
Please Douglas submit this piece as an OpEd to the WSJ. Folks beyond this subscription community must read it.

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Or the New York Times?

Oh wait.........

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"New York Times...a former newspaper."

Andrew Klavan

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NYT, a radical left wing, propaganda, rag sheet. I would bet the staff and reporters (propagandists) are rooting for Hamas and for the slaughter and destruction of Israel.

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No betting required. This is why Bari Weiss no longer works there.

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She may have left the NYT but I'll bet she still votes Dem/Soc.

I have said this before, a Jew voting Dem/Soc is like chickens picketing in support of Colonel Sanders.

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I'm Jewish and I don't totally disagree with your analogy. But I know you, Lonesome, and you're much further to the right than I am. By the way, that's not a criticism, it's just an observation.

But after the events of 2020, I detached myself from the insanity of progressive politics. None of my Jewish friends and family did that; just me. Initially I had suffered from a minor case of TDS, but I lost it once I saw how fanatical and irrational it was. It's like a security blanket for these people, an addiction. When someone close to me told me recently that Anthony Fauci is a highly respected scientist and an honorable man who always tells the truth, I knew there was nothing in this universe that could bridge the chasm between us, and I quit trying. ALL these people are voting for Biden, if he's still breathing, and even if he isn't.

Re: Bari's voting habits and my own, for that matter, you're probably right that she won't vote Republican, but that goes for me too. I love what the Red states are doing regarding DEI and trans, but I'm a pro-abortion atheist and that's a foundational issue for me. However, I can't vote Democrat as long as they support the trans disaster and identity politics and make new wars. That could be a permanent condition. But I believe in voting, so I'll vote third party candidate or a write-in, for what it's worth.

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I've had a similar experience. My eyes opened when I witnessed the so-called righteous social justice warriors raging, excluding and attacking people who didn't do exactly what they did, initially at women's marches and BLM rallies. Remember there are already restrictions on abortion, even in the blue states. The fear mongering from the left about losing your right to an abortion is just that. Don't let them scare you from voting for the better option.

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Please, please, please do not be a single issue voter. I think the extreme abortion fervor on both sides will play itself out. In the meantime your voice needs to be heard. And not just at the presidential level. DAs, judges, state legislators matter and it is where we as individuals have the best chance of being heard. If you really cannot stomach a particular candidate because of their abortion position then just leave it blank. Undervotes get noticed.

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Thanks for the honest assessment. I am not as far right as you think I am. In some ways I am a moderate. I believe you know how I feel about Trump. Biden disgusts me and I believe the Dems recognized he is senile but voted for him anyway. Having a senile indecisive pathological liar as president puts the whole nation at risk. What if he gets a call in the middle of the night from the WH situation room about imminent national security threat. The guy can't figure out which way to turn to exit a stage. How is he going to make a decision that may hold the future of the US a stake?

Plus, you know how I feel about the Dem party. The Dems have turned into the party of tyranny. We cannot chance them staying in power they have gone too far left.

Trump scares me but the Dems frighten me more so with great trepidation I will vote for Trump over any Dem candidate. I am hoping I won't have to. I am hoping the Reps pick another candidate over Trump.

A vote for a third party is a vote for the Dems.

I like you am an atheist. I am not antireligion. I am prolife but I am not a fanatic. I will not tell a woman what she can do with her body but I believe abortion is murder.

I really liked your post.

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The abortion issue is back before the 50 states where it belongs. With so many free birth control options available, it's amazing to me that we still abort over 600,000 babies annually. Is that just laziness or ignorance in some cases? Anyways, I see this issue going away over the next 50 years as the states slowly converge towards what the voters want, whatever that evolves to be. In the meantime, live in a state where your abortion preferences are reflected in the statutes.

I'm with you on the 3rd Party idea - Trump vs. marxists we call Democrats is guaranteed chaos either way.

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Beeswax, you are correct: Jewish democrats will vote democrat, again. You have eloquently articulated why. So I will not repeat.

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An interesting conumdrum you face. I, also, cannot support Biden but the alternative (if it is Trump) is not acceptable either. Wait and see. It will be an interesting election season I suspect.

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I am not religious, either, Beezwax.

