I'm going to throw my hat in with those who are saying the ship was hacked. How good is the internet security on a large freighter? Probably not very good. Not any better than on the servers used to tabulate votes on election day, in all likelihood, at least with a man or woman on the inside, which may well have been the case on this ship.

This in turn implies this could well have been a terrorist attack, from any number of places. Iran, China, North Korea, Hamas maybe even. Cyberattacks are coming. Power plants, internet access itself, lighting grids, water, sewage.

This bridge is trapping all the ships in Baltimore harbor right now. They can probably get the pieces moved or blown up in the next week or two, but if you look at a map and consider the logistics of rebuilding this bridge, it is going to be a HUGE disaster for Maryland, the region, and Baltimore in particular, which was already a bad place to live. I don't think we know the full cost yet.

I would feel much better if we had a President and Administration who actually seemed to be spending at least a little effort protecting America, rather than making sure everyone who entered illegally got a bus pass, a cell phone, and some money from our taxes.

Hell, I would feel better just knowing who is actually running the country. It certainly isn't Joe Biden. He probably needs help with the toilet paper.

I would also feel better if I were not very sure Biden--or his designated representative--takes bribes from anyone who offers them. He's not as clever as the Clintons, but he doesn't need to be very smart when the whole System protects him, in exchange for his protecting the System.

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I will add that the Boeing whistleblower was almost certainly killed. Ponder that. Ponder a small group of Executives who all make a million dollars a year or more, hiring someone to kill him and make it look like a suicide. Ponder the ethics both of that, and of KNOWINGLY pushing out defective jets, simply to boost profits and money in your pockets.

I personally don't need much. I don't get how people who are already in large houses, driving literally any car they want, who won't need to work any more whenever they decide to stop working, obsessing about making even more money, even if it kills people.

One can read history--and for that matter the current news--and see it is possible. But I will never understand it. What a shitty life anyone capable of that sort of thing must be living.

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THIS is the Human Condition

THIS has been happening for as long as Humans existed.


The Government does it

Politicians do it

Big Corp does it

Vatican, Hollywood, Athletics, etc.

Only difference is, now more people are AWARE of it as soon as it happens because of the 24/7 news cycle and Social Media.

Despite that, all aforementioned players continue to "get away with it" - right in front of our faces- cause they have POWER, MONEY, & CONTROL.

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“Drain the swamp” you gotta start somewhere!

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It does seem somewhat more shameless however…

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More that that, sir. Collapsing Rule of Law, as has been said of bankruptcy, happens little-by-little -- then suddenly. We're seeing suddenly. I despair.

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The Bridge Collapse/Ship Wreck is sadly a perfect metaphor for the current state of our republic.

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The Clintons

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

"I personally don't need much. I don't get how people who are already in large houses, driving literally any car they want, who won't need to work any more whenever they decide to stop working, obsessing about making even more money, even if it kills people."

Me either. Just look at the "gender medical care" and "education" racket. https://4thwavenow.com/ Barbarians all.

I read that in some states 12 year olds have to sign waivers for their parents to access their medical records. I'd thought the problem was just that doctors have direct access to minors via online portals. Of course, the separation of parent and child begins with indoctrination in state schools - much like the Chinese Red Guard. So, nothing will surprise me. All US society needs now is for "non-affirming" parents to wear those pointy hats the Chinese used in their Great Leap Forward. Such parents already face public condescension.

Democrat politicians are awful and establishment Republicans are awful because they will turn a blind eye to anything that generates money -- even if it means death.

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deletedMar 27·edited Mar 27
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It’s tempting for people that are let’s say, left of center yo paint all corporate executives as greedy, concerned only about money regardless of the ethical considerations.

But my first thought was like yours. Sociopaths exist in all walks of life. They aren’t just scum bag serial killers. They can also wear expensive Italian suits and drive BMWs. Sociopaths are also very good at manipulating people. So imagine one at the helm of a huge corporation like Boeing and you can see how all that’s implied and said outright in this article can be true. I’m not saying it is true, rather that it could be true.

Of course normal people like the rest of us can’t comprehend how anyone could be so callous, just like we can’t believe the cruelty of a serial killer. Because they seem normal and maybe even nice. Humans are pretty easy to fool when you get down to it.

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The class envy. Blaming power, money, control is just altogether too easy and answer to any mystery. Suicide? I recently lost a friend, not close but known for decades. All of us who knew him and his family said the same thing: "I just saw him yesterday (or, a week ago, or a couple of weeks ago). We chatted said he was fine. Everything was fine." Then, he killed himself. How about some news as to who owned the gun, or was it legal or note. Where was the truck parked. Much of downtown Seattle has become very unsafe...

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I would feel better if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were not the President and Vice President. I don’t feel safe.

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You are not safe. This is an accurate perception. Our defense and law enforcement apparatus have been redirected from defense and law enforcement to enabling the subversion of America from within by our own government. They spend almost no time or money or resources protecting us. Everything is ideological, at least at the management levels controlled by the White House.

And our only strategic interest in Europe is avoiding nuclear war with Russia, which is the precise outcome being made more likely by Biden and his people. The whole thing is lunacy.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

And to your point - our police, local and federal, need to understand one thing - and understand it well. During the entire George Floyd fiasco the only people who had their backs were conservatives. The left threw them to the mob. So if police turn their backs on us - and toady to the left now in power, they will be dead to us. In every way possible.

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We don't control their money, pensions, careers. The Left does. It's not easy to put all they've worked for at risk and honesty and integrity sometimes take a bow, thinking it can return later, or at least until your retirement.

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The fact that the President of Mexico can threaten our country's border with impunity is absurd.

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Not sure, but wanting elected leaders to work, earn their pay and fringe benefits might be a micro aggression! Now they will all need counseling and a quiet safe space to reflect on all of the hurt they have suffered by people wanting them to work.

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I visited my safety deposit box yesterday, and next to the little cubicle where are you bring your box to sort through the contents, was a “Wellness Room“ (equipped with a lounge chair and ottoman). The fact that a bank is obliged to provide a “sanctuary” for their employees (who are supposed to be there to WORK) speaks volumes about our society. Sigh.

