
I know Dean Phillips has many admirable qualities, but I question the political judgment of anyone who thinks Gretchen Whitmer and Raphael Warnock would have made an "unbeatable" ticket.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

I don’t agree with the politics of Dean Phillips, I wouldn’t vote for him or the other Democrats he’s recommending, but I have to say he did a good job of exposing how totally non-democratic the Democrat Party is. Beyond the (huge) ideological chasm, I don’t understand how people can vote for somebody who absolutely refuses to debate a political competitor from the same side (which goes for Trump as well). If Biden is so good and worth voting for (from a Democrat’s point of view), why wouldn’t he want to come out and show his crushing superiority?

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Poor Dean Phillips. They haven't let him in on the plan to slip another candidate in there in place of Biden at the last moment. Probably because he's not their Chosen One. I'd bet on it being Newsom.

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Or Michelle Obama?!

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Maybe. Governor god-hair was weak against DeSantis in the debate. But he delivered a snark to prop up Nikki which was probably his primary mission. That's because the DNC thinks it can beat Nikki.

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John Kerry and Hilary still believe it’s their destiny.

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That would be the Big Mooche, Michelle Obama, at thr DNC Convention. No muss no fuss, no campaign, no nothing except pure fascism.

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If that happens, it will be Newsom. Guaranteed.

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Some think it'll be Michelle Obama

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I wish. Not happening though. Michelle wants no part of it, and DNC knows she's actually smart and not easily manipulated. She's got backbone.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Michelle Obama is not smart and even less qualified than her husband was when he won the Presidency. Everyone knows that the only reason Barack Obama was elected President is because he was a (half) black man. It’s called redemptive liberalism. Any white man with as few qualifications as Barack Obama would have been laughed off the stage. We are still reaping what he sowed.

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Well, I can afford health insurance, no thanks to anyone he beat. What are you thinking of?

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I mean, why not? Valerie Jarrett’s daughter is now NBC News’ chief legal correspondent and weekend anchor for the Today Show, so they have their media outlet sewn up…

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"Smart"? "Backbone"? "Not easily manipulated"? You're kidding, right, Spartacus?

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Not sure if you are Agador Spartacus, the pool boy in Birdcage, or NJ Senator Cory Booker, but Michelle might be talked into "saving" the country at the Dem Convention given she'd only have to campaign three months. My worst nightmare.

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You have to admit though, there's worse this election cycle.

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Some think a civil war would be a good idea, too.

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I think it will be Michelle

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I hope not Newsom. I cannot vote for him.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Dean is fairly accurate it about the DNC's tenure system. But it's far too corrupted for such a nice characterization. HRC had little tenure, she just took over with secret contracts to steal all the money and lie to Dem voters. The super delegates? That's been corrupt horseshit from the day they were created.

Anyone who says with a straight face that Biden isn't demented is unqualified for office. Dean is either lying, or he's in deep denial. Biden can't find his way across a stage, or make it from the plane to a car. He loses his shit and babbles noises or word salad.

We have a self-serving cabinet that congress needs to remove, en masse, because the country is not in the hands of a president, it's in the hands of an unelected junta of toadies. Any real cabinet would have removed the demented clown president long ago.

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The superdelegates were created because of violence and corruption within the Democratic Party. But they just cause more corruption, like what happened to Bernie Sanders in 2016.

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Look, he’s an ice cream salesman at heart. So if you’re trying to sell ice cream to retards then it’s Whitmer and Warnock, obviously.

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Question that as well as someone calling J6 "The Insurrection." I also question someone who refuses to acknowledge Biden's mental infirmities as well as refrains from calling Tlaib the anti-Semite that she is. I heard him on another podcast and he praised Biden's policies. The only reason to vote for him is that he is not Biden. We would at least know who is calling the shots. Being told that Shufflin', Blank Staring, and Note Card Holding Biden is in charge is an insult to anyone with eyes and a brain. .

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we are all in the basement waiting for that guy with the horns to kill us. oh please

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I don't understand it either - Tlaib is a foaming-at-the-mouth antisemite and this asshat is afraid to call her out on it(??!!). As for his comments on Bidens mental state, his cowardice again raises it head. He doesn't want to state the obvious because it seems "unfair" the goes on to say that he'll "absolutely" get behind Biden if he's the Dems nominee...

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I totally agree. When I read that, I almost jumped to the comments, but instead held my nose and read the rest. Being from Michigan, with a front row seat to her policies, I would be much more fearful of a Whitmer ticket (in either spot) than a Trump ticket.

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This indicates a serious lack of judgment. Next...

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Sorry, that speaks volumes about his intellect. In reality he has too little to matter.

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Many admirable qualities? Minnesota Moderate? Here's another leftist. Leftists are the problem. Eschew leftism at all costs.

