
I emailed the free press awhile back. I also live in Washington and I’m an LMHC. If you need help setting up a Private Practice for Psychotherapy I would be happy to explain it. The nice thing about our profession is you don’t have to have a boss if you don’t want to.

Nobody shoves ideology down my throat anymore

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Congrats David! This is what The Free Press is all about. Empower whistleblowers to expose the rot in institutions so they can reform, while we support each other to build our own in parallel. No one needs a boss shoving ideology in exchange for a paycheck. Hope we see more reporting like this from TFP and less MSM copypasta from Savodnik/Wiseman that we came here to avoid.

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Agreed. We are forming a new society, the true counter-culture will not be televised, but it can be written about.

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Television is theater anyway. Print media can retain the depth (or heights) of an issue with out the high drama of theater. There is always a layer of ostentatiousness in theater, whether live or recorded.

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Very true...the nature of the synthetic beast. Plus reading and writing both take patience, and exercise that most don't undertake. My wife and I, if we watch anything is a documentary here and there,

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I can’t claim that cause I like movies and some shows. We’re not that sophisticated and like action stuff and certain shows like Yellowstone. Not a fan of reality TV or idiot-central garbage. I loved Angel Studio’s “The Chosen” series.

But I agree. Reading and writing are good exercise.

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... and less MSM copypasta from Savodnik/Wiseman that we came here to avoid.

I thought I was the only one feeling this way!

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The best job security today is self employment. It seems there is a woke institutional web everywhere monitoring American's behavior and thoughts. I sound like a conspiracy theory guy.

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Oh it’s way past the “theory” phase. Moving the goal post in any sector of society ensures backlash and takes courage. The way we get so far afield of reason is by simply looking the other way long enough for the tentacles of extremism to take root.

Passion isn’t necessarily extreme but that’s what it takes to prompt ppl to start swimming back up stream.

Bravo to these brave women for allowing their passion to fuel the courage necessary to speak truth to lies. And of course TFP for giving a platform for this to be heard. Eventually the truth will out as they say.

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There is a huge unmet need for nature affirming care and therapy, helping kids and adults feel comfortable in their own bodies. Please go it alone, Tamara - or with like-minded partners and no bosses. You can outsource the business end of such a practice, but nobody should be telling you how to treat unhappy patients.

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I salute you Tamara Pietzke. And I salute you hanging on and forcing them to fire you, sticking to your guns for the kids.

Sue them into oblivion.

Someone help this lady destroy the entity that shut her out for this.

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Three cheers for the parallel economy! Let's keep creating sane places for the sane to patronize!

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Same for me. I live in Nevada but can also help on that journey.

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So proud of these women and what they are doing/have done. And to the FP and folks like Abigail Shrier, and JK Rowling who step up and use their platforms to push for honest dialog on this matter- thank you! Moral courage is in short supply, but these people give me hope.

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Without TFP, we would never hear stories like this one. I have read dozens on TFP.

Keep up the good work FTP!

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The more of us sane people who stand up, the more others will find courage to stand up with us!

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For Democrats - there is something new called DIAG

DIAG = Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender

I saw it on https://www.pittparents.com/p/a-light-in-the-dark

To learn more, go to di-ag.org.

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Funny how the left just loved JK until she made a couple comments that annoyed them. Now she’s a pariah they hate on. Evil is quick to turn on anyone who violates their acceptable code in any capacity.

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Great work on this FP and brave whistleblowers!

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“If anybody’s interested, they can contact the LGBT Courage Coalition at our website and we will help link you directly to a pro bono attorney”


This isn’t really criticism since I understand why you have to do this, but I really wish we would stop perpetuating the idea that “LGBT” is a legitimate way to categorize people other than for the purpose of Marxist conflict theory.

Also it’s somewhat insulting to the L and the G people since the T is a group of folks who are suffering from severe mental illness and the B people kinda just like to party a little too much.

Please ignore this. Carry on.

