
“We need more women in positions of power.”

*woman gets elected

“She’s a fascist!!”

Alright so they don’t actually want women in positions of power they just want global collectivism and they are only saying they love girl power because it is a good way to emotionally manipulate simpletons. Got it? Okay.

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Some women are obviously better than others. Of course we still cannot agree on who is and who is not a woman.

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All women are equal but some women are more equal than others

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I've heard you have to be a biologist to make that determination

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

I guess Jamie Lee Henry was a woman for awhile as far as the media was concerned until he was arrested for selling out the US - from Insta:

"The doctor who was billed as the first openly transgender officer in the Army is indicted for passing confidential information to the Russians. CNN forgot to mention the part about the doctor’s being a transgender celebrity in its article. "https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/29/politics/us-army-doctor-anesthesiologist-russian-government-medical-records/index.html

The Washington Free Beacon didn’t forget.:


The Babylon Bee gets it:

"Russian Spy Awarded Presidential Medal Of Freedom For Being First Openly Transgender Traitor To Country"


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wait, whoa, stop. confusion.

Assuming that the 2015 pic and the 2022 pic show the same Jamie Lee Henry- and yes, that does appear to be the case- ahh, Lycanthropy was simple, compared to this situation.

"Even a got-dam MtFtM transperson deserves legal counsel..."

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And psychotherapy maybe?

And, why doesn't CNN include a photo of Jamie from the time of arrest?

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Fascinating that the gender deniers are now trying to claim Queen Elizabeth I and Joan of Arc were actually trans, because honestly, how could an actual woman pursue such manly activities?

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Are you an effing biologist now?

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There is a great WSJ piece by evolutionary biologist Colin Wright

"Every Tomboy Is Tagged ‘Transgender’

The terminological change behind the push to ‘treat’ sex-role nonconformity with surgery or hormones."


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I am pretty sure the modern definition of woman includes those with penises.

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Nah, it doesn't.

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Then that is a very anti-science definition.

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I agree with you.

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TERFs vs. trans activists. I'll get the popcorn.

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I keep seeing your name so I have to ask, Tide fan?

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Lol, I have family on both sides, so I don't take a side. I went to school at Alabama-Huntsville, which doesn't have a football team.

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this particular uh controversy could be easily resolved with a few extra noun coinages.

but first, ALL of the disputants have to WANT to resolve it, hmm

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RIP my awesome joke


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I caught it before it was removed. It was pretty great and made me laugh out loud. It lives in my memory 😂

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Are you being restricted on CS?

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No I think Kat just didn’t like a few of the comments so she removed them.

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Seriously? That feels wrong....

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I do not like that. Might as well be on FB or Tweeter.

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I was unaware the author can censor comments to their own articles. That being said, some of the fill ins for Nellie are just not up to par; Kat, on the other hand, writes a good piece and does a nice job with satire. Sorry I missed the joke.

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Dang, I missed it.

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Mad, are you an MD or just mad about an MD because I have a medical question for you.

There are a couple of posters on this board that are a pain in the ass. I've taken aspirin but the pain won't go away. What you suggest to get rid of this awful ache?

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LOL....skip the aspirin. Take the ignore pill.

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Lia Thomas still has his penis. He’ll be coming out as a man any day since his swimming as a girl days are over. He’ll Re identify as a man so his girlfriend won’t be a lesbian anymore.

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This is the fundamental lie of feminism- they don’t support women...they support THEIR women

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It isn't even about Feminism. It's about a litmus test for a certain kind of political orthodoxy (what might be called "bien pensant Democratic Party symbo-lefty signifying.")

I've made this observation to the adherents, on occasion.

most common processing response:

quiet acknowledgement of validity>>hand-wave>>roundfile>>forget>>reset.

No matter how intelligent someone is at their best, partisan loyalty and/or dogmatic ideology leaves them less intelligent than they otherwise would be. And the smarter they are, the steeper the dropoff. It's like a switch gets thrown to shunt their circuit of thought through an attenuator.

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I remember all women, especially liberal ones, lining up in support of Sarah Palin. Am I not remembering this correctly?

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Leftists do not value "diversity" in the slightest. They value power, and only power.

That is how it has always been.

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...because the American Right has no interest in political power, no way!


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Yes. Agreed

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sounds like Right Wing Spirit!

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The identitarians care not one whit about identity. Sure, they LOVE it when the first black, Hispanic, gay, female, Asian, etc., etc. person is elected to an office or reaches some kind of achievement.

BUT, if that black, Hispanic, gay, female, Asian, etc., etc. person just happens to be right-of-center, then the person is not to be celebrated but must be dismissed as a race-traitor, fascist, etc. etc. See also, e.g., Flores, Mayra.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Clarence Thomas - you would think law schools should be named after him. Not even a high school.

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Superficially [insert identifier].

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Clearly, Kevin, only more left-leaning women in power! Those of us women who believe that women have all kinds of glorious things to offer society and the world that men CAN’T offer, are excluded!

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“women have all kinds of glorious things to offer society and the world that men CAN’T”


Right but there’s a reason it’s OnlyFans.com not .gov


(kidding hehehe)

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Wait til you see the AOC page on OnlyFans.gov. You all just want to date her.

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All women are equal. But some women are more equal than others.

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Well done. You beat me to it. Note comment above. Great minds.

We can always rely on Eric Blair/George Orwell.

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Because all mainstream media immediately labels any politician a "fascist" when they call out the woke agenda, it is impossible for the public to actually know if a leader is decent or not. Of course, it makes the left's pronouncements on Giorgia Meloni of no value. My quick research tells me that her leadership offers far more hope than a continuation of Italy's submission to the EU/WEF's dictates. And she may be an absolutely terrific breath of fresh air in what has become a very toxic European woke culture. I will assume she will proudly favor God, family, country and freedom without the old fascist bigotry and racism, and Italy may be an example of what favoring these values can mean. But she will be treated as Trump was, and she will have to have a superhuman teflon skin to get anything done. Few people understand the enormity of the wall of hate she will receive from the woke establishment. The violence from their brownshirts will also threaten her and her supporters.

The irony of course is that the woke establishment is all about total control or totalitarianism, under a very thin veneer of compassion for minorities and the environment. It is the same totalitarian fascism as Stalin, Mao and Hitler with an infinitely more sophisticated veneer.