I don't think abortion is going away in this country. The Left wants it up to the time of birth which makes me want to tip the scales toward the religious right now. I trust them more... as the Left just has its own Radical Secular Religion. I think we need to let individual states work it out for themselves over time. Having a baby isn't the worst thing ever so I am not so convinced about dire... but I do hear you. I remember when abortion was sold as Safe Legal and Rare and I was onboard. We have lost that plot for sure as it appears to be a form of birth control these days.

I've learned that most abortions now are by pill. I think the pro abortion politicians these days find outlier cases to upset people. And, as you know, Planned Parenthood makes more money handing out synthetic opposite sex hormones to young people than it does with birth control and abortion.

"Planned Parenthood-You've sold out Women and Children

You are letting down women and children to gain new markets"


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It's the fear of losing one's friends and social circle

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but think about what might actively work to benefit our nation. I am an independent and tend to vote 3rd party (because as a NYer I know my vote is pretty meaningless, the DNC has this state sewed up!) but maybe it's time to hold your nose and go Red?!

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It's the uniparty. Neither one is good for the Republic.

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Well, Beeswax, then you get what you vote for.

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Perhaps it would be more meaningful to yourself and to others to think about voting for someone who is not an incumbent, not a career politician looking to step up in the political pecking order, and who is not pushing the progressive mantra in the face of common sense and moral imperatives.

That may be a person identifying as a Democrat or a person identifying as a Republican. They are just labels.

In many states both blue and red, one may never get elected even though one might be the best candidate because the state is so lopsided in its political identification. In Maryland, your chances are far better for election if you come out as a D. Same for the Rs in Florida. California? Definitely a D. Same too with Illinois in the D column, and Ohio in the R.

Perhaps as a guide, ask yourself these questions: Has our federal government taken too much control over the affairs of our lives, or is it time for the federal government to have its wings trimmed? Is it right to have Washington dictate how schools teach our children? Would local control be as effective and more satisfying than having Washington with the final say?

When you are comfortable with the answers to these overarching issues, vote for the candidate who most closely represents your viewpoint...even if it is a dastardly Republican.

Many of us conservatives hold very liberal (dictionary definition) views.

I am a supporter of our constitutionally republican form of government whereby enumerated powers provide federal authority, and all rights and powers are left to the states themselves to exercise. I believe in the First Amendment prohibition that Congress shall make no laws that restrict the freedom of speech, of religion, of assembly, and of the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. I believe in the presumption of innocence of the accused, I believe in the right of a person to be secure in his own home and not be subject to unreasonable search and seizure. As noted above, I believe that rights not specifically granted to federal authority are reserved to our state and local governments. I believe that discrimination for race, sex, sexual orientation national origin should be and is unconstitutional. I believe that ALL of the rights, privileges, and prohibitions of our Constitution are applicable in all matters of the Several States.

I am AGAINST granting the Executive Branch's administrative actors creating policy and law through regulation without some sort of political check from Congress. (Remember the making of law in our Constitution is the sole and exclusive right of Congress.) I am against a federal bureaucracy that can redefine my daily life through administrative fiat. I oppose not being able to hold the federal bureaucracy accountable. I believe that Congress has abrogated its Constitutional duty to set policy through legislation tested in the political process.

I believe my views to be reasonable and would be more than willing to engage in dialog about them. I sense, though, that any differences we might have reduce to determining how we resolve my concerns. There are any number of ways to resolutions that can be debated; I hold no view that my suggestions might be superior.

I am more than willing to vote for ANY Democrat who subscribes to my thinking of where our country is heading and how to get there expeditiously.

Would you join me in the approach to determining our political leadership?

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If all the names and roles were reversed in this essay, and it were made to be about the suffering of innocents in Gaza, the NYT would publish it in a New York minute.

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You don’t have to bet it’s guaranteed they are rooting for Hamas.

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I bet you’re right.

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NYT staff would break out their "From the river to the sea chant"

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LOVED the comments in the video!!!

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Wow! And that was 12 years ago!

