Let’s review who the real occupiers are: Since the 600’s ISLAM , all over the world, Constantinople, the entire ME was Jewish and Christian. India, Africa, the Balkans, at least Spain kicked them out. Now we have the second wave, occupying France, Sweden, England, Dearborn, Minneapolis.

Jews were in what is now called Palestine around 1000 BC. They have been there for 3000 yrs, 1500 yrs before Mohammad. They cannot be occupiers of their own ancestral land.

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Funny how the term "colonizer" is never applied to the lands conquered by Muslims.

(because it's really just a racist slur for white people)

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Show me a hundred colonizers throughout history, and 95+ will be white.

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spoken like a person with a true Eurocentric trip world view. In practice colonization has been common through world history by all races colors and creeds.

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My grandfather fought in the Pacific during WWII...ask the Taiwanese about who colonized whom...ask the Pacific Islanders...read about the Japanese colonies. Look at the Philippines.

Most interesting is the Belt and Road Initiative of our current times. Who's 'colonizing' Africa now?

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Pro tip - when 105 people agree that a term is a racist slur, don't use that term in front of them.

Another great example of how the people who chant "empathy" usually have little to none.

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White people complaining about being called racist slurs is about the most comical thing.

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This is a great way to publicly announce that you're a racist.

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White people? All white people? Hmmm, one thinks someone is generalizing a "bit" and defining the world by skin color (i.e. racist).

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Try to stay with me, Gary. Where did I say "all" white people? Hmmm, one thinks someone is not paying attention, and instead just tosses insults. A commenter wrote comments about anti-white discrimination/racism. I commented that a white person complaining about racism is hilarious. Because it is.

Feel free to generalize if you wish to. But I didn't.

And dude? You don't want to call me a racist.

Does that kind of ad hominem thing work usually for you? FYI, ad hominem is Latin for the kind of attack or argument that ignores the content of the speaker, instead focusing the attack on the speaker.

Like you just did when you called me a racist. It's annoying AF, and scores points nowhere but in your own mind. Though I'm accustomed to it now on The Free Press comments section, where people would rather insult than offer any useful thoughts.

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yours is a closed, therfore dark soul 🙏☮️

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Well, that's just not very Christian.

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"Black people complaining about being called racist slurs is about the most comical thing". How does that change the equation? I didn't say "all" black people after all.

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George, black people complaining about racism isn’t comical at all. Well, maybe it’s funny to rednecks.

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Shows how little you know of the world and its history. The entire story of black Africa, Native Americans in North and South America, and almost all of Asia, the Middle East, and Europe is colonizers. There were probably more than 200 black colonizations in Africa of black Africa over the same period that you are counting your 95 white colonizations elsewhere. The Egyptians, Babylonians, and Persians were colonizers. So were the Arabs and Muslims, colonizing something like 100 countries. That’s why “colonizer” is such a meaningless term. And by the way, where do you live vs. where did you come from? Are you a colonizer?

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Show me a slave owner throughout history and 95+ out of 100 will be a BIPOC -- the acceptable term of aggrievement for our day. In fact were you to live in any village from the fertile crescent to Alkebulan, from the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians to the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddanands and Ethiopians, you would have never seen a white slave trader or owner, but someone of your own skin tone and close to your own tongue. And you would have run like hell.

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I'll definitely give you guys credit for sticking to it. 4 or 5 of you went straight to whataboutism.

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Sorry for building the best ships in the renaissance

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watch out, or rob will scold you for being Eurocentric.

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Read a history of Africa, how the Bantu and Nilotes swept the continent in the last thousand years, destroying nearly all hunter-gatherer groups that were there before. They were not white, nor were the Mongols who conquered much of Asia. Nor were the Aztecs who conquered most of central Mexico. Nor the Japanese who invaded China in the last century. Just to name the first that come to mind.

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Poor Judgement. Your extreme ignorance is showing, has to be embarrassing for you!

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And that is about the weakest-ass response I've seen in The Free Press comments section.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Islam is not a religion. It is a death cult of the Satanic Verses. It swept out of North Africa to subjugate people over a large swath of the globe all the way to Indonesia. Europe would have been lost if not for Charles the Hammer Martel who vanquished them at Tours. Europe needs a new Hammer and people such as Wilders, Abascal and Le Pen are rising to the occasion. We need an American Hammer to stop the intifada on our shores.

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Thought experiment: Imagine our world if Mohammad had never been born.

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The Middle East would be immensely better off had Islam disappeared.

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For years my dream bumper sticker was ‘Imagine A World Without Islam’.

I’m now convinced that the mindset of the whole area is intractably backward, and an innate existential threat to western civilization.

They are in possession of modern communication, transportation, and weaponry…and misuse them in every way. We allow this because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or violate their rights.

