I discovered Dr. Jordan Peterson a few years ago and was delighted to learn my son and daughter in law were also fans. We three attended his lecture in Jacksonville FL. It was amusing to see the handful of anti-Peterson demonstrators, one wearing a lobster costume, and one lady walking the line of people waiting to get into the event trying to persuade us against Dr. Peterson. It was immediately apparent she knew nothing about him, his videos or his writings. In fact the contrast between the people waiting to get into the venue and those handful demonstrating was stark. I was unable to read the entire hit piece you wrote on Dr. Peterson but I read enough to convince me you don't understand the concepts of Yin and Yang, and the ancient concepts of order and chaos. I have listened to Dr. Peterson's biblical series, some of his maps of meaning and dozens of his 12 Rules lectures. He gave 160 lectures around the world and each lecture is different from any other. I have read his 12 Rules and the second book, Beyond Order. I am a 70 year old woman. His material, videos and books, have enriched my life, helped me gain perspective on some aspects of it, and encouraged me to be a better person. I have gained insight. You should go back and take a further look at Dr. Peterson and get past the superficial, feminist view of chaos as a woman.

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The hit-piece on Jordan Peterson was at best, a misunderstanding where you ignored context and actual visual and audio evidence to arrive at a predetermined ideological endpoint, at worst, it was a willful attempt by you to hurt someone with obvious lies.

Everyone makes mistakes, whether they are accidental or willful. We're all imperfect beings, and we all screw-up all the time. What makes a good person is acknowledging the mistake and making amends with the person you wronged.

So I guess the question here is, have you apologized or at least attempted to converse with Dr. Peterson again, but this time with an open mind?

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Good morning Nellie. Now that you are seeing things through a different lens, do you have any regrets about the hatchet job you did on Jordan Peterson?

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Seeing Bari on Sunday Morning with Ben Shapiro was refreshing. Two people with different ideas coming together and talking. We need more of that in this world. I tell all my conservative friends to follow this Substack and the Honestly pod. Looking forward to the weekly reports from Nellie.

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I just want to say what we all are thinking here, I believe, and that is that we love you, Bari Weiss. You've done a great thing in leaving the NYT and being a fighter. You sat in the front of the bus. We are all on your team. It's good not to feel alone. Keep pushing play all. Good work here, Nellie Bowles.

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Im 50 years old and have been a reporter full time all of my adult life up until around May 2020 when I was let go from full time duties. The key word in thss article on journalism is "curiosity". That is why I got into the businesses in the 90s -- intellectual curiosity and a seriousness about wanting to understand what made this or that tick. Sure I had a political view or a preferred view, but if that view was challenged, I included it in my articles because I felt that I was learning something. Nowadays...it is simply removed, or humiliated instead.

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Wearing my very old Better Read than Dead t-shirt.

In case you are wondering, one of the reasons Kathleen Stock was hounded out of her Sussex University position was the publication of her book Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism which basically looks at gender theory with a critical eye and asks various questions about balancing rights.

It is currently on its 5th printing in the UK. I believe you can get the ebook in the US now and print version at the end of November.

Looking forward to the round ups from Nellie Bowles.

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bruchah habaah nellie! after reading about the times's new israel correspondent yesterday i finally finally cancelled my subscription. letting go after decades. more time and treasure for substacks and the wsj!

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As someone who's always voted left I should be sympathetic to an institutional media that's largely left-leaning; yet I'm no more resigned to being fed propaganda that purports to speak for my views than against them, and I applaud Ms. Bowles' defection, which I hope others will emulate. Such defections are, in my opinion, long overdue.

As a retired reference librarian who craves substantive, reliable information I also applaud Ms. Bowles' decision to include numerous links in her debut report. Our judgment is only as reliable as the evidence that informs it, and we need journalists willing to provide non-partisan access to evidence far more than we need social engineers masquerading as journalists deciding what's safe for us to see.

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Love this addition. Looking forward to it every week.

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Hi Nelli. Welcome to the Bari Times. I am an old white guy. I consider myself fairly well read and enjoy getting lots of different points of view. I left mainstream media a while back, especially the NYT. Used to read it every Sunday. I trend moderate/conservative but rank high on the empathy scale (I have been tested). I will look forward to your piece. Unless and until it loses common sense. That is why I am here. Cheers.

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As a reporter covering China and Covid for a big glossy business magainze (you can Google my name and figure it out) I was pretty much harrassed to not write about Fauci, or lockdowns, or a potential lab leak...it was constant. They never deleted articles, but they made it clear that stepping outside of the gated institutional narratives promoted by the NYC media was frowned upon fully. I could see NYT not being happy with you going to the CHAZ. You might find out it isn't exactly the "summer of love" in there.

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When journos talk about “To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable” it would be nice if it wasn’t just words. So we shall see Nellie. When the left starts reporting on the racism directed to Winsome Sears or the ties of the criminal Clintons to the Russia Russia Russia hoax or who is actually in charge of Biden or what meds he takes or the hypocrisy of tax the rich dems who want to do away with the SALT limit or even on what’s in the build back Botox porkulus bull, then I might start believing.

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Can we also normalize people stating what they smell like in video introductions? 😂

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"So I quit. Quietly. Unlike some people around here."

Nice. Welcome Nellie!

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Best of luck to you!! Information is so ubiquitous and cheap that what I crave is open minded, in depth, investigative journalism. The story behind the story. The ignored story.

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