Bari - We again implore you - a transcript please. Most of us can read far more rapidly than a leisurely stroll down that normal pace of conversation. I'm very interested in this topic - yet another leftist hoax and cancel hysteria - but doubt I'll make it all the way through.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I totally agree. And it's more than just being able to go through it faster - I read with far more retention and comprehension than I can listen. When I'm reading I can instantly back up - reread a sentence or two, think about something briefly - maybe go check something out, go back a paragraph or two... It's a very non-linear process, but in the end I get way more out of reading than trying to listen to something. There aren't enough hours in the day to listen to all the podcasts I might want to. And so usually I just don't. I've passed up several of Bari's podcasts that I would loved to have "read".

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Transcripts are also useful for excepting written quotes. Print works much more efficiently for the purpose of time-binding information than either audio or video.

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Yes, transcript please! I finally got around to starting to listen to this and there are *commercial advertisements*? I thought I was a valued subscriber, Bari. I guess not.

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Don't waste your time with this podcast if you are a written word person, I spent way too much time listening to setup and blabber, not getting the info I was here for, and it's only actually a 15 second search and 4 minute read away (this is written by Terry Glavin) https://nationalpost.com/opinion/the-year-of-the-graves-how-the-worlds-media-got-it-wrong-on-residential-school-graves

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Yes please! What Jeff said.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

I should have added one more reason: audiovideo commentary often results in one judging the personalities and their affects more than what they are actually saying.

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They found a mass grave filled with people killed on Jan 6 with fire extinguishers. Also included several Ivermectin overdoses.

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Damn. They caught me. That's the last time I let a family member send DNA to 23 and Me.

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Soon...if the Mara-largo hoax falls through.

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(Banned)Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Nah. Just a bunch of Trumpanzees who attacked the Capitol, tried to capture/kill the VP and shit all over the floors.

Ivermectin is fine. Just don't take the horse version from the feed store.

Not really equivalent.

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I know, it’s not the same a fire bombing federal buildings or burning down the nation.

Not equivalent.

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(Banned)Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Really? An entire nation was burned down? When did this happen? I must have missed this story about an entire country being burned to the ground. Which country was it?

Stop trying to overthrow elections/democratic countries and shitting on the floors, Savta.

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Across the nation summer 2020. Did you sleep through the “ mostly peaceful protests”?

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(Banned)Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Is this what you're referring to? There 10,600 in total, 570 of which there was violence. Yep, "mostly peaceful" sounds accurate.


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The entire country was burned down?!

How many protest were there all together? Did the entire country get burned down at one time? Or did each of the thousands of protest burn down little sections?

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Wow. I must have missed all that. Did you somehow get some of the hundreds of hours of Capitol video that even Congress can't seem to get?

re: ivermectin. The horse version is roughly equivalent to the human version, since it was developed for and by humans. Not easy to do, but be sure to get the dose right, since your betters are going after any doctors who try to prescribe the human-dose human version.

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Yep. Sure did get access to video

Horse version is "roughly equivalent" but it's not really the same is it, Jim?

Is that how you make make decisions re: medical care? An animal medication that is "roughly equivalent?"

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You are correct. "Roughly equivalent" does mean "not really the same," but there is an old saying: Any Port In The Storm. When you or your loved ones are dying and your government forbids your doctor to use his judgment in treating them, desperate people do desperate things.

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“The vile vandals apparently took dumps in bathrooms and then spread around their poop, a Schumer insider said.”


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Schumer insider 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Great source for facts.🤣

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When I want the truth I always go to anonymous people who are friends with Chuck Schumer

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Chuck Schumer is a radical left wing progressive. He’ll say anything to discredit the right.

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Stop trying to overthrow elections ands shitting on floors, Kevin.

Not that hard.

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The anonymous Schumer aid said it was poop, not shit.

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Whatever it was, stop doing it.

Y'know, on second thought. I don't try to correct monkeys at the zoo, so what's the point here?

Proceed as you were.

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Yes, agree. A transcript please!

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I have been begging for this since the first episode. Sometimes they get posted, but when they do not, everyone loses. Many of us do not have the time, listening skills, or otherwise to sit through the literally 50 podcasts a day people would like us to hear. But we can read 50 pieces at 100 times the speed. And if we are visual learners (many of us are) we also get far more from the transcript. Please, Please, Please.

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And I thought I was the only one with that problem…staring at the piles of intriguing podcasts towering over me, and wondering who has the time to listen to them all?? I tried listening to one once, and the first 15 minutes were rambling smalltalk!

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Yes and this one was somewhat manageable at 50 minutes or so but the Bret Stephens one was 2 hrs or more. Could not invest that amount of time.

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I definitely won’t listen Bruce, and before even listening I agree with your points it’s a leftist hoax add climate change to, these leftists lunatics don’t care if they bring us to our knees!

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Adding my subscriber "vote" for a transcript. Please and thank you.

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I loathe videos and sound bites. As you said, we can read faster and understand better. Normally, I lose focus and end up thinking about something completely different.

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+1 for transcripts! Please, please please!

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Agree! I’d so much rather read that listen. In fact, in this example, I won’t take the time to listen, whereas I would read the piece.

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I change the speed to 1.5. It’s a tremendous help!

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Yes, a transcript is critical.

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Yes, a transcript!

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Hear! Hear! Transcripts are better.

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You can contact her by going to “Substack”

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I second that.

