
If you had told me 7 months ago that I would wrap Tefilin and contemplate wearing a Kippah in public, I would have told you I went crazy. The more they push to exclude me, the greater clarity I have in understanding my purpose and building my strength. My parents did not bring me here from Ukraine so I would have to submit to fear.

Thank you for illustrating the plight of being Jewish on campus in the US. And thank you for putting into writing the circumstances that drive my profound conviction to be Jewish.

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Hang in their pal. There are a lot of us gentiles who believe the way you do.

I despise these antisemitic assholes as much as you do. I stand with you.

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Yes, a lot of us gentiles who believe the way you do...sign me up for standing with you!

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Thank you, Tom and Lonesome.

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Me, too. I am a Catholic.

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Well, nobody’s stabbed me in the eye or threatened me except when I’ve prayed outside an abortion clinic, but Catholics regularly get roundly assailed in the press, media, and communities.

Religious intolerance is commonplace in America, despite the freedoms acknowledged in our Constitution (and, no, they’re NOT “given” in that amazing document - it SPECIFICALLY says that they are “God given inalienable rights”, remember? )

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LDS people have dealt with government-sanctioned intolerance throughout our history.

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An honest reading of Morman history would show that some LDS beliefs are still considered extreme today, let alone 175 years ago. And the Mormans themselves have had their fanatics - Mountain Meadows Massacre, anyone? Even the mainstream LDS church has had difficulty containing them. Remind you of anyone?

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You have not consumed an honest reading of LDS history, clearly.

The Mountain Meadows Massacre was not a question of fanatics. It occurred during a period when the U.S. government had sent the army to Utah (part of the recently seized territory won in the Mexican-American War), ostensibly to "put down" any rebellion against the U.S. (Ironically, many LDS men had volunteered to fight on behalf of the U.S. during that war. The LDS fled outside the then-boundaries of the U.S., not because they hated the country, but because it refused to protect their 1st Amendment and civil rights.)

A wagon train came through southern Utah on the way to California. Some members of the wagon train boasted of having killed Mormons in the past. They also boasted that the U.S. Army would wipe out all the Mormons. And there was no reason, at that point, for the LDS people to believe that the U.S. Army had been sent for anything other than that purpose.

A mob of angry and frightened LDS people attacked the wagon train and slaughter everyone in it. It was absolutely the wrong thing to do. But the people involved genuinely thought they were on the verge of having to fight for their lives or flee, as they had been forced to do multiple times in the past. (The governor of Missouri's Extermination Order, authorizing the government-sanctioned murder of any and all Mormons, was not rescinded until 1976, btw.)

If you are talking about modern fanatics (like Warren Jeffs and his ilk), the LDS Church does the only thing it can: excommunicate them.

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I'm sorry to say I'm not familiar, can you expand on this?

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Members of the LDS Church had to move continuously due to the prejudice of their neighbors ever since the church was officially organized in 1830, first to Ohio, and then to Missouri.

In Missouri, their neighbors feared their growing numbers and despised them for their abolitionist stance. When attacks against the LDS were met with force, the governor of Missouri issued the Extermination Order, authorizing any and all Mormons to be killed or driven from the state. Missouri State Guardsmen committed the Haun's Mill Massacre, declaring, "It is the order of the Governor that you should all be exterminated; and by God you will be."

As a result, 15,000 LDS people fled to Illinois in the depths of winter, with a mob at their heels. They had to leave behind property to the value of over $1 million (over $30 million in today's dollars).

In Illinois, the LDS built up the swampy town of Commerce, draining it and constructing a city that rivaled the contemporary size of Chicago. The governor of Illinois promised protection to the LDS but failed to give it. Again in the depths of winter, the LDS people fled across the frozen Mississippi to Iowa, and thence to Utah.

Utah was, at that point, outside the territory of the U.S. But not for long. Although LDS men had volunteered to fight in the Mexican-American War on the side of the U.S., once the former Mexican territory which contained Utah was seized by the U.S., the U.S. government proceeded to threatened the LDS. President Buchanan sent the army to "put down" what his anti-Mormon advisors argued was a "rebellion." The conflict ended only as a result of saner heads in Washington prevailing.

But the U.S. government insisted that polygamy be abolished (the U.S. Congress had made laws against polygamy--where none had existed before--that were explicitly meant to target the Mormons), and Utah was not allowed to become a state until the LDS Church bowed to that demand. Even then, the U.S. Senate refused to seat the duly elected Reed Smoot in 1903, just as the U.S. House of Representatives refused to seat B.H. Roberts in 1896.

It's worth noting that the Missouri Extermination Order was not officially rescinded until 1976.

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Religious intolerance is commonplace among America's elite but not in America at large.

We saw Nancy Pelosi assail future Justice Amy Coney Barret during her confirmation hearings for a Federal judgeship because she "wore her (Catholic) faith on her sleeve". That may be a widespread feeling in Pelosi's far left San Francisco district but most Americans would be, and were, horrified at that comment.

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The irony is that Pelosi, just like Biden, likes to claim her Catholic faith when it’s good for her. You know, meeting the Pope, etc. Using one’s faith for person public gain and influence like this is about as hypocritical as it gets.

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Pelosi, mother of 5 kids in 6 years, has never hidden her Catholicism, not before or during her political career.

Neither has Biden.

Amy Coney Barrett, on the other hand, has repeatedly denied she was heavily involved in the “more Opus Dei-than Opus Dei” Catholic sect at her confirmation hearings.

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Pelosi just wears her Catholic ashes on her forehead in public the first day of Lent, but no website ever labeled her “a handmaiden” of Pelosis’s Catholic sect.

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And ONLY Democrat biased bigots labeled Justice Barrett “a handmaiden”

Pelosi and Biden are flaming hypocrites who “use their religion” when it benefits them politically! It’s PAST TIME for these lifetime politicians to go to the house!

Term limits, anyone?

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She appears to be a Catholic in name, and ritual, only. How many of her beliefs line up with Catholic teaching? Asking for a friend :)

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Amen. And what our Jewish friends are facing is all our problem. It’s the breakdown in our laws and norms. We all have watched one outrage after another, done in plain sight, to me to demoralize the citizenry. “Peaceful protestors” who loot businesses and burn cities are not prosecuted. The government collaborates with tech to censor Americans. And the current administration is fighting in court the Supreme Court, to retain the right to censor what they deem “misinformation.” The Biden Admin just rewrote Title 9 so biological men can compete with women. So much for equality, the celebration of womanhood. So what we are seeing with outrageous protests and violence against our Jewish neighbors, is part of the same agenda to dismantle us, so we are very much in common cause.

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I believe what you described is called anarchy.

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Yes essentially. It demoralizes the law abiding honest citizenry. I don’t this is some chance set of crazed positions. They all have the same outcome. To pit Americans against each other.

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Where’s Sacco & Vanzetti when you need them?