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I lived and worked for the Panama Canal Company and spent three years in Marine Traffic Control.

Apprentice pilots started out piloting tuna boats through the canal. These are small nimble vessels, easy to manage. There was this new pilot who couldn't handle these small boats and was let go. About five years later he was piloting a large vessel and ran into a bridge in Florida, killing several people. The ship wasn't hacked. He was just an incompetent pilot.

Also, there is a variety of things that can go wrong that cause a ship to crash. They can lose steering or power. Strong winds can have a bearing on navigation in small spaces. Ship channels are considered small spaces.

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The most Occam's Razor answer here does seem to be that a not-necessarily-competent pilot was not sufficient familiar with the handling of this ship, and made a series of bad decisions when it lost power repeatedly.

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I am just going off my gut. I may be wrong. We may learn more in coming days. Or maybe we won't.

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The ship unquestionably lost power. They had already issued a Mayday when they hit the pylon. Traffic had apparently been halted on both ends, or they were in the process of doing it.

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The Florida bridge that the pilot hit wouldn’t be the Sunshine Skyway bridge near Tampa, would it? My husband’s mother hated that bridge and would drive all the way around the bay to avoid it.

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Specifically as regards the doomship, if one observes its ownership, flag, and that which was immediately available about its history, one must consider the case for industrial strength stupid. And yet... As to the rest, sing it loudly, sir.

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It appears Greg Egan's 'Age of Mayhem' is upon us, for no better reason than that jaded thrill-seekers enjoy the sound of smashing crockery. Any pretext will do, so there's no need for the motives of Iran, China, Hamas, and our own confused SJWs, etc., to cohere.

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While on the micro level people are somewhat regularly pushed on to subway tracks….

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What is that? I am entirely unfamiliar with the author and the concept, although of course I can guess.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Who, Greg Egan? If you've never encountered him, you're in for a treat. The reference is to his novel, Quarantine (must read!), published back in 1992... which means that when it comes to neural mods he was ahead of Elon Musk by three decades. In fact, Elon almost certainly picked up the concept from Egan. He'll have read him, years ago: they're fellow Australian exports on the world stage. In all likelihood they're acquainted.

P.S. Oops! Sorry... Elon is primarily South African: the Australian connection is tangential. No matter. It's impossible to believe the founder of Space X wouldn't have been reading hard sf in his formative years, and Quarantine is the 'hardest' sf imaginable. It's almost a new kind of literature, a cross between Raymond Chandler gumshoe and extended science essay. Well worth your time if you like cerebral reads.

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Not even close The Boomtown Rats were singing about "The silicon chip inside her head... " in 1979, 4 years before Egan was even published. The concept had been in the wild and escaped from Sci-Fi quite awhile before that.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

(?) If you're suggesting there were precursors to Egan, that isn't something I would contest: there are precursors to just about everything. But silicon chips aren't nanomachines that enter the body through nasal membranes. When I researched scientific literature back in the 1990s, to see what it had to say about the possibility of neural mods, the results were disappointing: Egan's conceptions were incomparably more sophisticated and plausible than anything I was able to find there.

In any event, I think Musk is far more likely to have taken inspiration from Egan's fully developed treatment than from a single Boomtown Rats lyric, or from earlier sf works. One of the pleasures of reading Egan is that he works out in detail ideas that earlier writers merely hint at.

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Very very suspicious that the ship lost power just minutes from the bridge!!! Maybe they will have to have tugboats accompany these ships thru there in the future?

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Apparently a port pilot was controlling the ship, so there should have been no need for a tugboat. And evidently the ship has a history of problems. So it may be that a pilot unfamiliar with the ship made a series of bad decisions when a repeated loss of power caused handling issues.

As I've viewed the footage, though, I'm concerned about two things: one is that the ship's path, as mapped by media sources yesterday, does not accurately reflect what is seen in the footage. The sudden, sharp turn into the pillar at the end is not shown on those maps.

My other concern is that, after viewing the footage many times, it looks to me as if the ship's initial slight deviation from a straight course appears to occur just BEFORE the initial loss of power, not after.

There needs to be a lot of investigation into this incident. I'm just worried that if the investigation's results do not match the desired narrative, they will be altered.

The only thing I *do* know for sure is that the bridge will be renamed when it is rebuilt.

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There are sources that show the AIS recorded path. This data is rock solid. I have seen this track data displayed, split screen, side by side, with the video. There is nothing suspicious about the track, it clearly corresponds with the account of loss of power/steerage, statements of those on the bridge, and the mayday calls, The video footage is misleading due to camera perspective. The ship did not turn suddenly, it slowly drifted of course. I've been around freighters for more than thirty years. Those ships do not turn suddenly. This ship did not make a sudden, sharp turn. That is impossible physics.

Watch this video:


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What do you think the new name will be?

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The latest black thug/junkie to commit suicide-by-cop.

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Whoever the Left's current Baltimore-connected hero happens to be at the time they make that decision.

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'Conspiracy theorist' = 'Person at least minimally adept at logical inference.'

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Conspiracy Theory = Spoiler Alert?

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Please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N39w6aQFKSQ

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Thank you. Very interesting!

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A bit late Marilyn the bridge is down and so is Baltimore’s economy in ruin. Between 1.00am and 1.30am - a half an hour they ruined Baltimore - we can be grateful that the human cost was low thank God.

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In one news report it said there were pilot boats with the freighter. Was that untrue?

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A pilot from the port, not pilot boats.

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Thank you, that's what happens when you only listen with half an ear.

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The engine and steerage controls would not be connected to the internet.

You might find this interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N39w6aQFKSQ

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Everything is connected to the internet any more. In any building, the HVAC, lighting, and power are typically on a network. The network is supposed to not be accessible from the internet, but it often is. That is what hackers do.

Until somebody gives me a better story, I am going to choose to believe that unknown parties turned the power off on purpose to engineer this accident. Personally, I am going to low key blame the Chinese, while admitting I have zero evidence.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Not to worry, Lactating Pete is heading up the reovery job.

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"Today’s students grew up in the Trump era, in which violent rhetoric has become a normal part of political discourse and activism is as easy as reposting an infographic."

No fan of Trump, I can nevertheless only sneer at this comment. Yeah, blame Trump!