The sad thing is that the endgame of what they want is extremely bleak.

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Great point, George. And it would be one thing if Islam stayed concentrated in its own backwards backyard. But with the large wave of muslim migration to Europe coupled with Europeans' naivete, the risks grow substantially for the welfare of western civilization.

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Dear NCMaureen, Some other idiot would be in his place. You can't permanently eradicate opposition. You can attempt to reason with your opposer. I find violence of action to be reasonable for a minute. I find common ground to reasonable for a minute. They're here to stay. So are we. Arm yourselves.

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If you're suggesting that some other idiot would take Mohammed's place if he hadn't existed, doesn't that mean the Arabs would fall for anyone? How about a tall blonde in a short skirt? How about a Jew? You see, maybe there is something peculiar to what sand and heat and shimmering mirages do to a race.

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Arabs aren't a race. In fact Arabs and Mizrahi/Sephardic are the same people.

People tend to fall for and follow wild eyed messianic types irrespective of race.

Branch Davidian anyone? Siddartha that.

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You're right. I meant a people.

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It’s an interesting experiment. The rise of the first Islamic caliphate is fascinating. If nothing else they deserve some credit for taking on the two global super powers of the age and beating them both.

Would the world be better off if the Roman Empire had never existed? Who can say.

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By the 600s Rome and Persia were in decay. Wasn’t that hard.

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In the 400’s to 600’s a.d. Zoroastrianism was predominant from Persia to India. Their credo was unacceptable to Islam: “Good Thoughts...Good Words...Good Deeds.” The Muslims came along from the West and told people to convert or die. There are now perhaps a bit over 100,000 Zoroastrians worldwide, most in India.

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Sort of like Europe and the US today….

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It swept out of Arabia, INTO North Africa and beyond.

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True. It was a bacillus that spread East and West.

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Islam came out of the Arabian desert. It swept across North Africa after mohammed's long-suffering death from poison he was given at Khaybar after that horrific massacre, rape, and torture party.

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Isn't Saudi Arabia in North Africa?

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Point taken. It is across from the African tectonic plate and drifting away. But who thinks of it as Asian? Also wasn't the first Muslim conquest of Egypt. Not that I care of am particularly interested in them.

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The Romans named Asia, but then it was the nearest province of what is now Turkey.


Medieval commerce map shows Arabia separate from Africa.


An 1808 map shows Arabia as part of Asia.


Islamic conquests

Then1st conquest was half the Arabian peninsula. Then the rest of the peninsula. Then incremental. Egypt was fairly early in the third wave.


And here is where the borders were 1500.


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Exodus 23:1.

“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.”

As happens almost always when I read my Bible, a word jumps out and I go to the Strong’s concordance. Here’s the Strong’s translation for חָמָס — malicious

Transliteration: ḥāmās

Pronunciation: khaw-mawce'

Part of Speech: masculine noun

Outline of Biblical Usage:

violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice

In Arabic Hamas translates into in enthusiasm, fire, intense interest.

All conventional sources say Hamas is merely an acronym that boils down to “resistance movement.” Is it?

How I wish those teaching our children would engage in serious inquiry. There’s a whole lot of history before 1947 and a lot more to language and linguistics than what a ragtag bunch of malcontents tell us.

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You forgot Buddhist and Hindu. Afghanistan was Buddhist. (viz. Bamiyan)

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Indeed. Also lots of tribal polytheists, Zoroastrians, and Hindus, etc. as well…

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The professor at Columbia. Mahmood someone, exemplified the mental illness to the woman interviewing him. A total denial of reality. An insistence that what one could see with one’s own eyes doesn’t exist. It is gaslighting. It needs to be repudiated by stong people.

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That professor has to deny Oct 7. Otherwise, he would have to either condemn it or announce his support of Hamas. It's the cowards way out.

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Not a coward. He has another agenda. It is quite intentional. That agenda is to overthrow the United States from within. He is allied with the new useful idiots of the mostly American neo-Marxist-Leninist-Maoists (nMLM). Those nMLM adult children think they can ride the Islamist regime change demon to power and control it. This strategy of the nMLM is exactly the same as the strategy of regime change used by the graduates of those same institutions who populate the State Department. Hillary Clinton did it in the Obama administration backing Al Qaeda and ISIS to effect regime change against Syria (didn't work, but slaughtered the Yazidi like Oct 7th on steroids). Joe Biden and John Kerry kept that going after HRC had to quit.