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Gretchen Whitmer represents exactly who is off the rails in the US electorate, she's a college educated tepid middle class white woman. Throw in a diversity hire like warnock and you can understand how phillips thinks this is a dream team...Grrrrrllll power and tokenism... That is the democrat base.

Yet somehow they have been co-opted by the warmongers. it's like if dick cheney and obamma had a love child.

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Actually they did. Her name is Liz.

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That comment was the one that concerned me the most. He can have a "complex friendship" with Tlaib if he likes. I doubt it goes both ways (and I doubt his math that claims at least 148 more nations than belong to the UN) because of the long history of Jewish people trying to win friends through appeasement. It does not work. I felt the same way when I saw Slotkin (the next senator from Michigan) lining up next to the Squad, all smiles, supporting something they had wanted, and I saw them look at her with disgust.

But if he tried to recruit Whitmer/Warnock, just a hard no there (Michigan's the state most in danger of energy poverty now - Whitmer knows she has to get to Washington because there's no future doing anything in Michigan). I would love a candidate who wasn't perfect, but whose warts didn't make me feel like the extremists were in control. I want to be an ABTB (anyone but Trump and Biden) voter. Surely there's a moderate out there who rejects extremism on both sides. I think that's why I'm hoping Haley can gain some traction. But she seems to generate the same reaction from Republicans that I feel with Phillips over that statement.

In the end, I want to think I'd take just about anyone new from either side. But I know that's not true.

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"political judgment" or sanity?

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I wondered about that for sure. Otherwise this was pretty good.

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I know!! Gag me!!!

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“Politics is about winning, and then it is about working together to get stuff done.”


This triggers me so much.

No, Dean, I do not want the government to “get stuff done”. That’s because I’m not a communist.

No I do not want to be governed by the dumbest people in the country. I am not excited by the concept of “governance” because I’m not a creep. Jesus.

Currently the federal government is doing $7 trillion worth of stuff. Anyone who wants the federal government to “get more stuff done”, when they are already doing $7 trillion worth of stuff, should be tried for treason and launched into the ocean with a trebuchet.

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I think DP is incredibly naive if he thinks Rashida Tlaib will ever soften her ant-Israel and antisemitic views. To her core she wants all Jews destroyed and if he can't see that, he's blind.

He says, like a lemming, he will support a senile, idiot, Biden. Having a mentally challenged moron as president and commander in chief of the military is extremely dangerous. The man can't string words together to form a sentence, for Christ's sake and DP will support him?

If that is so, then DP is an idiot and we have had too many idiots as president. We don't need one more idiot who hasn't the backbone to buck his party's crazy choice, the ever senile Joe.

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Bari. Dean. Rashida hates Jews for the same reason Jews celebrate passover. FFS! Wake the F up.

When are jews going to bother to read Islam's 3 source texts? It's all in there. Except islam is basically books of commandments to war. Jews are specially mentioned as the people to slaughter. Get it through your heads.

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I have said this before. Why a Jew would vote Dem/Commie is beyond me.

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Yes supporting Biden just to disallow Trump….what nonsense.

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As I told a coworker 3 years ago, Biden is what you get when you vote AGAINST a candidate. Beware of what you just asked for.

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'The man can't string words together to form a sentence..'

I agree. But can Trump? Every second word he uses is 'beautiful'..every third word he uses is 'perfect'.

Not too many multisyllabic words tumble out of Trump's mouth. I don't call it senility. But I do call it stupid.

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Here, Kevin. Have another trigger (it gets me every time, combining, as it does, Sesame Street and Stalinism): "Government is just another word for the things we choose to do together."

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If you have to take my money at the point of a gun to do shit I disagree with we're not exactly "in this together"

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P.J. O'Rourke has a great chapter about this in Parliament of Whores regarding the federal budget, Would You Kill Your Mother to Pave I-95? He basically points out what you've said, that all taxation is coercion, and would you spend your money the same way without a gun to your head?

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🎶Together we can heal the children of the world!!!🎶

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Only if we hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah.

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You know what Dems want to do to the children of the world.....

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Do they know it’s Christmas?

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War is over if you want it.

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I believe the children are our future....teach them well and let them lead the way.

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Sexual chocolate!!

*drops microphone

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Bye bye roads!

Bye bye police department!

Goodbye fire department,

I think I'll shutdown schools.

Bye bye electric lines!

Bye bye garbage pickup!

Goodbye sewer service,

Think I'll poop in the road,

Just like stone age times,

Yeah just like stone age times.

- with apologies to the Everly Bros

(And then there is the military and intelligence services, and ... boils down to do we have a nation or not.)

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Which party wants to defund the police again? Which party didn’t let the fire department save Maui? Which party causes rolling blackouts in California? Just asking for a friend.

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I was responding to the "don't wanna pay no taxes" bit. This is the game that has been defunding schools ( k-12 and higher education and trade schools).for half a century. Attacking environmental regulations. Attacking food for kids.