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Nah, sounds like gerbils. I ended up listening.

An important story, but less about the indigenous grave hoax and more about the lies of the corporate media and the leftist politicians for whom they flack.

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The Indigenous grave hoax is actually more damaging. We had churches burned to the ground in countless communities…one in my husband’s hometown which was the pillar of their society. Divisive action and comments from our leaders; this goes beyond corrupt

Media. This has done more damage to our Indigenous communities and if the truth finally is accepted by mainstream media and Ottawa, our country will become even more fractured.

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This is what happens when you have a weak leader who becomes a dictator the combination is often lethal for your country, we in America should take notice of our current administration with its weak leadership, vaccine mandates, student forgiveness and open borders + a very sick legacy media don’t be surprised if there is a big red push in November!

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Skinny, we can only hope and pray. My fingers are crossed!

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Can the NYT be held to account? After all, they bear the bulk of the responsibility for this hoax.

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All the news agencies up here reported the same thing. I’m not aware of any governing board that can fine a newspaper for false news. It’s become so commonplace now it’s just accepted. Politicians, however, absolutely can be held to account. And I hope at our next election the truth will finally be revealed and people will rightly kick them out.

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I’m surprised they didn’t get another Pulitzer since they believe those awards impress us dolts.

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They should be but, they won’t be, there

wouldn’t be one network or news station left standing if they were held accountable.

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Hoax news gets clicks and the media gets paid per click.

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Part of the Communization. Use (emphasis on “use”) any means/anyone necessary to turn the Public against the Church/all denominations/religious people, the most potent force for individual human rights balanced with societal well-being in human history. Of course the Church has been seriously weakened already, as a voice in the wilderness, but you’ll see that was all part of the plan.

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The Church does not need anybody's help to make itself look bad. it does that all by itself. From Terry's report on the Catholic-run Indian Schools of Canada:

"The documentary record going back to the early years of the 20th century is rife with accounts of sexual predators and sadists employed by the schools. In more recent years, among the roughly 50 school officials convicted of sexually abusing and raping children in their care were supervisors, administrators, priests, brothers from religious orders and a Catholic bishop. In the case of just one abuser, Alberni Indian Residential School dormitory supervisor Arthur Plint was convicted on 18 counts of indecent assault, though his victims over a 20-year period likely included hundreds of children."

That mirrors the vile child molestation system that has been part and parcel of Church life in the United States, Canada, and Ireland (the only three I know about) for at least a century.

So no, it's not part of "Communization" of anything, and not part of any "plan." The Church committed a massive number of sins and felonies, and is now paying an enormous price for those crimes. I admire the Church for many things. But the child molester crisis is as much a part of the Church as the good works it does. Society is right to condemn it.

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I expected flak, but I still wanted to mention it, rather inarticulately today, sorry. And I am NOT making excuses for the extensive list of clerical sins individual or collective. I have grievances too, and keep the Faith. Not my point.

My point to remember, here, is that institutionally, the Church was THE prime target by every Communist and every Nazi propagandist, to upend society, destroy families, re-engineer the state, eliminate faith in a power higher than the State, for good reason. Let’s remember that everywhere humans are, abuse occurs, in our most beloved and trusted institutions, at rampant, underreported levels— though we hold Churchmen and women to a higher standard, acting as they are in the name of God. And I do want to take the time to point out that the Church *has* been very explicitly targeted for infiltration for this very reason. Look up Bella Dodd. Society is right to condemn the child mol. crisis in the Church, but is NOT right to condemn the Church.

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"The Church" did not commit any of those atrocities. Their crime was in looking the other way or actively covering them up and the cost they've paid for that mis- and malfeasance has been severe. But let's not confuse Church doctrine and the sins of pedophiles. Or should we now refer to them as MAPS, as our woke friends insist?

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Thanks. Can you tell I'm old and tech eludes me? lol

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Whatever your age I’d say you pretty clued up more so then some younger people on our planet.

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Thanks Skinny but I think most people here are. It's a nice community of people to whom facts and logic matter.

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I'm with you.....I stubbornly NEVER listen to the videos....I immediately delete. I like to read.

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I retain what I read much better.

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Fortunately though thought does not elude you.

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Thank you, that's so nice of you to say. But I think I need to listen more and comment less.

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I've had considerable experience with "speeding up" YouTube videos to get through them quickly. I have a home machine shop, and most of the how-to machinist videos can be run through at about 1.3x speed, sometimes 1.5. I discovered, though, that for the topics that have complex ideas, I can understand the words just fine, but if I speed them up, at the end of the paragraph I don't get what the point was supposed to be, so I have to go back. The point is that if you speed up a video or podcast, check to see if you are getting the gist or just hearing the words.

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I am from Canada, and I can tell you that this is the MOST verboten topic of them all, at least here. It is possible that I could have a discussion about trans issues, for example, with someone who disagrees, as long as I were to approach the issue with sufficient delicacy. But the mass graves story is an absolute no-go zone. Everyone here accepts it as gospel truth. Terry is one of my favourite journalists, and it has been painful to watch his eviceration. His work hardly shows up anymore in any of our media outlets.

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Yes, I can relate. I mentioned it to a close friend while we were on a bike ride. He got so uncomfortable, muttered something incoherent and for the sake of the friendship, I'll never mention it again. This, by the way, is a guy that I share books with, talk about history with and he knows that I am passionate about indigenous issues, having lived and taught school on a reserve.