Regime change 101. You must find a group willing to fight and die for your revolution. That is why the USA supported Narcos in South/Central America against Soviet ideological revolutionaries. That is why the USA backed Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria against that government. That is why the USA backed the Banderas (literal Nazis covered in Swastika tattoos) in Ukraine to over throw Ukraine's elected government, for the publicly stated purpose of regime change in Russia. It is the graduates of these same universities who architected those regime changes, using much the same basic logic. This video is just the latest twist on it.

However, a template is Carter's gambit in Afghanistan which is credited (not entirely accurately) with causing the collapse of the USSR. That is the long game hoped for in Ukraine. It has nothing to do with freedom for Ukraine. Ukraine started with freedom.

Curiously, you will find that many (most?) of those who are doing this same regime change strategy against other nations now (the Biden administration) are secular Jews. Nuland, Blinken, others, are cozying up to Iran as part of their regime change hatred of Russia. Of course Iran is laughing at them, (and would love to literally carve their bodies apart while they screamed) because Iran is an ideological regime, and money is just a tool for them to conquer the world. For people from these elite institutions, such ideological compasses are incomprehensible. They are prisoners of their university's professors incapacity for rational thought outside of the secular Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionary poison.

So the nMLM crowd who are products of these "elite institutions" used the same education to come to the same conclusion for how to overthrow the USA from within. Here are these Palestinians (and plenty of other fanatic islamists of all stripes) who want to take over the USA from within. So these stupid children ally with them just like Hillary did with Al Qaeda and ISIS when she ran State.

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Carter? Afghanistan?

Better get dates and Presidents straight.

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He is correct. On July 3, 1979, Carter and Brzezinski authorized the covert action program to aid the mujahideen. It wasn’t much—just an initial $500,000 in cash, along with communications gear and other nonlethal supplies for the Afghan insurgents. That same day, Brzezinski wrote a note to Carter, predicting that “this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”

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Mr. Jennings is correct.

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Very very prescient, thank you

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And cowards attack young people at a festival, then hide behind civilians.

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An important observation, Maureen. It appears that all of the “speakers”, including most of those leading these chants for “death to Israel” are of Middle Eastern origin, most likely on “student” visas. Recently there was a hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee which included testimony about a charming organization called American Muslims for Palestine, which is funded by Qatar (and Wespac, one of George Soros’ PACs). Among other things, this organization provides the bulk of funding, material, and direction to the oxymoronically named Students for Justice in Palestine on campuses across America, who are leading the majority of these demonstrations celebrating the beheading of babies and gang rape and effectively calling for a second Holocaust. Couple of suggestions - 1) vacate the visas of any of these “students” involved in leading these orgies of anti-Semitism, 2) reach out to your Senator and Congressional Rep in DC and DEMAND that they investigate AMP, and 3) follow the lead of some of the schools that are outlawing Students for Justice in Palestine on campus. We cannot be observers. It is time to engage. What we are witnessing is a demonstration of Hitler’s line - “Capture the children and control the future.” It is not just the future of Israel that is at stake.

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There is a specific question on the nonimmigrant visa application - "Have you ever, or do you intend, to provide financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist organizations?" The basis for visa cancellation and removal for a student visa holder would be fraud for lying on the application.

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I suppose if terrorists enter via the southern border, all bets are off; no application=no accountability or consequences.

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Qatar has invested BILLIONS into our institutions of “higher education”. This where that has led. We need to pass legislation to ban foreign funding of our universities and colleges. And probably should include K-12 at this point too…

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Jan 31·edited Mar 13

I've yet to see any progressive, liberal or Dem come out against the Islamic proselytizing that is now evident every where and has a strong influence our current administration and the incestual institutional group known as higher ed.

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Ironically, Fetterman has done just that actually.

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I'm a liberal and I strongly condemn these anti-Jewish protests.

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I would say you short change yourself by claiming to be just a liberal.

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And he positioned his views as so...reasonable....of course, we need open discourse, and we support open discourse....the Jewish kids in my class...they are NOT afraid.

A joke. A scary one, for sure, but a joke of a Professor all the same.

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We were watching an example of utterly shameless taqiyya before our very eyes.

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The educated religion of peaceniks are as unreasonable as the other products of incest common to their so called faith. They understand the pertinence appear reasonble to you when discussing their madness.

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A dearth of strong people is one of the biggest challenges. We need a lot more of them to have a chance.

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Stong people with good principles.

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Define good principles.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

...those natural to men and manly women. The catalyst for the current insanity is feminism, and the preponderance of the female proclivity for consensus/groupthink, and compassion ahead of justice.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

...and it's not like this is really new. East Asian culture has, over millennia, accounted for the phenomenon as the endless dually forces of Yin and Yang. But in this moment in the West, men's speech on the overreach of the female, is not to be countenanced. So its up to the few strong women. Some of the best of whom write at Unherd. See for example: https://unherd.com/2024/01/why-the-right-fears-taylor-swift/

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And the “professor “ at Columbia needs to be deported

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“How did our universities become hotbeds of hate? Olivia Reingold set out to investigate.”