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Sacco & Vanzetti were guilty. Their trial was a travesty, but they were guilty, nonetheless. And probably guilty of more than they were convicted for. Just verdict by unjust means.

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Who are Sacco and Vanzetti?

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You are so right.

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Unfortunately, we have heard this story way too many times to be comforted by words. Too many people believe that the US is somehow "exceptional", and that Jews and like minded gentiles just need to wait it out. It's not enough. Bullies just get emboldened when their bullying isn't challenged.

There needs to be marches, started and led by gentiles proclaiming how much we, as a country, do not share these beliefs and more so oppose them. That while America believes in free speech, we do not believe in hate (even of Jews, even of Zionists). When I hear that story I'll start to hang in there.

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For 15 years I have told my Jewish friends that a) Last time I looked, Americans were human and thus “it could happen here”. And b) they were supporting an ideology that was going to backfire and nail them first.

Most de-friended me, especially after reading Kendi and D’Angelo. I live on the N Shore of Chicago. The vast majority of the Jewish community was in lockstep with this garbage, with Trump hatred facilitating it.

One can despise Trump and also reject the idiotic dangerous rantings of Kendi, D’ Angelo and DEI grifters. But, the group pressure apparently too much.

I told one friend I missed the days of “Put 10 Jews in a room and you’ll get 14 different opinions”! 😊. There was too much group think and thousands of specious yard signs.

Hopefully not too late but it’ll be a close thing.

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An anecdote. Conversation in my Jewish family.

Me to a woke family member: I am concerned that anti-semitism is becoming stronger everyday in this country.

My woke family member: It's just a few extremist college students. I am not concerned.

Me: As I recall, you were up in arms over Charlottesville when a couple hundred marginalized white supremacists marched for one weekend.

My woke family member: That's different.

Most of Jewish "vote blue no matter who" family have the same attitude. And funny enough they are anti-Israel because in their minds Israel treats Palestinians in the same way as the U.S. treats POC. Classic oppressed v oppressor delusion. It's crazy but they refuse to hear me out. (I have lived in Israel, so you'd think they might like to hear my perspective.)

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Yes. I have polite disagreements with my remaining Jewish friends over the cause of what is happening at the US universities. I agree with you that it is the white versus POC critical justice theory that drives it. They want to treat it as strictly traditional antisemitism. This is understandable since this is the lens through which they were taught to view the world. And it is true overseas. But, anti-Jewish sentiment in the west is strictly a result of the woke social justice movement. I hope they see that soon. It will come for us all eventually

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Yes, you are exactly correct. And anti semitism has taken many forms over the centuries. This is just the latest iteration.

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Intersectionality is, pardon my French, profoundly stupid.

It’s how some can make the mental gyration that POC = Hamas

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If you want to hear the punchline, it was my 93 year old father who made the comment. To be fair, he didn't say POC=Hamas, he said the Israelis treat Palestinians like the US treats POC and that's why he is "anti-Israel." Neither, of course is true and need I say, he has MSNBC on his TV all day, all the time in a continuous loop.

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I have Jewish family who live in the North Shore of Chicago. I barely speak to them. They don’t make sense with their crazy, liberal thoughts.

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what's that to do with roving gangs intent on destruction?

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We are pointing out that too many American Jews are dismissive, even contemptuous, of people who support them. Also, many American Jews seem to favor groups that hate them. We conservative Christians, many of us Republicans, wish you well. But, after decades of getting the Heisman from a large percentage of the American Jewish community, we've gotten the message.

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I think you voted for Biden.

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Myrna, i was replying to Tom Sparks, 4 hrs. ago. He wrote he lives on N Shore of Chicago. I wasn't replying about roving gangs intent on destructiom

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My response was to

Tom Sparks

4 hrs. Nothing to

do with roving


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I didn’t comment on roving gangs.I was replying to Tom Sparks from 4 hrs. ago.

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Myrna, I received a reply from you concerning a comment I made. What comment are you referring to?

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You are mostly correct but the Jews who don't get your comment are generally the guilty ones.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Christian’s don’t march. We do peaceful rallies. When we see leftists burning and looting and becoming violent, it steels our resolve to fight back in different ways. We pray, we vote. The leftists hate us like they hate Jews. We are the last line of defense before full nazi tactics come to America. We want peace, we want shalom. But we are also armed. Our Jewish cousins should also arm themselves and get training in safe use of firearms. Things will get much worse in the streets in cities. The Democrats will not stop the violence in cities, they feed on the chaos. They also encourage islamic terrorists to cross the Southern border and give them free transportation to anywhere they wish in the USA. They empty the jails and prisons and foment chaos.

Get prepared for anything. The pograms are coming to America. I watch Eastern European movies from Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and even Russia about the time leading up to WW2. The parallels to today are spooky. But this time, it is the USA.

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Be very careful, Daniel, else the FBI will come, guns drawn at 5:00 a.m. to arrest you & throw you in prison as an “insurrectionist”

IF, as you suggest, we should march in defense of Jews, waving the American flag, and Israeli flag, you want to bet WE WOULD GET ATTACKED by the antisemitic, anti America mobs! And WE would get arrested for “inciting violence”

Keep in mind, Biden & his alphabet enforcers don’t want our votes, so we’re part of their “greatest threat democracy” rhetoric.

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Thank you

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A friend in Israel gave me a kippah a few years ago. I am a an extremely conservative Christian and I also love Jewish people. Israeli's need all the friends they can find now. I am one of them.

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Just remember that it is the Left that is doing this. Despite their hysterical attempts to prove otherwise, the vast majority of conservatives in America stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters and with the State of Israel.

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Yeah, the antisemitic right is “standing back and standing by” while the Progressives reveal their Jew hatred.

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There is no glory in being an antisemite from either side of the political aisle. Fuck all of them.

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In this case, the absence of proof is the proof. Do you expect the far right to make the announcement: "We're standing back and standing by while the left/Progressives display the rapid antisemitism that we usually do.

We'll our "regularly scheduled programming" of public displays of antisemitism if the left/Progressives stop.

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I'll put on tefillin with you. Chag pesach sameach.

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Columbia's Minouche Shafik is a muslim who hates jews because her religion tells her to. She must be removed just as Hamas has to be fought and exterminated or utterly defeated. She will never bend her knee to care for Jewish students.

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"She will never bend her knee to care for Jewish students."

Now, THIS is interesting. Do you lament the lack of bending the knee "to care" for students of other identities?

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I can’t believe these days I am in AMERICA! I stand with you as well.

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Not being a fan of wearing your religion for show, I never wore a Magen David necklace. But after Oct 7, I bought a rather large Magen David necklace which I proudly wear. I am NOT going to cower, hide, or feel shame because I was born Jewish and continue to value my culture. This time, Jews have a country and we are stronger as a people both in Israel and abroad. I am not afraid.