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To acknowledge this might be false might hurt the "cause", that is one of the few sins the modern left/elite will always find unforgivable.

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Could there be some leftover collective guilt for the way Canada treats its native populations? Likewise Germany doesn't like to talk about the holocaust.

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I get it, I have a buddy of mine so hate filled of Trump that he just loses it. Its tough for me to understand , I care about politics and policy as well, but but never enough to go bat guano crazy. I actually like meeting people with different ideas, it can be fun and intellectually stimulating.

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I have friends like this too. They keep talking and talking about Trump and how much they hate him even now and I barely even think about the guy at all. Totally obsessed with him.

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You know, I think you hit the right word with "obsessed." Maybe we all have obsessions and maybe all obsessions have to be looked at with at least a little bit of distance. Otherwise, they pull us into, um... a crazy place.

I am so thankful for the courageous journalists who are willing to speak the truth. I am thinking of Abigail Shrier, who reported on the frightened parents of girls who wanted to transition, how Shrier was hated, how she said that was freeing. I wish the best for Terry. And, once again, thank you Bari.

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Yeah, look at msnbc or can or any major news broadcast. They love talking him, they really do. I guess its better than talking about inflation, homicide spikes, collapsing markets and such.

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They understand that even most Trump voters are not comfortable with a lot of his tweets and remarks. He is vulgar. They talk about him to drive these points home and hope to make you forget that he actually did a pretty good job; remarkably better than Biden or Obama.

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Yeah he is crude, but then I think about Bill Clinton sexually exploiting a young girl in the White House and realize most everybody attacking Trump excused that and I realize they are all full of s%$t.

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I’ve been shunned by family and friends after defending Trump. While I liked his policies I’m not a big fan of Trump. I defended him because I think no one has been more irrationally and maliciously maligned than anyone in my 75 years. The anti-Trump mania is scary.

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I am like you. I think Trump is a megalomaniacal, lying, bully but I voted for him twice because I can't bring myself to vote for the Socialist/Democrat Party.

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I thought many of his policy ideas were great--plus he exposed "the deep sate" which needed to happen. I think all politicians are awful but at least Trump actually cared about his constituency. That actually comes across in his policy, unlike the blather and nothingness, designed to hide tax-payer money-laundering, that most other politicians engage in.

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He was the first politician who tried to carry out his campaign promises.

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It sounds to me that your friend is one of those that is constantly unhappy and pissed off about everything, a toxic personality. I think Trump is a jerk but then again, I think the Democrat/Socialists are jerks. But I don't go orbital about it. I don't lose any sleep over it.

Tell you friend to get a life.

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on the other hand he is fun to have a drink with.

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Have the drink and go home!

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I know what you mean. It is fun to poke them with a sharp stick once in a while just to watch them go nutz.

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I try not to do that! A great deal of my life is politics, its often the last thing I want to argue with friends over, it usually ends badly.

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It would be interesting if we could measure the IQ's of people and correlate that with their political leanings.

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That’s what baffles me. I have friends and family who are, by all measures other than talking politics, extremely intelligent. Yet when they start talking politics, all logic and reason fly out the window. It’s like they want so badly for the idealism of progressivism to be true that they continually deny reality.

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I cold called a friend of mine this week. She is extremely intelligent. She is a lesbian and a teacher. I called her to talk about rapid onset gender dysphoria, which is exploding here. She was defensive at first, but I ended up opening her mind to the idea that they are harming children. She admitted that she had been going with what "felt right". It was such a fascinating window into leftist thinking. The idea that people are

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People are oppressed blinds progressives.

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How can a person be “extremely intelligent” while totally impervious to even considering another point of view ?

Progressives are many things, “intelligent” is not one

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He is a victim of propaganda.

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Be glad they are gone and feel sorry for them. Intolerance is a vice.

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Well it works both ways. I'm starting to wonder if we, the people who support Western Civilization and rule of law (those of us who do not vote Democrat), need to start ostracizing those who are trying to force their alternative "reality" on us? Perhaps challenging their broad proclamations at the very least. I remember many years ago, an ex-friend (I eventually cut her out of my life) proclaimed that anyone who is a Republican was a racist. I asked her if that included me. She said no. I asked her if that included an number of other conservative friends. She said no. How about black Republicans I asked. She said no. I asked "Who then?", She replied with a wave of her hand, "You know, people out there." I'm so tired of the lies that Democrats tell (I had a another Democrat acquaintance say after the 2016 election that half the country was sexist because Hillary lost.) I decided to cut bigots and liars out of my life and embrace good, honest and sane people. It took some time, but over the past few years I have built friendships with better people and it was well worth it. If those who blithely smear people they don't know realize you won't allow them to do it, they might stop. The best response to smears and lies is: "How do you know that?" and go from there. If they continue to lie, then it's time to end the friendship. They are not honorable people.

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Facts an history means nothing to them.

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Your friend is unwell. How many innocent people were killed on January 6 and during the Floyd riots?

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Consider yourself lucky you don’t need them!

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What??? You're a NAZI? I must admit secretly all along I've thought you were a NAZI.

If you want a genuine imitation NAZI flag and other paraphernalia let me know.

Why do I have NAZI paraphernalia? Well, I ah, ah ....... I found it in a dumpster. Yeah, Yeah, that's it. I found it.

