The Biden Administration not enforcing the sanctions on Iranian oil exports is one more example of his refusal to enforce the laws of our land. Sworn on a bible I recall? Those oil exports are worth approx $5B/month to the Iranian regime. But Biden is such a cynical politician that he is willing to harm our country and service men for the hope of lower oil prices generating votes for him.

Traitorous in my opinion.

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No lesser treason is his opening of our border to an alien invasion.

There is penalty for treason that only fools abjure.

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10% for TBG ?

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Since 2021 with Biden Administration and for many years earlier, Iran has spread its operations worldwide. See https://www.brookings.edu/articles/hezbollah-and-the-axis-of-resistance-in-2024/ , dated Jan 16, 2024. Hezbollah has large fundraising operations "in Middle East, Africa, North and South America, including … Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay." In South America, they are supported by Venezuela and Cuba.

See also https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/10/28/hezbollahs-terror-threat-in-latin-america/ . Hezbollah in South America is financed by organized crime and the drug cartels. They have "weaponized migration" and are "softening up the future battlefield." See https://www.securefreesociety.org/ and Podcast, Episode 27, Hezbollah on America’s Southern Border.

Eli Lake is an excellent reporter and writer. Would he and TFP want to investigate this topic?

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Do you think he is actually aware of these things?

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We have no idea who makes the decisions in the Biden administration.

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Oh, I think we do. The Biden administration are all of the same people in Obama's administration, so this is essentially Obama's 3rd term either directly since Biden can't keep up, or through his proxies. It's unbelievable the damage Obama has done to the country and we will probably end up in a full blown war with Iran.

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Isn't it the ususal tradition for former US presidents to move away from DC once their term ends?

And don't the Obamas still live in DC? Is Biden administration the third term of Obama, not totally, but largely? And Obamas meddling, especially with the staff?

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I think it was only FDR and Wilson who stayed in DC, both for medical care. Obama is the one who stayed in so he could continue to influence policy & politics. He's absolutely desperate that he will be responsible for 2 Trump terms, thus his insertion of Michelle into the race.

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God not Michelle 🤦‍♀️

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No. Biden was an unsophisticated sock puppet before he got dementia. Now he's pure marionette.

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Who knows? He is certainly responsible.

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Why isn't Trump talking about this instead of all the nonsense he spews? Biden's failures are out front for everyone to see, all Trump has to do is read the news article out loud.

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He too full of himself and doesn’t want to make promises he has no intentions of keeping. Though one could argue making unkept promises worked for Obama. We’re screwed as a nation.

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I doubt that he's concerned about making promises that he has no intention of keeping. It's never stopped him before.

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"Why isn't Trump talking about this"

He has spoken about it. But you don't really expect the MSM to spoon feed you anything that would make Biden look bad do you Fork? Unfortunately you have to search for his substantive words because the MSM censors him, like his post Iowa caucus speech. They only feed you out of context snippets edited to make him look bad. I'm sure you've figured that out

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The News blackout on what Biden has been doing includes Trump and others , the only places you can find these words are small non-woke news outlets and they don't have the money to cover the elections and speeches , all we get are re-ponces to what MSN and CNN talk about on most of these outlets, and the highlights of X traffic, Most even subscribers of the FP don' understand how much we don't see and don't know because of these blackouts . The FP is small and building connections and trying to cover things but they don't have the money at this point to fill the gaps that large and mostly hidden very large and growing GOV. The NYTimes, CNN and MSNBC understand and work the blackout well now, if they say nothing it doesn't filter down so that is the new news that most get , i.e. nothing said gets rid of X traffic and most Youtube comments, and thus we get people jumping on conservatives about not saying anything, a smart approach the Libs are taking now, nothing said is something gained ?

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It's easy to be the most transparent administration ever when the MSM filters out all the bad stuff. PS: no they are not even close to the most transparent administration by any measure.

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Transparent is a word I've have not seen in at least 5 years when anyone talks about MSM , or the adm. No it's subject blackout now and it's like the filters that the old Twitter (Pre Musk) had in place . Even Trump wasn't transparent in most cases, but most could at least follow some of it . Today's adm. is best described as bizarre, no logic at all .