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I got the dog tags. I'm a bit ashamed that it took me so long to order them. They should arrive any day and I'm not leaving the house without them.

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Good for you !

We have to be proud and stand strong.

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I'm a Christian. I stand with you, the Jewish people and Israel.

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Your commentary is inspiring!!!!!!!!! I love what you wrote and agree 100%.

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From the beginning the Biden/Harris White House has encouraged criminal ignorance and violence while conflating them with "revolution". Harris in fact raised bail for mob looters and burners while backing DNC/Soros District Attorneys in their release of violent criminals and the defunding of legitimate law enforcement. It is time to accept that the tragic Black fratricide, the shuttering of small business, and the day to day collapse of American civil society is not happening by chance. The recent groundbreaking TFP/Uri Berliner article on the placement of truth distorting commissar Katherine Maher at the head of NPR and the outright betrayal of the Republic and the Constitution by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson with the FISA vote makes that clear. (Again: The James Lindsay/NEW DISCOURSES report on George "I've always considered myself a God" Soros describes, from the monsters own lips, the immediately recognizable tactics attacking the Republic and assaulting "we the people".)

Speaking of super witch Katherine Maher: Her's is the same elitist, typhoid Mary, "..the first amendment is problematic", Marxist/fascist, pay me diseased pathology now infecting and subverting American higher education across the board. Today's reports of the on campus violent targeting of young Jewish students, first brings anger, then sorrow. And, if as intended, we allow ourselves to become victims, hopelessness. The horror? Both the Jewish students and the manipulated and confused perpetrators of the violence are the American future. They are OUR children!! The literal eunuchification of the literal child. Six and seven year olds dressed in heels, stockings and panties paraded on"drag queen" day. Childhood drugged not celebrated. Indoctrinated not educated. Jew or Gentile, if the child isn't sacred nothing is.

Michael as one member of the archangel club to another, I hate violence, but if things get bloody I'm not going to be the only one bleeding.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22


"Speaking of super witch Katherine Maher: Her's is the same elitist, typhoid Mary, "..the first amendment is problematic"

- I know, right? What's next? If you criticize the IDF/Israel, you get called an antisemite?

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The disconnect is reaching levels of almost incomprehensible absurdity. The Harris support for the G.F. protests and the justification of criminal activity in the name of "revolution" (head busting thug or not) has not served the Republic well. (Thanks for the heads up.)

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Fascinating. Still need some detail/info about "bailing out rioters" and "violent criminals," though.

And of course, it the type of protest you have a problem with or the fact that was any protesting at all?

"Thug?" I thought the new term was "DEI."

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

If you support Israel and are against antisemitism, you’ve got to be out of your mind to vote for a Democrat. Here are the results of the latest 3 House votes by Party:


p.s., In the votes to give aid to Ukraine and Israel, 21 (Tea Party) Republicans voted NO on aid to both Israel and Ukraine, versus the 37 Democrats who voted yes for aid to Ukraine but refused to support Israel.

I have a problem with isolationist Republicans. They are bad for America and bad for the world. However, I’m much more concerned about the DEI fiasco and authorities turning a blind eye to anarchy, fueled by the left. A generation of students moving into corporate and government ranks is being infected. This must be stopped.

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You are stealing my thunder. I have been saying the same thing on this BBS for over a year.

I astounds me that Jews still vote for the antisemite party.

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It is inconceivable that Jewish voters have supported the Democrats who generally are not strong on Israel. Now it’s over the top support for anti semitism. Really the Democratic Party is shunning a lot of its traditional support. It used to mean liberal or Democrat was the party that pushed for the rights of workers in the face of corporate interest. Or the rights of women, gay rights, ideas that needed to be pushed on conservatives. Now if you are a traditional liberal but say have a daughter who is a student athlete, what then? Or you are a liberal who has taught your children to treat everyone equally and yet your school is telling your children they are oppressors. Or a black parent who has seen violence ramp up as the police were defunded. And on it goes. I am at a loss for anyone who holds Judeo Christian, Constitutional beliefs voting for the Democratic Party.

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If the Dems don't wake up, New York will be in play this election. Their silence on this issue will be their downfall. With Black and Latino men heading to Trump, and RFK peeling off some of the earth-lovers, if the Jewish community abandons the Democrats, don't be surprised if NY isn't in the blue column in November.

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hush. Please let them sleep.

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“But, but, ummmm, TRUMP! Yeah! Trump, bad guy! Yeah, that’s the answer!!!”

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Yep. We Trump supporters and conservative Republicans have noticed. Best of luck to y'all.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

A lot of really stupid ones. Like the ones joining the pro-palestinian drum circle. WTAF is wrong with you? Don't you know almost all of the Oct 7 jews were friends of Palestinians? There's a cultural blindness that insists on treating those who want to slaughter you as, "Just kidding. I'll just cozy up to them MORE and of course they will love us all!".

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You might recall that only two weeks before the October 7 atrocities, a Gaza woman received, in an Israeli hospital, the same state-of-the-art pacemaker that Israel's Prime Minister had received a few months before.

Sometimes you don't reap what you sow.


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Like "Grizzly Man" !!

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I'm in a predominantly leftist Jewish Facebook group just to get my daily dose of shock. They kinda started to wake up after October 7, but I still keep feeling like they live in an alternative universe. It's going to be a long process for them to finally see everything as is. I don't envy them. They made progressivism their religion and now that their god turned out to be a false idol they are slowly crawling back to real Judaism. It must be traumatic to them.

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"I still keep feeling like they live in an alternative universe. It's going to be a long process for them to finally see everything as is. I don't envy them. They made progressivism their religion and now that their god turned out to be a false idol they are slowly crawling back to real Judaism. It must be traumatic to them."

Again, best of luck to y'all. I would gladly send the National Guard or the active-duty Army and Marines into NYC to protect American Jews. Unfortunately, that's up to the current New York governor and American president to do that. Whom most New York and American Jews voted for.

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The Democrat politicians in New York will never do this. They would rather burn the whole thing down than change course.

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I see this too with too many of my friends.

Some I smack over the head, some I ignore and some I can have a discussion with.

Though at this point, I have zero sympathy for them.


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Perhaps they should explore YHWH as a religion. G*d Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

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I think it would be important to consider that Reform Judaism is really just a social action group. Many are atheists. Conservative ( that branch of Judaism) and definitely the Orthodox are not progressive in the current definition of the word. There are more politically conservative Jews than this readership knows. I believe this will be apparent in the coming elections. Lots of comments coming in the thread that are born of polls, current media, and some blowhard politicians.

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Sadly, I agree, and I've voted Dem most of my life. No more. The progressives, and the Democratic Party that coddles them, are America's Enemy Within.

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I stopped voting D 12 years ago when I realized the cancer behind this (Critical Theory. I saw it but didn’t know it’s name until 6-7 years ago) had fully metastasized in the Democrat party.