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Truth hurts. Especially when plain spoken.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Yeah, Bruce - I know this goes against the narrative of the first 200 commenters here, NYT (BAD BAD Woke rag!!) but the two following links, should you care to explore, come close (without the emotion, though) to where Murray is. For what its worth:



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Thank you for writing this honest broker memorial. It’s so important there be witnesses While it’s inexplicable what Hamas did, it’s more inexplicable there are people who agree like 74% of gazans and even more inexplicable the hate from around the world and in our country.

I don’t know the answer but it cannot be to give in to evil. It must be eradicated.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Part of the answer is to stop quavering in the face of true evil. Why is Ilan Omar still in our country after having committed immigration fraud? Why is Tlaib still sitting in Congress? Why have foreign students who harass our own American Jewish students at universities not been immediately deported? Why?

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Why? Because too many of us have become cowards. Too concerned about blow back to speak up and denounce. Too lazy to read and understand history. So much easier to be spoonfed what to think and then believe you are a virtuous defender of a colonized victim group.

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And because our clueless president and others still think there can be a peaceful two state solution. Would you want a next door neighbor whose sole purpose was to murder you? In most history of wars, the only resolution has been complete defeat and surrender of one side of the conflict. There is no other lasting solution.

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Funny, we never hear about a two state solution for the Ukraine--Russia conflict

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Nope the Israelis are much more newsworthy. Israelis and Jews are media and print foder - in Professor Dershowitz words “if it bleeds it leads” and this is exactly what has happen this time round to, except the savagery and the brutality of Hamas, Gazans and Palestinians in the 21st century is beyond belief. Think it’s going to be very difficult to eradicate please God the Israelis succeed.

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That’s because there was a two-state arrangement in place until Russia violated it by invading Ukraine and seizing Crimea and part of Eastern Ukraine. And now it falls to Ukraine to try to defeat the Russian invader and re-establish the two independent countries.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

We heard about a three state solution for seven or eight years... from Moscow until they got fed up and annexed.

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Yes, they must fight until belligerence on one side is eliminated.

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Mille grazie to you Douglas Murray for invoking Oriana Fallaci’s name. She, like you, saw clearly what Islamism is and also spoke of it with impeccable courage.and candor. We must now to take seriously her admonition made nearly 25 years ago regarding Islam, “Wake up, West, wake up! They have declared war on us, we are at war! And war we must fight”. Time to take that proverbial “leap over Niagara Falls “.

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I found this substack by Yuri Bezmenov - the reprint of Vaclev Havel's explanation into the post communist world of control to be very instructional. https://open.substack.com/pub/yuribezmenov/p/power-of-the-powerless-vaclav-havel?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=fuu7o

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Bruce, I believe that those are rhetorical questions, because you KNOW the answer, but it is too risky to voice it, even in the USA, the supposed bastion of "free speech"! The sad fact of the matter is that the same conditions that existed in Israel that allowed "palestinians" to enter their country as workers already exists in the USA! Belief that all people want peace and love is the common denominator, and that if we show love and support to the Gazans, then they will be thankful and want to propagate peace in the area. But that is a FALSE god of peace. They all want death, so give it to them, and then turn out those despicable people who support the death cult. George Santos gets turned out for LYING? But those who support Hamas are allowed to spout their hate in Congress without sanction? What is wrong with this picture? You KNOW!

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Then let's stop being cowards. Now. Stand up. Or everything we hold dear will be lost.

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Bravery is not a quality that is admired in our Congress, much less the actual populace of this country. Cowardice is easy because it involves saying nothing and doing nothing in the face of evil. And bravery is rarely rewarded with re-election.

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Remember when James O’Keefe parked a van in front of Pfizer HQ and ran a loop of that guy who described all sorts of Pfizer dirt to a potential date? (Wonder whatever happened to that guy). Anyway, how about vans driving around NYC with videos of the atrocities? Sometimes all that works is shock. Let’s give it to them.

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Then Rush was right, as he so often was. He kept saying the default position of the world is brutality and war.

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Rush didn't author that belief. It has been around for quite a while. The natural condition of mankind, according to Thomas Hobbes, is a state of war in which life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” because individuals are in a “war of all against all”

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Did I say Rush authored that? Why no I didn’t. I said Rush said it all the time.

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Just making an observation, here. Rush was an observer of the human condition, so it was impossible to NOT know the above quote. He may not have quoted Hobbes word for word, but he DID know the human condition.