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I agree. You can support LGB and Womens rights, or Trans rights, but not both in a world where T is neither asking to be left alone or willing to leave the rest of us alone.

Anybody that just wants the freedom to be different has my support, but anybody telling me I need to be different will not like my response.

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I’m totally stealing that last paragraph of yours. Very succinct messaging. 🙏👏

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There's a whole "LBG without the T" movement on X. Of course they get a lot of flak from the trans activists but hopefully the movement will grow. I could never understand what any of the alphabet beyond LGB has to do with the gay rights/pride movement. T isn't a sexual orientation - most of them appear to he heterosexual cross-dressers. And the "trans" youth are mostly kids who would have grown up to be gay if they didn't transition.

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Trans activists are vicious. Most of them seem to be men who aren’t even trans who just want to threaten and bother women.

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Yes, I have a few gay friends who are very unhappy about their rainbow being stolen by the people beyond LGB. Especially when they started adding in the pedophiles.

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True. I can’t remember who or even where but this psychologist wrote that his patients who had gender “dysphoria” generally grew out of that mindset and became gay adults.

I think they are more afraid of social rejection/stigma at being gay and get confused about their feelings as kids.

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"B people kinda just like to party a little too much." Spit out my Diet Coke. Lol.

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No thoughts on QIA+?

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Just labels to help people who haven't done anything to feel special, feel special.

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WTF are they?

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The full acronym (at this time) is LGBTQIA2S+. It's an aggressively proselytizing religion, and they'll find a letter in there somewhere for you to identify with in order to demonstrate your loyalty to the faith. The "asexual umbrella" is especially amusing/heartbreaking because it includes every possible pattern of sexual attraction that involves having any personal boundaries or standards.

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amen, and how has P (pansexual) not made it into the soup yet? that's how my kid started—P, L, T, Q... all these closeted straight kids yearning to be on the flag. make straight okay again, jeez.

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I think the only reason P is not in there is that it also stands for pedophile. But yes, pansexual seems to be one of the entry level "identities". It's super inclusive!

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It's the gateway identity! If they go with MAP maybe they can get a P in there too. So many possibilities.

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IKR? Sexual appetites aside, promiscuity is not healthy. As a Christian I can’t honestly endorse homosexuality but any argument about the morality or acceptance by God is strictly up to God. Not me. But I’m sure there will be gay souls in heaven while some super self righteous zealots will be left out.

All sin is sin but the good book also says that LOVE covers a multitude of sins. Since no man can truly see into the heart of another, discerning who has real love is a job only God can do justly.

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Yes, and it is so sad and confusing for children who are taught with the Genderbread Unicorn at school. I know minors who say they are "asexual". Well, go play in the sandbox! Next, they identify their sex based on what toys or sports they like best.

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Does the “I” stand for idiot

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Intersex. They've turned disorders of sexual development (which is a congenital condition) into "proof" that sex is a social construct and that humans are evolving towards freedom of form. Get deep enough into doctrine and it gets REAL weird. This is a religion/cult that is deeply hostile to homo sapiens and considers any variation from "normal" to be an indication of superiority.

Check out the Enhanced Olympics for examples.


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Just read the link, you are not kidding. Bloody scary.

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This seems to come from the same minds that decriminalized heroin in Seattle.

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People who don't want to be left out.

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There's already an acronym for it, Jonathan-- FOMO (fear of missing out)!

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Like all religions there will be a schism probably to be led by a charismatic pansexual

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I thought pansexual meant someone's sexual identity is so ridiculous you want to hit them with a frying pan.

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Pansexual means you'll fu*k anything with a pulse. (And probably a lot of things without a pulse if no ones looking)

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That made me laugh!

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The Q is questioning the A is asexual and I don’t know for sure but maybe the I is for intersexual?

The 2S is two spirit. Native Americans didn’t have a problem with transgenderism and they thought of ppl who were transgender as having two spirits.

That actually sounds kind of accurate and compassionate.

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I will add I got a memorable lecture once from a bi man about how “chic” it was to be bi, because “you can sleep with ANYBODY”. Emphasis his.