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Is anyone who works for TFP still going to vote Democrat?

I believe they will.

I am Jewish and am terrfied of what is happening in the United States.

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Not holding my breath for an article by Bari, Nellie, Olly entitled, “Why I am voting for Trump.”. Because if they keep voting D, they have to wonder why we should keep caring about them.

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You'll find those articles from lapsed progressive Democrat Sasha Stone


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Sasha is GREAT!!

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She is indeed!

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It's sad for me to have to agree with you, I like Bari so much, Nelly and Olly not so much, but all three are the better Democrats I know.

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Because if we don’t care, then who are we? We can condemn the politics without giving up on the person. I am a registered Independent and vote that way. I don’t expect everyone to vote as I do. We don’t all have the same priorities. But one misconception I would really like to see dispelled in the Jewish community is that antisemitism is rife in rural and/or Christian communities. From my experience, it is not.

Historically that once may have been true, but I see no present evidence of this.

Many years ago, a couple of local troublemakers tried to spark a KKK rally here. Not counting undercover infiltrators, about a dozen people showed up. There were fewer teeth in that crowd than fingers.

They sat around and talked for less than an hour, then packed up and left and that was it. Never heard from again.

This is now statistically considered one of the most integrated areas of the USA.

Things change. People change. They change because people care about one another.

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Unfortunately they vote in the people’s republic of California

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They live in California. Voting for Trump will give them nothing but heartburn. None Of The Above is an appealing choice. Do better, America!

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Great question, I'm sure some will, or they'll vote third party. Yet despite the fact that Donald Trump is a deeply flawed man, he's demonstrated strong support for Israel, and for America too by instituting a strong border policy. I'm no fan of the man, but I'm done voting Democrat.

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deeply flawed? nonsense. he's prepared to do damage we're simply too frightened to enertain. Remember: his father couldn't control him. Moreover, his father, a supporter of Nazism marched with the Bund in New York. Why do we continue to remove our leaders from their backgrounds?

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If Trump was planning on doing damage, I'm curious why he did not do so in his first term. The fact is, Biden has done far more damage to America than Trump ever did.

Trump's father's sins are not his own, and the fact that Joe Biden was a strong supporter of Robert Byrd, a KKK high leader, ought to cast more a shadow.

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Trump needed Jewish support in his first term to get re-elected. He won’t need that if elected again

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I wish all the Myrna Greenfield think-alikes out there the best. You are in for a very rough summer.

I can also say, with confidence, that if you attend a Sons of Confederate Veterans event, you will be treated with respect and you can be (unlike in London) openly Jewish. And, if that's not the case, the national SCV will side with you, and deal harshly with any misbehaving SCV members or camps.

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The TPF is liberal. I wish i could get my money back. At least I can read the comments

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I don't know how you could call a publisher that has Douglas Murray Liberal. I think it tries to give voice to all sides that are willing to be civil. Bari is center left for sure. I am center right. But she is a reasonable person with reasonable positions, even if I disagree with a few. Right now she is the best voice against Islamofacism and DEI which are the greatest threats to the America most of us love. We who are more centrist and reasonable than either extreme right or left HAVE to unite to take back the country from the extremes.

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Sadly this goes far deeper than just being Jewish. It just a subroutine in a much darker OS. This is simply another Critical Theory in action.

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When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, 80% of them chose to stay behind and remain in slavery. American Jews voting for Democrats are their modern equivalent.

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Please cite the Midrash please? Don't think it's in the Rabbah.

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Thank you. The “armed” were the Jews who attempted to leave on their own and were slaughtered in the southwest Sinai who Ezekiel saw in the valley of dry bones, if I’m not mistaken. I remember Rashi’s reference now.

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But they wouldn’t have remained Jews (tribes of Israel) as they wouldn’t have been to Sinai and received G-D’s 10 teachings there.

Ethnically Hebrew maybe, but members of The Tribes—no

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Good point that arguably, makes the analogy even stronger.

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well, there's a lot of us Democrats that need to remain in "slavery" so long as the Democrats are the only political party who can be reliably relied upon to have the desire and ability to protect women's reproductive rights.

Except for that single issue, I describe myself as "an Eisenhower Democrat"

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I agree, but many don't yet recognize that the Democrat party has been hijacked by Progressives (Socialists, in reality) who are bent on destabilizing and destroying America.

This isn't our father's Democrat party. I never left the party, they left me.

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The Democratic Party left me, too—except it’s the only major political party willing and able to fight for and protect reproductive rights.

Can’t get that menu item anywhere else with sufficient power to actually do so

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You already have reproductive rights. You can choose various forms of birth control any time you want or choose to have a baby. Moral issues like abortion should always stay as local as possible - on the state level and never on the federal level.

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Do all the women in the US currently have the full spectrum of reproductive rights that men enjoy? No.

Catholic facilities--often the only one in small, rural towns-- refuse to prescribe birth control or do tubal ligations on women who are of age that they may be considered fertile. And that's coming from Rome--definitely not the local level.

On the table: IUDs and some other forms of chemical birth control are considered to be abortifacients by the anti-abortion advocates because they prevent or dislodge osteocyte implantation in the uterus.

Even Brett Kavanaugh was stymied when asked at his SCOTUS confirmation: Can you think of any laws that govern a man's body? He stated he could not.

If the citizens of the US believe reproductive rights decisions should be made at the local level, there would not be The Life at Conception Bill sitting in this Congress (HR 431) with 176 co-sponsors (2/3 of the Republican caucus, representing millions of citizens?) Why is there a Personhood Amendment that was introduced under Paul Ryan still on the books in Congress? Why were any cases related to women's reproductive rights accepted by SCOTUS to be adjudicated? Why weren't the local, district, and appellate court decisions sufficient if the citizens of the US want reproductive rights decisions made at the local level?

YOU may believe such decisions should be made at the local level, millions of US voters and their elected representatives in Washington do not.

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First question – life is not fair. Too many girls and young women were led astray by feminists like Gloria Steinem who told us to lose our virginity with a stranger or we were losers if we didn’t spread those legs. It’s all BS. Women should ask if the pleasure of physical (loveless) sex that is over in a few seconds is worth the natural consequences of disease, taking pills that mess with the natural hormone balance and/or untended pregnancy? We have the choice to say no. When no isn’t no, that’s rape. Not the same issue.

Since you bring Catholicism in the debate, we have created a society where No Lives Matter. Mother Theresa predicted this when she said: “But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion?”

I am not alone in wanting to keep a moral issue like abortion at the local/state level – closer to the people - and not at the federal level AND it’s not in the Constitution, thus another reason it should be with the states. At least there is a choice to move or go to a blue state if living in a red state. The sad part is that this election – which involves far bigger issues than abortion – could very well be swayed b/c of young, ignorant women wanting to keep abortion at the federal level.