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I know you are not a NAZI, Lynn. My family history is similar to yours. My ancestors fought in every major war this country had and that includes the Revolutionary War.

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"almost as bad?" Did you say that so your friend wouldn't get hurt feelings? They aren't even in the same damned ballpark!

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Find real friends.

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This BYU, Oberlin Bakery all over again. The left is falsely over sensitive and compassionate. At least, they think they are. When they hear a story like this they irrationally go ballistic. Once in orbit it is impossible to talk them back down to Earth..

They would rather believe a lie because it makes them feel good about themselves and it proves to their wacked out leftist friends, they are compassionate and not racist. Proving they are not racist is their primary driving force and they will believe any lie and go to any lengths to prove they are compassionate non-racists.

In other words, nut cases.

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Add in Smollett for which our current VP introduced “anti-lynching” legislation as part of that astroturf project gone bad.

Also, Duke Lacrosse, Al Sharpton, Brawley, Crown Heights, and the Trump Russia hoax.

Most everything the MSM pushes is to advance a narrative, period!

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I used to think that...now I'm starting to believe that many Democrats/Progressives are motivated by a desire to fire up their life through obsessive and intense hatred of "the other" and I think Democrat operatives have successfully tapped into that. They get more support (votes and volunteers) by claiming there's a terrible group of people (Republicans) trying to hurt any number of "victim" groups, than they do making and creating rational policy to deal with actual problems. And because they are not required by Democrat voters to create good policy (just look at Democrat-run cities), the elected politicians are free to enrich themselves and their friends and family on the largess of taxpayers. As long as there are "major problems" to be solved (because Republicans and conservatives are such mean and powerful people), there will be those willing to vote for tax increases, bond measures, etc. And when those hundred of millions of tax-payer dollars go missing, as they invariably do, nobody questions it. That's where we are.

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Got my hat(s), too! My old bud and I are heading up there in about three weeks. Sort of a pilgrimage; I want to touch the hem of the owner's garment.

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Have a great time if I remember Jim your trip is in October enjoy!!

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Yep. October. I'm having a heavy-duty transmission built for my tow vehicle. It will take them a full two days to install it with the overdrive. During that time, my bud and I plan to rent a car, drive to Oberlin and maybe on to Cleveland to renew old friendships. I love retirement. Wish I could have done it in my 'twenties.

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"I want to touch the hem of the owner's garment."


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Love it!

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Enjoy wearing it !

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Got mine last week! And cookies!

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Me too, wonderful soft cotton.

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Okay, if you can’t discuss mass graves, please spill the tea on that shop teacher with the bodacious fake knockers. Seriously, have you people lost your flipping minds?

My sainted Canadian grandmother, God rest her soul, would not approve.

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Nobody approves. It's the top story in the country this week.

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Check out the New York Post's article on who won New York State's Teacher of the Year Award. A she who identifies as a he; teaches chemistry but focuses on CRT; less than 9% of her students fare well yet she's smiling from ear to ear.

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I am Canadian tooo. I am disgusted enough with Canada after this" story " was "called out " by our Primer Minister that I am trying to work my way out this country. Again. This time for good. I hope all the "Bratz" that made this story come alive with their desecration of: our legislature(s) buildings ; architecture ; statues and more..diw a long a painful death before going to hell.

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This is what is so terrifying the truth doesn’t matter. If a narrative needs to be shaped leave it to the media and the leftists to make up crap and that’s it, it’s written into history and it doesn’t matter what the truth is. We on a slippery slope!

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Same. And agree. Terry is a national treasure.

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"How dare you take my guilt away from me!"

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He went against the narrative and has been made to pay.

At some point it will dawn on Terry that the “climate emergency” he has bought into is no different, with anyone challenging the narrative being attacked from all sides.

One day he will get it

Or maybe he already does but figures he cannot do both

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You may be on to something there. He couldn't call himself "a man of the left" if he went there. Somehow he thinks he still has standing on the left after questioning one of their sacred cows. You can't do that. He's an apostate. Just like Galileo for his heliocentric views.

The idea that any of this is new is bullshit. Power likes to hold on to power by using bullshit stories. It's why George Carlin's spiel about the "Holy Shit" story of God - "all loving but vengeful, all powerful but always needs money!" hits so hard. Because it isn't about God. It's about the person in power talking about God.

Same here. The people in power talking about whatever it is, mass graves, structural racism, climate crisis... they don't believe in it either. They just want to be able to call YOU a heretic, so that they keep their sinecures.

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Right on!

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Certainly I’m a heretic

Proudly so

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If it's something that you must not speak of, then you have to tell the truth. Tell them it's just like the last three Harry Potter books. Maybe they'll understand then.

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Terry is a regular contributor to the National Post. Every issue is worth reading imho. Also, it's only an evisceration if they find errors or misrepresentations in your work. On that score, the only evisceration has been the self evisceration of the credibility of most Canadian media outlets as they flail and protest but fail to counter any of Terry's points.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I love your podcast! You ask thoughtful questions and allow your fascinating guests to share in a deep way. You are doing such an important service to this country by cutting through the crap and stimulating meaningful dialogue. I hope you know how much you are valued and admired for your intellect, determination and courage. Applause applause!!!

