When will the world take the Palestinians at their word? They have NO interest in a two state solution. They have NO interest in friendly relations with Israel… with the west… They support the genocide of non-believers. They have NO tolerance of people self-described as LGBTQ+. They have NO respect for the equality of women. And the average American who supports a cease fire… has NO idea the reality of the Middle East, believing what the owners of their minds feeds them…

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Terry Ryan — Of course the Palestinians are interested in a two-state solution.

Just as Hitler was interested in union with Austria, or Putin is interested in returning Ukraine to Russian domination. That is, it’s the necessary first step toward further conquest.

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Not the same type of “two state solution” the west has in mind… 😏

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It will bring peace in our time and lead to a final solution …

“Our time” meaning until the polls close on Election Day; “final solution” meaning Muslims are a growing part of the Democratic Party coalition, while Jews are fading away.

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More news about the religion of peace:


The left loves these fanatical thugs. The left has a paradoxical view of Islam. They, through ignorance, call it the religion of peace. It has never since its inception been peaceful. The left claims to be the supporter of women, yet they support the brutal misogyny of Islam. They claim to support the gay alphabet people yet support the Islamic countries that slaughter the gays. The left has antiwhite racial guilt about slavery in the US yet support a religion that still has slaves in almost every Islamic country.

The left is populated by vicious, ill informed, ignoramuses that call people like me Islamophobes. I am an Islamophobe and so should every educate, rational person in the US if not the world. This is a religion that promotes hatred and violence against non-Muslims and against other Muslims that don't believe the way they do, think Shites vs Sunnis.

ISIS is alive and well folks and we should all be afraid, or at least prepared to fight them. The idiots in the Dem/Soc party want to play kissy face with them We should be wiping ISIS, Hamas and likeminded Muslims out like the cockroaches they are.

Support Hamas. Vote Democrat!

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THIS is one of the Reasons I give you money....Gladly,,,with a smile on my lips!

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Such an important series. Every kid in university should hear it

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Excellent series. Wish I knew how to convince those who need to hear it most to listen.

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That's the issue, isn't it? I've taken the "Palestinians" at their word all along. Our Betters never will. Not even when the word comes from the followers as well as the leaders. In their own words.

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Thank you for keeping the ongoing war against terrorism front and center

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Something the woke left hates. Truth! The enemy of idiots and those seeking to stop freedom. Thank you FP!!!!

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They wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass!

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What is hilarious is that Hamas would instantly kill anyone of LGBTQ+ persuasion. AND Hamas followers (aka, Palestinians) breed babies like rabbits so that they can make more terrorists... Watch it on Gaza TV... they even admit to it freely. And.... Ummm... isn't it the Left Liberals who want to reduce the world population? the muslims are the fastest growing world population. Do the liberals even KNOW what they are fighting for??? It's a head-scratcher.

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I'd love to see The Free Press put this much effort into the invasion being facilitated by the Democratic Party at the southern border of the United States...

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I just came here to say how good this three-part series is, especially part 3.

The interview with Haviv Rettig Gur offered real insight and historical perspective on the situation in Israel as well as the stunned reaction of left-leaning U.S. Jews.

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Totally agree!

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“From the river to the sea, there will be two peaceful states!” That is not their slogan, is it?

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Wonder while you were there if you found the Israelis, especially the IDF, working 24/7 on our top priority.....

a 2 state solution, a 53rd Islamic country for Biden, the State dept, the Michigan voters and college coeds at Berkeley and Cornell.

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Thanks for these interviews, they were interesting and emotional listening. Something that bothers me about western foreign policy (the US especially, but also EU countries), and is particularly relevant in situations dealing with Islamic nations, is that our policy makers can't comprehend people really believe in their religion and see it as the only way to organize society. It seems to me "our" side thinks they can persuade "their" side to negotiate away their deeply held religious beliefs to achieve some compromise. Or that "they" are really interested in money more than other things. Or that "they" can't really mean they want to eradicate the Jews (or other groups), that it is just a misinterpretation. But what happens is "we" make concessions and get nothing in return. The same thing also seems to apply when dealing with communists, like China. "They" can't really believe in that ideology the way they talk about it, "they" want the same things "we" do and will be open to persuasion when "they" see how our relatively free society works. It appears to me that all of our foreign policy is based on either hubris, ignorance, or guilt, not a real grasp of our interests and any feeling that our society is worth defending. The results are pretty evident across the range of issues and continents.

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I was here when the Japanese and Germans thought like Palestinians. The difference was the Japanese and Germans didn't have 1,800,000,000 Muslims supporting them. But thanks for your reporting, Bari.

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Fantastic reporting. Bravo. Thank God for the Free Press. I described this series to a friend as somehow both horribly devastating and hopeful. I am sad there aren’t more episodes. Great production.

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“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Maya Angelou

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The one ray of hope I found in this excellent expose' was the idea of providing concerted support for the 15-20 percent of Palestinians who struggle, and suffer, for a time when Jews & Palestinians can live, side by side, in peace. Is there any chance this effort will become a reality?

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Why exactly would Israel even attempt that? I think their error is compassion; they should’ve fought 30 days, not 6, then rebuilt the temple of Solomon and kept the Sinai. After that, meet any attack with utter destruction of an enemy. Instead, here we are. Maybe now they’ll pursue the UN as an openly hostile enemy by banning UNWRA and basically annexing most of Gaza, making the south of that place entirely Egypt’s problem and then making sure there are no new tunnels. If America had any courage left we would help them do that instead of trying to topple their government and force them to lose a war they didn’t start. Better still we would make sure domestic supporters of terror groups, including (sadly) students, are at least loudly marginalized or, following recent trends, prosecuted outright.

This idea of appeasement has failed. Tolerance has failed. Time to change.

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