*holding in earpiece reporting on location

“We’ve discovered that there are lots and lots of Democrats at these universities and it turns out that they are scumbags. Back to you, Jake.”

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Meanwhile on NPR: “Islam is the religion of peace and Progressives are loving and tolerant. Christofascist MAGA is the real problem. We are not biased propaganda and our new CEO is definitely not coordinating with government and NGO stakeholders. Thanks for your taxpayer funds, please donate more!”


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Anyone who says Islam is the religion of peace hasn't read a history book, IOW an ignoramus.

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They also have never lived in a dominant Islamic country. There are no "reasonable Muslims". A friend lived in Ankara, Turkey in the neighborhood of a former president 20 years ago. She says, non-muslim women were considered fair game for sexual assault if they walk their dog or go out of the house alone because they "secretly want it". Keep in mind that is in a secular Muslim country without sharia law before Erdogan.

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Yes, a woman Turkish acquaintance of 100% Russian descent goes for walks with huge mastiff dogs that will kill anyone who comes near her. Her family came there as slaves or something like that during the Ottoman empire.

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All of those idiots carrying "Queers for Palestine" should go to Gaza to show their support. They would last about 20 minutes before they were slaughtered or thrown off the tops of buildings.

Around election time the Dems/Commies always bring up the treat of white supremacists and other racist groups as a threat to the nation. Compared to the tens of thousands and in London over 100 thousand pro-Palestinian protestors on campus and in the streets., the white supremacists are a drop in the bucket.

The left like to bring out the white racist to scare the faithful into voting for the Dem/Commie Party who claim to be the protectors of minorities. If they are protectors of minorities why aren't they condemning these vicious, murderous, Islamic supporting whack jobs.

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😂 Kevin, good one! Pretty much sums it up. Thanks! Needed that this morning

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Probably funniest thing I will read all day, and it is early

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LOOOOOOL Dude. 10/10

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“Within the hour, punches flew. I saw a cop and a protester tussle on the pavement.”


There’s a Jan 6 guy who got sentenced to eight years for this.

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I HATE, absolutely HATE, Trump as a person, but I will vote for him ONLY because of what I see going on. I abstained from voting for president in 2016 but voted for Trump in 2020 because I knew what Biden stood for: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

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Let’s count wars, shall we.

Bushii - 2

Obama - 5

Trump - 0

Biden - World War III

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Biden doesn't have his WW3 yet, but his cabal of literal dregs of their class who are running things are working hard on it.

If we have it, that war will be over in 2 hours, and this country will be incinerated, sea to shining sea.

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I love love love TRUMP and Melania God bless them both praying that they become the 2025 inhabitants of the White House!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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And if he "loses" this time, there will be real hell to pay. Because the 2020 election was a farce and more and more people understand that and how our country needs to purge the leftist Democrat Party which hates America. Why else would they be opening the borders to allow illegals to replace us. All of us - black, white and brown American citizens.

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Has the bespectacled "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" lady from news clips ever been identified or interviewed? Would LOVE to see Chris Rufo or TFP profile her and hear her take on our country after almost 4 years of Biden... :-D

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I’m shocked she hasn’t sued for defamation or something.

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OMG Skinny! The man is a lying, vicious, megalomaniac. I will vote for him because I fear the communist/Dems more than I fear him.

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Don’t sweat the small stuff LP just vote for Trump everything going to be great again. We have got to get these current rabid humans out of the WH, 2024 is our last chance. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I agree with you but I am not going to exult a megalomaniacal nut case. I will call him what he is and hold my nose and vote for him.

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Me too Skinny!

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😘Let’s go Vivien the Trump train is moving to DC all aboard!

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Not sure Melania would move into the White House. She’s been AWOL since leaving.

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Here's hoping all those other Americans who hate Trump agree with you. Can you (shudder) imagine president Kamala on the international scene??

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As bad as Biden is, Kamala would be worse. She can't give an intelligent, coherent speech and can't blame her shortcomings on advanced age or dementia. The idea she could project US strength is laughable. Nevertheless, if Biden-Harris win in November, there's an excellent chance she'll be President within four years.

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I would venture an almost 100% chance.

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It won’t be Kamala, it’s going to be Michelle.

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She has to run first....

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Give it time. They have a plan. I hope I am wrong.

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Wow. I just read about that. You're absolutely right. She would be much harder to beat .

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Your virtue is noted.

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There is nothing virtuous about my decisions! I am a pragmatist by and large, which is WHY I voted for Trump in 2020. It is still a long way to November, and we cannot imagine what may take place before then.