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I’m a Canadian expat who has been living in the US since 2014. This story is appalling but a natural progression of what I witnessed in my work for and with First Nations to help get them justice for all the real, actual terrible things that happened in those schools and to assert rights to revenue from resource extraction on traditional territory. My impression at the time was that, while many were sincere in their efforts to improve the socio-economic situation, others were more invested in building their career on grievance advocacy. No solutions; only problems. So I guess it serves their purpose to yell about stuff that didn’t actually happen, while ignoring the present day issues and avoiding any talk of personal responsibility.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Did you ignore the culpability of the government in the plight of the indigenous people in Canada? Especially that of the government of Trudeau, pere et fil (sorry Fidel).

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Does suing the government for failing to fulfill their duty to consult FN bands when issuing land leases for oil and gas exploration count as holding them culpable? Again, my time predates JT's reign. It's a complicated situation. The politics makes it difficult for the federal government to assert any sort of change on reserve land; this power (and responsibility) lies with the FN leadership. They demand the cash but are wary of any direct federal or provincial involvement in reserve governance. This is what they mean by self-governance. So the money flows with no strings and not much else happens, as far as I could tell.

There are examples of success among the hundreds of FN bands in Canada that counter the narrative that it's all the government's fault and nothing can be done to fix it. The Osoyoos band in the Okanagan Valley was blessed with valuable real estate and have leveraged that to their collective advantage. Lots of jobs, productivity and, most importantly, good leadership in Chief Clarence Louie. Should they, then, credit the Canadian government with their success? Or is there another factor at play here?

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The national and provincial governments failed to police the conditions on the reservations and in the schools, did they not? And then, the pathetic JT egged on those who burned down churches in "retaliation" for the lies that the Canadian media spread.

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I would challenge you, as a non-band member, to visit a reserve ("reservation" is the American term) and try to "police" conditions. Please report back on how it goes.

As for policing the schools, the Truth and Reconciliation process, spanning several years and many hundreds of millions of dollars later, held the federal government and church to account. There was also a class-action lawsuit, headed up by one of Canada's most notoriously effective and politically connected lawyers, Tony Merchant, that resulted in more hundreds of millions being paid out to survivors. Whether that did anything to heal the trauma and break the cycle of abuse remains to be seen.

JT cynically leveraged the moment to virtue signal and brand his political opponents as irredeemably racist. He's a gutter politician. It's up to Canadian voters to hold him accountable, I suppose.

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Please the first chance Canada gets vote out JT, the gutter call is to decent a description of him

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We have the same problems in the US of social disruption and decay, alcoholism, corruption etc. so I understand your point. Still, the governments of both countries do share in blame for many of the conditions and the exploitation. As far as Mr. Trudeau, we are on the same page.

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If anyone wants a preview of “basic universal income” see a reservation.

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Terry Glavin is a gem. Thanks for a great conversation Bari. It's been horrifying to watch our entire (state funded) media apparatus in Canada push stories that are all narrative and no fact. No attempt to correct the record.

This is Canada's version of luxury belief. Talk endlessly of the residential schools and do nothing about reserves. You should hear the way white progressives in Canada self-flagellate over this stuff. My boss at work read her 'own personal land acknowledgement' this year to the staff. It was essentially a confession of original sin. We were all encouraged to do the same. No one said anything and she moved on.

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Another example of journalism fail—where “truthiness” trumps truth, i.e., promotes a noble narrative. I’m not sure whether to be 😢 or 😠. Both maybe.

And also the problem of silence. This is happening way too much--one principled person speaking up and then getting fired or silenced or whatever while sympathetic colleagues cower.

Bari asked him at the end if he was bothered that so many colleagues quietly supported him but wouldn’t go public. He graciously excused their silence but personally this is what infuriates me. It will be when the opposition to this kind of propaganda is noisy and raucous and bipartisan that it will be stopped. One voice can be silenced—1,000 can’t.

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As a Christian we have a name for people like that, they wear their Christianity on their sleeve. More than happy to show you how good they with an added pinch of false modesty.

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I'm an American and have a question. What is the relationship between the Canadian federal government and the governments of the individual indigenous nations? Here in the U.S., reservations are quasi-sovereign, meaning that, in most things, they govern themselves. Is it the same or similar in Canada? If so, why is it that the amount of mercury in the water on FN lands is a matter for Ottawa and not the governments of the FNs?

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Neither the water or the air follow territorial land borders drawn up by legal covenants. Come on, this is basic.

Also, issues like mercury in watersheds are related to activities like mining, or air pollution from power plants. There isn't a lake in the state of Maine that isn't currently subject to fish consumption advisories due to mercury content, and the problem is almost entirely due to power plant emissions from other states. Maine, which contributes almost no mercury emissions within its borders, simply suffers from the misfortune of being downwind of them.




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Batsh.. crazy woman!

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We KNOW WHY this happens.

The question should be; What can we do about it?

The media is looking for sensational narratives that push a leftist agenda that believes anything related to western culture (read white European/European derivative) is inherently oppressive and evil.

They are not investigating facts, they are cherry picking, spinning stories to support a narrative, and when they do not have actual facts, they will readily accept a fake fact that supports the story they want to tell.

The "Why" is not complicated.

The means by which we solve the problem is very complicated and any solution hard and made that much harder by the fact that our national and institutional leaders along with a substantial portion of the populace are willing to go along or supportive.

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“In the end, it’s about what happens when the truth no longer matters.“

The great question of our time.