The college students at Stanford, Harvard, and other universities have all their lives grown up winning participation ribbons, harassing teachers for higher grades, extracting extra time on tests, dictating to their indulgent parents what they'd like for dinner, and getting chauffeured to play dates. That they believe they are always in the right is a given.

Those from less rarified backgrounds were also privileged, but differently: Their sad showings on quizzes and tests from middle school on (assuming elementary schools no longer give such things) made teachers grade "on a curve," and they got into colleges in which they could not possibly thrive.

The George Floyd riots and lesser shenanigans showed everyone that violence pays if you attach to it a cause, any cause, no matter how bogus.

One day near Brooklyn College I couldn't cross the street because, as one guy shouted to me, "Back off! I got a thousand bikes coming through!" They were riding for George Floyd.

Such fun.

One blames well-meaning mushy-brained liberals for the real damage they have caused. Trump has much to answer for, but pro-Hamas protests that shut down campuses and cities are not his doing.

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The "violent rhetoric" of the Trump era all came from the Left. All of the violence imputed to him was in all cases based on lies told about him. I have been told often that "Trump is a liar", but nobody can ever point to a lie even approaching "if you like your plan you can keep it", or "the border is secure."

Think of Kathy Griffin with her severed head. Plays where Trump is assassinated. Open wishes for his assassination. The ACTUAL murder of Trump supporters for the crime of wearing a red hat.

This is all madness. It is pure projection, such that the more scared they feel, the scarier we look. But it's all hallucination. We are normal people. They are the ones losing their effing minds.

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If Trump were the "dictator" the left shrieked he was, nitwits and clowns like Griffin would have been strung up by piano wire in the basement of Lubyanka West (aka the Hoover Building). But, of course, none of that happened.

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It is all projection. The Left accuses their opponents of doing exactly what they are doing.

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It’s all they have really.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Watch Robert Di Nero with Bill Maher a few weeks ago for a fine example of pure open hatred that, when done by a famous person on the left, is considered acceptable. Such a display of raw open hatred like we do not often see - hatred is there in peoples minds of course, but never so open, as displayed so vehemently by this famous actor. But when it comes to openly showing your hatred for Trump, well, that’s a different story. It’s a sign of virtue of course. It was classic though that when Maher asked him about Hochul bringing in the national guard to the NYC subways as one example of why Trump has his supporters and that perhaps there really is something to the liberal attitude in crime and criminals not working out so well, DiNiro claimed he had no knowledge of it.

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I was watching too. It was really something watching that modern day Marie Antoinette basically telling the peasants to eat cake. Truly something to watch this uber-wealthy white man (the kind that his side say is the root of all evil), so condescendingly say he doesn't get the people who support Trump, as in, the working class losing their jobs to a rapidly advancing tech world and overseas, their lives to fentanyl, outbreaks of crime with no recourse as woke DAs refuse to keep even violent criminal in checks and deliver some justice, and their governments handing out money to waves and masses of illegal immigrants while they suffer. His elitism was dripping all over. I hope Maher paid his cleanup crew double and overtime for the extra work of having to clean all that shit up.

I had a thought then why he (DiNiro) is so good at playing villains. He re-enacts those who he imagines in his mind to be conservatives and Trumpers.

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It’s a sad reality that elites like DiNiro are simply incapable of seeing the obvious truths and realities that we all see. They are so willfully blind.

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he is just pissed he didnt get Melania

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Not blind just to privilege Biff.

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So true!

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De Niro is a vile human being, great actor, maybe, but vile. His language on Trump in general, but especially in front of young children, demonstrates his inability to understand the world in which he lives. That was also demonstrated on the Maher show. Cretinous individual.

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The MAN is coming we must hold on a little longer!

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The hate and vitriol of the Trump era was 100% from Democrats, and utterly unjustified.

The Democratic Party is one of the greatest sources of hate and division in the modern world.

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I like how MAGA is not hate-filled toward others at all.

This discussion board is a great example.

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You, personally, have consistently shown yourself to be one of the most hateful and extreme people in this board, to a degree that people have discussed for years how to appropriately handle your consistent antagonization. You've shown no capacity to learn, grow, empathize, or engage with others in a civil manner, and you're exactly the kind of far-left Democrat I'm talking about.

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Which is exactly why he should be ignored.

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I knowww....and I try so hard

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We must be aware of CDS ComProf 2.0 Derangement Syndrome he wants us to engage as he does others hatefully.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Nigge -- excuse me, I mean "DEIs" have that effect don't they?

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Hey...you enjoy getting owned. That's cool.

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He defines “hate” as “disagrees with me and won’t let me have my way in everything”. If you are a parent you’ve seen it before.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

No, actually - YOU define it that way. Irony level 1000.

"Have my way in everything."

- Hmmm. Interesting. What exactly do you mean by that? ;)

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I’m always amazed at the hateful words I find when I occasionally dip into these comments. There’s a pretty solid and consistent cohort who pile on with the insults and name calling. How often do I get a chance to witness grown adults hurling words like “moron” (a particular favorite here) and “nitwit”? Or giddily speculate about a gay man breastfeeding his child? Is this what you mean by engaging others in a civil manner?

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I've left plenty of both myself, and I think there's lots of both in the comments. I also agree there are a few people in particular who add a lot of the vitriol.

I also agree that I was over-generalizing, but it's true that since I was a child the Democrats have increased their hatred and intolerance of the other side every year, particularly leading into Trump's presidency, and most of the conservatives I know became hateful as a response to endless left-wing provocation. I fall into that category. I genuinely believe the Democrats are destroying my heritage and my country as quickly as they can, to install a global system of totalitarianism with their party leaders at the head. They are destroying things I consider of paramount historical and moral importance, such as the rule of law and equal rights, while openly saying they believe only in power and not in good morals. They explicitly tell me that I don't deserve equal rights with others because of my race and sex.

You're right, I sincerely hate the Democratic Party, and I've largely lost respect for the people who still vote for them.

Being able to talk about that and communicate it without engaging in the visceral experience of hate or rage is what I call 'engaging others in a civil manner'.