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Thanks. BTW, I've never read, heard, or looked at MSM, and don't know what those letters stand for, and I'm not interested in finding out.

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The Main Stream Media stand for the leftist/progressive agenda, the perpetuation of Democrat Party power, the degradation of America and any cultural connection that might be considered European.

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Thank you.

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I know you knew that, but I couldn't stop myself...

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No, I didn't know that. I'm not touch with most of what the news is about. I deleted all my news sources, in the name of sanity except The Free Press. Sometimes, late at night, when I'm awake and the wind is blowing, I make up news articles.

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He only wants to talk about himself. And he doesn't read aloud from anything. His rambling nonsensical press conferences are a testament to that.

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Trump does talk policy, but he still talks about the election “fraud”, his trials, insults of opponents and self aggrandizement, whatever’s on his radar. That’s why he was unable to get much done when he was POTUS. He never focused.

The best thing Trump has going is that most elites don’t want him. This, along with his rhetoric about the border is keeping him afloat with ordinary people.

If he wins, he will effectively close the border, I’m certain of this. I also think there will be a purge of the government of anyone they can identify a left wing. There will be thousands of firings and litigation will result.

Gridlock does have its benefits. The government can’t do anything to hurt us. If you’re looking for a visionary, Trump ain’t it. And Biden is just a greedy pol who would sell out his own country.

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At this point I would just be happy to not have any more damage for the next 4 years.

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Would sell out his own country? He HAS sold out his own country.

Chaos at the border, toleration of attacks on our military, the degradation of our military by both diminishing its readiness and pushing it to wokeness, driving up our debt without end...what else could that be?

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great point - but he's too busy talking about his biggest threat, Nikki Haley, and her dress, or whatever small non-relevant item about her that he can pick on. like a good bully.

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If Trump had any sense, he'd just ignore her as if she didn't exist. Whenever her name was mentioned he should say, "Nikki who?

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That's what a mature adult would do, and a great idea!

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Excellent that the FP are reporting on this.

All this will not come as any great shock to people who read the daily update from the Institute for the Study of War. Not only does it focus on the Israeli portion of the conflict, it also has sections on the wider picture in the Middle East. Israel serves as a proxy for the West.

That the Biden administration doesn't have a clue/dysfunctional can quite clearly be gleaned after reading the reports for a few days.

From the reports, it is quite clear that Iran (partly because it has domestic problems including a gerontocracy seeking to keep power-- behaving like many precarious dictators and seeking to focus attention to real and/or imagined slights abroad which are hugely conflated instead of the domestic) has a serious goal of seeking to reduce US power and influence in the region and is doing so through increasing instability.

The 3 Hs (Hamas, Houthi and Hezbollah) are funded and trained by the IRGC .

The US response and indeed some of the suggestions the US appear to have made to Israel (who to their credit have thus far ignored ) appear to groupthink prioritizing a triumph of hope over reality. For example, the suggestion in early Dec that rather than going into southern Gaza, they should concentrate on eliminating the leadership.

I would recommend anyone who reads the Free Press should consider reading the free daily briefing from the Institute for the Study of War. The maps are excellent and it does provide a good overview of what is happening.

This is today's briefing: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/iran-update-january-24-2024

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I don’t think the Biden administration is clueless about this at all. This is all very deliberate - the Realignment Theory was front and center of obama’s admin too. It’s a deadly ideology and it led directly to 10/7 and the death of US soldiers as well as the hundreds of attacks.

The tired line that Biden doesn’t want to “escalate” is just plain stupid. He created this by design and is very happy with the result, IMHO.

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thanks for the link. For once I felt as if I were reading just the facts, no spin.

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The ISW is partially funded by defense contractors who receive US taxpayer’s dollars to participate in overseas adventures. There’s no such thing as no spin.

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It is why I shared it. I first learned about them from the Telegraph and they do try to give the facts without emotion.