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It is not what they say, it is not their actions; what happens is what they want.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

The media moral panic is responsible for ruining many lives. A great example is the firing of Penn State coach Joe Paterno. In just four (4) short days, the media descended on State College to hang the long time coach, which the Board Of Trustees was happy to oblige. It took a careful investigation by people like John Ziegler to uncover the truth. But it was already too late. Joe’s name was tarnished and his remains were six feet under.

This is but one example, Duke Lacrosse is another. There are many.

I have zero trust in journalism today. It’s a complete farce, zero integrity - with no consequences.

The famous words of Ronald Reagan continue to hold fast, trust but verify.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Let's see.....and we also have the spate of stories about hijabs being ripped off, the UVa rape hoax, Jussie Smollett, Tawana Brawley, the Duke volleyball hoax and so on and so forth. Face it - the Left cares about advancing the narrative, not determining the truth. The 1619 Project is based on lies not history. Remember that the New York Times's Pulitizer winning stories glorifying the murdering Josef Stalin in the 1930s were a complete fabrication. Starting to get the picture?

Note that Glavin acknowledges that the NY Times still has the false articles on its website. Speaks volumes. Why people still worship that rag is infuriating.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

There is an entire book devoted to the bias reporting of the NYT during the Holocaust. It speaks volumes to the objectives of the news paper in brushing this tragedy under the rug.


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Thanks Brian, I will check it out.

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I read it cover to cover.

Just short of 800,000 Polish Jews could have been saved towards the end of the war if two things happened: (1) the news media reported the story accurately, which would have caused the citizenry to demand action, and (2) Rosevelt should have bombed the rail tracks leading into the camps.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

That is a frightening loss. Unspeakable. But it would have tarnished the legacy of Saint Franklin, who still sits high in the liberal pantheon. He didn't cover himself in glory with the deplorable story of the SS St. Louis, either. And, I'm sure there are other stories, as well.

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Yes, many.

This book exposes Rosevelt’s anti Semitism.

But sadly, the story remains opaque and many just ignore it.

It was published in 2019.

I have very little patience for my Jewish friends who bow to Rosevelt for no reason other than because their parents did.


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Also highly recommend “The Gray Lady Winked” by Ashley Rindsberg. Paper was willing accomplice to Holdomor and Nazi persecution of Jews.

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it tells em what they want to hear.

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Can we not start a global movement to fight this scourge? What if we all boycotted together for eg Nike,Coca Cola or Disney, cancel our cable news Netflix as well and get off social media.I know everybody is saying now this comment is ridiculous but why can’t we? We the people have the power!

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I agree and have thought about this from a society perspective.

I see that we have two choices: (1) purge all of the lefty loons form our current institutions (media, academia, etc…; or (2) create new institutions. My preference is to create new institutions. There is some micro activity in this regard. It will just take time.

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The one thing we don’t have is much time we have to change by the midterms a good result means we can start change from November going to forward to 2024

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Who's saying your comment is ridiculous? Not me. It's right on. If people stopped buying the overpriced, third rate shit from Nike and Apple, moved funds out of woke banks that are in China's pocket and stopped supporting fools such as LeBron an Cena, they'd get the message very quickly.

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Right on Bruce LETS DO IT!

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Reagan's words don't apply to these situations because increasingly often the media is peddling falsehoods or grotesque distortions more than the truth. It needs to be something like "verify first".

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Amplification of falsehoods.

But idiots on street allow for this.

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Another leftist hoax? Gee, what if we found out that Russia and Ukraine were on the verge - at the very start of the war - of having all Russian troops withdrawn from Ukraine in exchange for a Ukrainian pledge not to join NATO and it was killed by our Senile Imbecile (a fool that Obama's own Secretary of Defense said has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision for decades, including the bin Laden raid). All the death and destruction. All the chaos. All the economic turmoil. All the risk of nuclear war could have been avoided but for Biden? If true, what are you going to do?

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Vote for him again!!

Vote Blue! No matter who! No matter what they say or do!

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I think "woke" ideology more than divide and conquer by the elite. To me, just like in the USA, if the central government views the majority as a threat it justifies consolidation of power and repression. In addition if the past is full of sin and theft than restituion is required. This further justifies consolidation of power as the elite pick and choose who gets what resources. The fact that white leftists (we would call them Antifa) targeted a Catholic Vietnamese church likely founded by immigrants fleeing repression , a group that is a textbook marginalized community shows how irrational and cruel many on the left have become. As for Tredeau, throwing a few domestic enemies to the lions and inflicting pain on their communities, that simply made good politics, his supports get their bloodlust satiated at little political cost. As for the TRUTH, I know it matters. The reporting on the missing graves is now and forever on the record, and the fact that the only way to deal with it is by blacklisting the reporter testifies to how scared they are. You sir have created kryptonite that frightens whole swaths of powerful Canadian society, sounds like the dream of many journalists to me.

As for the misinformation pushed by the Times and its use by modern day slave states like China that is a feature not a bug. The pro-chinese Canadian elite remind me go nothing more than Germans who ended up on Russias payroll and advocated polices that undermine their own land and empower brutal regimes.

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I had a very interesting dialogue with Shane G, a newspaper man, about the situation with the media on a different CS post this week. As a result I now understand that in essence there was a golden age of journalism during at least the last half of the 20th century. Newspapers and their reporters were the driving force and newspapers were profitable. As a result newspapers could afford staff and that lead to competition between reporters which improved reporting. Powerful editors came to be and journalistic standards arose and were strictly enforced by said editors. This meant journalistic integrity. Television came along (remember the nightly news on the big 3 networks?) but they just reported what the papers said. Sure there was the occasional misfire but those were promptly acknowledged with retraction.