May she survive and show us what decent values can do for a country, even in a hostile Europe.

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She was democratically elected, therefore, she is a threat to democracy LOL

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Italy’s economy has been dependent on the EU for over a decade. They’re in line for over a hundred billion euros from the EU the next fiscal year.

Don’t expect Meloni to step out too far out of line.

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To begin to move away from the lefty tyrants step by step would be wonderful work. That is all we can ask for at this point. The alternative is to allow further totalitarianism.

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What's a woman?

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Nothing new there, Kevin. They’ve been saying the same about Marine LePen for years.

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I vividly remember the out-of-bounds attacks on Sarah Palin (and her mentally disabled son) when she was first announced as McCain's running mate. That was the moment when I first realized that--even very openly in the press--the Left only respects Leftist women. All other women are fair game for sexist attacks.

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Try bringing up Ayn Rand to them, haha

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Ayn Rand's repudiation of communism is becoming more relevant every minute!

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I distinctly recall the band Rush being labeled Nazis because they based some of their "2112" album on Rand's "Anthem". Never mind that Geddy Lee's parents were both Holocaust survivors.

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Actually, I would be shocked of some of these progressive snowflakes, white wine swilling suburban moms, or race baiters ever read Ayn Rand; or if they ever did, got above a C in 'reading comprehension' if that's still even being taught in our failed government schools and infested universities.

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I'm sure most of them have not read Rand. Most of them buy into the "words are violence" rhetoric. Being exposed to ideas they disagree with is causing them harm, don't you know? Back when I was in school, we lived to read stuff we disagreed with so we could write angry essays denouncing it. The argument that people are so weak-minded and fragile they need to be protected from ideas they don't like reminds me of the arguments they used in the early 20th century to discourage women from going to college, i.e., they would be too easily corrupted because their weak minds couldn't handle it.

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You are so right; we must be close in age. I loved those angry essays!

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"The argument that people are so weak-minded and fragile they need to be protected from ideas they don't like reminds me of the arguments they used in the early 20th century to discourage women from going to college, i.e., they would be too easily corrupted because their weak minds couldn't handle it."

I have little doubt that such writings exist; I'm fairly sure I've read a few of them over the years, although none recently enough that I could identify sources.

It would be interesting to re-print and distribute examples in excerpt form, as a broadside. A thought exercise.

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Sex and race are social constructs defined by political positions rather than by their immutable category. This is how Clarence Thomas is not black but Rachel Dolezal is.

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This compliments my feelings on "Rachel" Levine being "Woman of the Year," and "Lia" Thomas being nominated for female athlete of the year. It's okay to be a woman. As long as you're really a man. But if you're really a woman, you need not apply. Sit down, shut up, cover your sinful hair, and go cook some dinner.

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Oh can we just get to a day, a point in time where we can just say people instead of a gender, color or the other crap!

Keeping score of the color, the penis vs the vagina... et al other PhD earning distractions from choosing good people is just a mountain of endless crap.

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Too often 'compassionate' is the easy way, which puts off dealing with the problem, versus actually addressing the problem, which is hard.

Forgiving students loan debt, opening the border, defunding police, no term limits on abortion, Woke school curriculum. All of that simply avoids the hard problems and kicks the can down the road.

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And of course we have the odious never-say-die Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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and North Korea Commula

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New Zealand’s Prime Minister is the female face of government control and authoritarianism. She only locks you down and censors you because she cares about you.

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For heaven sake the lockdowns were a scam climate change is a scam and my gut feeling is we won’t be seeing Premier Jacenda Arden winning the next election.

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The rise of conservatism in Europe should surprise no one. Crime in Sweden, thanks to the open border policy of the left; protests by farmers afflicted by oppressive climate change policies, and the prospect of a very cold winter, thanks to the arrogance of leaders abandoning their own energy sources and relying on the Russians. Meloni is an advocate of—-wait for it—-traditional family values! Which Italians, who haven’t been bothering to reproduce themselves, could use a bit more of. I wish her much success.

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Makes good sense, and yet the media describes this phenomenon as “right” wing expansionism.

Today, even being a centrist gets one called a radical on the right.

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No, they are called Fascists.

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I was surprised that this author admitted that.

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While I don't envy the long winter of discontent that Europe is about to endure, perhaps this will be a wakeup call to climb back out of the rabbit hole and start voting for sane and rational energy polices instead of embracing "global warming" dogma.

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there'll be some pearl clutchin' when whole forests are cut down for firewood this winter.

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That's true! And by the way wood is the most used form of renewable energy.

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It’s the illegal immigrants Baby! At least ours from the southern border only rape females of all ages on the way. Theirs tend to rape females in Christmas markets, on the streets, in the homes, swarming, ganging. Good times.

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I wonder if removing immigrants from "illegal immigrants" will get those that shelter them to focus more on illegal?

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I take it you missed the woke talking point "no human being is illegal". They prefer the term "undocumented".

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I prefer the term "Undocumented Democrats".

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Haha. Taking it one step further makes it sound even better: “illegal Democrats”.

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I prefer the term criminal.

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I had thought they were "temporarily displaced travelers"?

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Can we put to rest any question, any argument that we currently have the least competent, least intelligent President and Vice President combination in the history of our country? This is not even close. And we're well past just mumbling to your friends, "It's an embarrassment.". Well...yes, of course it is. The entire world just cringes, shakes it's collective head, and walks away muttering to itself about the once great USA and the understanding that there is no world leader at the moment. And don't kid yourself. We're in a country where we cannot even say out loud what a woman is. Do you think the world, at large, is looking to us for leadership? Please.

For all of you who think Trump was the worst thing to ever happen to America, I ask you to check your premises at the door and research your cost of living in December of 2019, our energy production and exporting back then, the number of Arab states standing in line to sign onto the Abraham Accords, the percentages of Black and Hispanics in the workforce, hell...the size of the US workforce, inflation numbers, and on and on. Now, look around you today. Look at the crime in your cities. Look at what you are spoonfed from the media to keep you believing that you are better off than you would have been if...

Honestly, if there isn't a tsunami in November, I'd say we're finished as a nation. It would tell me that more people care about Lizzie (whatever that is) playing a crystal flute they do their own lives.

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Oh, but his tweets! 🙄

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Trump tweeted that Rosie O'Donnell is fat, which she is. The media screeched it's tiny heads off.