FWIW- I helped an old friend when her divorcing husband, a wealthy lawyer forced her and her kids onto SNAP. Found out that happens pretty often.

We both know Grover Norquist (remember him?) and his "I want to drown government in a bathtub" is the Republican "defund everything" attack on society. The democrats playing that game I abhor just as much.

Turning a blind eye to BLM being taken over by the neo-Marxists that perpetrated the Occupy fraud for election purposes to polarize the country and pillory business owners hit by lock down? That was evil. And it switched off, along with its bused in rioters like a light switch.

But my point in the doggerel stands. Although the Federal government does not need taxes to spend, it spends so taxes can be paid https://cdn.mises.org/AA1946_VIII_1_2.pdf

If you don't fund the collective infrastructure that helps everyone, then you get Maui and San Fransicko everywhere.

Meanwhile China has high speed trains, good health care, and is very capitalist.

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But the point there is that Hawaii and California have higher taxes than many other places, but they don't go to the collective. They go to the government unions. California closed schools longer than Florida. Hawaii's infrastructure is worse than Texas'

The high taxation = collective improvement equation is a base canard.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

Not really. California defunded education. If 1970 level had been maintained, California would pay well over $100k per student. Plenty of money to pay teachers. California did fund police and fire pensions, but that's not unique. That's how politics has changed, with police and fire getting politicians in their pockets early. Can't get ahead now without them.

California's high state taxes compensate for the federal taxes that go to red states with low taxes. That's how it works really. Hawaii is a special case.


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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

I now live in the Hudson Valley region of NY state, and before this lived for 28 years in Fairfield County, Connecticut, and before that Long Island. I'm sorry but here is that great old ummm... I'll be bold and say "lie" ....that there are people out there who are, in your words "defunding schools (k-12 and higher education and trade schools)." School districts in my blue corner of the Northeast generally fund schools to the tune of $20-30 per student. When I lived in Connecticut - which I have to say, seems to have a much greater supply of well-maintained public buildings - the public college campuses that I brought both my kids to to tour were freakin' palaces. I don't use that term lightly. In comparison, I'm the graduate of a rather well thought of private school in the Greater New York area, and that campus was an absolute dump. I believe there have been plenty of studies on this to refute the teachers unions BS but... education expenditures in other parts of the world are actually much smaller than hours, and they get free college out the deal, to boot. If I am wrong, please refute me with some trustworthy facts and sources.

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Sure. $20-$30 per student? Per month? Per day? Per year?

Much of Connecticut is wealthy. So is Marin County in California, which has schools people move there to get into. But those schools have fundraisers every year to get donations to make up the shortfall in funds.


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Who's we??

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

You live in a dream world if you think the government in the richest, most ambitious, most innovative and (ideally) most humane country shouldn’t get things done. Every step you take is made easier by a government that has taken pains to see to your safety, ease of movement, and opportunity for wealth. Have you been to any of Trump’s “shitholes”? If you had you’d see people wishing their leaders would get stuff done. Your naivety is stunning. And hilarious. But mostly stunning.

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Essential services, military, border control, roads, schools, courts - OK. But too much regulation, too much authority, too many nonsensical programs funded by taxpayers. No thanks.

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Too bad we have neither border control, effective public schooling (I give you Baltimore public schools as an example), nor excellent roads (except, interestingly enough, in Mississippi, coming from an RVer who has driven many places). We do, however, have a subsidy for mohair farmers, lest we run short of cardigans for those emulating Mr. Rodgers.

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Yes, we go overboard sometimes. But more often we don’t. How many proposals by Elizabeth Warren to swing the pendulum toward working people and away from big banks have been blocked by the GOP? The GOP tosses up false “moral” issues and pretends to keep us “safe” while covering for big business and keeping us struggling. It’s a money-grab in the guise of a moral crusade. Honest to god, can you point to anything where you’re saying, “The government is in my way here!”? More likely you’re saying “Why is this road so bad?” and “Where is a cop when I need him?”

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The road past my home is pretty crappy, and that’s fine by me, because I don’t want to pay more taxes and I don’t want a nicer road so that more fancy cars from the burbs can drive out here to enjoy the mountain scenery while the occupants look down their noses at us ignorant slobs that actually live in flyover country.

Pull up a chair and we can tell you all day about the government being in the way, over a glass of home brewed beer, or maybe some kefir, or some tasty raw milk. Then we can keep talking over some tasty pork chops born, raised and processed on site (we call that butchering here, but you know, suburban sensitivities). But don’t ask me if you can buy any of that to take back home with you, even if we’re friends, because I am no longer competent to produce such things if some free association business is going to take place, nor are you competent as the consumer to make your own choices as to the health and safety of such products.