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" Too many girls and young women were led astray by feminists like Gloria Steinem who told us to lose our virginity with a stranger or we were losers if we didn’t spread those legs." Citation, please that Gloria Steinem or any other prominent feminist of that era EVER said or wrote such a thing. If you heard or believed that--which I didn't at all--it says more about you than the words in the public sphere.

There are 2 human beings involved in every pregnancy; but only 1 human being is making all the decisions until viability -- whether to take pre-natal vitamins or to stop drinking. I am at a loss to understand why anyone thinks the human being physically unable to make decisions--much less communicate them--has more rights than the fully-developed, fully cognitive human being. But I respect and support Every Woman's choice for her life and pregnancy--that's what being pro-choice is.

Religion is a personal opinion; a personal matter of faith. There are many in the world with different definitions of "when life begins" I am at a loss to understand why anyone believes there is a "primary" religion and the beliefs of all others about "when life begins" are incorrect.

The First Breath is a common one: in Judaism, it is when the baby's head is outside of the woman's body and "God breathes His spirit into the new being as He did with Adam."

If "moral issues" like being pro-life are best kept at the local/State level, help me understand by restrictive gun legislation passed by individual States is routinely struck down at the federal level by the SCOTUS. Particularly egregious is the law that concealed carried guns are allowed to cross state lines from a state that allows concealed carry into a state that has outlawed concealed carry. If "moral issues" like being pro-life should be made at the lowest civic level, that's a SCOTUS decision makes no sense.

2nd Amendment you say? The word "handgun" is not in the Constitution. Nor are the words "concealed carry, repeating or rapid fire, assault weapon, or high-capacity magazines."

You will find neither the word "woman" nor "sex" in the Constitution. Yet the relevant Amendments for a woman's right to make all her own medical decisions--as men can--are the 4th ((seizure of property without due process), 13th (ownership of another person's body or labor), and 14th (removal of rights without due process for breaking the law).

If women are ignorant in today's too-much-media-everywhere-you-turn, it's because they choose to be.

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They don't realize it, because MSM runs cover for the democrats.

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“isolationist republicans?” you mean those of us who feel inserting ourselves into conflicts around the world only can escalate the situation and lead us into world war III? im sure you were just as supportive of the wars in vietnam, iraq and afghanistan

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But a New York has-been told us that the worst America could do was to be more like West Virginia.

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I couldn't open the second page showing the Republican vote

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These "protestors" are the same social justice warriors who've spent the past decade lecturing the country that unwelcome opinions are injurious to one’s sense of safety.

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There are two very different kinds of "Protesting". There is the real brave kind (that happens in places like Iran and Afghanistan) and then there's the spoilt-brat performative kind that happens in the West. Small-minded mob mentality in reality but recast by the MSM and Liberal establishment as a sanctified "right".

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Performative protesting.

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Yes, and if they manage to glue themselves to something, let them stay there.

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I read that the asphalt was cut out to remove some of the recent bridge protesters.

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Better to have brought in steamrollers.......

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Okay, that got a laugh out of me, despite the grimness of the situation...

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I would have preferred they be left. But I do not make the commute there so I will defer to your idea.

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But don’t reroute traffic

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They are the democrats storm troopers. Doing what they have been told

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No, nobody is doing what they're told. They're just being used as cannon fodder because they have these campus taught opinions.

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I think it is organized. Loosely maybe. But organized. When I read this I was reminded of the lawyer quoted in the Chicago DNC protest prep who said he was not there to tell [the activists] what the law was, he was there to tell them how to get away with [criminal acts]. And the signs at these things do not look organically produced.

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You may be right that there's funding. There's definitely the Marxist-Leninists in Bernie Sanders "Our Revolution" organizers sending out daily emails asking for money to stop Israeli genocide. There may be funds from various sources funneled back.

(My favorite political nitwit reporters are the ones who take pictures of signs written in English from Gaza, West Bank and Russia and never ask why. Imagine reporters taking pictures in America of Arabic signs or Cyrillic signs.)

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The Gaza sign thing made me giggle. I read a lot and have read recently about some connections among various groups. Who knows if it is true so I will not cite it. But my instinct is that it is organized. The info surfacing g on the children of the well-to-do being embroiled lends credence to dubious funding and organization as well.

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Ilhan’s daughter. Earning her entry. Debutantes of destruction.

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I've read that Soros $$$$ is providing bail.

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Please read The Scroll, here on substack. They're doing great work on the various ngos funding these coordinated protests and all the various actors involved.

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The irony is lost on them.

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Irony does not exist! Only iron and ironing!

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🤠 funny

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And now, others have jumped on board with a concept they have derided for the past decade....since it pertains to them.

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There is a profound moral crisis occurring on USA Ivy League campuses. I stand with all Jewish brothers and sisters in opposition to this hate.

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It would be bad enough if it was confined to the campuses, but the hate is spreading everywhere, albeit a bit more subtly in the ordinary world. I have seen it growing in my own very woke community since Oct 7 among folks who are old enough to know better.

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I’m ordering myself an Israeli flag that I plan to fly in front of my suburban West coast home. Several years ago I did the same with a Hong Kong flag. This anti semitism is not right.

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Be careful. The Democrats will hate you for this and they can be violent. If you don't believe me, just look what is happening on college campuses.

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I have an Israeli flag and flew it on my flagpole a few years ago. I no longer have a flagpole after I moved. Today, i am afraid my house would be firebombed if I display it. I am an old man now and less able to defend my wife and myself.

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Thank you, Matt. 💙

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

The pograms will be coming soon. Know who your friends are.

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America normalized white hatred during the BLM riots and we have now normalized jew hatred since the pro Hamas/pro Palestine/anti Israel riots. I don't think either outcome is coincidence.

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You are spot on, Rainbow. It’s a spiritual sickness.

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It’s Intersectionality. No coincidence it’s at the universities. That’s what they’ve been teaching the last 5060 years. They know exactly what they’ve been doing. It’s psychological basis is deep resentment and therefore a desire to destroy. They’re not coming to kill you. They don’t need that. They’ve already got your children. Or at least they think they do. That’s why places like Florida and Texas are so important.

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I am a conservative Christian who believes in a young earth history. Evolution is bunk. The dates you use reflect the history in the Tenach which we call the Old Testament. I am ok with that idea. The modern scientific folks don’t understand the omnipotence of G*d Almighty, YHWH. He can speed things up and slow things down with supernatural power. To suit His purposes.

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This is exactly how it started. BLM= Anger. That was O. K. Then DEI = More Anger. That too was sanctioned behavior. Take that free floating Anger and a perfect target to keep it going. Israeli’s fighting back after being slaughtered. AKA Jews in the U. S. BTW. The left will tell you Trump created the divisiveness. Although I am not a fan I am not a useful idiot. The Democrats have allowed all this identity politics b. s. To separate Americans. We now live in 1930’s Germany. Let’s call these university folks the Alt Left.