Joe Biden tweeted that Kyle Rittenhouse was a White Supremacist, which he is clearly not. The media cheered.

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The tweets that saved hundreds of Latino lives by keeping them from being swindled by coyotes or dying in the desert? Those tweets?

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Big T, c’mon now, it’s Latinx.

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Evidently, Salon has decided that the fact that Latinx is mainly being used by White Leftists and is rejected by actual Latinos means that a new neologism needs to be imposed in its place: Latine.

At least it has the ability to be pronounced.

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Latine looks too much like latrine. Typical of the wordsmiths on the left. They follow one fail with another. You’d think they’d stop trying.

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Now it's Latin-eh. (I wish I was joking)

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Latin-eh? Latino-Canadian?

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Latinx was not adopted, so now there is some discussion about "Latine" which is non-gendered

Think of the children!

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Lol, to paraphrase from The McKenzie Brothers, “Take off you Jose’s”.

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Unfortunately, in the minds of far too many on the Left, nationwide fiat abortion outweighs ALL of that. And in the minds of many others, the idea of voting Red is simply anathema.

It's a near-religious belief--reinforced daily by the media--that all Republicans are fascists who want to enslave all women and force them (by rape) to have babies. An astonishing number of people on the Left genuinely believe that Gilead (from Handmaid's Tale) is what all conservatives genuinely what the U.S. to be.

Nothing is capable of changing their minds.

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Yes, and especially not the Gilead called Iran.

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Getting women to hate American men is the whole purpose of propaganda alike The Handmaiden's Tale.

But look at The Boys or Celestials and you'll find a pervasive narrative now of "the BIPOC heroes vs the evil white man (who is insanely powerful)

It's racist hate mongering, and they know it full well.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022

OMG. My coworker literally said, when Biden became president, that we were so close to becoming Gilead, and Biden saved us from it. But she and many others like her do not realize that we have become Gilead in so many other ways.

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People who genuinely think that there is any risk of us becoming some kind of Far-Right dystopia are either idiots or they are not paying any attention to the real world around them. Even if Republicans WANTED that (which they don't), with the Left in control of Academia, the Media, Law, Medicine, and (increasingly) the Military brass, how do they think Republicans would manage it? Magic?

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Celia, everybody comrades on the left fear or dislike is far-right now. It replaced previous labels of white suprematists, racists, a threat to democracy and fascists. They will run out of labels one day and will have to recycle them. My point is that they have already created the dystopia they claim to fear from far-right: we have hypocrisy; censorship; families and members of communities are encourage to spy and report on each other; and labels they use to define people and movements are the opposite of what they are. We don’t have bodies hanging for the public observation as in Handmaid’s Tale, but we do have people hounded and ostracized for not conforming to the message of the ruling party who lost jobs and have books and performances cancelled. Those who steal and throw Molotov cocktails are not criminals but those who walked into Capitol and took pics are kept in solitary confinement for over a year followed by prison sentences. No doubt these people were idiots and what they did was unlawful. The law enforcement authorities should have told them they are morons, but was it a high crime that merits a prison sentence if they were not violent and did not harm anyone? All I am saying is : welcome to Gilead.

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Then the only remedy is a one-way ticket to a mental institution.

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And who installed these imbeciles?

The progressive Democrat Party.

What else do you need to know?

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They were installed by our voters. The party is their manifestation.

It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck.

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C'mon man, Newmanian.

These facts you cite are wayyyy too logical.

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That is entirely too rational to receive widespread acceptance.

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When Biden asked where the deceased congresswoman was, it was immediately following a video they played memorializing her life and career. It’s so much worse than it is being portrayed on the news. He was there in Indiana specifically because she died.

I predicted he’d be gone by early 2023 the day he got elected.

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I still find it jaw dropping the people actually voted for Biden - a man who was laughed out of the room every time he reached for the presidency. I guess such was the fear and loathing of the global elites and their media bootlickers and the general population of dolts they influence, that their constant intrigues, schemes and plots to remove Trump eventually succeeded. Or, at least, evaded detection.

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People didn't vote *for* Biden, they embraced their inner TDS and voted *against* Trump (as well as their wholly unenlightened self interest). Who's laughing now?

And the donkeys didn't so much evade detection of their 2020 election fraud as they simply suppressed any mention of it. If you don't talk about it, it didn't happen.

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Well put.

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To watch this after all the years they criticized Trump's stupidity or Bush's stupidity....

And yet they all keep screaming and crying over how beautiful the Emperor's Clothing is, while our enemies are on the move because the USA doesn't have a functional president.

This is not something to simply chuckle at on a Friday morning. God help us all.

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and then there was Dan Quayle....castigated for not being able to spell "potato"

at least he was coherent in his attempt at spelling

"President Biden - can you count to 5?

Biden - "1, 2, yellow, 4"

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Biden - doesn't answer, turns to his left, puts out his shaking hand, turns to his right with back to camera, looks around.....never counts to 5.

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And the Easter Bunny escorts him offstage…

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Quayle misspelled it but both Kamala and Joe are actual potatoes 😂

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I remember feeling embarrassed when he misspelled it, but in retrospect, that was not so bad. Who knew our choice of leaders would deteriorate so much?

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Thanks for more context.

Just wow, very sad Joe’s state of mind and the press ignoring it.

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And yet they were claiming every day that Trump ought to be removed via the 25th Amendment.

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Where is that Yale psychiatrist Dr Bandy X. Lee now and how does she rate Biden’s state of mind? For a walk down the memory lane, check out this link on her testimony in front of lawmakers concerned with the president’s mental state: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/01/04/politics/psychiatrist-congress-meeting-trump/index.html.

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Typical lefty hypocrites.

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That too. These people are brainwashed.

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I started to watch but can't even continue. My brother (in media) knows a former producer of The View who last less than a year. Literally went back to his former job at the program House Hunters!

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I only see the clips. I don't remember it being this way back when Barbara Walters was running it.

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Barbara Walters tried hard to keep it the way it was intended but when her memory started going, they flipped the switch.

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I had March 2021 in the pool.....there's $20 wasted.

If Que Mala hadn't so rapidly demonstrated her ineptitude I think I would have had a shot.

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Que Mala -- lol!