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Thank you for your very honest and thoughtful response. You may not be surprised to learn that some of my liberal friends say the same exact thing about “maga” and Trump. Pretty much word for word echoing what you wrote. So, who is right? Of course the answer has to be neither is. They know that this stark view of the right is a distortion but they are also afraid. Their fear mirrors the fear I pick up on in your response, a fear that something fundamental is being lost and it must be those “other” folks who are responsible. But I believe that we all need to truly look past the headlines, past the culture wars that accuse both sides of bad faith, even past all of the theories, such as your belief that the left is part of some totalitarian (planned??) takeover, such as my liberal friends’ assumption that everything is about racism and hate of minorities. These are theories that people are holding onto as if their lives depended on it. Nothing more. And we are allowing ourselves to hate each other because of them. I take heart in another set of conversations going on between people who are trying to get it right, who are assuming good faith on the part of those they disagree with, who are willing to do their homework and resist the rabbit holes that feed these theories, who are willing to forgo simple and easy feel-good (and it can oddly feel good to hate) answers and try to understand vs finding nifty and air tight explanations. To hear such a conversation listen to the Witch Trials of JK Rowling on this site. It’s impressive its willingness to look beyond the surface.

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" Democrats are destroying my heritage and my country.

Well, very interesting, Anthony :)

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Pot meet Kettle.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

tHe LeFT maDE mE haTEFul! MaDe mE voTE fOR tRUmp! I wAs pRovOkED!

Lol....yeah...tell me you completely missed the 80s, 90s and 2000s without telling me.

Yep. MAGA is the paragon of "good morals."

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

No...no...no Anthony. Don't backtrack now.

It's all Comprof! MAGA is love!!

Now Anthony, please share with all of us what equal rights you have lost because of your whiteness/having a penis?

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What other word would you use to describe a foolish and stupid person?

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

"Jen Todd"

Odd how every single one of my predictions have come to pass.

You should probably be taking notes.

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The usual suspects 24/7/365

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Great description of this halfwit Anthony!

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Strange...especially how every single one of the "halfwits" predictions have come to pass.

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A right Royal Nostradamus eh Comp.

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You can mute someone on Substack. Go to their profile page.

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What EXACTLY do I need to grow, empathize, etc. with Anthony?

What EXACTLY have I said that makes me, in your opinion, "far-left?"

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"People have discussed for years..."

Lol. Dude, I've been on this board maybe about a year.

So, you're a liar, too. Pathetic.

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Provide examples, Anthony.

I'll wait. :)

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You get back what you give out. You’ve posted nasty, scoffing content from the beginning. But typical Leftist you accuse others of doing exactly what you’re guilty of, it’s the Democrats playbook.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Nah. First day here I was called an Affirmative Action hire, "thug," house boy, etc.

So, you're goddamn right you "get back what you give out."

Accusing? Lol. Nah. Just enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy.

So, I just return the favor when needed :) That's the tune you want to play? Don't get mad when others sing along. Typical Rightist - when fire is returned you scream/whine like a beeyotch.

Therefore, I will speak/comment the same way as everyone else does on here. Stop trying to cancel people, "DEI-lover."

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There’s a surprise, good job, you didn’t move opinion on you at all.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

I'll move my opinion when you move your hypocrisy.

"You get what you give," right? :)

Btw, Sandy Hook wasn't fake, election was not stolen and BLM did not storm the Capitol.

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The Left is the party of hate and violence. It’s their MO. Not Trump. What a joke. Give me a break it’s because of Trump.

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They are only violent because they are getting away with it. If they ever do that in places that don't back them up, like college or blue cities, I think they will quickly grow a distaste for violence

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"Try that in a small town."

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Trump is the usual boogeyman for every failed, self-loathing, hateful, loser-thinker dissatisfied with their lives and have no one to blame but themselves. As the idiots continue to chase their tails, the rest of us pay the price. WTF.

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I’m so sick and tired of it.

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It's now to be pitied. When I hear, 'but Trump', that means the person I'm listening to is an ignorant moron.

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A colleague ranted to me that if he "had the choice of voting for Trump of a piece of shit on the table" he'd vote for the piece of shit.

I never tire of reminding him that he got his wish!

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Your colleague is an imbecil. His stupidity is our collateral damage.

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The really sad thing is that he's a usually, smart, sensible guy who has overdosed on the Kool Aid.

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😂😂think this time he will be eating the shit Bruce please God!

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Winning is for losers!

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Astonished the the Key Bridge hasn't been blamed on Mr Trump. Yet.

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I'm a little surprised that it hasn't been blamed on that notorious white nationalist, Francis Scott Key.

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At least now they will have an excuse to rename the bridge. I imagine Leftists were salivating at the prospect within moments of hearing the news.

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Give it time perhaps by Good Friday!

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1000 cyclists for George Floyd. Lmao. Did they wear lycra, or were they hipsters on fixies?


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The guy might have been exaggerating, Dave. Fanatics always do.

By the way, yours is the only reply to my comment that did not settle for crude vitriol in defense of Trump. Thank you.

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This writer is criticizing the violent rhetoric of campus activists, and how that period of behavior protesting Trump has led to today's situation, in which campus activists feel confident in celebrating Hamas and threatening Jewish students. He's not editorializing; he's providing historical context.

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I submit there has been no "growing up" regardless of how the era is defined.

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You took that sentence as blaming Trump. I took it the opposite way. I read into it that the violent rhetoric was referring to the hatred of Trump exhibited by the resistance crowd during the Trump era, i.e., blaming the anti-Trump crowd. I am not sure which interpretation reflects the writer's intent but I am once again reminded how much our perspectives influence our understanding.

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Well, it could be -- a different slant.

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I spoke with someone who went to a respected public university in the 70s, and already at that point they saw the writing on the wall. Literally. In the form of a flyer for remedial English. In a well respected university.

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I read awhile ago that fully 40% of all classes offered to incoming high school grads at Cal State Fullerton are remedial classes now.

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It's just another piece of the evidence that high school education has become largely worthless.