Then came the internet which destroyed newspaper readership, which destroyed newspaper marketing, which destroyed funding for staff. Cuts had to be made which meant less and less investigation. Now investigative reporters are virtually non-existent.

This lends to the idea that the media has an agenda. If you see/hear the exact same report over and over it must be by design, right? Not necessarily. So and so files a report (or worse a tweet) and it is picked up ad nauseum and treated as serious reportage by virtually every outlet. The sad truth is it is just copying and pasting. We need to realize that the press, at least as I relied on it for most of my adult life, is dead. There are no journalistic standards or integrity or accountability.

I had someone posting links to newspaper articles yesterday as proof regarding a point they were trying to make. I just laughed to myself. Thanks to my conversation with Shane I realized that it is all potentially worthless drivel.

The solution? Check every source all the way back to the source. If there are no names, dates, and explanation for how the reported information was derived it is unreliable. The days of being fed reliable information are gone.

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Thanks, Lynne, I very much appreciate this. Newspapers were never perfect, because no institution dealing with fast-changing conditions can be, but that golden age (which began after WWII and ended when the Internet cannibalized newspapering's monopoly on advertising dollars was such a great (and fun!) time to work in that business.

Society needs a vibrant, free, independent, and ACCURATE press. With some exceptions, we no longer have one, because objective news reporting makes no profits. Fear and rage attract consumer attention and ad dollars follow, so that's what they sell instead.

Our society is poorer for it.

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Yes to all this. Just so sad.

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It is very sad. One more reason I am glad to have become an adult when I did. But it does make me feel better (I know. Feelings. UGH) understanding why. At least a rudimentary understanding, anyway.

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Yup, once an accepted part of the media says something it’s a free pass to report , if it was false who cares since everyone else was saying it.

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This does not mean that there is no agenda. It only means that spreading stories based on that agenda is ridiculously easy.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

True. But agendas are a lot of work. I am really starting to believe it is plain old lazy. It is really all just propaganda. Who would have ever thought that could happen here? I thought we were far better than that.

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Remember the old line that "even paranoids have enemies?" Don't always assume that stupidity is at work. Venality exists, as well. And remember, too, the wisdom in Harington's centuries old admonition that "if treason doth prosper, none dare call it treason."

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I always heard it S "[J]ust because a fella is paranoid doesn't mean no one is out to get him.". Also apropos is "[E]ven a broken clock is wrong twice a day". I hear what you are saying about stupidity versus venality. But I think a lot of the venality comes from political players and operatives and the press stupidly falls for it. The HRC campaign and the Steel Dossier coming to mind instantly.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I don't believe legitimate news reporters have an agenda. But their sources do, and they exploit our broken news-reporting system to promote it.

Most reporters aren't lazy. They're vastly overworked and under-resourced, so have little choice but to rework a tip or a press release into story form; text a usual suspect for a fresh quote; upload story the Internet, and move on to the next assignment. In-between they must reformat that story into Tweets, Facebooks, and other social media bites; find photos and videos for TikTok; update the story every time there is ANY new lint to add; then rinse and repeat till their fingers fall off.

It's the news version of Lucy and Ethyl on the assembly line in the candy factory.

There is virtually no time now for original reporting, because that takes time and energy and the content beast must be fed and there's hardly anybody left in the nation's shrunken newsrooms to feed it. Reporters have become content factories, and the politicians, CEOs, publicists, lobbyists, and culture warriors take advantage of that to "newswash" their agendas into forms the public accept as "legitimate."

In the old days, we reporters and editors had the time to challenge their narratives and the resources to fully report a story before going to press.

No longer.

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And yet an independent college newspaper managed to get to the bottom of the Duke volleyball player's hoax at BYU.

If there is no diversity in the staff, it doesn't matter how large or small it is; there is no WILL to question the truth of a story, it will not be questioned. The overwhelming Leftism present in newsrooms ensures that the only stories that see the light of day are the ones that Leftists want to be true.

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Google "Rebecca Ballhaus" at the WSJ and tell me reporters don't have an agenda.

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Some may have agendas, but most do not. No clue about Ballhaus.

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There was never a Golden Age, of course. But the emphasis on print allowed in-depth reportage that's rarely available in any daily newspaper today. I remember when the front section of most daily newspapers was larger than an entire newspaper edition is, nowadays! Probably twice as large in column inches, given the shifts over time toward larger and larger print fonts.

I remember when USA Today made its debut as a newspaper in the 1980s- it was widely disparaged as a condensed and abridged version of news information. Now the same format is more like model of the standard edition for "papers of record" like the Washington Post.

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Not sure I'd agree with that hypothesis. The big three news networks often got it wrong. (Gulf of Tonkin, anyone?). Moreover, the vaunted New York Times has been lying and getting away with it since the 1930s at least - Walter Duranty, Jayson Blair and other stories too numerous to mention.

Very interesting interview by Tucker Carlson of Monica Crowley re her take on Richard Nixon. Powerful interests wanted him gone and he was. Same as Trump. When the Senate Majority leader warns that the intel agencies have six ways to Sunday to get you - meaning the duly elected President of the United States - you know that something is seriously amiss in America.

