“Many who oppose the 45th president hail these legal maneuvers as a neat way to stop Trump—who they view as an existential threat to the country”

Wrong. They view him as a threat to their protected status as members of a corrupt administrative state.

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The elephant in the room is the integrity of our voting process that Bill Barr doesn’t mention. It is the most important element of our democracy. Otherwise, we are not better than a dictatorship where “who’s counting” wins elections.

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The federal government, which has painstakingly examined the events of January 6, has not charged President Trump with insurrection or even incitement. “

Painstakingly?? As in suppressing exculpatory evidence? Trump told people to be peaceful, to go home. There were FBI agents fomenting a riot.

And as for the voters deciding, how many illegals will the democrats register and pay to vote? There is no proof of citizenship required to register. Just a signature attesting to citizenship which can be lied about. No one validates these registrations.

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I despise Trump, but I despise the extra-legal attempts at removing him from ballots even MORE. And I TRULY despise those Demoncrats who are cheering this on! Can I just be put into a coma and awakened after January 21, 2025?

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I agree with Bill Barr's great article—the well-written explanation of section 2383 and the congressional process needed to pull this off. I always found it interesting why the world Insurrection for January 6th.

It was a riot, plain and simple. It was rattling the political class cages, and it got out of hand. I am in complete agreement with those who were destructive getting an appropriate amount of fines and prison time.

But this leftist and media propaganda program is an example that these people are worse than Trump. Barr is so right when he describes Trump as a person not capable of winning a decisive victory and his truculent, petty, and toxic persona. I would add he was a terrible executive who couldn't build a consensus outside of his toadies who worship him. But this is a choice, and in the GOP primary, I will vote against him, but in the general election, he is a better alternative to incompetent leftists in office.

This whole process of barring him from the ballot shows that they are everything they say Trump is as an authoritarian but worse. The woman in Maine is trying to get money and fame as a grifter, not someone trying to save the republic. 2024 is becoming a choice between awful and really awful. Thanks for a great article that sheds light on this sham process.

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The behavior of people on the left and the right in their deification or demonization of Trump has generally left me wiping my hands and walking away towards a middle position. I don’t want to be involved in these debates because the anxiety that comes with it is not a good use of time.

However, the actions of CO and ME disquiet me, as it has now created a slippery slope precedent to be misused by either party on the basis of pettyness and “we owned you” types of behavior. This needs to go to the Supreme Court, as this measure is a subversion of voter’s rights in a democracy.

Whether Trump wins or loses, pretty sure there’s going to be riots from either side.

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Barr hates President Trump for personal reasons...very petty personal reasons. The fact is that Barr deliberately conspired with the FBI to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop issues...issues that clearly show Joe Biden is a crook. Barr also stated that DOJ investigated the fraudulent Nov 2020 election when in fact he did no such thing.

The science of math and statistics...the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem show with mathematical certainty that the Biden votes were illegal fraudulent votes. It's not an opinion...its math.

What Barr is doing here is more cover up. Of course there is no legal basis to remove President Trump from any ballots so Barr states that in an effort to show he is fair. He is guilty of criminal conspiracy against the US election of Nov 2020 and must be prosecuted when President Trump is back in the Oval Office in Jan 2025. Barr knows this and he is worried about it. Hence this article.

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I would also be “truculent” if my own government worked in secret to subvert my presidency. Where were you William Barr, when the purveyors of “Russiagate” needed to be held accountable? This is the exact reason voters are pissed off (truculent) and Trump’s popularity continues its entrenchment - the political class is exempt from accountability.

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I sure hope the next FP article is entitled "I Oppose Joe Biden, and any Efforts to Prevent an Honest Democrat Party 2024 Primary Election Process".

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Barr is a strong administrative state supporter. He was a terrible Trump appointee as he did nothing to reform the corruption of the FBI and DOJ as he was spawned among that group.

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Vivek understands the problems. Has the intellect and restrained personality to be far more effective than Trump. Trump cares about America but his public behavior and temperament damage his effectiveness. To be fair, few other presidents were attacked by media and corrupt administrative state and Congress as Trump was. So perhaps Trump was created by Chuck, Nancy, Comey and the corrupt attorney general and corrupt judges of the FISA courts that still lurk in the shadows never held to account for the malevolent warrants they approve.

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Seems to me like the comments are skewing towards far right fanaticism. While I agreed with many of Trump’s policies and felt we were better off than we are with the Biden administration, he is too divisive at a time when we need sane leadership. Unfortunately, that ship may have sailed.

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What will we call the people who no doubt will riot, block roadways, burn down businesses and police stations, if Trump is elected? If you’re on the left you’ll call them patriots. Democrats on the left will tell them to get in the faces of Trump voters, scream at them, dox them, swat them, confront them in restaurants and at their homes. They’ll start fundraisers to bail them out of jail if they get arrested. They won’t be labeled as insurrectionists even if they burn down police stations. They won’t hold committee hearings to decide what should be done to them.

So if you want to know why people support Trump, Mr. Barr, these are most likely the reasons they do, rightly or wrongly.

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If the likes of Bill Barr could explain why in the five contested states they shut down the vote count in the wee hours of the morning (at the same time) with Trump leading then several hours later they all resumed vote counting (at the same time) with Biden ahead (it's a miracle) I wouldn't be here thinking Trump is right, the election was stolen. Can Barr explain the video showing in Fulton County Georgia republican observers to the vote count being run out of the room with the claim of a water main leak then watching the democrats drag out hidden boxes of "new" votes? How about all the drop boxes that were stuff as shown in the movie 2,000 mules? Nothing that has been offered has adequatly explained how a dottering old fool who did not even run an election champainge except from his basement could have garnered the largest vote count in history. Until that has all been explained I will never believe the election of 2020 was free and fair.

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Barr calls for a trial...wait didn't the J6 clown committee delete all their files? If it's such a preponderance of evidence, shouldn't that be in some national archives for all of us to see and examine and catalog for history? Barr stands on a knife edge in this piece, talking out both sides of his mouth. I hope The Fee Press allows someone like Victor David Hansen of Jonathan Turley to write a piece. I will give Barr 1 positive. He did mention summer of love, so maybe Kamala Harris will be charged for bailing out the anarchists in those arrests? Or we could whip up some fake charges, like Russia collusion on some Dems. Don't they see this is down the rabbit hole?!

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Too late for you…you defiled the nation and the presidency, while pretending to be AG.

You sir, are a treasonous rat-bastard.

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