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Woody Allen famously said, about 60 years ago, that he like the idea of being bi, since it doubled his chance of a date on Saturday night.

Back then, this was a punchline, not a party platform…

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The metamorphosis of societal norms from when I was a kid to now is remarkable. Your last line is a great punchline😂

Woody Allen would have been proud...

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KD-- spot on and thanks for the accurate description of the letters- and a good laugh at the end of my day!!

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I refuse to play the Alphabet People Game, period. Can't think of anything more absurd than defining individuals by their sexual appetites.

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As an L, I approve this message.


(The Coalition did post something early on about why they're keeping the T in. It's not a bad strategy since so many of the "trans-affirming" folks would automatically discount their very (purposefully) limited mission - ban medical transition for minors - if you couldn't show that "trans" people agree this is bad. (Because, you know, "lived experience" is all that matters. Unless your lived experience makes you disagree with whatever they're saying about your group and then you're just internalized white dominant cishet culture something something...)

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Too late. Good comment so why ignore? You make frequent rational comments I enjoy reading.

I only try to ignore Comprof 2.0 along with a few other trolls.

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I hope she finds a good lawyer and sues them. It doesn't matter whether her boss admitted that she was fired for being a whistleblower. It's the proximity to her article that is telling plus how suddenly the parameters of her job changed and that she was deemed unfit for those parameters. I wish her luck.

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There is almost no chance of winning a lawsuit based on an unprovable conjecture like that, and rightfully so. And if the state has an At Will employment law, like California does, then she can be terminated at any time for convenience without the chance for reprisal. The at will rule is a life saver for businesses, especially small ones, since it's almost impossible to fire someone for poor performance or other issues like incompatibilities that interfere with the business's ability to pursue its goals. All that said I'm appalled at the burgeoning movement to enforce psychological and physical mutilation of young people without any solid scientific basis.

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Actually, conjecture in civil law is just fine in order to win a case. Additionally, it depends whether there are whistleblower protection laws in her state. These overrule any at-will employment, moreover, it depends on the state legal precedent for these situations and every state is different. So I reiterate, I hope she finds a good lawyer.

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Good points, and it's extremely unfortunate that the threshold for conviction is so low in civil cases. Juries, and I suppose the public in general, seem to believe that every business has hoards of cash lying around, and every "victim" is deserving of a Megabucks payday for the slightest injury.

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The scientific data is against transing kids. These T cultists are lying when they claim to have data to support what they say and do.

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I live in western Washington and recently tried to find a counselor for my daughter. It is impossible and a big reason for that is that counselors do not want to treat teens and be forced to provide only pro-transition care to any kid who even mentions gender. They’d rather not provide the counseling than get caught up in that. It is awful.

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Have you tried therapy first? https://www.therapyfirst.org/statement/ That's how I found my daughter's therapist.

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That is truly unfortunate

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I read some commentary a while back from parents who sought help for their kids psychological state when they (her daughter) felt they had gender dysphoria. The mother was appalled that they shut the parents out and tried to fast track her daughter into transition. They were told that their resistance would most likely result in her daughters suicide.

These monsters use all kinds of ways to badger parents and their kids into transitioning without providing adequate information about the negative side effects or unintended consequences.

It’s pathetic and to me, criminal. I see now that a fair amount of these kids who’ve been harmed have grown up and are suing the doctors and facilities that pushed them into it. It’s only when they start losing $ that they’ll stop this nonsense.

They use falsified statistics to scare both parents and kids. I’ve also seen some horrifying photos of the physical damage caused by these experimental transition surgeries. They are butchers.

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Debra, Do you know who Dr. Julia Mason is.....here is a brief youtube. You can research her. I believe she is in Washington? Maybe Oregon? But she does counseling on-line. I have read about her and she is very honest and understands the scope of what "gender affirming care" is....