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Patton said war is part of human nature (paraphrased).

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AH yes, and this brings up an uncomfortable fact that conflict brings about human flourishing. General peace leads to apathy and stagnation. The human being needs tension and conflict in order to stretch and grow. It is like lifting weights, you must have pain in order to have growth. Not WAR, necessarily, but that is the ultimate stressor.

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Are you at war with your wife and kids, your siblings and parents, your friends and neighbours? Do you take time out to kick NYT journalists in the balls? No mate, we are not in a war of all against all. Don't be silly.

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These were not MY words, they were the words of philosopher Thomas Hobbes, (1588–1679). And yes, we ALL are in conflict with each other. The problem is that you may define conflict as physical fighting. Conflict is the state of competing interests bumping up against each other. Husband/wife/children/ family, you cannot deny that there are no competing interests, even in the most stable of families. The key to survival though is compromise, learning how to balance those interests. On the MACRO scale this means national interests, and here also there needs to be compromise to function well. War is just the breakdown in compromise into physical confrontation.

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A lot of our sociopolitical ideas probably derive from the basic conflict between Hobbes’ views and Locke’s views. Using a VERY broad brush, the Lockian side would correspond to “liberalism”; the Hobbesian side to “conservativism”.

I think that’s what Mr. Moore was referencing...

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Why? Muslim immigration.

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And we must get rid of Tik Tok! If India can outlaw Tik Tok, we can as well. What happened to that initiative?

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Any journey starts with one small step.

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Say, you've hit on something Our Government does brilliantly! Building Evil for brain-dead reasons! As you say, the CCP that was gonna evolve to be Just Like Us! The Iranians, who were gonna be the counterweight to Israel in the middle east and result in Wonderfulness! (Must be others but the chemo brain kicked in...)

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Yes, the idea that Iran would become a respectful regional power that could balance Israel, has been proven wrong.

But do you think Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Tony Blinken would acknowledge that foolishness ?

Not a chance.

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The Republican Cheney Presidency intentionally destroyed the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE (in reporting/journalism) and created the polarized propagandist ping pong non dialogue now battering, abusing and distorting the healthy American national conversation that "..we the people..." deserve. Thankfully "subscription journalism" has allowed us a fall back position.

So, how powerful is a truth/fact based social/political/financial reality? Is it possible to remain sane in a madhouse? We're going to find out.

I agree: TikTok is symptom not disease. And the disease is (again) 20th Century A-Bomb retro politics running cover for an ascending would be criminal financial world monarchy. It is purely the same hubris and runaway pathological narcissism and megalomania which, despite any ideological belief, senselessly murdered millions of human beings last Century. Boiled to basics, regardless of any shiny objects in the jungle path, it is about fascist access to cheap throwaway labor and the exploitation of natural resources without consequence. Crisis to manufactured crisis, no solutions forthcoming, behind it all, the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history. Capital (DNC/CCP/EU/Davos etc.) has abandoned the American Constitutional Republic and is betting that cultural/social/financial collapse, chaos and division will bring free citizens to their knees. None of this is new phenomena. There is no one in this conversation who can't provide examples. New jackboot. Different shine.

The connection you draw between Western" capital" and the CCP, regardless of propagandist saber rattling, is important. The GRAYZONE recently ran a NATO propaganda film outlining the intent to rebuild the Ukraine as, for all practical purposes, a "fifteen minute" country. The RACKET NEWS report on corporate attempts to overlay a CCP style surveillance system on the American Republic can not be overlooked. Now add Professor Shoshana Zuboff's 700 page report on surveillance capitalism and the literal commodification of human life by both corporate/tech fascism and the surveillance bureaucracy. Ultimately it is enslavement and exploitation without constraint, the gun thug and the company store all over again. A great leveling of both mind and spirit is underway. And, not by accident.

What has this to do with Mr. Murray's report? Hamas BILLIONAIRES control and are literally holding the Palestinian people hostage to an IDEOLOGICAL LIE. Don't want to go along? You die. Meanwhile you live a surveilled life in poverty amid squalor and cultural disintegration while working for below subsistence wages. It's good herd management. The preferred M.O. of all slavers. No education. No future. Dreamers die.


