When I was in training, I often would unwind after a brutal day by watching the PBS series, "All Creatures Great And Small." A James Herriot series about a Yorkshire veterinarian, many of the episodes centered around his struggles to bring modern veterinary science to the backward farming regions of England. Watching stories of farmers burying calves at the barn door to ward off disease instead of following principles of quarantine and sanitation - all that was available in 1937 - made me glad that I was studying REAL medicine - founded upon the Scientific Method and the sacred tenet of free enquiry.

Now I watch in disbelief as my colleagues - well-trained and experienced - walk lockstep with the stomping, marching brownshirts of the American medical regime. Not only is free enquiry out the window, many front-line physicians are perfectly happy to punish their colleagues for questioning the ill-considered and politically-motivated mandates of an elite cabal of medical sellouts.

Decades of American preference polls changed very little: year-on-year, doctors always headed the list of most-trusted; lawyers and used-car salesmen typically swapped positions at the bottom. After the Wuhan virus goat-rodeo, almost nobody I know trusts their doctor to treat flu symptoms; most - and especially the elderly - would take their chances at home. And I'm one of them. A damned shame.

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Great article.

This is another example of how corrupt our institutions have become. Vaccines have saved countless lives, but to mandate a vaccine for a demographic that has consistently shown to be one of the least vulnerable to the disease in question is a purely political, rather than a medical, decision.

The real tragedy, I think, is that because of these people’s decisions, millions of people now have a deep-seated mistrust of any decision that public health officials make.

Imagine if a more virulent and deadly disease were to spread now. Mere anarchy.

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Pre-marketing drug testing involves a couple years of testing in animals. Animals are dosed, and after a time interval, sacrificed, their tissues dissected and examined under a microscope for any pathology. It’s also done in pregnant animals and their offspring are examined for two generations. From what I have been able to find, Pfizer did not do these studies before testing in humans and proceeding to market. We are the guinea pigs. And one of the adverse effects is a disruption in menstrual cycles among women. Why? What is going on with hormones, ovaries? Shouldn’t Pfizer be studying this? Gee, weren’t we told how safe the mRNA in a lipid nanoparticle is? Except now we read they tweaked one part of the mRNA molecule so it couldn’t be degraded easily. And now they want to inject this into my granddaughter?

Food additives like Splenda have more animal safety data than this vaccine.

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I am in favor of strictly enforced vaccine mandates.

The mandates would go like this: Everyone who supported vaccine mandates would be mandated to take a shot of this stuff every 4 months from now on.

Enjoy, scumbags.

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If you ‘self certify’ that you are a citizen when you get your driver’s license, in Washington, you get to vote.

(reason Smiley can’t win)

If you say the word ‘asylum’ at the border, like fidelio in Eyes Wide Shut, you get to live in America.

$200 billion in unemployment funds were stolen because the form online allowed you to simply declare you are eligible.

(So that’s 2 million people stealing $100,000 each, or some other combination of large numbers.)

If you claim you object sincerely on religious grounds to taking the experimental vaccine that TV host Donald Trump hired a veterinarian to produce, you are told by the government to go screw yourself.

Seems fair. Great job, everyone.

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This is not about health and safety for children or anyone else. It's strictly the drug companies receiving a lifetime funding line from the government. Just think of the billions over the years the drug companies will get, and they predominately support one party. Guess who? Anyone remember during that worldwide lock down; the Dems were in Puerto Rico on the beaches for a conference paid for by Pharma.

You already have serious concerns about the long-term studies that have not been done. So, what the Hell, jab the kids, what could go wrong? The minority communities already distrust the government on diseases and vaccines, with reason by the way. Add in the distrust of a very large segment of the population that sees the Liberals wanting to keep that club to beat people into following their absolutely shit for brains policies and programs and we have the population looking at the CDC as a political action committee. Who actually says, The CDC says it's good, let's go do it? No one ever!