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I am one of the alphabet people who vehemently opposes all of this transgender nonsense. There has always been legitimately gender dysphoric people, and they have a right to live how they want, but they have been a tiny slice of the pie. It's crystal clear that what's happening now is a politically motivated social contagion that is literally destroying lives and bodies. This will be the largest medical malpractice scandal in history, mark my words

(not like you need a magic 8 ball to see that)

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Exactly. The T cult is anti gay and anti women. Andrew Sullivan writes about this so well.By sticking their T onto LG B they forced gay ppl to cheer for this horror. More gays ought to be speaking out about this

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The evidence was pretty clear 30 years ago that cosmetic surgery and hormones dont really fix anything. They DO make normal sex and normal reproduction impossible, but amount in total to creating an itch that can no longer be scratched.

Kids are stupid and easily manipulated. They are also mercurial. The most irresponsible possible behavior is facilitating them in making permanent decisions based on what, empirically, are nearly always passing moods.

Suicide in the cliche is a permanent decision made in response to temporary problems. So too is cutting your balls or breasts off.

And empirically, suicide risk goes UP with the cosmetic surgery and hormone approach. Why wouldnt it? The end cannot be achieved and what these poor people did have they have lost.

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To Tamara and Jamie, your honesty and bravery are humbling and encouraging. Thank you for standing up for the voiceless children and opposing these crimes against humanity.

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We need more people in this country that demonstrate this type of courage.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

Tamara's ex-boss demonstrates the cowardly behavior found in so much of the corporate management structure which seems so often predicated on fear:

Fear that I'll lose my job.

Fear that I'll lose my house.

Fear that I'll lose my 401K and retirement.

Fear that I'll lose my kids college fund.

I'm not a religious person nor do I belong to any church, but I believe we have a soul, and that should be the thing to be in fear of losing, not some job. What a coward.

Kudos to Tamara and Jamie for their courage and willingness to stand alone and put it all on the line, they've kept their souls.

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During the 2008 financial crisis I was working at a large corporate office. They fired roughly 50% of the first level office staff.

Then they told the rest of us there would be no raises that year but we should be thankful we have a job to come to every day, and the lady saying it had a cheerful voice and a smile as she relayed this naked threat to us. The message was clear. Complain or ask for anything from the company and you'd be gone before the day was out.

For the people who had mortgages, car loans, and children, the threat was terrifying and it made them keep their eyes down and they didn't whisper a peep of anything but "I love the company and the company loves me."

I recognize this same threat now in the stories of people like the subject of this article.

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Yeah my husband was in that position too. Everyone around him was laid off in 2008. He got the responsibilities of three other ppl and two pay cuts but we were kind of backed into a corner financially so he stuck it out. He did scare me at times and I was afraid that the stress he was under would kill him and tried to assure him that his health and life were far more valuable than any material possessions, including our house.

Our kids were still young and he was concerned about how they would think of him. I told him that as long as we were together that his kids would love and understand him. That everything would work out okay as long as we had each other.

He kept his job and now has worked his way up. The company he worked for was bought out and they turned out to be pretty great to work for. I am grateful to God and him but it was a VERY scary few years.

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I'm so happy that TFP is providing a platform that these people feel comfortable coming to. There is a reason they are not going to Fox News or The Daily Wire or Breitbart etc. I'm not disparaging those platforms, but TFP seems like a very neutral, nonjudgmental place people who worked in these clinics can come to and receive support.

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Neutral about specific issues. I am willing to bet we will not see similar articles for, lets say, Pro-Life protestors. What we mostly see are left leaning folks who decided they couldn't lean THAT far left.

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On this particular issue, you may be correct. But on pure political issues (such as well, Trump), I would say that many of the posters (maybe not a majority but a large minority) are well to the right of the contributors here.

I count myself in that group.

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"I would say that many of the posters (maybe not a majority but a large minority) are well to the right of the contributors here."

And that's truly says something about people on the right which is commendable. I'm not exactly on the right and this is one of the reasons why I respect the right today and loathe the left. People on the left now are completely close-minded. They will not read or listen to anything at all that's "right wing". It doesn't even matter if something is "right wing". As long as someone tells them something is "right wing", they will not deign to take a look to find out what it's all about. But they'll definitely spread the word on all the hearsays to others in their echo chamber about whatever the thing they didn't read said.

