None of the 10 stories covered by The Free Press are as important as the Democrat Party’s illicit use of the administration of justice to sideline its main political opponent. Equality before the law is a sacrosanct American value. This is an abysmal failure by the Free Press.

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Am I missing some detail about the Stephen Glass story? If he’d been writing today whatever fabricated stories would be repeated by every news source in America as long as it was part of the agenda of msm, hence the government controlled news sources. Yesterday’s sins are today’s celebrations.

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Latinos turning toward religion and conservatism isn't surprising, and is a trend Leftists would benefit from really considering the causes and ramifications of. To people who grow up outside of Western society, and particularly America, our self-destructive actions are much more apparent. Take just about any group of people outside of NA and Europe and they're going to decide they identify with the side that isn't demanding fealty to the latest Leftist beliefs but instead trying to defend what made coming to this country a good idea in the first place.

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Speech for us, not for you. That's what the Free Speech Movement has devolved into.

And here is the thing: what free speech does is humanize us to one another. Free speech enables us to point out and identify stupid ideas, hateful ideas, and to work together to build better lives for everyone.

The mobs and the censors and the bullies are never on the side of the Good. So what do the mobs and bullies and censors do? They redefine Good so it includes evil. That has been the primary project of most Humanities Departments since they found themselves redefining our chosen abandonment of South Vietnam, which in total caused millions of painful deaths--I include Cambodia here, since the abandonment included Southeast Asia generally--into an act of virtue.

Lying is a habit. Lying is a habit that is supported by censorship, because it is a difficult habit to maintain in the face of people speaking the truth.

Let us hope that the Administration makes better decisions this time than it did in the Milo Yianopolous and other cases. They have chosen to enable the liars and bullies. I think they should stop doing that.

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Wiseman writes "[t]he 1969 Chappaquiddick scandal hung over Ted Kennedy for years, but by the time of his death in 2009, he was heralded as a great statesman." Hung over? Sorry, no, Ollie. The dolts in MA reliably returned this murderer to the Senate, election after election. And the only people "heralding" this alcoholic fraud were those of the same ilk as Mr. Wiseman. Come on Bari. Enough is enough.

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Twenty-nine percent of women are claiming to be alphabet people. Kinda of a privileged class now? almost as good as getting a handicapped parking placard

Since guys aren't allowed to “ hit” on chicks anymore and calling someone cute might be grounds to go to a campus kangaroo court for harassment, who is surprised?

Add in the “ uglies” who now have an excuse for not dating and we have 29%

Great culture.

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Are we in the midst of a Jewish reawakening in America or is the recent notice by " liberal" jews just a temporary phase we are passing through? Are jews finally realizing that they have a lit mote to fear from their heretofore intersectional friends and colleagues or the " tiki torch " neo nazis that are still mentioned constantly from the Charlottesville March that occurred over five years ago? J Glazer made clear this week that he is still w the western hating intersectionalists ( as are many of his artists in arms who share his views) and it is unlikely they will ever change. But what about what I see as the majority of American jews who vote D by reflex but cannot shut their eyes this time and pretend Berkeley and Harvard and Times Square and in a thousand other places around the country are not occurring where their sons and daughters live in fear. I hear a lot of noise from liberal Jewish friends but have yet to hear anyone say that the biggest problem for jews in America are leftists ( including fellow jews) as opposed to conservative Christian Americans who vigorously support Israel and oppose anti semitism in America because they hold Judeo Christian values and know the full history of this nation.

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Wiseman is not only a fool but laugh out loud funny. He writes an article principally about a journalist making up stories and then shrieks that we're all hypocrites because "[a]fter doing time for insider trading, Martha Stewart is a national treasure."

Well, no, Ollie. Stewart was found guilty of one count of conspiracy, two counts of making false statements, and one count of obstruction of agency proceedings. NOT insider trading. In fact the irony of it all was that the insider trading charge would probably have been dismissed and Martha was "too cute by half" by trying to bamboozle the federal investigators. Bari, please stop inflicting this clown on your readers.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

"HATE"! What is it, really? Has anyone tried to define it? And if so, does that definition have a consensus among the general public? Today many people toss that word around like "The Scarlet Letter". They assign the red "H" to the chests of those who they disagree with, to the popular memes, and to ANYONE who might contradict the latest fad in social engineering and medicine. (transgender health care?) Whenever I hear someone invoke the "Hate" accusation, I automatically assign them to the "wackdoodle" category, an unserious person.

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The Palestinians and their supporters are clearly violent people who prefer intimidation and brutality to reason and intelligent argument, and they have no place in institutions of learning or, for that matter, in civil society. The failure of our society to find and punish those perpetrators of violence is a threat to everything and every person in America.

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You continue to refuse to report on the larger and more deeply concerning failures of the Biden administration and their repeated efforts to undermine every American, our laws and the very fundamental standards of our constitution. "Common Sense" and a commitment to journalism should obligate you to report on the ugliest and most unpleasant truths pertaining to this administration, yet you give it a total pass, no questions asked. We are at a tipping point in our current politics and I am fearful that the cliff is quickly approaching. Hello? The house is on fire.

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And Jewish professors will still vote democrat

Are these repetitious stories of Jews being targeted designed to bore us or convince them not to vote democrat anymore. Because if it’s the former, we get it and have since October 7

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As a scholar Professor Hassner should know better than the hoi polloi the reason for violent protests directed at Jews. He has 1402 years of history to inform him. Sleeping in his office won’t end the attacks. His knowledge requires activism. He should advocate for a ban on further Muslim immigration before its too late.

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Prof Ron Hassner wants teachings to educate people on antisemitism and Islamophobia? The strident marches and escalating rhetoric and violence are against Jews The support Israel rallies are peaceful and calm and not ANTI Muslims or anything else.

Radical Islam is a violent aggressive treatise, but I see no marches against it. They use our tolerance to subvert values of tolerance and live and let live.

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The Gallup poll on sexual orientation ( why by the way do we even use that term) begs a few questions: the first is WHY are the numbers for Gen Z so substantial. Other questions include what about the rest of the world? Is this about biology and genetics or education and social media? And why does this matter ( lots of answers to that one but I throw it out there for discussion). Finally, on a lighter note I would add that these statistics merely prove once more that Barack Obama succeeded as promised to fundamentally transform America.

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"I think it’s possible to advocate for the Palestinian cause without strangling people.” ~ Prof. Ron Hassner

No, Ron it's not. Palestinians and their supporters know nothing except violence. It's what they've been taught from birth. They are victims, they are oppressed, they have no agency. They are never to blame for anything. PERIOD. FULL STOP.

Sadly there are more and more groups that feel the same way... BLM, Antifa, Transgenders, etc.. dare I say run of the mill Progressives.

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