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Asking for Jackie was Joe making a joke. He has that ‘rapist wit’ don’t ya know 🤡

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as in, he was rapier, but Joe is the rapiest"

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We are at one of the most fraught times in recent history (on the brink of nuclear war, collapse of civilization because of green cultists) and we have President Weekend at Bernie's and Vice President Veep running the show...what could go wrong?

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Thank you. Green cultists are the new religious fanatics inflicting their ideology on people with disastrous results. Remember Sri Lanka?

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Many will die secondary to this misguided ideology. Just like last century

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Many have died of starvation already--mostly in the countries the Left only pretends to care about--due to supply chain issues resulting from the response to Covid.

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Let's see how Europe's winter of discontent goes. After 5 months of freezing and hungry, sitting in the dark, global "warming" might not sound so alarmist after all.

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The global warming freaks always go too far....but for some bizarre reason it takes going that far for people to wake the hell up.

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The fact that Kamala is second in command is beyond frightening. Biden is no prize but we need him to hold on until the election.

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The question is not a political one any more. It's one of basic competence. Our president and vp are obviously not capable of performing the most basic functions of their offices, let alone true leadership. They are puppets - manipulated each day purely for the political purposes of their craven and power-hungry handlers in the bureaucracy.

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He's barely even functional at this point. Look at him struggle to read teleprompters. Even the basic ceremonies of the job are getting to be too difficult for him.

Meanwhile we face potential nuclear war on one front and China moving on Taiwan on the other.

This is the consequences of replacing Trump, and even more so the consequence of seven years of increasing lies, hatred, and radicalism from the Democrats.

Nothing will break their delusion but undeniable catastrophe, so that appears to be where we are headed.

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Biden is the poster boy for A 25

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Talk about low expectations....

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Sadly, yes.

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I believe she takes a couple big vape hits right before heading to the microphone.

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Either that or a couple of gummies , maybe both. She just gets more embarrassing by the day.

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Biden looking for dead people and Harris saying the Norks are our allies. Truly, we are led by imbeciles; one senile, one callow and both hopeless. Meanwhile, progressives are in a panic about Meloni because she represents, truth, decency and a respect for normal values such as faith, family and country. I find it dismaying that a large majority of Americans can't coalesce around such things as 1) we can't be led by mental defectives, 2) countries need real borders, 3) Americans need reliable, reasonably priced and domestic energy and 4) violent criminals need to be kept from the rest of society. Honestly, is this stuff really that difficult?

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100% agree. Commit crime, go to jail. Commit evil crime - rape, murder, child molestation - go to jail for almost ever. Why do we tolerate so much crime? Build more prisons.

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We all know this, but this message starts early in schools now. I am currently living through it with my kids’ elementary school. There’s one little punk who is going around terrorizing the rest of the kids - hitting, kicking, punching kindergartners in the face, attempting to strangle kids. The kid’s mom isn’t in the picture and dad is in and out of jail on DV and assault charges so no surprise how the kid acts. But the school has asked parents not to tell their kids to stay away from him for fear of “stigmatizing him as a bully and alienating him”. They refuse to suspend him because he’s simply “a victim of his personal circumstances”. This trend of no accountability for one’s actions has landed us nowhere good and I fear it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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Teach your kid to fight back. This offends people's sensibilities, but it is usually the only way to send a clear message to the bully to keep his/her hands off others.

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Nose, eyes and groin. You don't even need a black belt if you know how to punch the vulnerable areas.

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<coin flip to Sandra Bullock>

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I caught that one....

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It doesn’t offend mine. It’s exactly what I told my son to do after the last incident. He’ll likely get his ass whooped if it comes to that because the kid is not only bigger than him but his dad is an amateur MMA fighter when he’s not in jail so the kid has a little practice in that arena but my son is scrappy so who knows. Regardless, I don’t want my kids just taking it laying down.

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"dad is an amateur MMA fighter when he’s not in jail"

If that wasn't so appalling it would almost be funny.

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The problem is that so many schools punish the person who fights back. It happened, to my oldest son.

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I agree with teaching them to fight back. I watched with my kids the 2016 film “St.Vincent”, starring Bill Murray. It kinda addresses the subject.

My 12 year old daughter wanted to watch it three times in a week. It’s a Great movie for middle school aged kids, though it does has sex scenes.

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I agree with MM. Teach your child to defend him or herself. I think there is significant damage to the psyche from being bullied that is countered by knowing it was resisted, even unsuccessfully. And while I am sympathetic to the circumstances of the child doing the bullying sweeping that conduct under the rug is not the answer. He needs intense therapy now or this is only going to get worse.

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You are so right. Did everyone see that lunatic vagrant in the NYC subway savagely beat that poor woman as "men" ran from the scene. Good Lord, what is so horrible about taking a beating - especially to help save a life? Have these people never been in a fight in their lives? Is there nothing worth sacrificing one's safety for? Better to take a beating than to live all your life as a coward.

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I agree, Bruce--while I'd rather deliver a beating to save a life, hey, if I have to take one, so be it. I wish the men and women on that subway platform had had the guts to gang-rush that lunatic. Strength in numbers. Pick him up and throw him on the tracks.

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Get a letter from a lawyer drafted. Your child's rights are being violated.

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We don't even necessarily have to build more prisons. Just put the violent ones away and devise other punishments for the non-violent. Now we have a nation where combat armed FBI SWAT teams are sent to terrorize and arrest non-violent old men (Stone and Navarro) accused of misdemeanors and non-violent abortion protesters who are defending their children while truly violent rapists, thugs and pedophiles roam free to terrorize the populace. Merrick Garland needs a serious accounting when sanity returns to our nation. I hope to live long enough to see him hang.

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If we let out all the people imprisoned for using or selling "drugs," we'd have plenty of space to lock up the violent criminals. And white-collar crime needs punishment that involves the surrender of money and effort by those criminals--something that actually matters to them--instead of letting them sit on their ass(ets) in low-security prisons.

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The libertarian streak in me wants to agree but I live on the WA/ID border - primarily live in Washington, work in Idaho and the differences are significant despite just 25 miles separating them. Washington cities are dealing with rampant homelessness, plain sight drug use, and violent crime that is seeping further and further into suburbia and the outskirts of town. Just across the border is damn near pristine. Nobody on the street corners with signs, no one sleeping on sidewalks and outside businesses. I can actually take my kids to a park in Idaho if I wanted to because they’re not littered with needles and feces and used condoms unlike Washington. The difference is the drug laws and tolerance for even petty crime.