I for one would rather follow the Scandinavian Countries policies versus the political riddled CDC that kisses ass to stay important. Just another example of the government reacting to Liberal impulses versus that pesky old SCIENCE.

Hopefully if the Dems lose the majority, this can be reversed. But I put no faith in any politician.

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I agree with the author.

COVID vaccinations should be analogous to flu vaccinations rather than to standard childhood vaccinations.

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You’re spot on. As a parent of 2 young kids, I am now questioning every childhood vaccine presented to us at the pediatrician’s office. I am now fearful of nearly every additive in the “essential” vaccines, as I have zero confidence in the Covid vaccine. The CDC seems to be incredibly corrupt.

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This will definitely metastasize perfectly rational skepticism of COVID vaccines for kids into irrational skepticism of useful vaccines. The 'experts' and 'leaders' making this decision have to know this.

So are they playing a game of political chicken with half the country's kids? Or are they little more than children themselves, chronically bowing to peer pressure?

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Step 1: Create Venn diagram with recommended childhood vaccinations in 1) USA 2) UK 3) Denmark 4) Sweden 5) Japan (countries with very diverse and different health systems)

Step 2: Anything the USA "recommends" that is not in at least TWO other lists can be safely ignored

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This article demonstrates that the most valuable thing for any organization is it's reputation.

When the CDC consulted with the teacher's unions and ignored the teachers and the parents (yes, I included teachers) - they severely damaged their reputation.

It will be interesting to see if they can recover it. Adding the Covid vaccine to their guidelines was probably not a good move.

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The absolute irony of this CDC recommendation is that the vaccine is not APPROVED for ages 6 mon-12 yrs...it's still under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization)!!!!! Here's Pfizer's branded page for the vax: https://www.comirnaty.com/#safety-information

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I know...they're all in bed together. this sickens me.

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Excellent article. However, I have a small quibble with one assertion. Just as some public school education is substandard, so is some homeschool education. Much homeschool education is excellent and I find it irresponsible to label it all as substandard.

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I am a former democrat and a ONE ISSUE voter now (in GA). I am hoping to see all this criminals where they belong. Rand Paul has been sniffing Fauci’s ass long enough to give me hope that he will go after him and all the medical cartels who orchestrated this madness and attacked our constitutional rights with their (STILL GOING ON) emergency bullshit. Most damage was done to our poor and underprivileged children by removing them from their communities and now they want to force their fucking poison into their bodies. I lost trust in the medical establishment many years ago after I killed my cat with the “annual health checkups”. Never again, not me, not anyone else in my family, furry or not. And btw, I grew up in Romania where measles was a “childhood disease” with some fever and a week home from school. Glad to see parents are questioning everything now, might be the one good thing we get out of this.

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Either the members of the advisory panel are fully aware of the fact that these shots are of no benefit to kids or they are dumber than a box of hair. I believe it’s the former. Fifteen to zero?? GMAFB. So why recommend to add the shot to the immunization schedule? This is 100% about shielding the manufacturers from liability. It has nothing to do with public health. As with school closures and nearly 2 years of mask mandates, once again, our kids are being thrown under the bus.

Why shouldn’t we believe these people are on the take?

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

The CDC has been politicized for years; its leadership are anti-gun activists, who routinely claim that guns are a "public health emergency". Now physicians are being advised to ask patients during routine medical exams: "Do you own any guns?" (The only safe and correct answer to such an intrusive question is "No", followed by "Mind your own business!")

Their behavior during the Wuhan Virus pandemic has been equally appalling, issuing reckless guidelines from on high and persecuting any scientists and physicians who dared question them. Until a new study emerges proving the CDC wrong, again, and they then revise the guidelines with no apology to those brave, intelligent practitioners whose careers were ruined.

If I had the stomach, I could also go into the CDC's opinions on delusional gender bending that they are promoting in the school systems.

Is it any wonder that such a corrupt, radicalized agency has lost all trust and credibility with millions of Americans?

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