And besides, I wouldn’t want to trigger the USDA that I’m still not playing along with the National Animal Identification System they want to make me pay for so they can track every commercial animal in my care, while the big corporate boys get preferential breaks on a massive scale (but we must have FOOD SAFETY!!, which is so so often an issue with small local farms, rather than corporate farming.) Though I’m probably still ok for a while, I think they’re still busting raiding Mennonite dairies right now.

Thank goodness I can get back to work now that we’ve finished being hassled and questioned for months (and dragging neighbors into it too) over not reporting equipment that I don’t actually have, because some fanatic tax collectors decide I can’t possibly be doing everything without bigger tractors and more/heavier equipment, and must surely be hiding same to avoid higher taxes.

Not to go all farmer centric, here, and that’s just one tiny taste of my farm related issues, and we can go a lot of other places too, but hey, you just asked for one example and we ain’t got all day. But not all of us are simpering stateists who want our money taken to “do stuff” for us, a whole lot of which yes, does indeed get in my way.

Oh, for the record, we have no local police force where I am, and that’s not a problem for me either, because I don’t have to ask “where is a cop when I need him.”

Here’s a suggestion, go start a new small business to try to make a living, work it at least a couple of years, expand it, hire a few people (good luck finding the good ones), bust your ass to make a profit, and then tell us (whether you comply or not) if you haven’t found anything where the government was in your way.

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It's really $7.2 trillion. Don't forget that Trump border wall..

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“I really thought a Whitmer–Warnock ticket would be unbeatable. But the Democratic Party’s culture is tenure, not talent.”


Those are literally two of the worst people in the history of the country.

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Talk about living in a self-absorbed bubble! Realistically, how could anyone make sense out of either of those two so-called public representatives - let alone both of them at the same time.

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I mean she literally killed thousands of people because her donors were getting $1200 per person per night from Medicare and Warnock beat the shit out of his girlfriend and is a heretic.

I struggle to think of a worse pairing. Cori Bush and Jerry Nadler maybe??

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Eric Swalwell and Maxine Waters

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Sandy Cortez and Jamie Raskin? Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar? It’s kind of like Mad Libs. You can get a funny ticket just by filling in the Blanks

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Adam Kinzenger and Keith Olbermann.

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Claudine Gay and Greta Thunberg.

Liz Magill and Henry Rogers.

Sheila Jackson Lee and Amy Klobuchar.

Too easy a game to play.

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Rashida Tlaib and Cornell West?

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😂😂😂that’s insane!

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Gavin Newsome and Michelle Obama. Oh wait, that’s actually happening at the DNC Convention in 224 days.

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I think you've got the ticket backwards but I think the candidates are right.

God help us.

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Oh hell no!

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He’s also a slumlord.

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What donors were getting 1200? Hadn’t heard

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If those two were to win, we may as well just merge with Canada.

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But wouldn't you like to see Herschel Walker as Trump's running mate? Wouldn't that be sweet? Think of the incoherence on both ends of the ticket..

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He starts the interview by describing all of Congress as a bunch of self-serving windbags. In the next breath the sidles-up to Liz Cheney for wisdom on a means to insure Trump is never elected again. If I heard correctly his daughter's tears (out of fear of a Trump presidency?) then convince him to run for office. His blatant disrespect for the opinions of anyone outside of his immediate bubble only reinforce my immediate dislike for this token leftist. Yes, many slots should be created in the DNC for competing interests. Thus far their only competition for Joe Biden is simply a younger version of the same.

Dean, take the time to actually get to know some of the "deplorables" and you might find out they are real people with real concerns about the direction of our country.

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I am truly bedazzled that Liz Cheney was able to destroy all of the Jan 6 Committee documents so quickly.

Normally you wait a while to sneakily destroy the documents but she just nuked that shit from outer space right away. Kinda impressive honestly.

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And underhanded. That whole debacle was a publicity stunt that perpetuated egregious lies. It was a stunning display of deceit and manipulation.

If anyone really wants to know the truth about J6 there is a more complete and honest picture in the video documentaries on the Epoch Times site. Liz Cheney is a seasoned swamp rat, made wealthy through the corrupt dealings of her father/Halliburton.

I want to know more about this guy but he sounds like another victim of TDS. Biden is the candidate that has/had actual ties to the KKK. He has reversed his positions like a squirrel on the road more often than not just to save his lame backside. He was a lackluster Senator, a bungling, openly corrupt VP and so far an incompetent POTUS. The hypocrisy of the DNC is actually mind blowing. They make Clinton look like a great POTUS. He wasn’t the worst by far but damn... I never could stomach HRC. She is the epitome of the wicked witch.

Let’s hope the coming election is run with more integrity but so far I have no faith that it will be.