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We CAN imagine it and hope that we are wrong.

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Oh Biden stood for something......completion of Everything Barack wanted. While I believe the voters spoke against it, the electoral fix was in.

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In a blue city, this guy would have been released without bail.

On another topic, I'll bet a Dem/commie determined the red/blue color for the states and they intentionally called the commie states blue because red is the communist color and would alienate anybody with a brain.

Blue states should have been colored red with a hammer and sickle and conservative state colored blue with a small US flag.

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The other color in the US flag is white. Imagine having that as the representative color for a political party these days.

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Well, most, if not all, people who vote for the Green party are white.

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Yesterday pro-life activists got 11 years for praying and singing hymns in the hallway of an abortion clinic.

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I've got to say FP, I think you're doing really good things with the $8? I give you every month. A subscription to FP is a great bang for the buck.

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Yes I agree. But in this instance., the big question is not so much "How did our universities become hotbeds of hate" but why has it taken so long for conservatives to NOTICE given that the underlying malaise started more than half a century ago: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers

"the performance of the conservative defenders of America's traditional values has been a textbook case in strategic failure. They started with all the advantage on their side; in particular an American public with solidly conservative instincts. The failure was to let themselves be blindsided by the enemy’s secret weapon: its longstanding grip on the institutions of ‘higher education’."

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Remember Rush Limbaugh? He was talking about it 30 years ago, my mother, God rest her soul, was his biggest fan. I thought they were both whackos, now I realize they were on to something. I regret not listening more closely, but I guess I’m not the only one who didn’t.

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The great majority of young people emerge from the university sheep-dip as Lefties to some degree or other ('scuse the pun). This was already true when I was at university in the early 70s.

Some eventually grow up..... and notice reality. But most do not because the holding of soft-lefty opinions is highly SEDUCTIVE because it gives you a pretty story about yourself as a 'caring' person.....and it costs you nothing. Hence each and every one of civil institutions is run by such people.

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Rush was a genius communicator and he knew exactly what the libs were doing the world is a much worse off since he passed.

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I hear you Sarah! I thought he was a nut and attracted weak willed "ditto-heads" who didn't have the courage to speak up like he did. I still think that a lot of people are weak willed, and won't stand up , or speak up for what they believe, but I think more folks are at least whispering their beliefs!

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Fair question. There was pushback from the Christian side beginning at least in the early 1960s (e.g., Summit.org). It appears to me that secular conservatism failed to effectively push back in part because gaining power over and through institutions, while innate for the progressive narrative, seems antithetical to the values of many conservatives. And conservatism has struggled to settle upon a central meaning, as Matt Continetti points out in his book on conservatism. What makes pushback possible now? The recent growth of the caustic complex of postmodernism, critical theories, identity politics, and the like laid bare their failings, which presents conservatives with clear targets. But it remains to be seen whether conservatives will articulate and mobilize a clear and effective counter narrative.

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These are perceptive comments...particularly "gaining power over and through institutions, while innate for the progressive narrative, seems antithetical to the values of many conservatives". I made this self-same point in one of my essays (this one if memory serves) https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/are-we-making-progress

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

The problem Christian pushback has is that it gets tangled up in shibboleths, starting with absolutist intransigence on abortion (no rape exception, no exception for health of mother). Then Christian pushback dies on the shibboleth of anti-evolution. It goes downhill from there.

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Thank you. My apologies for being unclear. I meant the pushback on worldviews emphasized in the academy, and only meant to indicate the timeline of effort. You are quite right that the Christian pushback was too often ineffective.

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It defeats itself from the get-go due to fundamentalism that is incompatible with science and scholarship. I note that Islam does the same thing with its universities, except it often wins. Islam publishes anti-evolution books "proving" evolution is wrong. Islam imposes its rote-learning nonsense on its universities, which is why all of them are moribund centers of mediocrity at best. I think those universities are poisoning academia.

Today's islamic scandal in Saudi-land. King AbdulAziz University is a (if not the) major player poisoning academia, using tricks to "rise" upon a mountain of trash.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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The Marxist have taken over our universities and our public schools and we let them. We were asleep at the switch.

We need more people like this guy:


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I have to respectfully disagree that conservatives hadn't noticed what's been going on at universities. I've known for decades that we would reach this point. I used to work at a free market think tank in DC in the aughts and before that I was a journalist (yes, a conservative in the belly of the beast). I do agree that conservatives have failed miserably in stopping the insidiousness. But quite honestly, we've been overwhelmed. The Left is relentless in their pursuit of evil.

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Respectfully again.... of course I was not suggesting that NO conservatives noticed. OK YOU noticed; well so did I....and thousands more no doubt. Of course. But the point I was making is no less valid nevertheless. The Western world's conservative political and media classes did not make nearly enough of this as an issue, preferring to focus their firepower on other issues. Issues that were far less important in the long-term to the health of our civilisation.