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Only certain groups should be allowed to be angry.

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This is nothing new, Jew hatred. It started with the sons of Abraham and Issac. It is in Scriptures. God loved Jacob and hated Esau. Why?

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I agree jew hated is not new, but the rapid and rabid public and political normalizing of jew hated in America practically overnite, is most certainly new within my lifetime.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Ok, but who is doing this now? Not me, I love Jews. Your ancient nemesis is Satan. He finds new ways to hate every moment. It all started in the Garden of Eden. When Satan convinced Eve that she would become as a God if she bit the fruit, the apple, and open her eyes to good and evil. Then the wuss Adam took a bite as well. They were tossed out of the garden, east of Eden. And here we are now. And God declared in Genesis 3:15 the solution , the serpent would have his head crushed by the seed of the woman. The seed is Jesus Christ. The Messiach.

Welcome to America, the soon to be nazi regime, if not already. Conservative Christians like me are fighting this. American Jews don’t know who their friends are now. Are their friends the university professors or the corporate HR departments? What an evil joke that is. We are just moments away from full scale pograms in the USA now, brought to you by the Democrat National Convention and our current potus.

My Lord and my Savior Jesus, the Christ, the Messiach, was a Jew. The apostles except Luke were Jews. The chief apostle to the gentiles, the Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, was a Pharisee, a Jew. Our Christian faith is based on Jewish scriptures and philosophy. We are cousins. Read the New Testament scriptures in the book of Romans, chapters 9, 10, and 11. The Jews will be grafted back into the root. Right before the end. Christians and Jews, together. At some level, you perceive this. Who are your friends in the world today?

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Now this is insightful. That does indeed seem to be the phenomenon we're seeing.

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Zero tolerance for violence and hate speech. Arrest them. Expel them. Deport them.

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Hate speech is a euphemism for censorship. This is how the totalitarians worm their way into acceptance by the population… by leveraging emotions.

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Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment.

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Not quite. Please see this from the respected Congressional Research Service:

"Unprotected Speech The First Amendment: Categories of Speech While content-based laws are typically subject to strict scrutiny, the Supreme Court has recognized limited categories of speech that the government may regulate because of their content, as long as it does so evenhandedly. The Court generally identifies these categories as obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, fighting words, true threats, speech integral to criminal conduct, and child pornography. The contours of these categories have changed over time, with many having been significantly narrowed by the Court. In addition, the Court has been disinclined to expand upon this list, declining to recognize, for example, violent entertainment or depictions of animal cruelty as new categories of unprotected speech."

Got it? Now...

How about "Death to the Jews?" Opinion? A threat? Fighting words? Incitement?

Then think about "Lynch all Blacks?" Is that opinion? Or incitement?

Or "Death to Muslims?"

It's all contemptible and is not protected speech.

Certainly, the campus violence we are seeing is not protected. So I return to my main comment.

Arrest. Expel. Fire. Try. Deport. Due process at every step, but no coddling of criminals and illegal aliens.

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I agree with Sandra. It is a mistake to narrow protected speech with a term like hate speech. Similarly “hate crime” enhancements to criminal charges have very little in the way of standards.

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Carter and Sandra, I'm not a lawyer.

But it seems like one test for incitement is immediate violence in close proximity to the speech that led to the violence. Not days or weeks later. Not far, far away. But immediate and in the vicinity. This is exactly what happened at Columbia. Thus, the speech that led to the violence was incitement and not protected speech.

To a point I made earlier, if you want to find out what unprotected hate speech is quickly, here is a simple experiment: Stand outside Alvin Bragg's office with a placard that says, "Death to Blacks!"

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"Not far, far away. But immediate and in the vicinity."

Well....by that standard, would "Death to Israel" be acceptable?

Seriously though....your Alvin Bragg example doesn't really work. TFP discussion crew is not a fan of indictments of "hate speech" when directed toward others groups.....but it seems many have suddenly changed their tune.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

None of this is acceptable. It is incitement for violence.

“Death to Palestine” is not acceptable either. But then that would be—horrors—Islamophobia.

The Columbia case is open and shut. Expel. Fire. Deport.

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Thanks for the information on hate crimes---that is another area where the definition is in the eye of the beholder too much of the time.

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I have looked into this issue previously, saw the "fighting words" exemption, but have no idea what that means. I looked into it a little farther and received no clarification. The time of writing of the First A may have had a precise meaning for that term, like literally challenging someone to a duel. I am not a lawyer and have not delved into what civil rights lawyers say about that phrase, "fighting words."

I am quite certain, however, that the First A exemption for this behavior does not extend to all provoking words. In most cases people can ignore provocation. Threats are not the same thing as provocation, because there is a higher than zero probability that destructive behavior and not just speech will follow the threat.

I believe also that "hate speech" is definitely in the protected category. If I recall correctly, Glenn Loury stated that on one of his shows. The people at FIRE would know more than I do about this, however. The ACLU no longer follows our Constitution.

The speech of Nazis and Neo-Nazis has been protected since WWII, including allowing these abnormal people to parade through Jewish neighborhoods. At the time these things were happening, the rights of the Nazis were defended by the ACLU and by civil rights lawyers, which were at the time demographics with many Jewish members.

The universities themselves do have a lot of rights to require a level of civility and decorum above and beyond what they have been programming students to do instead. They can restrict student demonstrations on the grounds that they disrupt the mission of the institution and violate the rights of people who are paying to get an education there. They can stop the shout downs and bullying on the grounds that these behaviors violate other peoples' First A rights both to speak and not be compelled to speak.

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That should happen to Minouche

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Never will happen.

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Where do you plan to deport American citizens?

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Serious question deserves a serious answer.

Violent protesters should be arrested. Those spewing hate speech should be arrested. If students, they should be expelled forthwith. If faculty, they should be fired forthwith.

Those arrested should be tried for the serious felonies they have committed. If found guilty, and if not US citizens, they should be deported. If US citizens, they should serve their time. There should be no probation, no suspended sentences, and certainly no bail while awaiting trial.

To where should they be deported? The legal answer is wherever they came from. Not our problem what happens to them once they go home to their lovely countries. That said, I personally think Gaza is ideal.

Meanwhile, we should be investigating where the funding of these liars and hate mongers is coming from. Iran? Hamas? Palestinian Authority? Qatar?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Qatar is funding a lot of programs on US campuses. Qatar is hosting Hamas leaders. But the idea that Palestinians are freedom fighters goes back to 1970s when Palestinians were trained by the USSR to fight against Israel. It was the recommendation of the Soviet handlers to position themselves as anti-colonialists. All the leftist organizations took the bait. Black Panthers were the first ones to embrace Palestinians as brothers in arms. Angela Davis, the infamous Black Panther academic, is one of the Gays for Gaza leaders.