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And you don't think that's a result of overall Leftist policies in Washington, vs overall conservative policies in Idaho?

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Oh that was my exact point. Idaho doesn’t have the rampant drug use and associated problems because they have prisons filled to the brim with low level drug offenders. Because they are tough on crime, even petty crime. While I am generally in favor of less government intervention in citizens’ personal lives as a principle, Idaho’s commitment to law and order creates enjoyable communities that are clean, safe, and thriving. It’s 100% a result of the difference in conservative vs. progressive politics/policies.

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I guess I thought you were advocating for a soft-on-drug-crimes approach, aka “let out all the people imprisoned for using or selling drugs” which is pretty much how Washington handles drug offenses. Idaho makes being a drug user/dealer really unappealing because they’ll actually jail you for it.

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What just kills me is that child molesters are now labeled as "minor attracted", as if apologizing for them. I really wish people would just stop with the euphanisms.

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Yep this blows my mind. Sorry, not sorry, some things need to be stigmatized and shamed. Pedophilia being one of them.

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The late great sociologist who devoted much of his scholarship to the issue of crime, James Q Wilson, said the only thing we know absolutely about controlling crime is to lock up the violent offenders as they present no threat to the public if they are behind bars.

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I agree as to violent offenders but it is pretty easy to be non-violent and get locked up these days. By these days I mean prior to the George Floyd social justice lunscy.

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Harris's misstatement was just clumsiness. Biden's calling out the dead is dementia.

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Harris's North Korea misstatement may be clumsy, but she has a bad habit of starting to talk without knowing where she wants her sentence to go....leading to endless examples of word salad nonsense.

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A clumsy speaker knows that they are a lousy public speaker and prepares, monitors, and corrects their error. Harris is unprepared and arrogant which is why she was such a poor candidate for president.

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Good points, I agree. Arrogance is the operative word here.

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Come on, at least she didn't misspell "potato."

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The passage of time...

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When "clumsiness" is a constant state, something else is afoot......

stupidity? insipidity? insanity?

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When “clumsiness” is neither recognized nor corrected by the clumsy, it’s not clumsiness, it’s rank stupidity.

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But at least she didn't repeat it three times in the same sentence.

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Harris is typical of the California political class. It’s only when they’re taken out of the hotbed of California nepotism/cronyism that they’re shown up for what they really are.

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North Korea must have been "top of mind".

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Then it was laying at the bottom of her skull.

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the upside is she didn't repeat it elebenty times....as she has been known to do on other occasions when she misspeaks

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Harris is lazy. Many stories from staffers who said she would not put in the work to be prepared. We could also say that comes from delusions of competence she has in her head that she is so smart, everyone likes her so much that she can just wing it.

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We've had our disagreements, but I wholeheartedly agree with this comment.

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Well said, Mr. Miller. Well said indeed!

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"For much of this crowd, everything and everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders is a fascist"

Um, fascism is a collectivist, big government political philosophy. Not a right wing ideology, it is a left wing ideology.

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Yes, this needs repeating.

Fascism includes a relationship between big government and big business that empowers each other and covers up the corruption.

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Sounds like our current government to me, big Parma and FDA, Boeing and FAA, big tech and the FBI, the media and National Security are a few examples but just the tip of the iceberg. Our government is controlled by unelected bureaucracy which is controlled by the businesses they are supposed to oversee.

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A perfect example is Obamacare. Fashioned together by the government and selected industries, setting policies and prices, and coercing people into participating by elimination options. Text book fascism

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And voted for by democrats, not a single republican.

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As soon as Obama said that insurance companies were going to be front and center in Obamacare, I knew it was going to be a disaster. It was actually the rise of insurance companies--who are less about true "insurance" and more about being a buyer's club--that caused our healthcare costs to spiral out of control at a rate so much higher than inflation.

It's actually very similar to the problem with education costs. Just as student loans insulate people from the true cost being charged for education, health insurance insulates people from the true cost being charged for medical care. That insulation allows the providers of those services to raise prices out of proportion with inflation, because the users of those services are not paying those costs out of pocket at the moment when they are used.

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I had a pinched nerve in my back over a year ago that I am still dealing with. The one thing I have learned is my insurance company is in charge of my healthcare, not my doctor. A doctor can't do anything without approval unless it is life threatening.

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Right. So instead of control of the costs we got control of the services provided. 15 minutes with your GP, for example.

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And turned health care into health business.

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You think private health care wasn't profit oriented until Obamacare?

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Of course it was. But there were medical standards that doctors were expected to comply with. And doctors could provide assistance to those who could not afford their services, much as lawyers provide pro bono services. Today third party, for-proft entities are calling the shots. There are a wide variety of issues with this. I for one want a doctor who sees me as an individual not one that bows to the standards of the insurance company which sees me as an algorithm.

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Fascism also requires a news media that lies with impunity and spreads hate for the enemies of the fascists.

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NC - exactly. Individuals can have fascist beliefs but an individual person needs collusion with governments and corporations to be fascist. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have the ability to be semi-fascist. The average citizen does not.

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That's not how right and left work.

Fascism is conservative in the old sense of the term: it's all about tradition, order, national identity, and unity taken to their extreme, and pursued at all costs.

The left aims rather to abolish tradition and order in the name of freedom and equality which, when taken to their extreme and pursued at all costs, can lapse into a slightly different flavor of tyranny - but one not properly called fascism.

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Mussolini, the original strong man, the Italian nationalist, was a socialist.

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"Socialism" is a flexible sort of term, which simply reflects social ownership of the means of production. In left-wing socialism, social ownership is pursued in the name of equality and ending the oppression of workers. In the right-wing version, it is pursued for the power and the glory of the nation.

This may be where the "horseshoe theory" - or maybe the "ring theory" - of politics comes into play: go far enough, one way or the other, and the extremes of right and left begin to blur together.

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Socialism is ownership of the means of production by the state. Fascism leaves ownership with the corporations/people BUT requires close state control of production, product, and prices. See Obamacare.

Fascism as practiced by Germany or Italy devolved (necessarily) into an oppressive militarist regime. People mistake militarism for fascism, but capitalists, communists, and mercantilists can be militarists as well.