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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Omar will continue to get re-elected as most of her constituents are Sudanese, like her. Tlieb will continue to get re-elected as most of her constituents are Palestinian, like her. Not much we can do about that.

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Aayan Hirsi Ali is Somalian. And a far, far cry from.the odious Omar.

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Ayaan is a very special person for sure.

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I read Infidel shortly after it came out. One of the most important books I have read.

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I think Ilhan Omar is from Somalia, not Sudan.

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I think you’re correct…thanks.

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Yes, Somalia is correct.

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You are correct. She is in a very safe district.

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I agree

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Because foreign students are a big revenue source for colleges and universities, that is why.

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Much like Lenin's rope salesmen?

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For the same reasons Shitty Schiff in still in the House after lying about Trump. $$$

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"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

Just as true today as it was in the 19th century.

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They do this for the exact same reason. It is easier to arrest law abiding people than criminals! Easier is the name of the game in DC. Easier to push off responsibility to un-elected bureaucrats than to pass actual legislation that means something and accomplishes anything! Easier to go along with these (small number) loud voices, than to put them in their place and shut them up! Life isn't easy for anyone, except those in Congress.

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The glue that holds societies together is the law. One reason why America has prospered from the beginning is our fealty to the rule of law and the equal application of it.

These barbarians of the Left are the enemies of that. Biden - and his henchman, Garland - need to be called to account for their desecration of our rule of law.

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Perhaps it's simpler? As in: It doesn't matter who casts the ballots, it's who counts them.... It doesn't matter who makes the laws (or even what they are!), it's who enforces them.

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Well said. In essence it is what is meant by we the people as citizens, not subjects.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Unwokein Idaho

With respect, read the Koran and you will find that is not inexplicable. Indeed was predictable there would be an increase in support for Islamic terrorism once Barack Obama was elected POTUS.

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Here's the survey from a Palestinian institute in Ramallah that shows 78% Palestinians support the Oct 7 atrocities


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"I f*** knows what to do with a whole generation Hamas has indoctrinated into hate, then be my guest. Any takers? Any?

*** = anyone, anywhere. Lotta how we got here. Squat on solutions.

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I think it was a brutally cold and calculated observation. I also think more are in order.

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I saw it as more as a plaintive cry of hope that -- just maybe -- there IS a solution.

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I hope you are right, but I think I am.

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Don't get me wrong; I sure don't see it either.

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Hamas behaviour inexplicable, Unwoke?? They've been broadcasting this for over two decades..

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Israel, the Jewish people, and the civilized world have a friend in Douglas.

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Yes. Leave it to an atheist to do God’s work. Incredible reporting from a brilliant man. I don’t know how he does this, but I’m thankful he does.

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The god he doesn’t believe in, I don’t believe in either. But I can assure you, after I take Douglas to Katz’s and buy him a big ole pastrami on rye with a side of half sour pickles, a bowl of matzo ball soup, and a large cream soda, he’ll be singing “glory hallelujah”🙂✡️

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It is okay. You do not have to believe. He believes in you though.

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I’d like to join you in that celebration too.

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Cel -ray tonic.

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I think He uses the tools available.

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Yes.. We do. A man who proclaimed, in the aftermath of 10-7 that now "I am a Jew." In London, which is beset by acolytes of the Satanic Verses.

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Douglas Murray is a brave man with an unquenchable thirst for truth. We need more Douglas Murrays to expose the butchery, savagery and hate-soaked creed of Hamas and their toadies. To show how Palestinians who were treated kindly by Israelis betrayed them to the Hamas fiends.

Here in America we have the acolytes of butchery trying to destroy our traditions, culture and country. In NYC last night these vermin tried to disrupt the Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Could the battle lines be any clearer? When are decent Americans going to retake our streets? When are our institutions going to protect loyal and law abiding Americans? To deport foreign Hamas supporters and expel any university student harassing Jewish students? When are we going to say that supporting Hamas is unacceptable in our society? It starts with each of us. From this point on, if someone says they support Hamas, there will be consequences. We can all take a stand in our own way. But stand we must. As if our very lives depend on it. Because they do.