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Precisely. Riots like these don't arise spontaneously.

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No surprise that after October 7 Putin rolled red carpet for Hamas in Moscow. What pro-Hamas woke left and anti-Ukrainian right don't understand is that behind the scenes Putin, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and North Korea are fighting the war against democratic West.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

It's a bit more nuanced than that. There is little difference between Moscow's use of Hamas as a weapon, and the USAs use of ISIS/ISIL & AL Qaeda against Russia and Russian interests. The main difference is that the USA started using islamists in the Carter administration, continued through the Clinton years, and Hillary Clinton restarted it under Obama. Biden's administration restarted it again after Trump shut it down.

Moscow just began to use Hamas. They learned that from us. Russia is an "ally" of Iran because Iran is on its border and the USA used to own Iran. When I say "Use Hamas," here I mean directly or indirectly provide weapons, training, or direction to attack a third party nation. Even now, I do not have proof of this by Moscow. I suspect it, but hosting Hamas in Moscow is not proof of anything except treating them nicely.

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Putin is an evil atheist monster. Many common Russian people are orthodox Christians who are brutalized by Putin’s minions. I imagine they don’t want him in power.

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Yes- and notice the non-Arabic looking students in the Yale protest? I saw Asian and African (might be Muslim, but?) They didn't appear to have a dog in the fight but were there either standing in the circle enclosing the writer, or sitting nearby laughing mockingly. What enticed them to participate?

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Wanting to be part of a group. These kids grew up communicating on cell phones. They are very lonely. Good prey for cults. This gives them a sense of purpose for which this generation has none.

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Mindless hatred. Envy. All the usual emotions that have led to so much human misery.

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I love it, "Gay for Gaza". put them on one way tickets to Gaza where they will instantaneously be slaughtered by their Muslim pals for being gay.

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Exactly. How crazy is that? Maybe someone should tell them

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Angela Davis knows exactly what happens to gays in Gaza, but she needs a cause to stir up a pot against "imperialist " US. Much like she loved her popularity with the USSR government which was playing anti-imperialism card while being brutal imperialist empire itself.

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Does seem a bit ludicrous-right?

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Oh the irony that the you-are-helping-Putin-rebuild-the-Soviet-Union-if-you-question-US-involvement-in-Ukraine clan is in fact embracing Soviet era tactics in their protection of these Arabs we now refer to as Palestinian protesters. No wonder American political discourse has such a schizoid feel.

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In this country, under the 1A, you cannot arrest for hate speech. Let’s hope it always remains this way, as who defines what is ‘hate’ can be the most slippery of slopes that can change over time. It’s why it’s the 1st Amendment. Don’t espouse F’ing with it. Violence, however, is a totally different category.

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This. I stand with anyone being able to spew their hate speech without resorting to violence and without targeted eminent harassment. Arrest for “hate speech”? No.

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I should add though: violate university policy due to intimidation of other students? Expel

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No, if on a student visa, deport them to the Islamic paradise of Iran.

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Saudis and Qatar funded building of mosques all over America. This means the nation is conquered by Islam, and just has to be made to recognize it. They paid salaries of imams at one time, but now I think it's mostly up to the congregation. I may be wrong.

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Gaza! There’s lotsa work carrying bricks, I hear.

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California or Chiago's East side where they can go to sleep to the rattle of gunfire?

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He meant the Foreign students. Lots of them from the Mideast. If they don’t like it here let them go home and protest there! 😂😂

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My understanding is that part of the problem is some of those foreign students pay so well that the campuses court them.

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This type of vicious conduct was standard during the BLM/Antifa riots of several years ago, but, given that most of the targets were police and law-abiding white citizens the media wouldn't cover it or, when they did cover it, presented it as justifiable comeuppance for "colonization and white supremacy." Conservatives were mocked for stressing that this breakdown of civic order would not stop with the targets of that moment, but we were ridiculed. What we are seeing now is the old story of the Man, the Horse, and the Wolf. Democrats have lost control of their shock troops.

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I wouldn't say they have lost control of the shock troops, I suspect this is all part of the agenda. I also think that the 'they' is much bigger than just American democrats

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> I suspect this is all part of the agenda.

I don't think there *is* an agenda. This is a consequence of 10-15 years of intersectionality, "decolonization," and oppressor/oppressed theology being taught in public schools, universities, and media. If it was intended, it likely wasn't the elite 1% that intended it; it was the university professors who came up with the critical theory frameworks.

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The agenda is Chaos. Chaos that leads to people demanding the Government 'Do Something" and thus giving them more power. Even in this thread we have people calling to arrest people for hate speech. If we normalize this for anti-Semitism, then they can finally normalize it in America for any other group and likely for ever broadening definitions for what constitutes hate speech, thus further censoring and silencing the population.

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Might not be an agenda but there are moron billionaires like McKenzie Bezo who blindly give millions to these causes to be "good people". The there are the Pritzkers who definitely are the brain trust behind all of these with an agenda.

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We'll probably never know the full truth behind all this. But if you follow the money it leads to very interesting and suspicious places. Don't you think that Qatar, who is a well known financial supporter of Hamas and regularly gives them sanctuary and who is also one of the biggest foreign funders of US universities. might just have a little something to do with the last twenty years of muslim grooming and tolerance for radical islamic violence among the college students? Don't you think that China who is also a very large funder of US universities and who has a major hand in propogandizing our youth through Tik Tok etc might have something to do with how all this is playing out? And oh yeah don't forget that China is cozy in bed with Iran. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are very good $$$ and political reasons that college presidents etc are at the very least hesitant to denounce the pro Hamas rabble, and at the worst are elevating them to the status of 'freedom fighters' .

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> Don't you think that Qatar, who is a well known financial supporter of Hamas and regularly gives them sanctuary and who is also one of the biggest foreign funders of US universities. might just have a little something to do with the last twenty years of muslim grooming and tolerance for radical islamic violence among the college students?

The funding is part of it. A big part of it is also the idea that the majority of people are not naturally leaders; they want someone to follow. The commanders need to be well-spoken. That hit me when I saw the video of all the weird-looking white Antifa kids in masks being taught "death to America" chants by a good-looking, well-spoken, Iranian chap. If these "activists" didn't have leaders they'd go complain on Reddit, play their Fortnite, and go to sleep. But the Islamists have people willing to stand up as leaders -- one charismatic Jihadi can corral 200 silly, sheltered, liberal college students.

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“The NYPD is not allowed on campus unless specifically asked by administration—and as Mayor Eric Adams made clear today, they have not been asked.” If the campus is within the city limits the police can absolutely go on campus. The policies of university administration are not binding on city police forces. This is a choice by city officials who endorse violence in this situation just as they did for the blm riots.

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They're not just chanting pro-Hamas slogans, they are chanting "death to America". They are the enemy.

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Progressives and leftists, and the far right that overlaps with them, are the Enemy Within.