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deletedMar 27
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You are partially right. I would agree that knowing the correct answers to all 25 algebra test questions is important (and an achievement) regardless of the time, and probably better than someone who only knows 15 answers. I would also generally agree that with all of the test "retakes" that happen today, it is probably better to learn the 25 answers on a retake then only know 15 on the first take and walk away. The question is, "is the guy who knows 20/25 answers right now when I ask, better than the guy who knows 25 next week?" Because "real life" is timed (has deadlines), and real life doesnt always have "re-dos". The presentation or report for work is due on Monday at 5pm. You don't get to turn it in on Wednesday, and if you mess up, you dont get to do it again- you are fired or passed over. Both are important- getting it right, and getting it on time (the first time). Tests are important because having knowledge itself only matters if you can call it up when it is necessary- not next week. The current "school" system has taught a generation of kids that you can turn it in whenever you feel like it, and do it as many times as you need. That isn't success in a competitive environment.

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I had to administer extra time to students who qualified for it. It's a practice I have never approved of, and the other kids didn't like it so much either.

Besides, no one wants a surgeon who takes two extra hours to remove an appendix.

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deletedMar 28
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Agree. My comment was more sweeping than I meant it to be, but I wrote it, so that's on me.

Several decades ago, the one or two kids who qualified for extended time probably needed it. Later, even two decades ago, for the majority of kids it was just a racket. I'd go into the proctoring room and there were a dozen kids in it.

Or -- perhaps their parents' young-people's drug use was visited upon their children, and the children's processing abilities have really been impaired.

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I feel comforted about the bridge collapse because I know that our capable transportation secretary is on the case.

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Is he done breast feeding yet?

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It’s called chest feeding now, you bigot. It’s just as good as, even superior to, milk from a cishetero woman!

Man, even typing that sarcastically makes my brain hurt. We need to bring bullying back

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Terry and Aaron, I needed that laugh- such TRUTH makes it hilarious

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Is there ANYTHING men can't do better than women?!

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Sorry Terry, you beat me to the punch. Good one.

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😂😂😂not yet.

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He issued a statement. So he really exceeded himself this time.

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What was the statement? "Hey, anyone out there know how to build a bridge?"

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😂😂you guys on fire today.

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He sent that note from his vacation… give the guy a break!😉

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Shhhhhh....he was busy nursing at the time. How can you be so callous?

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Will TFP ever do any story about this incompetent administration? Electric vehicles (don't think this admin understands where electricity comes from)? The border and who pays for illegals to live here? Foreign policy, three conflicts deep? Continued student loan handouts? DOJ going after Biden's political opponent? Biden corruption? Over 1 trillion in personal credit card debt, 36 trillion in debt overall and more to come? Or will it be more fluff to avoid having to talk about the disaster voted in by those rubes and fools more concerned about 'how old do I look' Tik Tok videos and white male toxicity?

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For whatever reason, there is a solid cone of silence around any criticism of the Administration. I find it baffling.

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Meanwhile, KJP is offended by an interviewer asking about Biden's mental state. Ohhh, the humanity!

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KJP could fill the pages of TGIF every week, but we hear nary a peep.

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It’s not baffling to me.

While they will occasionally espouse politely heterodox opinions on some matters, when the rubber meets the road they are run of the mill California Democrats.

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Fingers in ears....Lalalalalallalalalalalalalal!

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Just more abortion and IVF. You know, the stuff a President has nothing to do with.

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The EVs with the massive needs for lithium batteries are literally killing children and babies in Congo. It's horrendous to watch kids as young as five working in the muddy cobalt mines with no shoes or gloves. And warlords are forcing Congolese to labor in these most horrific conditions. You all can watch some of these, even if only parts of these, to see for yourselves what hell and misery these "green" progressives are bringing to other parts of the world with their supposed "good people" agenda.

Special report : Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcJ8me22NVs

DR Congo's faltering fight against illegal cobalt mines | AFP


Toxic Cost of Going Green | Unreported World


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We only care about Black people that are here. Actual Africans? Who cares. Let them eat lithium.

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Yeah. And Haiti? Who cares if all goes to hell in Haiti. Let them all enjoy their Barbecue

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Uneducated cheap throwaway labor and access to all natural resources for personal exploitation and profit without consequence.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Omg, the horrible inability to think about the consequences of these green energy efforts is astounding. Jennifer Granholm is a joke. This will be another boondoggle of wasted time and money. I guess, it already is heading in that direction but no one seems to give a damn.

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Just read about like 2000 acres of solar panels in Texas that got slammed by hail. Apparently some are worried that the toxic chemicals in the cells might end up in their ground water.

I am not against most of these technologies as a whole. In fact, I want a Tesla. But I don't want to FORCE any of it. I want the market to do its job. As the tech matures, it will get implemented in better ways instead of people trying to force it where it doesn't work.

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And the same people pushing solar panels and lithium batteries are the ones who are blocking the adoption of nuclear power as "too dangerous."

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Aw, man...why'd you have to go and mention Nuclear? Watching the western world move away from one of its cleanest and densest energy sources...and one that the USA has centuries of energy independence with is such a great shame.

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It's the main thing that tells me that the Warmists are Not Serious People.

If we're all going to die in a decade because the planet is getting too warm, the very FIRST thing that needs to be done is to replace all oil/gas/coal with the ONLY technology that can supply on-demand power. A form of power with minimal environmental costs, since the technology of nuclear energy has advanced considerably over 50 years ago.

Solar and wind power come with significant environmental costs during manufacturing and end-of-life disposal. And both are dependent on natural forces that are subject to interruption (about which humans can do nothing) and are off-kilter with peak demand.

If Warmists had starting promoting nuclear from the very start of their "climate change" secular religion, I would have taken them more seriously. That would have been a courageous stance, daring to reject the anti-nuclear ideology of the greens. But they didn't.

Serious people who are deeply concerned about a problem they consider to be genuinely existence-threatening don't reject the best solution. But fanatics can and do base their decision-making on ideology instead of scientific necessity. The choice that Warmists have made shows who they really are.

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They don't give a damn about you. It is your life and time and the money continues to flow upward.

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We feed the beast.

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Sorry I don't get worked up about any causes without Israeli or white perpetrators.

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Look into The Scroll, the daily news write-up and analysis from Tablet Magazine. Park MacDonald is a brilliant writer with a scathing wit.