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I think that no one suspected that conservatives would be completely pushed out of all centers of power. The balance of having different viewpoints was seen as a positive good, and the idea of conservatives completely taking over was reprehensible to anyone with classical liberal views.

Unfortunately, that is not how the Leftists saw it. For them, taking over the whole system was not just something good; it was the entire point.

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That's true.

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You’re right Graham. This has been going on since the 1960s.

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Anyone else notice how most of these folks wear a mask that completely covers their face? Funny how you say you're for a "cause" but no one can know who you are.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Did you know in many states in America it is illegal to demonstrate with your face obscured? The law was likely out on the books in mostly southern states because of the KKK. I don’t expect anyone wearing a face obscuring kheffiyah at one of these disruptive demonstrations to be prosecuted anytime soon.

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This would be SO great to see come up in a court in the near future. The only place where protesting anonymously should be allowed is in the voting booth.

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Absolutely illegal here in VA. However the lockdowns normalized masking everywhere. It seems almost intentional at this point🤔

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Did you notice, at the pro-Israel rally on the mall a few weeks ago, tens of thousands of people turned out, and nobody wore a mask. They were proud to demonstrate for Israel.

The left wing thugs on campus wear masks.

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To our everlasting shame, the pro-Israel rally was completely peaceful but had only tens of thousands of people. The pro-Palestinian rally, however, was not completely peaceful, and had hundreds of thousands of people. Different causes; different cultures.

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Also there’s a ton of sketchy funding behind the Pro-Palestine rallies.

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I believe we had in D.C. not tens of thousands but over a hundred thousand people from all over. A bunch of guys carrying a Canadian flag got their pictures taken repeatedly. People showed up from California. And not everyone there was Jewish, me included.

On another note, from the WSJ:

"[President Biden's] executive order clears the way for sanctions on foreign nationals engaged in actions that include the directing or participating in acts or threats of violence against civilians, intimidating civilians to cause them to leave their homes, or destroying or seizing property and acts of terrorism."

This order is in direct response to the Israelis harassing Arabs in the West Bank. Now tell me, since when does a President issue such an executive order regarding foreign nationals?

And why was it not issued, say, by October 10, after several days of thought?

Only Jews don't get to behave badly.

(Or is it that the West Bank, too, has begun to behave badly, only no one's saying?)

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It’s the new thing criminals do in NYC. Put on covid masks.

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"I feel unsafe," they said as they smashed windows and faces

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They for the Coward’s cause.

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“They insist that their aim is to liberate Palestinians, and that they are not antisemitic. But attend enough of these demonstrations and you’ll start to see the swastikas”


Yeah it’s like how the Drag Queen Story Hour people just want to inspire the children. But if you hang around for a while you’ll discover that they all have child pornography on their computer.

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It is the pro palestinians who are the new Nazis.

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...and have child pornography on their computer.

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Not a joke....Did you hear what the IDF is finding in the Gazan homes of Hamas leaders? Tons of porn and adult "toys" - " like a brothel" said one officer.

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In my own undergraduate years at UCLA studying WW II, I often wondered how it was possible that the citizenry of 1930s Germany, the most advanced educational and scientific country of its time, could succumb to Nazism. Now I'm watching it happen today on University campuses in my own country...

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Niall Ferguson wrote an article drawing the parallels.

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Leonard Peikoff, protege of Ayn Rand, wrote a book called The Ominous Parallels in 1983. This has been building for a long time.

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If you study WWII you know why. After the Great War Germany's economy was in shambles.

Inflation was never higher. Hitler offered a return to a strong fatherland. Like Barak Obama, he was a fabulous orator and over time gathered a large following.

I'll leave the rest to historians and hope we never lose sight of his infamous tenure.

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What about Trump?

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I would not say he was or is a fabulous orator.

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Great insult comic in the tradition of Don Rickles though🥸

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What about trump?

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Michael Malice said it best - a smart dog is easier to train.

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One debate worth having this election year is what it means to be educated? Olivia writes about Gen Z being the most educated generation in history. But that begs the question, educated in what?

The breakdown in the country when reading about the Biden-Trump contest is the amount of education. The more you have pro-Biden, the less you have pro-Trump. The narrative jumps off the page of the smart vs the fools in the MSM, but I have my doubts.

The proper way to describe Gen Z is that they are the most ill-educated people in the country's history. When looking at the idiot progressives protesting Palestine, the one thing I don't see are people whom I would want to work with, have as neighbors or be part of a civic organization. I pray the debate would happen ( Sadly, Trump doesn't have the rhetorical skills) around what you mean by education.