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If every true Hamas supporter (not the "free Palestine" ignorant morons who couldn't find the river or the sea on a map) were identified through face recognition and then fired from work or expelled from school and permanently blackballed, that might be an effective deterrent. These degenerates already think Jews control the world and nothing will change their mind, we might as well confirm it.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

There's a great video online of an idiot Hamasphile chalking the sidewalk at her college "From the River to the Sea..."

And when asked what river and what sea she is referring to - she can't answer, and gets angry that someone would even ask the question, and that it doesn't matter that she doesn't know the geographical landmarks in question.

This is what civilization is dealing with. As Mel Brooks put it succinctly in Blazing Saddles:

"The common clay of the new west. You know, Morons."

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When? When your DA’s stop prosecuting the citizens who step up.

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Daniel Penny's defense fund is over $2 million. But that's not enough. When his persecution begins it will be time to take to the streets in his defense.

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Why weren't there 2x the pro Christmas forces out there to match the Socialist, Islamist alliance from Hell? Considered too pro Jewish to counter the Hamas forces attacking Christmas?

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The reality is that non-Leftists are generally too busy living their lives to engage in protest. We're not "into" idea of wasting valuable time on public anger.

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When do we wake up to the fact that "too busy" = loser?

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Why would you type that?

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Because no one would hear me if I said it.

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That's a sad condition in which to exist.

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I get none of this from the media. The stories of the atrocities oh Hamas make me angrier each time I read a new one. The newest one was the workers Israel let in aiding and abetting Hamas. This foolishness that somehow Israel has a peace partner must stop. I hear how many terrorists is Israel creating rather than what are the Palestinians doing to prevent this from happening again? Hamas must be destroyed and the Gazans must realize that a repeat of this will make this strip of land. Potato farms to the sea.

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Agreed. The idea that Israel is making more terrorists presupposes Hamas weren’t making new generations of terrorists already. Their children learn to shoot before they learn to read.

Nothing that Israel does (short of dying) will make Hamas happy, or suddenly want peace with their neighbors. War is what they want. Yet here we are again, hearing Israel did this to themselves.

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I said this the first day. I wonder how long it will take for people to turn this around and blame Jewish people? It was about 3 days. The burden they carry should be a shared one. We have to be brave, even in conversations.

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It should be a shared burden simply because this is really a battle between good and evil that affects the entire planet Earth.

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The population of Gaza has doubled since Israel withdrew in 2005. Approximately 50% are 18 or under.

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Perfectly said, can you turn that to a memo and send to the PR departments for those who go onto the Sunday shows this weekend?

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Right ?

The pictures of all of the babies at the hospitals in Gaza prove this.

The place is a baby factory.

There are more hospitals per square mile than in many other civilized countries.

UNRWA then teaches them to be killers.

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They admit they intend to win by out breeding. I would hate to be a woman there.

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One can even pity those workers, who may be both perpetrators and victims. Besides having been brainwashed to believe in Hamas's "cause", they may also be under serious threat of harm to themselves and their families if they don't act as Hamas's spies.

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Okay, we can all agree that Gaza is a miserable, over populated shit-hole, right? Now ask yourself why. Is it because the Israelis have locked them in the equivalent of a concentration camp, as many claim?

Have the poor Palestinians been so oppressed that they have literally had nothing better to do than copulate since being handed the real estate they have occupied since 2005? In just eighteen years of incarceration they have increased their population in what they knew was a specific, limited piece of land from 1.3 million to 2.8 million. As they did so, they did almost nothing toward developing infrastructure for civil life. They dug tunnels. Stockpiled weapons. Fabulously enriched a few "leaders"

Now, let's imagine a universe in which Palestinians, being handed a home replete with highly developed greenhouse capacity, and an amazing coastline on the Mediterranean; Imagine if they had simply gone to work and controlled their breeding. Imagine if they hadn't devoted millions of man hour digging tunnels. That they instead poured all this endless energy into agriculture and tourism, rather than Jew hatred. Do you really think Israel would have hindered that? Or celebrated that? Hell, maybe even have invested in that?

It is patently unfair that Israel controls power and water to Gaza. What if they didn't? What if Gazans had insisted that the billions in foreign aid be used to build those things? Whose fault is it they don't have these services for themselves? I would suggest that it is Israel's fault. Had they not been so generous to provide these things, maybe the poor Palestinians would have realized they should, and could provide them for themselves. It's something of a welfare quandary.