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She isn't the wicked witch. She is the wicked bitch of the west.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Liz’ daddy helped to sell the Big Lie that was the Iraq War. He was in fact, the chief architect in publicaly stating many untruths that took us to war. Dick was also prior to being VP, the CEO of Halliburton (‘95 to ‘00), one of the biggest MIC contractors on the planet. And Halliburton got quite rich on the Iraq War.

Enter Liz Cheney.

Liz was deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs during Iraq War. She supported the war and has defended it ever since (co-wrote a 2015 book with her dad on US foreign policy too). She continues to insist that one of the main lies of the war (connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq) was true.

Trump we know, has been the enemy of most all neocons since he correctly called the war a Big Fat Mistake on 2016 debate stage (and took Jeb Bush out of race at same time), Trump has been enemy of Liz and all uniparty members since uttering these words of truth:


Liz was raised a neocon, inherited mass sums from neocon activities and anyone not on board with that (Trump) is the enemy. Why was she the first again to jump up with a curled finger at TV screen following J6? DP should ask himself that.

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“Sure honey, Daddy knows better that anyone you can get Americans to believe anything. We have plenty of people to help with that.”

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I think that Phillips just threw her under the bus on purpose. He exposed the plot was hatched almost immediately.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Yeah, I thought this was odd too. If my children had a reaction like this, I would give them a big hug and then gently explain why their feelings are irrational.

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They sure ran out RFK Jr. Too qualified!

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Never mind qualified. At this point I will settle for alive and of sound mind.

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The modern democratic party’s main area of expertise seems to be lowering expectations.

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Standards are racist.

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Which means RFK Jr is out. He's nuts.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

I thought Trump was nuts til I met Biden. RFK is not nuts.

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RFK is wacko. Biden isn't nuts, he's senile.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

And those vaccines were safe and effective. RFK has been so wacko on that topic! Keep drinking that koolaid and get your boosters. You certainly have other excellent candidates to choose from who aren’t wacko. Like, uh? Uh?

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Just out of curiosity, what exactly makes him qualified? Besides winning the ovarian lottery?

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Go to his website, listen to his speeches. He is very intelligent and has an impressive record as an environmental lawyer, cleaned up the Hudson River, fought Monsanto.

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I have. Some of the stuff he says, especially on foreign policy is ridiculously naive and shows a complete misunderstanding of the topic. But regardless of that, does being an environmental lawyer qualify him to be President? Which part? Has he managed people? Has he ever had to work for a living? To provide for his family? Or is he another elitist that just gets air time solely because of his last name? And not a very smart one to boot based on stuff that he has said?

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I strongly disagree. He has taught law and won major legal victories over corporations trying to pollute the environment. You could find this out easily enough. His speeches are far and away more interesting than Biden or Trump. Kennedy traveled months ago to the southern border, saw the situation and said he would seal the border immediately. Biden or Kamala—what is their actual policy? Dump unvetted people all over the country in tent cities? Gee that sounds like great experience to lead the country! I really want more of that experience! The msm has it out for Kennedy and have been engaged in slanderous, unfair reporting against him for years, mainly because of his stand against pharmaceutical interests taking over every aspect of our society. He might interfere with their rights to inject babies with no-liability products manufactured by companies with major felony convictions. He has the main qualification needed at this moment. He is not a divider and has a proven record of standing up to corporate interests in favor of American citizens. He will also hire qualified people because he is intelligent. I have not been impressed with the hiring by either Biden or Trump.

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All of that is great, but I don't see how that qualifies him to be President. I guess that's the ultimate sign of his privilege. If he was Joe Smith with exactly the same background, he wouldn't even think of running for President and he wouldn't be given the time of day by anyone. But because he came out of a correctly last named person, all of a he and you and other people think he would be great at this. If he really wanted to be in government, great, go up the ladder, show us what you can do, and we'll vote for you if your actions match your promises and your values broadly align with ours. But he hasn't done any of that. In a biggest show of entitlement he just wants to take a short cut. How elitist of him. That and he just says some really dumb, uneducated stuff.

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Oh now that’s kinda cold bro.

He ain’t all that and most of us ovarian types aren’t so shallow as to mistake outward traits with inside character or abilities.

So what? He rejects the toxic shots? Okay 10 points to Griffindor. I’m glad there’s another dem out there besides Alex B. that can see the forest for the trees.

It would take way more than that to win my vote. I want to see some fiscally responsibility before it’s too late. We are dangerously close to financial collapse over it. Even if the government garnered every penny earned in income tax we still couldn’t pay our debt for quite a few years. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP.

I know cutting back is hard but it’s the grown up thing to do. Funny how the wealthiest ppl tend to be these “gimme” types as long as they get to stay obscenely rich.

They’re all too happy to demand the middle class carry the burden.

And they claim the republicans want to spare the rich. Same old out of tune song. The GOP has become the party of the working class and has been since the 90’s.