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Regarding the Huberman piece, I, for once, disagree with the FP’s take. I am a massive Huberman fan having listened to the man speak for hundreds of hours. He’s immensely talented at communicating pertinent and complex scientific information to the masses. But, he also cheated on 6 women after leading them to think that he was exclusively with them. He also had unprotected sex with them and gave his main girlfriend, who he was literally injecting with fertility/IVF drugs, HPV (this latter, particularly disgusting, fact having been omitted in the FP’s take).

I still admire him as a scientist, but I also think that his behavior is morally reprehensible and shameful. With the FP being so concerned about “fixing our institutions,” it’s not immediately clear to me why they are defending a man who is actively contributing to the degradation of one of if not the most important institution - monogamous marriage. The New Yorker is a sorry excuse of a magazine, and they probably wrote the piece with bad intentions. Intentions aside, the facts remain that Huberman’s moral compass is seriously messed up, and in a civilized society that values respectful men and monogamous marriage with stable two-parent households, that behavior should not be celebrated nor defended

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A scientist who lectures on healthy life styles, having sex with multiple partners telling each one that it’s monogamous, no need for protection, is a real problem.

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FP's "take" IMO, was More about the smart, sexy, intelligent women who, after finding out about his deplorable cheating and lies- had to turn this into a highly publicized, attention- getting drama of -"we are STILL weak, VICTIMIZED females " that need to man-bash and embarrass Huberman in order to get our Power back. Ew.

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Again, one must remember that men tend to use physical violence and women tend to use social and emotional violence. He cheated on them and they beat the crap out of him socially. I do agree that waving the victim flag isn't great. But neither is what he did. And it is a sad fact that if you soar high, you have further to fall. You get held to a higher standard because of the fame. Maybe it is not a bad lesson for people to learn that is the spotlight is on you, maybe don't do shitty stuff.

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Yeah I mean what do people expect? He could potentially give this woman CANCER from the strain of HPV he gave her through his pathologically dishonest behavior. I’d say consenting to sex/love specifically within the context of a monogamous relationship only to find out it wasn’t monogamous at all and you now have a permanent virus that could kill you someday is a huge violation of consent and bodily autonomy. The women feel victimized bc they WERE. Stating you were victimized and acknowledging that you feel like a victim is the first step to processing it and moving on. Doing so publicly is appropriate in order shame people who serially perpetrate such egregious violations of other people’s bodily autonomy.

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If they had sex with him without a condom, they were ignoring the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. That decision is on them.

He wasn't even engaged, let alone married, to any of them. None of them could reasonably suppose that, at his age, he'd never had sex with anyone. Temporary monogamy is no safer than sleeping around.

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I don’t believe that you don’t understand the difference between two monogamous adults disclosing their health status in regards to stds/sexual past behavior in a committed relationship versus a man who lies about his behavior and is actually collecting viruses and god knows that else with his dick bc he’s inside a crowd of different women and lying about it- leading to his cucked girlfriend ending up with a cancer causing HPV strain after getting meticulously tested and coming up negative for 10 years. Obvious the first behavior is low risk and the other is high risk and reckless to the point of manslaughter.

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The New Yorker piece on Huberman is a classic illustration of the mal pathology that now infects every aspect of American life. It incorporates most of the same strategy that toxic feminism used to successfully build the DEI. The anonymous complaint. Claims of personal emotional abuse. The whisper campaign and character assassination. Public shaming and trial by press followed up with calls for career termination. On the college campus (now in the boardroom) the false accusation and trial by kangaroo court. And anyone who speaks in the targets defense is guilty by association. It is a kind of social poison and emotional blackmail. It pays handsomely in lawsuits and makes fortunes in tax dollars and grants. Create a problem, form a committee, scream bloody murder, threaten and get paid. The entire feminist grift was heavily misandrist and Marxist and the tactic has been used by graduates of the insanity to undermine every American cultural and moral institution it touched. The New Yorker included. Most importantly it works hand in hand with, and profits from, the largesse of the ascending fascist totalitarianism that informs the social/cultural collapse surrounding us. The entire cancel lives, snitch, dox, destroy industry began with misandrist feminist doctrine. The Huberman piece is an example of how infected American life has become. And the poor women who just couldn't wait to bask in the public spotlight still can't make up their minds: "We deserve to be loved and respected but why can'r we just kill men?"

Huberman is a public figure. But the article illustrates (and we've all received the message) that for the big tech/surveillance bureaucracy/MSM, and the criminal financiers they serve, the citizens personal thought, action and privacy no longer exist. Everything is entertainment. Everything can be turned in to public spectacle if it serves power. Suspicious suicide, bridge collapse, plane crash, the latest I'm a child forever TIKTOC. Huberman. Whatever. "Everything means everything so nothing means anything." Meanwhile back at the Federal Reserve?

My view: The evolutionary and experiential height of Western Culture is a heterosexual man and woman in love and sexual union working toward mutual orgasm with the intent of making a child.

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Came here to discuss FP’s take on the New York Magazine piece as well. I was also a huge fan, have listened to him for hundreds of hours as well and saw him live in Toronto last September. His star was waning for me before this piece as I noticed that he was saying a lot of things that are unscientific.

The behaviour is “gross”, as FP notes — and given he has sold himself as the model of how to live, I do think it matters. I also find it gross to suggest that being able to schedule such logistically difficult cheating is impressive. I think the people who read the piece and say “who cares” tend either to not have listened to him for as many episodes or are like “yeah bruh!”

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Or just genuinely do not care.

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Fair - I guess I’m suggesting it’s hard to not care if you feel like you knew him well from years of listening to him. What I’m really saying is it’s hard for me!

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I understand then. I am not a podcast afficionado. Rob Henderson did an article on him today too.

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New York magazine, the cheap rag NY version of People magazine doesn’t give adult women agency but does children who want to change their gender at 12. Well said Suzy!

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I think this story matters for Huberman’s listeners because we trusted him. Maybe it’s naive, but I’d assumed the man had become successful in his quest for health- both mind and body by utilizing the information he was giving out for free. To find out that behind doors he’s just an insecure psychopath (truly) was quite a shock. He isn’t just an immoral man, he’s a bad man.