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The fascist Maoists launched a historic campaign to destroy their own heritage and national identity.

It is totally fallacious to say that fascism is about tradition and national identity.

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A Chinese friend of mine thinks that this is happening in the USA now

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I do too.

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So do I

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Yes, I've been calling it the American Cultural Revolution here in Common Sense for a while now.

It's important to name the phenomenon so we can refer to it and talk about it openly with people who support it.

This November, a vote for Democrats is a vote to empower the American Culture Revolution.

Also, btw, Democrats openly talked about how they would use the pandemic to start this. That's what the lockdowns were for.

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"Never let a crisis go to waste"

- most Democrats

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Yeah I tell Democrats their party openly said they would take advantage of the pandemic to force through their agenda. Even after the riots, revolution, and lockdowns they won't believe it. I can show them the actual quote and videos of Democrats saying they were going to do this to country, and still their voters just won't believe what's right in front of them.

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Fascism only requires a unifying ideology based on enforcing the standards it wants to enforce. The fact that nationalism and tradition have historically been used as that unifying ideology does not make those things essential elements of fascism. The Left's "In This House" mentality is actually their unifying ideology--the embrace of Woke "values" is what has to be enforced. And it is being enforced, not only by government entities, but by businesses as well.

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DEI Officers are the fascist enforcement of the Democrats. Some are well intentioned, other know damn well what they are doing.

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Bob K

“Fascism is conservative in the old sense of the term: it's all about tradition, order, national identity, and unity taken to their extreme, and pursued at all costs.”

I think you’re conflating populism and fascism.

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They don't see the forest for the trees. It's like looking at religion historically and declaring that animal sacrifice is an essential characteristic of "religion," since at one time, most religions included that element.

The fact that fascists in the past have used "nationalism" as their unifying principle does not mean that nationalism is an inherent component of fascism. There are other unifying principles that could be used...such as the Woke ideology.

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"It's like looking at religion historically and declaring that animal sacrifice is an essential characteristic of "religion," since at one time, most religions included that element."

Yes - that's Sam Harris's schtick. He declares nobody can be a true Christian unless they stone adulterous women and sacrifice animals because that's 'what the Bible says.'

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I have no respect for Sam Harris.

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Always has come from the left.

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Hey PL, I’m PL! 😆

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PL’s there is really only one way to resolve this: you must fight each other like Kirk and Spock, left hands bound together, right hands holding spears. Winner gets to be PL. there is no logical alternative.

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Hehe! Interesting idea. I'm surprised tho that the platform allows repeat user names. Most platforms don't.

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Where can I buy tickets?

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If fascism is left wing, then Marxism is right wing. Up is down night is day, welcome to Brave New World.

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Right wing is freedom. Marxism and fascism are left wing.

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Anarchism is freedom and anarchism is left wing. Civil Rights were a left-wing movement. I've heard countless progressives explain how authoritarianism is exclusively a right-wing phenomenon.


In reality of course, neither the left nor the right is immune from authoritarian impulses. On the right, it manifests as theocracy or militaristic fascism, and on the left it manifests as communism or identarianism.

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Civil Rights was and is very much bi-partisan. Democrats were the party of the KKK.

Anarchy is a political tool, currently being used by Leftists, to foment unrest and instability. Anarchists do not respect anyone's rights but their own and is therefore uncivil.

In practice, socialism, communism and fascism are totalitarian systems and just as, if not more, subject to corruption and cronyism as capitalism.

Currently the left is the party of militaristic fascism.

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First of all, fascists have always come from the left. Mussolini and Hitler to name a few. Those are facts.

More importantly, all this labeling, right/left, etc. is just a distraction. Exactly how the elitists pulling the strings want it to be.

p.s. read The Road to Serfdom, Orwell, etc. The were worried about the inevitable path of socialism, not "right-wingers" whatever that is supposed to mean.

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The left would never admit that fascism came from the left. They made far-right and fascism into synonyms. The Nazi Party was officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party. But if you Google it, it is labeled a far-right movement. We live in an upside down world.

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The Road to Serfdom was a book that made the scales fall from my eyes.

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Socialists in name, militarists in practice. The only time the military has been a left-wing institution is since Biden won the election.

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Soviet Union was both socialist and militarist. Left/socialist ideology and militarist state are not contradictions, as history shows.

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Bingo! As I will keep repeating, folks should stop getting fooled by labels. That is their method of controlling the narrative, thereby controlling us.

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Label it however you want, brother. Deeds matter.

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True, but unfortunately the word has been appropriated differently now. It's like railing about misuse of the word "hopefully". Language changes all the time. "Stupid" once meant "bored and listless". "Retarded" once meant "slower than normal". Now it's almost an "n-word". I expect to see it referred to as the "r-word" anytime now.

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Everyone hates a book ban until they are the ones who get to choose which books to ban.

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These book bans. Banned where? At a school library? Anyone can get same book from the Public Library or a book store. We use these hot button words so loosely these days. My county library has free buttons: I read banned books. Something bad gonna happen to me if I CHECK A “BANNED BOOK” OUT OF THE LIBRARY??

Now about that documentary that can’t get distribution....

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Agreed. I think there’s a difference between a school library choosing not to carry an age inappropriate book and bookstore or Amazon choosing not to sell a book.

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Meanwhile, parents who read aloud at school board meetings from pornographic books that are available in their child's school library routinely have their mic shut off. School boards are good with kids having these books in the school library, but they are too obscene to be read aloud to adults.

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You said it! Amen!

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All the lists of "banned books" include books that are "challenged." In other words, if someone complained about the book it gets on the list, even if it is never banned or restricted.

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Lizzo appears to be misnamed. Never heard of her till now and that’s one picture I could’ve lived my entire life happy to have avoided.

And why is it the people one least wants to see naked or partially naked are always the people who choose to present themselves in public with as little clothing as possible?

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Lizzo is the poster child for fat acceptance. We are to believe being morbidly obese is healthy and beautiful. Not only does she flaunt her massive rolls on stage, she has Yitty, a company selling skin tight clothes for obese women so they can proudly flaunt their rolls too.

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Every time I see this in person I want to offer the woman a loaner tent.