The rich folks are virtue signaling empty glasses that clearly are so lost and confused they buy into every nonsensical, unscientific and foolish viewpoint out there, as long as it keeps them with a seat at the cool kids table. It’s a hustle.

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Dean actually can string two sentences together, but his delivery involves throwing so much mud against the wall in hopes of some of it sticking that it is hard to nail him down! If he were require to defend his views ON AT A TIME it would go much differently! Indeed, he is a much more loquacious version of the ventriloquist's dummy we now have in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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Ok this is just pathetic. Dean Phillips is not a moderate Democrat, no matter what personal brand he’s trying to promote.

Please folks, do not follow what the man says, follow what he does. And what he does is vote with Nancy Pelosi 99% of the time. If you like that sort of thing, fine. But if you’re looking for that rare animal that is truly a “moderate Democrat,” it ain’t him. I’m in his district and follow him closely. He’s all talk, then votes with the radicals.

That’s quintessential Minnesota nice: nice to your face, cut you when your back is turned. If you’re going to vote like Paul Wellstone, admit who you are. This interview is all smoke and mirrors.

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Although I thought 50% of what he said was common sense the rest was Democrat Nonsense. Pay for University, the students will never get out, Support Liz Cheney?, she supported a sham trial against half the country, support Whitmer and Warnock? Far left progressives, another Obama healthcare that was a disaster, take money away from corporations and end research and development that makes our country better than the rest? He needs to choose..Democrat and demise of our country or Republican and Rebirth!

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Well said. Yeah, he’s another leftist blow hard hoping the right rhetoric along with that smoke and mirrors will fool the independents and a few never-Trumpers in the GOP.

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Interesting FP has never sat down with Ron DeSantis. Shameful.

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Especially since he is the first and really only governor that has successfully stopped DEI in higher education, which is now a position supported by TFP.

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He was very successful in my opinion as a leader during Covid.

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They probably still think he had a law called Don't Say Gay.

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IKR? How can anyone truly fall for this BS? Well without anything to substantiate the misrepresentation of DJT, it’s gospel to leftists.

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People hear what they want to hear (what they are pre-programmed to understand) and the politicians do not actually believe any of what they say, IMO


"One of the peculiarities of our age is the ferocity with which intellectuals and politicians defend propositions that they do not—because they cannot—believe to be true, so outrageous are they, such violence do they do to the most obvious and evident truth. Agatha Christie (a far greater psychologist than Sigmund Freud), drew attention almost a century ago to the phenomenon when she had Dr. Sheppard, the protagonist and culprit of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd say, “It is odd how, when you have a secret belief of your own which you do not wish to acknowledge, the voicing of it by someone else will rouse you to a fury of denial. I burst immediately into indignant speech.”"

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Ron DeSantis, much like Paul Ryan and John McCain, is a Nazi who will create a Nazi government.

Please just allow Joe Biden to embrace you with his loving arms.

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"... a Nazi who will create a Nazi government."

And, if you believe Democrats, so were Mitt Romney, both Bushes, and Bob Dole, and Ronald Reagan, and Jerry Ford, and Richard Nixon, and Barry Goldwater, and Dwight Eisenhower, and any other Republican who dared to oppose them. I'm too young to remember what they said about Thomas Dewey or Henry Wallace.

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Henry Wallace was a Democrat and fellow traveler with the communist.

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Absolutely right. Sorry, I meant Wendell Wilkie.

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(I wasn't born yet for that one!)

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Maybe he wasn't interested? They've interviewed the other GOP candidates....

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I doubt it. DeSantis hasn't ducked many media opportunities. It's too bad, because a conversation between Bari and DeSantis would be very interesting.

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Why invite the others and not him? Doesn't make sense. It's a good question though.

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He's done. That's why..

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Copying and pasting my review here:

He's well spoken and his personal story is very compelling. Coupled with the photo of him alone in NH TFP showed a few days ago, I actually was convinced to hear him out and was open to being convinced. But at the end of the day, I was disappointed. He talks about the wealth divide and families not able to make ends meet, then turned next immediately to advocate for the misguided liberal agenda of student loan forgiveness. So he wants the working class that can't make ends meet to pay for the transfer of their tax dollars to universities through students? Including universities like Harvard with their billion dollars endowment that inflated tuitions to the current insane amount because they can grift on the guaranteed student loan program? And after finding themselves sitting on all that money not knowing what to do with it, they created their bloated administrative staff, many of whom brought us the horror that is DEI? And also the working class is to fund a free ride not only for kids who study STEM or majors that can result in jobs where they can earn salaries to pay their debts, but also to kids electing majors that lead to no prospects of gainful employment but only to be indoctrinated? And that's not even counting kids from wealthier homes whose families can pay their tuitions and yet they take out guaranteed student loans to invest in stocks to get an even better head start? Sorry but no. The entire system of guaranteed student loans need to be re-examined so that bloated universities must stop profiting off it, and students must be held accountable for making better financial decisions instead of sticking taxpayers including blue collar workers without higher education with the bill. The student loan forgiveness scheme is an outright scam by Dems to buy votes from young people with taxpayers' money. It is a detrimental interference with the free market that enables colleges to inflate and keep tuitions artificially high.