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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Facts are stubborn things. Pity our universities no longer teach them. Instead they inculcate witless young fools to screech about the "genocide" of Palestinians. If Hitler's genocide had been like Israel's alleged Palestinian "genocide," European Jewry would have doubled, rather than have been almost eliminated entirely.

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Exactly. If Hitler practiced genocide the way Israel apparently does, then there would have been an extra 12 million Jews under 17 in Germany by 1945.

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Another contrast: Mr. Murray tells us that billboards in Israel are full of pictures of the hostages to remember what has been lost.

Meanwhile, in New York, people who blame Israelis for the horror of October 7, tear down hostage pictures wherever they are posted.

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having seen the West Bank firsthand, the Palestinian farms were mostly ragged, uncared for spots of land patrolled by Bedouins on cell phones, while the Israeli farms were producing vegetables and fruit. That's how much they care about their future.

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The Bedouins produce poppies and hash for the international drug trade.

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And the radical Islamists financed by Iran are not welcome in any other Muslim country.

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This is analogous to the race-hustlers in academia who spend more time rooting out racism than producing actual academic scholarship.

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They seem to lack the capacity for higher thought and unity.

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A heart wrenching report. Thank you Mr Murray.

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How could anyone read this writing and NOT feel deep, deep sorrow and anguish for the people of Israel--the living and the dead? My heart will always be with those who perished and those who are here to cope with the reality of the horrible situation in Israel. Americans who are marching on behalf of the Palestinians at this present moment must understand the evil behind Hamas and its leaders who are enjoying themselves in luxurious surroundings in Qatar.

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They are the new KKK, Nazis. We need to call them out.

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The face-masking Kaffiyeh is the new pointy hat with eye holes.

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Thank you Douglas Murray. For you to have such moral clarity on this issue is very helpful, especially for me personally since I value your insight ( I've been a fan of yours for quite some time.) I'm so glad you are here in Israel. Everyday is heartbreaking in so many ways. But seeing how so many people around the world really feel about jews and Israel, and worse, feel comfortable saying so, has been the most heartbreaking. Again, thank you for being a constant and reliable light in the darkness.

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I couldn't read this straight through; I had to stop and wipe away the tears.

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I had to stop reading when I came to the part about the 10 month old baby. And the teenage boys. Ugh. As a Mom, it makes me shudder. I have been haunted by all of the stories since this began. I know that it is important and vital to know what’s happening but it’s really hard.

I’m a PreK teacher assistant. Our 4 year olds are so innocent and precious. Since Oct 7, when I look at my little ones sweet faces, there have been many times I have had to divert my mind for fear of breaking down in front of them. Please, Lord, help us

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Ben Shapiro recently showed a clip of a Palestinian kindergarten graduation. 5 year olds acting out a shooting and bombing attack complete with pint sized uniforms and faux weapons they had been trained to hold and use. We wonder how a culture can breed an army of serial killers and sexual sadists who revel in the torture of children? Now you know.

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Their children are brainwashed.

It will take 2 generations to eliminate this problem.

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Oh my. That is horrible.

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I was too angry to weep. Especially with what happened in New York City last night.

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I live in Georgia, but I have not heard! WHAT happened?

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Any “oppressor” cannot be seen to have any humanity. Any unpalatable truths must be dismissed as propaganda or lies or justified as a reaction by the “oppressed” caused by the “oppressor”, nothing must be allowed to sully the narrative or slow the trajectory of the “revolution”. It is the culmination of years of an ideology saturating our institutions. Strap your seatbelts we are in for a bumpy ride.

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Hamas proxies tried to prevent the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and then chanted burn it down.

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I’m sitting here wondering - What else can they do to show us who they really are? Because the left still doesn’t believe them. In a California counsel meeting people were clamoring over themselves to say Israel did this - literally killed their own people for publicity. After everything Hamas did to document it they still can’t get credit!

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I really can’t understand the hubris of these people who think they know what Hamas is about better than Hamas does themselves. They must be completely delusional. How in the world can you really think that Israel did this to itself? How in the world can you really think that Hamas is some resistance fighter group? If you are THAT out of touch with reality then maybe you need to be put in an asylum somewhere…

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Notice how Gavin Newsom is speaking out to calm these vile racist attacks that appear to threaten the safety of Jews living in Oakland? His silence is appalling and a cowardly bending to the demands of the raving ignorant mob.