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First it's "never heard of her till now" then it's "every time I see this person." Pick a lane. And why the pointless cruelty of a "loaner tent"? I prefer Sixties rock, but Lizzo is one of the most talented musicians in show biz, by all accounts a decent human being, and a sharp business woman. Why do you care if she's fat?

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“First it's "never heard of her till now" then it's "every time I see this person." Pick a lane.”

Apparently the language was a bit slippery there. “This” refers to the phenomenon of obese women parading around in very little clothing. I’ve seen that many times and am inevitably grossed out. I’m a normal size woman and wouldn’t dream of going to the grocery store in little more than my underwear.

Again I’ve never heard of her and have nothing to say re: her personality or skillset. All I have is a picture and a story about “twerking.”

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She was fully dressed in a very nice outfit when she played that crystal flute. She did not "twerk," she played the instrument with massive respect--as befits a woman who IS a classical flutist but makes her living as a pop superstar.

I don't know what picture you saw, but it had nothing to do with her performance at the Smithsonian. As for her twerking with few clothes on, I'm sure she does. She's an entertainer, and that's what many of them do.

As for your cruel "tent" comment, you say you're "normal" sized? There are people far thinner than you (and me) who would cruelly mock our "obesity." Point is, why should I care about Lizzo's size? She doesn't care about mine.

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Exactly. She's a talented flautist (flutist??) who studied classic opera and orchestral flute before she "found her lane" in pop/R&B- which is why she was given the "crystal flute" - and an amazing performance!. She's a talented lady, and worked the crap out of that flute (and as a former high school through county awards flutist myself, I'm more than happy to see the flute elevated to "cool"!!).

Her being fat and proud (AND BLACK!), is what seems to bug a lot of people, and while I might have some reservations about total acceptance of "obesity" as a norm and "goal" (where it's not healthy), Lizzo is obviously pretty active and fit even if she's fat. She dances and performs and is clearly "active".. And she does give a "healthier" presentation of larger women who are yet still healthy and fit, yet being larger, with self confidence and love of self regardless. There are spectrums of what is "healthy fat" versus straight up obesity.

At any rate, I find the "outrage" about Lizzo's Madison flute playing to be very revealing in those who comment negatively about it.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

Perfectly said, Smarticat, thanks. Anyone criticizing her for playing that flute is a troll whose IQ is that of a gnat's patoot.

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I feel the same about Trump, except rather observivng that his oversized suits seem to do the job (poorly).

Feel better?

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I see your point and she is not my cup of tea but I thought she displayed respect for the flute. It is after all a historical artifact once owned by a much maligned founding father. My guess is many of her audience had no idea who Madison was.

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As a former "flutist" in high school, I was thrilled to see the flute being elevated into pop music and Lizzo is a very talented (and classicly trained) performer. She rocked the shit out of that beautiful flute : )

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That was my first thought. Who on earth chose to loan her a Presidential artifact to use in such a performance?

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But she was, in her way, awed by it.

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She is a classically trained musician. I am not her fan but why do we worship a musical instrument? It needs to be played

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Respect for the comments section would have been doing even a speck of research before dropping your Lizzo bomb. From Wikipedia:

"She was classically trained as a flutist by renowned music teacher Claudia Momen from the age of 10 until she graduated Alief Elsik High School in Alief, Houston in 2006, where she also started rapping. At the age of 14, she formed a musical group called Cornrow Clique with her friends. At this time she acquired the nickname "Lizzo." After high school, she studied classical music concentrating on flute at the University of Houston.At the age of 21, after the death of her father, she lived out of her car for a year as she tried to break into the music industry . . .":

Now she is a superstar musician, richly earned the right to play Jefferson's flute, and did not deserve your scorn.

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You think that’s bad. Google her and red bikini. You’ll need to wash your eyes out.

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No thanks!

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Wow. Mean. Feel better about yourself?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

"Now that there's funny. I don't care who you are." (Larry the cable guy)

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They are forcing it on you specifically because you don't wish to see it.

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Thanks, Kat, well done.

“For much of this crowd, everything and everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders is a fascist.” says a lot. I’d also point out that we should all be on red alert when folks prefer to debate words rather than ideas. It is akin to obligatory qualifiers. Once establishing the label becomes the main goal, and enough useful idiots have adopted said label, then the goal of controlling the narrative has been achieved. And of course, many of the dutiful leftist sheep are readily repeating the “Meloni is a fascist” mantra. But how long can the globalist elite keep this up? Time will tell...

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It seems she is being labeled a fascist primarily because her party (brothers of italy,) has fascist roots. I never heard that party name until this week. Of course I am not very knowledgeable about Italian politics. That being the case, which party in the US was the party of slavery and jim crow?

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Racist has lost its sting and cachet. It’s now on to fascist! But when everybody is a fascist, is anyone a fascist?

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I was at lunch with a friend some time back and I said something mildly positive about Trump. She gave me her shocked face and squawked “Do you know what fascist means?!”

I smiled and said “Tell me.”

Shut her right up 😆

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Brilliant! And I guess she didn’t really know eh?

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I knew she wouldn't know. She's a parrot, like most leftists, and the only books in her apartment are on astrology and one-pot meals.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Is just a "bad word"; these brainwashed woke idiots no longer even care to think about what the words may mean; what they once met and how they are being redefined a la 1984.

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I've been saying the same thing for awhile.

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"But how long can the globalist elite keep this up?"

A very long time. People have very short attention spans, getting shorter all the time. So a single label, provided by a 'reliable' source, is enough for them to embrace it. People still judge people by their appearance and books by their covers.

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It's the left's favorite tactic. Just keep repeating it until it is true.

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Since the MSM seems so intent on tracing the Facist family tree of the Brothers of Italy, perhaps they now will do us in the US the courtesy of doing the same with the racist roots of our Democrat Party.

Another question. Rosenfield writes “…her win in Italy is part of a rising tide of populist sentiment in Europe. There, the years-long migration crisis and pandemic-related economic struggles have combined with anxieties over the war in Ukraine to give right-wing politicians a boost….”

Why is the absolute worst possible consequence of the collapse of CIVILization for commentators like Kat Rosenfield the election of “right wing” politicians? Can we find another way to discuss an electorate that has finally had enough of the decades of inane polices that have all but destroyed our families, homes, churches, schools, communities — hell, our lives?