The disappointment continued with him dodging Bari's question on why the Dems are allowing the southern border to be open and all these illegal immigrants including potential terrorists to come through. He kept not answering the question even though Bari persisted and asked him twice about it. He's on the foreign affairs committee, he said, and gets the same intel on the crisis as the others politicians. He said he agrees it's a threat and a crisis. So why did he dodge this question and kept diverting? It was so obvious he wouldn't say the reason why the Dems are completely ignoring the border crisis, even though everyone in the country wants to know why. That was the red flag moment for me.

And then his friendship with Rashida Talib. I don't even know what to say about that. I suppose his view that keeping communications open has some merit. It's no different than traditional foreign policy of maintaining a channel with opponent regimes rather than a total break on stance and principle. But he admits she literally wants Israel gone and would not compromise on a two-states solution. Does he think she would one day come around to his side? It just seems hopelessly idealistic, almost like the Jews who were hoping that at some point Hitler and the Nazis would stop if good Jews like them just do their best to appease. That if they go the distance and appease enough, the Nazis would see Jews actually meant no harm! Maybe I am just biased against the views of people like Talib and it's me who just don't get it. But this friendship of his sounds to me like an abusive relationship in which he's the wife who keeps deluding herself that her abusive husband is really a good guy despite him continuing to smack her around.

At that point I stopped listening. Anymore would be a waste of my time.

ETA: I might add also, can someone less naive warn him that while he sincerely remains good friends with Talib to keep his friends close, she's remaining good friends with him to keep her enemies closer?

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No, you DO get it! He is a self-hating Jew who thinks that his enemies are ready to listen to a reasonable argument. It is the same thought process that allowed the Holocaust to take place! He is just a victim waiting to happen.

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He needs to wake up about Talib. Philips would never wish harm on Talib, because he is a decent person with morals. If Philips and his family happened to be visiting Israel and were murdered or taken hostage by terrorists, she might be momentarily sad, but ultimately would still side with Hamas.

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He can't possibly be dumb enough to not know what she is. He's choosing not to see it, probably for some sort of political advantage that makes sense to him, but not to those of us who think some baseline morality and scruples should apply to politics.

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She wouldn’t be sad at all. She thinks he has it coming.

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I have commented extensively here about my disgust at elite American Jews who have at best enabled and at worst participated in the rise of the Woke mob. These people were perfectly happy with all of the bullying, canceling, censoring, humiliating and firing of conservatives that have occurred on a rapidly increasing basis, particularly since 2016. As long as they were not at the tip of the spear, this horribly illiberal tyrannical mob was enabled to run amok. Phillips is the exemplar of this hypocrisy, and is now “disappointed” in his moderate friends - moderates like Rashida F’cking Tlaib! And, his hypocrisy is only rivaled by what a dishonest phony he is. At the outset of the interview he says that Joe Biden’s actual physical and cognitive decline is obvious, which it is. But, when asked if he will support a nursing home patient in the general election, he tries to shift to a claim that it is only the “perception” of Biden’s decline that is the issue. At least Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi are shameless in their sleaze, this guy is a soulless politician pretending to be an altruistic truth teller. Of course, he is friends with Liz Cheney.

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ignorant elite American Jews like most of my family

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"And I was sitting with colleagues in tears who were calling and texting home to say goodbye, because we really thought at that moment that they were coming with guns and they were coming for Democrats, and we had nothing to defend ourselves with other than pens and pencils. Those were the worst 15 minutes of my life."

Giving Mr. Phillips the benefit of the doubt that he isn't merely serving up the anti-Trump narrative, where did these poor folks get the idea that they were going to be murdered? From hysterical media coverage at the time? From the FBI? their Congressional leaders? The protesters who were rioting (and the majority were not, seen on videos calmly walking through the halls) were not "coming with guns" to "murder Democrats", their purpose was to disrupt/postpone the vote to ratify the election until the fraud charges were heard in the courts. There is either a continuing dishonesty or ignorance about Jan. 6 that liberal media wants to ignore because it's self-serving for the left, especially for the upcoming election.

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He is repeating the same lie because he in the end is a liberal and liberals can’t stand facts.

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Totally bonkers!

Oh puhlease! Stop with the feigned martyrdom. They were NEVER in danger. Another mewling quim.