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Absolutely. No question.

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Dear God. Never would I have thought this would happen in our country in my lifetime. I am sick.

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I am old now and did my best to stop it or slow it down. I failed. It seems we need to reach down to Gehenna before folks wake up. Abbadon is waiting there.

Now it is up to our young folks to fight the Borg, the monster. Why don’t you folks lead it.

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All these demonstrators have been instructed to hide their identities behind masks of some sort - they are cowards, happy to demonstrate for their noxious beliefs but afraid to let us know who they are.

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To me, if you are hiding, you aren't really protesting. At least not in a country with Free Speech rights. I also suspect it is just as much to protect their parents as themselves.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Where is our leadership? Where is Biden? Schumer? Pelosi? Jeffries? Why aren't they condemning these travesties loudly, publicly and often? Where are the university presidents and their staffs?

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They do not condemn because these people are Democrat voters.

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Nail on the head. Their actual voting base is to small to alienate their most loyal useful idiots.

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They are silent. They don’t want to lose the votes of this treasonous fifth column.

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From NBC News:

'If Biden signs an Israel aid package, as he intends to, "that heartless decision could mark the point of no return for what remains of the White House’s relationship with the American Muslim community and other Americans opposed to the genocide in Gaza," said Council on American-Islamic Relations' government affairs director Robert McCaw in a statement.'

The minute people use the word "genocide" to describe Israeli actions in Gaza, rather than what Hamas and its Palestinian enablers did in southern Israel on October 7, they show their true colors.

Let them not vote, then. Wouldn't we prefer they didn't?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Why? Because they are supporting Hamas. Please wake up from the stupid now.

Hakeem? Really? A muslim sympathizer at best. He is the leader of the Squad.

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They have one word only: “Don’t”. It is not enough.

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The White House finally condemned this yesterday. Eric Adams did too. But so far no one is actually doing anything. Eric Adams did say he can't send police onto private property unless requested by the school but NYPD is standing by if needed and been directed to investigate any report of law being broken.

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They ordered this behavior

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I read yesterday that the WH, Eric Adams, and Kathy Hochul all did release statements, or tweets, condemning the Columbia protests. Way late in my view, and only done by them as they see that see they cannot stand by any longer and not say anything - that they are politically calculating enough to weigh the impact of lost votes - but, it’s still way to late, weak.

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My family has been in America since 1901. My father was on the staff of the Ways and Means Committee during the Eisenhower administration. My uncle served in WW2. My cousin was a career enlisted man in the Air Force. Maybe it’s time to make Aliyah. I can’t imagine how I’d feel watching all this if Israel didn’t exist.

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My friend. I thank your family for their service. Are your sentiments any different than the Jewish officers and enlisted who fought for Germany in WW1 but were discarded by 1933? My great grandmother was Norwegian, and came to America shortly after your family did. We aren't any different except for our religious beliefs. But, America attracted each of our families precisely because we can be different, but pursue a common belief. Freedom and liberty. It is the last place, and the first place in the world that is possible. Even with the existence of Israel (who as Americans we must support and be allied with)

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The author Dara Horn points out that post-enlightenment the Jews made a bargain: we would give up our self-governing communities, and in part give up our culture, our laws, our peoplehood, and in return we would be accepted as full members of the wider society. If we’re not accepted - and I would posit as evidence the unwillingness of government to protect us - then why erase ourselves?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Well do that if you feel the call to make Aliyah. That is a very honorable thing to do. I have been to Israel seven or eight times. I usually stayed in Herzliya at the Dan Akkadia on the beach. Teadore Herzl was a giant who helped to create modern Israel. This place was named for him.

My family have been in America since 1635 on my mother’s side and 1872 on my father’s side. My mother’s family were Puritans with John Winthrop’s Massachusetts Bay colony. This was a Puritanical Aliyah to the new world, to create a new “Shining City on the Hill”. Same story as Tel Aviv, the “Mountain of the Spring”, a new start in an ancient land.

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"Maybe it’s time to make Aliyah."

Or move to a Southern state. Stuff like this doesn't happen in Florida.

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This is the hateful result of the idiotic Social Justice movement. It destroys common sense.

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I am not Jewish but I really am scared by what is happening in this country. I am a substitute teacher in various public high schools and I have been seeing large Palestinian flags hanging on the walls of the classrooms and "From River to the Sea" taped to the doors of several teachers' classrooms. Indoctrination is very real here in Los Angeles.

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I'm with you on this. It truly terrifies me and I am not Jewish either. Radical Islam is a self described death cult and our young as well as many many older woke liberals are being indoctrinated wholesale into that death cult. Those of us who see the writing on the wall know that this insanity will not stop with the persecution of the Jews. I think the Death To America chants illustrate that pretty clearly.

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I can't help but think back in history. This is how Nazis started in Germany, Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, Maoists in China, Hutus in Rwanda, Stalinists in Russia... before they committed atrocities and killed millions. By brainwashing the most primitive layers of society, claiming they are the most righteous ones and they have right to do whatever they want. But this is not only happening in the US. Look at UK for instance. The future is bleak. Jews are only the proverbial canaries in the mines. They are coming for all of us

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

The primary target of progressive democrats are conservative Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiach. That is me. Dead Jews are just sidebar casualties to the so called progressive elites. If they kill conservative Christians, then they can bring on, full speed ahead… their desire for full communism, Sodom and Gomorrah, and then start raping and eating the children. This is full on worship of the Baals and Molech. Prove me wrong. We are truly the salt and the light. Jesus the Messiach is Lord of all. Jews and gentiles together.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow….

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These places of nazi indoctrination are called public schools and public and private Ivy League universities. Just say no. Homeschool is best. And then… we will see what happens next.

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Why everyone cannot see this is beyond me. As you say it's not like history hasn't shown us over and over again that what happens to the Jews or other consistently persecuted groups, will happen eventually to all of us when this type of escalating hatred is allowed free expression with no consequences.

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It may be Jews now but next they will come for anyone with $$$ and then conservative Christians

Lots of people in the U. S. are trying to buy alternative passports. The newsletter International living has increasing readership and fills seminars re: anything about moving out of the U. S.

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The entire sad affair is ridiculous. The First Amendment protects citizens from government limiting speech. Schools from pre K- college have the right to limit speech on their campuses. It is hard not to notice, while protesters feel free to shout horrible things about Jews and Israel, there are no such mass slurs against Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities, because that never would be tolerated.

Nor is there any right for protesters to occupy private property. Protesters and trespassers violating school policy need to be expelled, and then arrested, with those committing violence. The names and mug shots should be published.

Moreover, Monday morning, every university in the US should ban masks outside, except under written doctor's orders. Many of these kids hiding behind masks, would find another hobby, quickly , if their faces were uncovered. Universities would never tolerate KKK hats and masks. They should not tolerate these head and face coverings, either.

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