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I hope this educates some liberal and moderate New Yorkers. The next target after Jews are Hindus, and after that Christians. They are showing their hand

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they must be punished, send them to Gaza,

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Perhaps if they start interfering with good American Christian's the world will get it and act. I'm afraid until then we are stuck reliant on an aging population in America who thankfully remember war - and the need to stand up and face intractable evil.

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Christians? Maybe; it's a holiday (small "h'," mind you) tree, don'tcha know...

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Sadly, I’ve been desensitized and was able to read through the entire article.

That’s not good at all.


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Same here.

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Me too

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Me too!

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Me too

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Incredibly impactful writing and the best quotation ever: 'Life is something you’ve got to fill up well, without wasting any time. Even if you break it by filling it too full.' (Oriana Fallaci)

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The writing in this brief essay is worth the price of my subscription; and then some. Douglas Murray is a man with immense character. This is a facet of the truth put forth by Seneca, the bravest sight in the world is seeing a great man struggle against adversity. Mr. Murray goes to those places where these stories play out, like the West Coast of the U.S. during/after the riots there, and these was zones. He exposes himself to the best and the worst of humanity so he can know the difference - and choose. He writes like a warrior poet and you can be certain that he believes that line about filling his life, even if it breaks it. I pray his doesn't get broken there.

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Douglas, thank you for being an absolute superstar since the 7 October attacks. Your honest, unflinching perspective is very much appreciated. I'm praying for your ongoing safety.

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There is no "Two State solution" to Palestine; there is no peace with Hamas or their murderous ideology. The Jews have a right to exist; Hamas and the terrorists don't, and anyone who sides with Hamas is a terrorist. The choice is as simple as that. We waste a lot of time and emotion trying to distinguish between the varying degrees of antisemitism among the Palestinians, but in the end they all would cheer the elimination of the Jews.

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The most mealymouthed antisemites like to point out that it's not excusable, but it is "explicable" because of "occupation and apartheid."

Bullshit. Anyone who can explain what Hamas did, probably can cook up an idea why what Pol Pot and Hitler did was "explicable" too.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

If there is no 'two state solution' then the alternative is what - a one state solution? If so, Palestinians (without Hamas) in time would soon outnumber Israelis in their own land. Now that is a bad scenario.

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This is the answer that should have happened on day 1: Force Egypt to take Gaza and Jordan to take the West Bank. That's it. Make the "Palestinians" live in real countries (relatively speaking) with real governments (ibid) and real law enforcement agencies (ditto) to which they must be accountable.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

They don’t want them and didn’t want them then. Even if we threw them money. That’s obvious.

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“But for every returnee, you remember those still in Gaza”


Not sure if this is true but I heard the son of an Israeli surgeon, who saved the life of one of the Hamas leaders, is still in Gaza.

Don’t worry, Biden and his team of empathetic hermaphrodites are on top of this.


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I went to YouTube to search for a video but all I could find were propaganda pieces about those evil j00z mercilessly slaughtering the poor innocent Palestinians. But the clip I was searching for was the interview of a Palestinian woman whose son’s life was being saved in an Israeli hospital. She expressed gratitude to the staff and doctors, because now her son could grow up to be a martyr for Palestine.

I never thought I’d see ordinary people support such evil and depravity, while ignoring the obvious benefits the other side brings to the world. It’s depressing to see these idiots using Israeli technology to cheer on the death cult whose greatest innovation has been the suicide bomb vest.

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Yeah this is why when I hear “women and children!!” I point out that they are also Nazis.

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I seem to recall Eva Braun and Leni Riefenstahl weren't exactly innocents back in the 40s.

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To be fair, at least the suicide vest kills the wearer. So there's that.

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I watched that video a few years ago and wish everyone could see it.

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Wow ..... just Wow!

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Critical, necessary reporting! Thank you for your courage and candor. “...buried with his surfboard.” My soul aches.

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Yes, as a father, a surfer and a dad of surfers, that one particularly tore me up. To bury one's son......

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