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The Gulf of Tonkin is slightly before my time. I agree about the NYT. But there was investigative reporting then whereas there is precious little now. I think the actions after 9/11 to keep us "safe" are what created the ability to weaponize the federal government against the citizens. When the pre-cursor to the CIA and later the CIA itself there were grave concerns about the potential for abuse. We are seeing that play out. And no viable press to investigate and report on it.

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The internet is our Death Star🥲🥲

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Transcripts please! They don't need to be perfect but being able to read these would be wonderful.

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Yes, I've wished for that for some time now. Thanks.

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The truth no longer matters. Much of the news are contrived narratives for click bait or to achieve a political end. It is no longer possible to believe anything coming from a news source.

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I am compelled to comment on this podcast because I am all in on the concept of coming together and finding common ground rather than fighting.

The podcast was excellent concerning the issues of journalism and truth. The best quote being that it isn’t just that the truth doesn’t seem to matter but that the truth not mattering doesn’t seem to matter. A truly frightening thought as that would signal upcoming catastrophe.

Yet, I cannot let go the comment that Native Americans were exterminated by Europeans, mostly through disease. Two points: one, NA were obviously not exterminated, they are alive and well today; two, there was no deliberate introduction of disease to the Americas. Small pox was endemic in Europe and caused the deaths of about 20% of those infected; brought to these shores it was inevitable that it would do worse to those without herd immunity. How could this have been avoided; is it credible that no European would ever visit the Americas? Even the tale that NA were deliberately infected through army blankets has been disproved.

In addition, it was stated that the “Indian Wars” were wars of extermination. This is obviously not true. With few exceptions NA were defeated in every encounter with Europeans and eventually put on reservations. If the government had wanted to exterminate them it could have easily done so; they didn’t though they obviously did not live up to the treaty obligations.

There were horrendous massacres on both sides but neither side was exterminated; the NA didn’t wish to exterminate the Europeans either, just to drive them out.

Regarding Canada, compelled assimilation is wrong but I doubt that the people who wished to assimilate NA were evil in their intent. Unfortunately time and time again evil people will migrate into institutions with good intentions. The reason religious personnel (Boy Scout leaders, Priests, Rabbis, etc.) are involved with molesations and pedophilia is not that the underlying institutions are evil, rather it is that such positions of trust and power attract those who will abuse them.

However, assimilation is often the best strategy for a conquered people. NA in general do not do well on reservations (other than exceptions where some do very well off casinos, cigarettes, etc.). NA who have integrated into our Western American Society have tended to do quite well without losing their cultural heritage; just as Greeks, Irish, Mexicans, Italians, etc. have.

NA on reservations in the US are citizens and have the right to vote in federal and state elections, however they are also members of a sovereign nation within the US borders. Non-NA citizens of the US cannot vote in tribal elections. My opinion is that NA should choose to be either under tribal rule or be citizens of the US. While dual citizenships are tolerated for some other individuals (Irish, Mexicans, Israelis, etc.) these cases are few and far between and shouldn’t be allowed.

As to reconciliation and restitution, this works best and makes the most sense when the offended group is compensated by the offenders in the same generation as the offense. While not perfect, the examples of this are South African whites compensating SA Blacks; US Government compensating Japanese-Americans interred in WWII; and Germany compensating Jews. The worst instances are when the descendants of the offenders are made to compensate the descendants of the offended. Quite often people who have no relationship to the offense end up paying people with little relationship to the offended. Why should the people of Canada, many (most) of whom weren’t citizens of Canada at the time of insults to NA compensate the descendants of NA who were not directly affected?

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Excellent points.

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I concur with every word Donna Partow described before me. The only thing I would add is my disbelief that everyone doesn’t listen to your podcast. I am so appreciative of your work and spread the word to anyone who will listen. If you want objective facts, open dialogue, respectful dissent and on and on. Thank you for what you do!

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Mr. Glavin refers several times to the people who now occupy the places formerly occupied by the left. He decries an epistemological shift. Ms. Weiss wonders how so many people got the story wrong.

What is missing is a unified theory of the left. The left is a body of bad ideas that will lead even the best people into bad outcomes. The left has always been about acquiring power by any means. The new epistemology replaces classical ideas of truth ( which are, BTW, not simplistic ideas, but deep attempts to grapple with difficult philosophical problems) with power relations. For the civilized and enlightened, the purposes and methods of language is to reveal the truth, to mediate reason and to communicate our best understanding of the truth. For the left, the purposes and methods of language are to deploy, acquire and consolidate power. Mr. Glavin uses the brilliant phrase "the problematizing of truth". Many good people believe the new epistemology, and this has resulted in the decay and destruction of our most valuable cultural, intellectual and political institutions which have been built over millennia to safeguard our freedom and dignity. This is the agenda of the left.

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I'm convinced that it is inner world pathological ideological utopianism manipulated by malignant megalomaniacal narcissism. Marxist "woke" is the lipstick on a pig named Totalitarian Finance.

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Its not just finance or corporations, its a whole nomenclature of big business, NGO's, colleges and government that use these ideas to justify their power.

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Well put. Thank you.

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The first paragraph can be applied to so many stories that fueled the flames of the riots of 2020. The term "George Floyd effect" has more to do with the huge settlement the family received than by racial injustices. Journalists have become some of the most dangerous influencers in society and I don't know how the reporters and particularly the editorial boards can sleep at night.

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