The rage I see in our country comes from the left in BLM which has ruined ciies like Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis and the present protesters screaming to eliminate the Jews from Israel. I drove from Michigan to Wyoming and back last September. In 10 days on the road I never met a single angry person. I purposely drove secondary roads and stayed in small hotels on Main Street where it was safe to park at night. I met hard working, well spoken people who are proud of their towns and country. Maybe the authors of that book should have actually spent some time in rural America talking to the people who plant those perfect corn, wheat and soy bean fields. Anyone who demonizes rural people are talking on the wrong side of me.

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"The Democratic Party was born in the late 1820s when small-time farmers and urban workers began demanding a greater say in political affairs. These demands horrified conservative elites."

And now, we will skip past the ENTIRE Civil War, the fact that the Democrats are the party of the Confederacy, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, Japanese Internment Camps... and not to be undone... the Great Society, Cabrini Green, Bedford Stuyvesant, "super-predators"...

How in the holy FUCK can you go from 1820s America and breeze past the little bit in the 1860s?

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project (aka The Free Press) just can't come to grips with the fact that theirs is the party of treason, racism, hatred and bigotry...

Oh, right, Joe Biden has done a thing for rural Americans so... let's forget EVERYTHING else.

Gaslighting season has begun in earnest at TFP.

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“The irony is that Joe Biden has invested a great deal in rural development….” The irony is that Biden’s policies focused on climate change place an extraordinary burden of regulations on agriculture and will contribute to the cost of food production. The image of the man made drought in California’s Central Valley where acres of farm land did not receive water while Obama golfed on California’s very green exclusive golf courses is unforgettable and ironically unforgivable.

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The founders recognized the urban versus rural divide. That is why Congress has two houses. One based on population, one not.

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Today's Dems are appalled at the illegal immigrant crisis but they invested so much time and effort blasting their conservative friends, that they can not admit they were wrong. One of my friends lives in an area of Queens where prostitutes and criminals populate the streets 24/7; stolen clothing is strewn on the sidewalks to sell and god only knows what is being sold as food turning on a spit.

This. same friend is looking to sell her multi room apartment and move into a tiny studio in Manhattan yet, she still will never vote Republican. Who's the yokel?

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You cannot ask questions, let alone argue, with those who think of themselves “on the Left”. By their reckoning, they have reason and superior intelligence on their side. You’d best shut up and be grateful we have the Left, lest the country be run by White male slaveholders.

It is really discouraging, pernicious, and seemingly intractable and permanent.

Am I too pessimistic?

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I always giggle when anyone says they "have receipts" as indicia that they have proof. Because receipts are just proof of what one has been sold.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

Books like this (also consider the ethnicity of the authors) are merely a baiting tactic, or a provocation, similar to having Lt. Col. Tranny give us a lecture about tolerance and inclusion, in uniform. They refuse to leave people alone.

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As a resident of rural America, I can say that the feeling is mutual.

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It's time to demonize the Democratic Party and reveal them to be the demons they have always been.

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Interesting piece...I think something that plays into this is the internalization of victimhood on the Dems side. Every single "identity" group has been a victim of some kind of injustice, every single person deserves justice "by any means necessary," even if the injustice occurred DECADES ago, they just keep recycling this idea that they are victims. Even if no injustice occurred, there is still some precedent for "fighting back." I've honestly seen more anger and rage on the side of the Dems because they feel constantly entitled to something that has no foothold in reality. Is there still racism in America? Sure. Is it so pervasive that everyone should be full of rage and contempt for this country and burning down cities? Absolutely not. Maybe I'm missing something but I have not seen this victimhood mentality on the right. I lived in Iowa for 5 years, lived in Nebraska for another year. I visited small 3000 person towns and smaller. None of those people were seeking revenge and raging on the streets...If anything, instead of playing the victim, they approached things from a position of strength (many of them are very pro gun ownership and proud of it). And some of that strength mentality definitely comes from the insular nature of these small towns but it just seems to me that the party that is currently holding onto their victimhood, is the party of anger and rage.

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I despair of the MSM ever acknowledging facts and reality. The only "side" in our current political environment that regularly and reliably champions and celebrates violence, division, racism, and anti-Semitism is the left! Antifa, BLM, pro-Hamas "protestors".....they can't get together and protest without violence and destruction. They tweet actual death threats, they encourage violence from their members, they justify the October 7 attacks (including rape) as "necessary". And yet the MSM spends all this time talking about how Trump voters and MAGA republicans are a violent threat who are ready to take up arms and violently overthrow the government or some such nonsense. The only side actually practicing racism (in the form of DEI) is worried about how "racist" these rural white voters are. It's completely upside-down world. It's no wonder Biden and his ilk are trailing so far behind Trump in the polls. People can actually see the reality that's happening and the gaslighting the media is attempting isn't working.

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This author has never stepped foot in rural America, and it shows. This book was made in an echo chamber and is the most “tone deaf” thing I’ve seen come from the Left in a while.

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Many of my friends live in the Los Angeles Metro area (I escaped to the 'burbs), and nearly all of them exhibit this condescending, sneering attitude towards "those people" who live "out there" in rural states. Of course, they don't actually know any of "those people" or what they really think; it's pure bigotry. And yet, to a person they all describe themselves as "tolerant" or "liberal." That bubble is really difficult to burst. Maybe it's time to start the equivalent of a foreign exchange program, where urban dwellers go to live with rural families, and vice versa. There's nothing like working and living alongside different people to make you realize that we are more alike than not.

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“Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”- David Horowitz.

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Democrats haven't learned the lessons of 2016. The party's contempt of middle and blue-collar America will be its undoing in the coming presidential election.

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