Thanks for giving them this platform. The increase in crimes and violence in this country against Jews has gone mostly ignored by this administration because no one wants to talk about WHO are the perpetrators of this violence. Woke politics means we can’t discuss it, so it goes ignored.

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And yet Jews vote overwhelmingly for candidates that favor disarming the public and attack the 2nd Amendment. A conundrum.

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Good for them! My church here in NC has a volunteer security team for every service, and someone, at least one, is packin’. We never know who, but it makes us feel a little bit safer.

I would invite these threatened Jews to rethink where they live. The Bible Belt may be Christian, but that type of Christian feels a deep affinity with Jews. That carpenter guy....

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Sad that it comes to this but kudos to these women for stepping up!

Interesting that they took the steps that they did instead of just claiming victimhood. A lesson we all need to remember.

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We all wring our hands and twist our pearls about the exploding crime rate, but we can stop it and we can stop it the same way we can scotch the gun-grabbers: vote, and vote with your head, not your heart. Vote for candidates who will Just Plain Enforce The Law - not candidates who promise some kind of social justice crusade to prosecute (or not) based on race, ethnicity, a bad childhood, or a fart crossways. Just follow the law. And I would say to Jewish voters: when you go to vote, wise the F up. Your ultra-liberal voting history is a big part of the problem.

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I was born and raised in NY, LI. You were, Irish or Italian Catholics or Jewish. There were never problems and all of us were friends in school. After HS, I went to work at a hospital. That’s where I got my first inkling of people looking at Jews differently, a little on the negative side. My future FIL was a big wig banker in NY, my mom worked for lawyers. I came to believe any dislike about Jews was envy or jealousy as they were the Indian chiefs, Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, CEO’s. I remember hearing from someone that a Jew was asked, Why are you all so smart? His response, we have been studying for thousands of years. Shouldn’t people emulate, instead of hate? My mom graduate HS, was a legal Secretary her first job was on Wall Street, my dad never finished high school, was in construction. But we did ok. Looking back it’s funny to recall what my mom told me. When she worked on Wall Street, all those rich Jews owned stock, so she started buying stock. She said, I had no idea what stock was, but if that’s what they do, I’m doing the same. I now live in mid Florida, I recently heard there is a group, I believe in Miami, called Jews for Glocks. Cleaver I thought. And you can bet they are all seniors.

In today’s world, not having the means to protect yourself boarders on crazy. Look around, your government can’t and in some cases won’t help you, the criminals are protected, certainly not the victims.

Look at NY,CA, IL to name a few. People are nuts, I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone.

Oh, took me 20 years at night to get an AA while working and raising two kids alone, but they both have Masters degrees. Emulate don’t hate.

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When seconds matter the police are only minutes away. Being trained to use a firearm and being responsible to insure no third party can gain access especially children is necessary.

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I'm not Jewish, but God bless Magen Am!

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Wonderful role models. Every Jew should know how to defend himself or herself and those around them.

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The problem is simply that the woke liberals would rather have crime and fear as the norm. By destroying the rules of society and weakening the laws they hope to be able to break the country. Remember that they ultimately want you to obey and comply with their rules and offering you safety and security after they destroy it is the game.

We have all of the laws needed, the problem is the POS politicians and DA’s that want to destroy the system. Plus thank O-dumbo for the real start of hate crimes. Where do they happen and who commits them?

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Mass shooters are cowards. They have never attacked a school with signs present stating armed personnel on the premises trained to take action against threats. See John Lott, Jr., national expert with non-Woke statistics. Protect your schools and churches now.

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Bravo to those Jews! It is a shame that the Jews in our country are facing such unreasoned hate. For far too long Jews around the world were targets of hate and scapegoats for national failures, but, as a nation of immigrants, Jews have found a refuge and peace in the U.S., until now. Why? I can only think that the success of Jews in mastering the business culture through education and hard work has made other, less successful groups envious and suspicious of Jews. That and the stubborn resistance of Israel to the constant threats to its existence has favored a distorted worldview of Jews among certain groups, including radical nationalists and malleable college students who think Jews are obstacles to world peace. While I hate to see the spread of more guns in the U.S., Jews have an absolute right to defend their communities, and they are far less likely to use guns to commit crimes. These brave Jewish women are serious about training and accuracy in gun handling, something that many Americans ignore. So, again, Bravo!

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

This training is awesome! Jews, especially women, need to defend themselves. I am donating to Magen Am https://magenamusa.app.neoncrm.com/forms/donatenow

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Excellent article. I cannot fathom what it is about some people that makes them hostile to people of the Jewish faith. I know it’s a problem with a long history, I just don’t understand how it persists across generations.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

As someone who was born and raised in a very ultra-Orthodox family and community (though no longer part of it), I never met anyone who carried a gun.

While I like this story overall and am happy that community members are taking steps to protect themselves against rampant antisemitism, especially in progressive areas, the gender angle is either ignorance or clickbait. The idea of ultra-Orthodox women as subservient, home-bound, and restricted as compared to men is largely a myth promoted by radical feminists and groups they control, such as Footsteps.

Those inside those communities recognize that while every aspect of men's lives, including their schedule and dress code, is tightly controlled, women have more freedom. Long black pants, white shirt, white undershirt, fur or black hat, woolen Tzitizis, Kippah, black coat, black shoes etc. are required of men. Women wear skirts, shirts, and shoes of their choice as long as they cover knees, elbows and neckline, and a head covering if they're married. No need to wear four layers of clothes of the exact right color, fabric and dimensions like men. And men are required to spend their time studying, learning, and praying, unlike women, who have no such requirement.

For those familiar with the ultra-Orthodox community, it would be a much greater surprise if MEN were allowed to change their dress code to carry firearms or take breaks from their studies to attend security courses and practice target shooting.

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What a beautiful piece.

Sadly, In New York State, Mushka Lowenstein is not allowed to protect her temple.

Another "photo-op law" brought to you by "Progressive" Democrats

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