Knowing he told a woman he proclaimed to love over and over that she was worthless for mating with another man before they had even met, whilst sleeping with her (and half a dozen others) and trying to have a baby with her is just beyond sick. He likes messing with women’s heads and it seems his colleagues as well. His immaturity is shocking. Blows my mind that people think this article was a hit job or these things don’t mean anything in the greater scheme of things. Does character not matter at all now?

The protocols didn’t work for Andrew. He’s a mess. I’ll no longer be listening to him.

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His body may be healthy but his mind is sick. I'm sorry I ever heard of him.

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Same! His appeal had already waned for me, but after reading this, I immediately deleted his podcast.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Thank you, and AMEN!!

Examining our tendency to excuse gross moral failure in “our guy” but view it as unpardonable in “the other side’s guy” is a traditional blind spot for modern humanity.

As is the lack of attention given to marriage being [I’ll be so bold as to characterize it as]UNARGUABLY the most important institution. Even Huberman would do well to include in his science the proven health benefits of a solid marriage. I’ve listened to him a little (can’t ignore the guy when your maiden name was Huber) but does he acknowledge that?

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Don'r blame the player blame the game.

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I agree. I think the NYMAG reporting was a bit salacious but his actions were indeed pretty dastardly. If he had been doing the same thing but been honest with the women involved, it would be a non-story. But, instead we have a serial liar having unprotected sex with a bunch of different women while, it seems, trying to have a baby with one of them.

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Same here. I'm a huge Huberman fan, a premium subscriber to his podcast, and am very disappointed, if this reporting is true. Understanding that his personal life his own but I assumed he had a better moral compass than this. I would like to hear him address the claims directly in his Q&A.

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Is Boeing tied to the Clinton's? Asking for a friend as it seems lots of self inflicted wounds dealing with both.

Bridge, why wasn't the pylons built with the island around them in a heavy traffic channel? Not sure it would have helped, but probably couldn't have hurt. Would like to see some stories on the workers who sacrificed themselves. I am sure in a well run, efficient, woke, fiscally responsible city like Baltimore, all the proper maintenance was done. Ship has history of issues, but just make the next run as time is money. Now the lawyers are lining up for their pay day.

How Old Do I Look? Who gives a rats ass! Get a life and stop basing your worth on some phony criteria in your rattled brain.

Huberman, never heard of him and wish now I still had that kind of peace. Why do women chase bad men who crap on them? Well, also guys. What do you think will be gained from being in a relationship with a self loving ego driven user? God people, wake up and stop being used.

Why is there even a debate over shutting borders? How stupid as a nation can we be to even be discussing this? Does Egypt have an open border with Gaza? Does Mexico arrest you without valid entry permits? Walk into China or Russia, maybe lovely N Korea without documents. What is the big problem with Western Society to think we are some how being nice and loving by letting in those who seek illegal entry (really, really it is against Fed Law to do that), don't pay taxes (fake argument of the Libs), send money out of the country, commit crimes, wave their shitty countries flag like they are proud of the lousy hole they left? Damn, we have really stupid elected leaders only interested in money, power, and self.

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Why is there even a debate over shutting borders? How stupid as a nation can we be to even be discussing this?

I don't know. Maybe ask Bari? I can't imagine any serious person asking such a question but liberalism dies hard.

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Bruce, I recall an article after Trump's election directed at people who said, "That's it, I'm leaving the country now." The article said "It's really not easy to emigrate, and here are some of the obstacles that Canada/Mexico/the UK/Australia put up when trying to move there."

Ironic, ain't it.

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There is no debate about shutting the border, which is why TFP is still desperately trying to sell 100 tickets. A debate require two plausible sides to an issue. And Cenk Uyghur? I’d rather have a root canal than listen to that moron.

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I could actually have made arrangements to be able to go to this debate (unlike the first one, which I was very interested in), but when I saw the topic and the names of the debaters, I decided not to bother.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Lol, what's next - is the sky blue? I'll go see one which asks "should we deport them all now? Or next week?"

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It’s not stupid leaders we have but stupid voters. And a lot of them. It’s starts in the school system too.

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It is not voters though. It is ballots harvested from heaven knows where by Lord knows whom. But $402,000,000 of it was funded by Zuckerburg.

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Exactly Lynne.

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It starts with their parents, who are the products of that same school system.

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Both? Could it not be both?

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Yes it definitely could be both.

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Not so sure it’s stupid voters, I think it’s more about a stupid voting system that’s easily manipulated.

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"Why is there even a debate over shutting borders?"

I recently got exposed to the minds of the Leftists on this and it's really enlightening. Basically, they've somehow equated shutting the borders to Trump. And since anything Trump is evil and they must oppose, they must now oppose shutting the borders. I kid you not.

What happened was, I was on another forum which is a left space where someone brought up the fact that a lot of military-aged Chinese are crossing the border, and they obviously are not victims seeking asylum, and might be CCP spies. I replied that I agreed. A woke moron then replied to me and asked, "What would you do, lock them out?" I replied emphatically Yes. It's the law. The woke moron then accused me of "sounding like Trump," and how could someone on that forum can be supporting Trump positions." It was crazy! I never considered for a moment that shutting the borders is a Trump position. I replied that every functioning country on earth have closed borders, and people need visas to travel and enter foreign countries. Unfortunately the mods closed the discussion because the topic was irrelevant (it was irrelevant as the forum was for a very specific subject and the border was a divergence). So I didn't get further insight into how much farther this brain rot goes.

But it truly terrifies me to know there are Leftists out there now who fundamentally believe our borders should be open and anyone should be able to waltz across. Makes me wonder why I need to my passport to re-enter the country, or that draconian universal ID on my driver's license to board a plane for a domestic flight.

These are the same idiots who would support Hamas just to be "against white people" or something like that. And they're now successfully equating free speech with "right wing", ergo free speech is evil. Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn have been talking about this.

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I'm curious too why the FP got Coulter to debate the pro side. I fear they are setting up that side to "lose" by choosing someone who the left loves to call unhinged.

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Ann Coulter now hates Trump and has posted on social media that the best thing Trump could do for the country is “he could die”. She is putting herself forward as a reformed conservative. Still conservative, just no longer radical.