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Exactly! If the portion of the population that is highly armed came to actually stage an insurrection or murder people then why didnt they have any guns with them to do so with??? Oh its bc they never had the intention of using excessive violence or conquering the government. Some bad actors got out of hand with property damage, but nobody was killed. Some insurrection

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If some far right nuts actually came locked and loaded I’d give the capitol police 30 mins before they turned tail and ran. Who would actually risk their life to defend a group that has as dismal of an approval rating as congress? If Jan 6 proved anything it was that it would be way too easy to actually do what the left pretends happened.

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The Democrats claims were all bullshit!

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I hope we find out that he was hiding down the road like AOC.

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Yeah they forget the claims by HRC and that candidate from Alabama who vehemently claimed cheating and election rigging with NO evidence. At least there were documented irregularities in the 2020 election not to mention the interference by the DOJ via the FBI.

He’s a cardboard cut out trying to seem deeper.

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He was sooo melodramatic on the point!

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Well said. It’s their big play and has been ever since then.

Just imagine the lives that might be saved if our feckless leadership put the same resources/energy into stopping fentanyl that they are on rooting out anyone they can to crucify over J6.....

Maybe I’m crazy but the election faux pas and the “plandemic” sure were curiously timed to get DJT out of the Oval Office. It was all too convenient to just be coincidence.

I doubt we’ll ever know the whole story but you know there is one.

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I don't know, Karen. I wasn't there at the Capitol Jan. 6. Were you? I did see Romney running around on a video. I heard that Pence had to hide. As well as Cheney. Was that untrue?

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Hi Lee. If you re-read my comment, for the sake of argument I am giving the benefit of the doubt to these folks who say they were that terrified. My question is, from whom did they hear that they "had to hide" because mass murder was the goal of the protesters?

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Whitmer and Warnock? Run a mile from this candidate. No, run several.

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Amen. I’m with you on that one. That’s the moment I just thought “this guy is a leftist swamp rat” and nothing more. Apparently his voting record belies his “moderate” description. I hope BW can see through this charlatan.

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If she can’t by now, something else is wrong and it’s a case of the blind leading the blind. I have confidence Bari better than that.

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DP is batsh.t crazy!!!

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"BW: If someone believes that Israel is the only state that doesn’t have a right to exist, is that an antisemitic position? DP: Therein lies my biggest challenge with Rashida."

WTF? Mr. Dean, put your big boy pants on and call it what it is. Stop with the hand wringing and equivocating. If 'from the river to the sea' is not antisemitism, you're dumber than a post. But then again, you don't think Biden has dementia so maybe you are. Sheesh.

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“DP: I have not received a single invitation to be on MSNBC since I declared my candidacy.

BW: You’re kidding me.

DP: No. Not one. And by the way, I’m the ranking member of the Middle East Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs”


We’ll I’m guessing that the fact that MSNBC is primarily staffed by Arab terrorists probably plays into this.

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What a putz. Whitmer-Warnock a dream ticket? In what world? And extolling the virtues of Tlaib may be the single dumbest thing a human could say. This dude might as well go offer his services to Hamas.

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This is the environment in congress. Off camera, even MTG is. If you don't, and don't horsetrade, you won't accomplish anything. This is one reason only one president was elected straight from congress.

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Spot on. Behind cameras away from the public, it's an exclusive social club. That's what they really got in for. A membership to tis exclusive social club.

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The social club aspect is just how it works. Better that than the punch outs other countries have sometimes.

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Yet the decorum once held by our elected officials has seriously eroded. Too many behave like shrieking college screeches. Talib , Omar, Schumer, Pelosi, anyone from California and a handful of newer members act like you’d expect officials in some banana republic to behave.


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"His improbable friendship with Rashida Tlaib". That is all I need to know to judge this elitist, self-hating enemy of Israel and America.

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Phillips talks about how terrible Trump is without mentioning his polices and where he would do things differently. Even with the legacy media united in opposition to Trump, as well as most corporate leaders, academia and various cooked up schemes to smear him such as the 2 year Mueller investigation, Biden barely eked out a victory. Phillips talks about Trump being a threat to American democratic institutions yet is silent about the multiple state & federal charges leveled against him. Objectively, Phillips is simply another arrow in a “get Trump” crusade. Is Phillips OK with open borders? Skyrocketing inflation destroying American families? Corruption by the Biden family? High energy prices? Millions of American voters see Trumps policies favorably in spite of the McCarthyite charge that they are MAGA extremists.

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Yeah, this wasn't much of an interview Bari. It was a softball session. But I get it. You need to make people comfortable because TheFP isn't a big dog.

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When Phillips claimed that Netanyahu was responsible for world-wide increase in antisemitism I just about choked on my own tongue! This is the Democrat line, Jews are responsible for antisemitism, and if they would just shut up and take it they would be just fine. What utter, and craven BULLSHIT! This alone should disqualify him from running.

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Amongst some Jews what about Netanyahu is the Jewish version of what about Trump.

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If Karl Marx himself was the Prime Minister of Israel, Hamas would still attack.

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