They also do a daily update on Ukraine and a monthly update on China (going from memory)

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Excellent reporting in content and in truth. I don't believe for one minute the two Navy Seals fell off this ship and drowned. I believe they were killed by the Iranians on that boat and the Biden Administration KNOWS it must respond (the American people, by and large, would demand a real response), but it won't. For all the reasons discussed in this article. We are so screwed, especially if the puppet in the White House wins another term.

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Navy Seals don’t “fall” off ships.

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Exactly. And if it actually happened, they swim. It's what they do.

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You are insinuating that our government is lying to us. Where would that notion come from?

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Let me think🤔🤔

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Observing both present life and all of human and even some animal history?

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Reminds me of the video of the coastguard intercepting a narc sub. While I believe we are lied to daily, seems very plausible a Seal fell into the waters attempting to intercept a weapons vessel.


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Maybe they fell. Maybe they didn't. But the lack of faith in what the government says or does is telling.

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Lynne- I am fairly certain you understand, even twofold, why I shared that video.

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The only reason I can believe they fell is the Texas rep was was a Seal saying that was the case. And even then I am open to it being a lie.

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I don't know. If it was Crenshaw I sense an off vibe from him. It is very rough water from what I understand.

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Off in general or off about this specifically?

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In general.

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One seal alone dying under these circumstances would be unlikely but tragic. Two of them dying in this way is so unlikely as to be farcical. Kathi nails it above... the Obama’s pulling Joe’s strings couldn’t allow that to be made public.

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I fear they are not dead.

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So so so so screwed

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Isn’t it amazing that Walter Cronkite could tell us all about what was going on in Vietnam in the 1960s but we are kept uninformed about our war with Iran?

Just as the Soviets had spies in our State Dept when FD Roosevelt was President, and he knew about them, we have Iranians who don’t even have to pretend to be spies in our State Dept, influencing our decisions in their favor.

Have we ever had a bigger traitor than BIden/Obama in the WH?

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Yes, America got whole truth about Vietnam through the nightly news.

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There are many reasons for this but here are a couple:

Social media and other eye candy - distract people from really important issues and packaged everything into a 30 second soundbite so that they don't need to strain their attention spans and cover more superficial ground.

As someone who didn't grow up here one of the unfortunate things about the US (that isn't the fault of anyone) is that it's such a large, diverse country it can generate it's only daily news cycle on domestic events alone, never mind international ones. I would say this to be true even at a state and local level. This leaves very little room or attention for global events.

The last one I will mention is one that I believe it very important. Most major news outlets whether they be print, radio, or television, have spent the last ten years reducing the foreign desk staff and budgets. They tend to want to focus more on domestic issues which is cheaper and garners more eyeballs, but is at the expense of our curious and education about what is happening in other countries. Foreign desks are essential more than ever to documenting and sharing what is happening around the world. Whether people like it or not we are all inextricably linked at this point in history and the more we know about the world the better.

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It is the Max Headroomification of news. Ugh.

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Hilarious!! But also, sadly yes.

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I sometimes think we have turned into real world Simpsons and South Park.

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Well they did predict Trump's election on The Simpsons - light years ahead of its time! Gah!

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Oh I think they are witty. Just not a good role model. I think they both used humor to illustrate issues but people, too many people, took it as good advice. Sarcasm and irony only work when the audience recognizes it.

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Cronkite lied. The VC were mostly wiped out as Southern cadre after Tet. You won; US Armed Forces left Vietnam undefeated. Then Congress sold out the South. Your media lying; campuses full of Maoists; Hollyweird marching for Charlie. The more things change the more they stay the same.

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The dangers of a second Obama/Biden administration, with President Kamala taking the reins once Biden becomes too incapacitated, cannot be overstated. Republican voters MUST be encouraging the selection of a Trump running mate - personable, articulate, with reasonable views on abortion - who can appeal to the swing, independent and suburban female voters who will determine the election.

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Tulsi?? She probably wouldn’t agree but I’d love to see that.

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Personally I love Haley but the MAGA wing would never agree. The irony is that if she were the GOP candidates she would beat Biden handily.

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Alabama Senator Katie Britt.