What skills are they learning to become productive citizens? Why do we allow ideologies to teach? A reform movement that starves the funding for those who teach this nonsense has to be the prime target. Define what education is vs. proselytizing, and let's have the debate. This educated group is not very bright and should not be close to power or teaching the next generation.

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I have two kids who are Gen Z. They are both respectable, responsible, self-sufficient adults who despised the attempts at indoctrination at their university (not Ive League). They tell me kids of their generation are either indoctrinated idiot throw-aways or they are the most conservative people they know. Not much in the middle.

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I know some young'uns of that generation who are either very pro-Trump or very Libertarian and vote for Trump holding their noses. Common thread is not college educated! Very smart none-the-less!

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Thanks for sharing that great observation.

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It's not just about the ideology, although that has been the driver behind the decline of university education.

It is a loss of respect for anything but the ideology. Graduates who look down their noses at people in the trades, but who can barely change a lightbulb or wouldn't know how to change a flat tire if their lives depended on it.

It is the sliding of standards and loss of rigor in college education - which will inevitably lead to the devaluation of the overpriced degrees they grant. For those not seeking careers in STEAM, for instance in sales or business management, you might do just as well joining a couple of very exclusive country clubs for a few years to meet "the right people", because that will soon be all an Ivy League Liberal Arts degree will get you - connections.

There is the loss of capital T Truth (the basis of cultural adhesion and continuity), the loss of occupational focus (the foundation of business success), the loss of common sense goals (the source of personal achievement).

Even medicine is being highjacked by those who believe "social justice" is more important than healing the sick and injured. Perhaps we are headed for a time when a degree will not be the key to career success except in STEAM fields, and those fields will be cleansed of this contamination.

I shocked some colleagues when I strongly disagreed with the insipid platitude, "diversity is our strength". I said our strength is having a common vision, common goals, a common focus, and using our individual strengths and backgrounds to contribute to the common effort. I said that if someone's ethnic background, LGB status, gender, or connections help us better achieve our goals and meet the needs of our customers, that is a strength. I said that if diversity makes us less efficient, less effective, less united, it is a weakness, not a strength. It was not well received by those promoting the DEI narrative, but I could see that it struck a chord with others. It is true in business. It is true in our civic lives.

Many religions, with time, will become programized, lose their power, and become primarily a means of virtue signalling. The progressive ideology is especially suceptible to this decay. Every month I hear new stories of former progressives who have become disillusioned with the hatred and hypocrisy. They are not becoming conservatives, but they are abandoning the extreme left progressive movement. I believe it is a matter of time before that movement loses it's power and momentum - if we can resist its devastating effects long enough.

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It may lose its power and momentum but it won’t let those go away easily. Evil is nothing if not tenacious!

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Thanks for taking the time to share your great thoughts

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my daddy used to tell me they is lots of folks that is smart in the classroom, but dumb on the bus

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There are gen z who have managed to survive the education system. The majority have not. But the ‘mass formation’ began years ago. I see someone using Yuri Bezmenov as a handle in preceding notes. A former KGB, he told us what was happening back in the late 70s. Watch his videos on U tube. We have survived longer than he predicted.

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My son went to an Ivy League school and while he is liberal in many ways, he believes in the 2nd Amendment, supports Israel and thinks about each topic critically. If you are open to it, you can get a great education in thinking critically in college and good high schools.

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That sign, "Queers for Palestine".... do I even need to say it? The ignorance is outsized. (insert eye roll here)

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I get it. I will explain for the benefit of the ignorant: Islam dominates Palestine. Being queer will get you executed in most Islamic cultures.

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I was recently reading a book about Greek and Roman societies, where buggering little boys was seen as normal, but gay relationships with other adult men were frowned upon. This attitude, along with other antique fashions such as slavery and subjugation of women, is still prevalent in the Islamic world today.

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Look at afghanistan, that cream of Islamic culture. Boys are for fun, girls are for wives.

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Totally! Our young male soldiers had to watch their back(sides) while over there!

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Our young male soldiers had a lot of big guns. I don't think they were really concerned about anal rape at the hands of Afghans.

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I'm sure their big guns made them feel safe, but there were there to work w/ the Afghans, not shoot them! I heard from a relative of mine who was over there "training" the Afghan "police" that he did not want to be alone in the police station w/ these guys. They made many overtures. Could you imagine the international incident if one of our soldiers had to defend himself (w/ a gun) against a gang rape by the Afghan po-po

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Because Islam is a prehistoric, neanderthal, low iq group of beings.

I would say human, but I am not sure it is true.

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That is an astonishingly retarded perspective.

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You might want to consider that people want to voice support for an occupied people, even if they have no plans to move there.