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I don't know. Saying someone should die sounds pretty radical still, and at the very least bombastic.

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We are talking about Ann Coulter remember.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Per your statement regarding Huberman, “jacked, attractive, smart, successful men tend to date multiple women at the same time and then lie about it.” Huberman displays narcissistic tendencies, lacking the integrity and respect that good men demonstrate towards their partners, which includes honesty and genuine honor.

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While what you say Jim is certainly true, the bigger point I think is how New York magazine chose this story, over 8,000 words worth. It’s a larger statement about how and why powerful editors select which stories to publish.

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Vanity, a cousin of human nature, lives and now thrives courtesy of social media. And letting us know what Gisele eats and wears , and who sleeps with who or what, adds fuel to the fire. And I thought feminism was going to help women be less vain. And the beat goes on ( a signature song for a now 80 year old who reinforces this point perfectly).

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Interesting that all the photos of people asking how old they look are women. My guess is that most of the critical comments will be from other women but that the first idiot male who decides to weigh in will be crucified by female posters and every male on the planet will be implicated along with him.

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But what is a woman?

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Don't ask SCOTUS!

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“I am not a biologist” per the latest Biden appointment in the SCOTUS. She is so annoying and condescending!

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Hey TheFP, are you a shill for “behind the paywall publications”? How about making arrangements for “free to read” the referenced article in exchange for the promotion of the source?

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I would much rather TFP link to other Substacks that are worth reading. The corporate legacy media is dying and we should ignore it.

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And offer additional subscriptions at a discount. It is just getting expensive to subscribe to many awesome authors.

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Yes, SO IRRITATING. I have zero interest in an Atlantic subscription.

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Your public library might offer online access to electronic magazines and newspapers. It's how I get access to the Wall Street Journal.

(And to think I used to give them $500 a year for a subscription. Good lord.)

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Thank you for this! My library offers so much access I didn't know about. Wonderful tip!

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The FP's Instagram posts include gratis screenshots of the paywall articles.

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I’m not sure I can see the entire NYT or other articles?

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Biden very quick to say that taxpayers will rebuild the bridge without a trace of who is responsible. At the same time blaming all Biden’s blunders on Trump. And using tax payer money to bailing out students who took out loans after they agreed to pay them back.

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Where's all that infrastructure money? Oh, yeah, building ev charging stations. If Biden wants to get a bridge built, send in Ron Desantis.

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There's another high-profile guy who's actually built stuff... just sayin'...

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You'd think NY would remember those investments.

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Once again, he commits tax payer dollars to pay for something when he doesn’t have that Constitutional authority.

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What does "The US should shut its borders" mean? Accept zero legal immigrants? Do a better job of filtering immigrants before accepting them? Stepping up measures on the border so that no (sic! fewer) illegal immigrants can come in? Deporting illegal immigrants already in the country?

I hope they do a better job of defining the question before the debate takes place.

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How about enforcing the laws on the books, which is the putative job of the President, who swears to uphold the law? How about we build a wall, ask people who want to immigrate here to ASK first, evaluate them a bit to make sure they are not nuts, violent, or likely to wind up on the dole, and then issue a predetermined number of immigration visas?

You know, like it has worked for a hundred years or more.

And yes, we need to deport all the people here illegally already. That is the only way to ensure that breaking our laws is not rewarded.

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Yes the job of the president is to enforce the law. When he or she fails to do that they should be impeached and removed for incompetence. But when the president actively subverts our laws that is an entirely different matter. And while not precisely meeting the Constitutional definition of "treason" it's about as close as one can get to it.

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If it's like the TFP debate on the sexual revolution, both sides will make concessions and question the nature of the proposition (not complaining).

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I just want to know exactly what the proposition is - "shut the border" is not very clear.

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You have to explain it to grown adults who think their contrarianism and petulance is a fine substitute for actual intelligence.

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It is indicia that it is not a legitimate debate when the "proposition" as framed leaves room for only reasonable conclusion.

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My book about a crazy HOA community is now available on Amazon. They Seem Like Such Nice People. If you live in one, you’ll relate.

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Yay! Just ordered my copy and it will arrive on Friday.

Was hoping it was available on Kindle... oh well, I 'll have to re-learn how to turn pages, lol! ; )

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I am sure that it will reflect MY 6 years involved on, or with, my former HOA.

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Cenk Uygur? Am I reading this correctly? Why on earth would the FP want anything to do with him? I will most definitely NOT be watching. Seriously disappointed.

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I concur. A particularly unpleasant idiot. Why would anyone give a crap what he has to say.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

The whole event is wholly unserious. If you invite Uygur and Coulter (never heard of the other two), you are planning a shouting match between moderately articulate screaming wingnuts. Coulter can at least occasionally be reasonable, but Uygur can't get the first half of a sentence out of his gullet without revealing his hate-filled moronity. The debate proposition itself is a strawman. Very few people want to shut the borders completely. What most of us want is to shut the borders to illegal immigrants according to the laws passed by, among others, Joe Biden when he was in the Senate. Yes, seriously disappointed FP. This debate will subtract from our society's level of discourse on the border, which is hard to do.

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Suzy coos "Nicole Shanahan, the ex-wife of Google founder Sergey Brin who is also possibly the ex-fling of Tesla founder Elon Musk, has been chosen as the presidential running mate of everyone else’s ex, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Mazel tov! (WSJ)."

Mazel tov? Why? Mumbles picks a 38 year old Biden supporter to be his running mate. Showing nothing more than his horrible judgment. The more you look at his campaign positions the worse he looks.

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Not a running mate to signal that he's a viable candidate.

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Huberman: white, male toxicity? Sad women doing stupid things? Russian collusion? Trump is definitely involved. Did Huberman work for Epstein? Were any of the women named Floyd? A suggestion for a new cable series, The Women of Huberman! We can guess how old they are or look.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 28

Thanks for the Politico link to Jamaal Bowman, the former school principal who could not distinguish a fire alarm from a door opener. His comments, “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda¨, can never be walked back. These comments give the true measure of this man. I hope George Latimer ousts him in November. (Bari and Nellie - when you go to vote, remember that these are the people from whom Biden takes his walking orders.)

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