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That’s true too. NTB, an off shoot of the Babylon Bee, is a great place where conservative voices and issues are show cased and discussed. Like here I find the comments are often as entertaining as the essays and most ppl are decent.

There are the occasional trolls and strict parameters for conduct in comments but I really enjoyed their featured stories and articles. They got a little too expensive so I didn’t renew. I don’t begrudge ppl wanting to make a living but I felt it was a bit too much. I like substack very much also but having a few paid subscriptions adds up too.

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There are a few substacks that I wish would merge because they don't quite have enough different content to make me want to pay, but I do like what the put out.

NTB is a place I go to, as is Spike and Reason (although the later seems increasing bought and paid for, it still has some writers I think do good work).

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We only need about a thousand more of both of you.

Parents are desperate for rational support for their gender-questioning/confused kids. This is a gaping hole. There are a few therapists known in parent support circles for taking a non-ideological approach, even in CA and they’re often fully booked. I don’t think therapists are quite clear on the bogus “conversion therapy” warnings in this arena, so being clear on what’s allowed, and how to let clients/parents know your perspective, is important. Of course, teens will “therapist-shop” if all they want is a green light for hormones. I’m not sure if even a skilled therapist will be able to mediate this.

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If I had a son or daughter who was asking these questions, the idea that there's a therapist out there who is willing to help work through the concepts seems ideal.

The last thing I'd want to do is to apply some label and force it to stick. Healthy children question everything if they're in a caring environment. They're only looking for reassurance and boundaries most of the time.

If all they get is a declaration and a handful of drugs, that's doing them a great disservice. Same thing with depression. And any number of issues that seem so quickly to be answered by a long-term commitment to the pharmaceutical industry.

I hope that, eventually, clinics like the ones mentioned here are investigated for their connections to pharmaceutical companies.

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If the kiddies were getting ONLY a declaration and a handful of drugs... it's the knife that follows.

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Honestly, I don't see much difference between a knife and a drug designed to alter brain or body chemistry.

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You can stop taking the drug, a knife is permanent and irreversible.

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You can stop taking the drugs but the effects are not necessarily reversible, depending, among other things, on how long you've been taking them.

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True, and taking the knife is definately not reversible.

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Not only does patients lose the sex organs they were born with, there can be further harms as well. I was sickened to see what a girl's arm looked like after tissue was harvested to fashion a faux phallus.

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A couple of years ago I watched a program on Thai TV, that interviewed a dr. who did sex change operations. He was so proud of the vaginas he manufactured and said, it was more difficult to make a functioning penis. At that point I turned off the TV and I haven't watched it since that night.

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If you had a son or daughter asking these questions and you live in a blue state, you better make sure to stay the hell away from therapists if you don't want to risk the entire system roping your kid into transing behind your back. Or worst, you find out and object, and they send CPC to take your kid away from you. That's literally the law now in some of these states.

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I am willing to bet that I disagree with these ladies on multiple issues (yes, I am making assumptions). That does not preclude me from respecting their courage and convictions. Standing up to power is tough. It is much harder when that power is from parts of your community. Being willing to be othered by your own 'side' is something I wish more of us were willing to do. I feel like part of why our parties are so broken is because we have gotten to the point that people are not willing to call them out when they cross the line. So we just keep letting them move the goalposts, far from where we want them to be. These ladies decided to say "no!". Good for them. I wish them well, as I cannot imagine how hard it must be to restart your lives when so many people are burning bridges to you.

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The fact that Tamara showed courage on a topic that makes the most powerful people cower is a lesson in how wokeness, which started with kind regard to others, has been transformed into an evil eating machine, a destroyer of reputations and income. Why don't you all woke people take your feel-good guilt and STFU. It's a matter of our collective survival in the face of fascism, including yours, you nitwits.

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