harassment. I see this opens the door for trans women to accuse any man of sexual harassment without defense.

I can only conclude that the powers that be do not want men and “women” to like or trust one another at all. Hmmm

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Please let’s stop using the term “ trans women”. These men are not women and never will be.

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It's going to be a free-for-all, as gender specials will use this as a tribunal to enforce their will on all students, male and female. Once they get a handful of non-believers expelled, they will have full control of other students' speech and get whatever they want.

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This is such a gross miscarriage of due process. Regardless of innocence, male or female, all individuals should have a fair trial—whereby they can see the charges and accusations put against them, and have a chance to defend themselves.

I just cannot understand why anyone would think these new rules are fair. The only thing that comes to mind—and if so it’s petty and assinine—is to roll it back in opposition to the previous admin’s policies.

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Or the less charitable possibility is that they want to build in to young people that things like due process and innocent until proven guilty are not inherently good, so later on those young people may dismantle it, allowing for the powermongers to get away with even more while being able to punish those that oppose them under a weakened judicial system.

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100 percent

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Good article. It didn't need the partisan distraction of saying "[u]ncharacteristically for the Trump administration..." This may seem small but is symptomatic of reporting with an agenda, designed to influence. The writer didn't want the reader to feel good about Trump. I write this as someone who cares about purity in reporting.

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I’m kind of hoping this will be the end of college for all. Bring back the guild system, apprenticeship/journeyman/master schools. We need more trades people, electricians, plumbers— People who know how to build instead of just destroy. I’m being a little sarcastic, but not much.

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My eldest Grandson opted for the Electrian trade. The insanity allowed on campus (and insane tuition costs had driven his parents to guide him in that direction) They all couldn't be happier with the choice.

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Electrician is a great choice! Super in demand.

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Why does Biden hate women -- actual women -- so much? And why do women -- actual women -- put up with his pandering nonsense?

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Because he rather likes children? Remember, we are talking about someone whose own daughter said he showered with her and who was credibly accused of sexual assault.

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Believe all women...that is the most ridiculous thing I Amber Heard.

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“Uncharacteristically for the Trump administration “

it’s tiring to see TDS surface in virtually every article posted on this platform. The subject is important but the author cant keep the politics out of it and it clouds its impact.

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If you have sons...if you have daughters...if you are a woman...please tell me why you vote for ANY Democrat...you are only hurting yourselves...please think about this when voting in November...g.

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My God, has it only been three years!?

My poor country. My poor country!

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