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look her up. She is impressive and nobody needs to know Trump's VP pick.........give it a week and everybody will. She checks all the boxes he needs to check. Haley also checks them but MAGA hates Haley. Tim Scott likely also checks many of the boxes as well but Britt is a fresh face and certainly up for the job.

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I guess we can thank the mainstream media for keeping us in the dark about our Secretary of Defense going missing, war being waged on us in the Middle East, and an entire generation of our children being taught that any act of brutality can be excused by calling the perpetrators "Freedom Fighters" and chanting slogans they don't understand about places they couldn't find on a map. All this while our pitifully weak government considers nationalizing the guard doing everything it can to stem the invasion at our southern border. The Free Press and its Substack neighbors are our only source of truth. TFP should be required reading in high schools and colleges.

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Apparently a group was chanting "Infitada" at a recent protest. But on a brighter note a group of pro-Arabs-we-now-refer-to-as-Palestinians disrupted a pro-abortion rally. Some sort of scheduling mix-up I guess.

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Haha, clash of the intersectional boxes

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But don’t you dare use the wrong pronoun! Or compliment someone’s hair!

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It's no surprise that the administration's policies here are contradictory. They are elsewhere as well (e.g., attempting to drive everything to electrification while at the same time making it harder to generate electricity). It shows a lack of coherence, and likely a lack of grip and control by the guy at the top. Very alarming.

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It all makes sense once you realize that the people holding the strings want depopulation above all else.

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Yes - the great reset! Happening before our eyes

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This is why my sons are out of the US military.

Everyone knows what’s happening on the ground. Listening to the media parrot the Biden line is just too much.

This country is no longer worth my sons’ lives.

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My son was in the Army. After 6 years he didn’t re-enlist. He said he didn’t want to fight in a DEI military directed by clueless D.C. politicians. I couldn’t argue with his logic.

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Barack Obama's pivot to Iran, completely indefensible in real time, continues to be revealed as one of the singularly most idiotic things any American official has ever done.

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Yeah , the Iranians were machine gunning their population and Obama decided to pour billions into the shooters . It’s simply madness

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He did it on purpose to weaken Israel. It’s called Realignment - they pulled the wool right over our eyes. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/realignment-iran-biden-obama-michael-doran-tony-badran

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When I read about our tepid response to Houthi attacks, they are often called "proportionate". What we need, it seems to me, is a seriously disproportionate response, the kind that will get much needed attention. Using million dollar missile defense systems and billion dollar carrier groups/jet fighter systems to defend against drones is not a good long term strategy.

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This is exactly what Tom Cotton has been arguing

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The second worst president in US history,, stabbed the Shah in the back and gave birth to the theocratic monsters who rule in Tehran. The worst president in US history, enables and regime and sends them cash. Just like the third worst president in US history did.

Not surprisingly all are Democrat icons. See a pattern here?

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As long as you continue to spray air freshener around a steaming pile of excrement, the stink will always return. Not until that pile is dealt with will you have fresh air.

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It is beyond my comprehension why we are still pursuing the nuclear agreement with Iran. It clearly puts Iran in possession of nukes in days if not already. I guess I have to apply my rule of follow the money.

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Because it’s Obama’s obsession and he runs this Administration.

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Perhaps the goal isn’t to win a war or prevent conflict. Maybe the goal is to keep tensions up and have a reason to launch a couple thousand missiles a year at soft targets while ignoring the big picture. Peace isn’t profitable to corporations. It benefits the people.

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I think the goal was/is to let Iran deal with Israel because Israel is a big fat liability in obama’s eyes. He didn’t think we should be allied with Israel at all. He is getting what he paid for.

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The sentence about getting good headlines while not really accomplishing anything seems to summarize US policy with Iran during both the Obama and Biden administration. The JCPOA seemed like a charade to enable Iran to continue its nuclear ambitions under the guise of trying to slow their development. During both administrations Iran was strengthened while the US position was weakened. Significant financial support to Iran was transferred during both administrations ostensibly to buy their better behavior. Their posture wrt the US and Israel never changed. It appears there is more going on than an attempt to ease tensions. Believe their actions, not their words.

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Coming soon, shaped charges in the US planted by Iranians coming through the southern border with Venezuelan passports.


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