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Globalist have invested many years into demonizing the phrase "right-wing" so they can use it to dehumanize their foes.

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Typical Americans described as "right wing" only appear that way to people to the left of Che Guevara.

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I get what you’re saying about news sources using the term right-wing in a derogatory manner, although I find they usually like to add “far” to the front of that term, but I don’t get that sentiment from Kat’s line. It’s pretty matter-of-fact —- Meloni is from a right wing party, and all of those issues described have led citizens to seek leaders from a party with the potential to bring solutions. I’m not sure how else she is expected to describe someone from a party opposite of the left? “Not Left Wing”?

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“Right wing” and “far right” are just words. Also true is that these are terms Europeans use to describe their politicians. But over here these words are laden with malignant implication, as others responding to my comment have noted. As a proud one myself, I like “conservative” just fine.

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"extreme" seems to be gaining in usage in describing anyone to the right of Stalin.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Leftists use 'extreme' as an insult, not a definition. They want us to question ourselves and what we plainly see with our own eyes. Leftists are the party of un-self-aware projection. Everything they say about 'others' is what they themselves are doing.

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Expect the act of environmental terrorism that is the sabotage of Nord Stream 2 to be first ignored by environmental organizations, then the regime actors, and finally the press. Like the origins of Covid-19, there’s nothing here for the unwashed masses to see. Moving on.

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Has any checked on Greta’s whereabouts? She’s my #1 suspect.

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Biden is on record stating we could take out the pipelines. This wasn’t in Russias interest

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True enough, but it's not really in our interest, either. With the midterms coming up, even the Biden administration isn't dumb enough to do something to increase inflation even further.

Maybe a pipe under the ocean that's been shut off for awhile simply sprung a leak. Things still break. God knows maintenance on roads, bridges, water systems and the electric grid in the U.S. are delayed--it's probably even worse in Russia.

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Except that this doesn't directly affect us. It is going to have a serious effect on Europe this winter, however.

Always consider cui bono. Preventing Russia from selling natural gas to Europe (at whatever price it chooses) benefits someone. It doesn't benefit Russia, and it doesn't benefit the common people of Europe.

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If it had been under pressure, then shut off, then re-pressurized it could explain the leak.

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I agree with your second paragraph but I think you overestimate Biden and his handlers in the first.

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Agreed...the the biden administration is certainly dumb enough to do many, many idiotic things.

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So far Biden has given no evidence that he can do unidiotic things.

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or sumpin like that, I need more practice

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As is Victoria Nuland. If Russia wanted to, they could just turn it off.

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All that greenhouse gas, methane, rising into the atmosphere

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Very credible summary of the week. The only thing you left out was the Stalinist purge going on at the DOJ/FBI who thought a Catholic father of 7 was deserving of an early morning SWAT team.

And I am enjoying the mental contortions of Democrats running for office who put out slogans shamelessly pandering to the woman vote, but can’t seem to define what a woman is.

As for Lizzie---Just. No. Words.

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Agree Lady.....how do you miss the story of the Catholic father of 7 who has the FBI in numbers up to 30 at his property with guns drawn at 7am knowing his children would be at the home (they are homeschooled) WHEN his attorney offered the FBI months earlier to turn him in when the time came FOR A MISDEMEANOR that was already dismissed by the courts. Meanwhile more than 65 pregnancy care centers have been vandalized and there are no FBI investigation of actual violence. The FBI has to be exposed and you can start with the whistleblowers.

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Thanks for including the Giorgia Meloni speech. She is indeed a very talented orator. And I thought the part of her speech that emphasized how every person has a human identity was compelling.

As a Jew, however, I'm always sensitive to politicians blaming "financial speculators" for problems.

Finally, although i don't speak Italian, it's my favorite language to listen to. I love its cadences.

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I’m a WASP. There are plenty of slimy WASP “speculators”

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Thanks for that comment.

But there's definitely a history in Europe of associating Jews with financial speculation. And in America as well. So. it's a reflexive reaction on my part that might be overdone.

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That's true; but I don't think we can keep from calling out what needs to be called out because of this history. Otherwise Wall Street and others would be basically immune from criticism forever.

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Agreed. Definitely sometimes used as “code” or dog whistle” indicating anti-semitism. I also think there is legitimate suspicion of and disdain for “financial centers”. I always feel that DC Hoovers up my taxes and lives large while NYC skims my investment money(sending me a pittance) and lives large. The topper being BOTH regions come across as snooty and self congratulatory.

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I am a life long New Yorker and have worked mainly in the investment business.

I think your comments are fair about snooty and self-congratulatory. More humility is definitely needed; more recognition of those who are successful attributing their success to being in the right place at the right time. Luck not superiority.

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I prefer the term "Elitist"

as in "those New England Liberal Elitists (NELE) on MV"

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Who knew that JP Morgan, Salmon P. Chase, John Thompson, et al were all Jewish?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

What is forgotten is that Christians were forbidden from money-lending by the Church. This left this important niche to be filled by Jews to perform this service. Without credit capitalism is crippled.

Shakespeare disparages the Jew Shylock in Merchant of Venice for agreeing to take a pound of flesh as collateral for a loan. Shylock is denied his pound of flesh because he was allowed "no jot of blood". But it seems to me that it was NOT upon Shylock to cut the flesh but for Antonio to provide it by cutting it off himself.

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The issue with the financial speculators comment is that it is wrong because government is at fault.

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you mean like Biden calling out the "gougers" after Ian.

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In the US at least there is no doubt which party relies on “mysterious powerful forces holding you down” as a motivating force.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

“(Vindman later deleted the tweet—not because it was offensive to the Floridians who lost their homes and lives to the storm, but because of the harm done to the trans community by the invocation of non-gendered weather events.) “ AND “not because it was an embarrassingly childish thing to say.”

I’m longing for this new slogan “MAGA: Make America GROWNUP Again!” (Which, I realize, immediately disqualifies the originator of the traditional ”MAGA”.)

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Excellent work, well done. You had one Orwellian typo but the rest of this week’s writing is up to par. I’m referring to the sentence below where you added the words “appeared to”:

“President Biden appeared to look around for Representative Jackie Walorski during his speech Wednesday at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, & Health, asking, "Where's Jackie? Jackie, are you here?"”

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I noticed that, too. He didn't "appear to": he verifiably in front of everyone and on video did it.

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