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You voted for obama who flooded the country, demanded open borders, insisted they were only refugees needing asylum and shrieked that everyone around you was racist.

Now you whine about them being here, doing just exactly what they have always done and acting exactly like they have always acted.

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What we are seeing didn’t happen overnight. Indoctrination started in elementary schools. The anti Israel movement in our universities became visible with the BDS campaigns. I saw it personally on the University of California campuses in the early 2000’s.

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They do float trial balloons

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But Obama insults you with nice words.

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In 2005 Obama pretended to be concerned about Illegal immigration. The problem is not illegal immigration per se. The disruption caused by Reingold in New York City is not caused by Christians from Central and Sourh America

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the precise problem is illegal immigration per se.

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I disagree, Terence. I have seen more than a few Hispanic names among protest spokespersons and on Stop Antisemitism posts on X.

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“How did Gen Z, the most educated generation in U.S. history, become sympathetic to terrorism?”


Democrat ‘educators’ and from TikTok which is run by the CCP.

Notice the Democrat/CCP/Al Qaeda Venn diagram being a circle.

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Gen Z is the most deluded generation in US history, that's how.

They've gone from "safe spaces" "crying rooms" to "misgendering is violence" and "silence is violence".

I think of Gen Z as a bunch of confused babies who resort to hatred and violence because they have holes in their hearts almost the size of the holes in their heads.

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...and don't forget participation trophies...

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Yes! I rebelled against participation trophies when my daughter joined her elementary school basketball team. In the first meeting with the parents, coach asked who wanted to organize the trophies at the end of the season. I said I didn't agree with everyone getting a participation trophy. All the other parents at the meeting agreed with me. They were all dads. When the other moms found out we had agreed not to do participation trophies, they were horrified and started organizing to get the trophies. I stood my ground and in the end we didn't do the trophies. A small victory in an ocean of idiocy.

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but the orange slices that came with were delicious

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I have no tolerance for these imbeciles, their education is flawed at the very least. I bet someone educated back in the 70’s at a state university had a better education than some of these fools!!! So sad

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deletedJan 31
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I have an old pickup (mid-50's). Owners manual that was still in the glovebox had instructions on setting the valve clearance. Nowadays the instruction is to not drink the battery acid.

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Except in Germany. Where the universities were a lot like ours are today.

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I wouldn't send them to the woodshed just yet. Baby Boomer parents thought that generation would be utter failures, ie pot smoking, casual sex, freedom marches, draft dodgers, etc. But that generation changed the world.

Remember, it's natural to revolt against your elders, and Gen Z sees a senile old man forcing his ways upon them, sendinding tax dollars to foreign countries to fight wars they want nothing to do with, while mortgage rates and inflation prevent them from living the American Dream.

The safe spaces and crying rooms were about the generation 10 years before them.

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Commie bastards

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Circle jerk is more like it.

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Now please more investigation into the Qatari money at these schools

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These kids learned to hate long before college. Courtesy of our public schools and MSM and Hollywood. And a few inflammatory comments from various politicians encouraging resistance and extreme activism.

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They didn't learn to hate. They have no idea of what hate is. But if they keep this up, they are going to learn, I do believe.

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deletedJan 31
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Mostly parents were unaware of what their children were being taught. Until Covid brought school classrooms into the home via Zoom, parents thought their kids were being taught reading, writing, and arithmetic, the same as they had been. It's only recently that parents became aware that today's teachers have a much different agenda than their own teachers did.

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Spot on. The one and only upside to the lockdowns.

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A great point. Many were too trustworthy and others were too busy working or into themselves. And others suffer from white guilt

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

I don’t have time to watch a documentary which I am guessing misses the mark.

The miseducation arises from a lack of the curiosity, honesty and courage needed to deal with the conquest ideology of ISLAM. There is nothing innocuous about American institutions to Muslims. Islam requires that America be conquered.

Will América wake up before it’s too late or will it go the way of Scandinavia?

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The benefit of this documentary is those of us who know what is going on - the FP readers - can share this to those who really do not follow what is going on in the world, or get their news from main street organizations. Sometimes the "world is ending" articles (thought may be true) that get clicks are not good to share, since most will just ignore and go back to their happy place. This documentary is a good entry point to what is really going on.

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The way of Scandinavia unfortunately🥲

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More simply: The problem couldn't be more obvious. The solution requires things like self-awareness that are in VERY short supply.

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Scandinavia is thriving, so what does that even mean?

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Well done video. But it doesn’t answer the question of how universities became hotbeds of antisemitism. It is the result of years of hiring professors based on DEI and accepting students based on DEI and teaching the concept of DEI as truth

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It is also the result of muslim countries and billionaires "donating" and the CCP "donating" to universities.

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