Listening to what's been out there, thought music died about the end of the 70's. Might be old, but give me CCR, Grandfunk R/R, Bob Seger and others. Although I do like Kid Rock and Chris Stapleton of today.

But back to the real world. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

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Other than the inescapable fact that Our Dear Leader grows ever more dazed and confused with each passing moment, this morning's trio of offerings left me cold. But I'm sure others were enchanted so the Free Press remains among my favorite news sources . Even at its most whimisical.

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We live in the age of Died Suddenly. And it’s not just old musicians who are dying. The effects of the immune weakening Covid “vaccine” will not be known for years. Everyone I know who has become infected with Covid was vaccinated beforehand.

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Not sure how old you are @JBell, but if you were coming of age in the early 60s and didn't like the Beatles you were in a remarkably small minority.

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Disliked the Beatles before.... like them even less now.

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The Britney Spears story should lead The Free Press to do a deep dive into the world of fraudulent guardianships- conservator ships in this country. It is an organized “ crime ring” designed by the legal community of “ elder law attorneys” and probate courts. It targets wealthy people ( always) with a vulnerability( often but not necessarily) and abducts them into a “ guardianship” where they are labeled as “ incapacitated” and locked up against their will and stripped of all human and civil rights. Then the probate judge and a pack of slimy lawyers use the “ professional guardian( an idiot with a high school diploma and a 30 hr course taken at a motel near an airport) to do the dirty work of keeping the “ ward” isolated from family and or friends while the vultures plunder the estate and all assets. This is a multi billion dollar enterprise that exists under the color of law in all 50 states, the hotbeds are Florida, California, Arizona, Nevada( those with the highest number of retirees). The lawyers and judges are local VIPs , big donors to the politicians in their states and very active in the BAR association at all levels. Everyone in power knows this is happening and when pressed give lip service to “ looking into it” but have no intention of doing anything since they are benefiting in a big way from this fleecing of the wealthy vulnerable. They see it as a victimless crime since most( but not all) of the victims are elderly with some degree of dementia and don’t understand what is happening . The adult children of the victims are seen as people who don’t “ need” their inheritance since they are working and have their own money.... Netflix even made a movie “I Care A Lot” that realistically( the first part) portrays the industry. The Free Britney movement brought much needed attention to this scandal but the industry continues to pillage and grow in strength. People do not pay attention until or unless it affects them personally and then it is too late.Families are destroyed, the vulnerable are hidden away in locked nursing home facilities, denied any contact with the outside world and when the money is transferred to the guardian, lawyers and judges’ pockets the elderly victim is killed off by hospice. I am not exaggerating, in fact it is far worse and more widespread than one can imagine.Stay away from “ elder law “ attorneys regardless of how good the reputation in the community.

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I thought this piece might be about musicians such as Roger Waters who have embraced the death cult of Hamas and friends. Here's a pre-AI video that brought Hank Williams Sr. back from the other side for a duet with his son. I think it's tremendous. https://youtu.be/rM8tROzp4Dc?si=_bpgN7o7dBOMwCk_

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We read and chat about the college kids who love Hamas and shut down speakers who hurt their feelings. We have a group of people who think that Donald Trump can fix any and all problems. Then we read about those who wanted to free Brittney Spears and bought 2.5 million of her books. Is it that we as a culture are rotting to the core, or that out of 330 million people, less than 1% want to read about Brittney Spears?

In a consumer-driven culture, where people want to make money, they will exploit the best and worst in us. The central rise in TikTok is people who want to be entertained and those who wish to be considered. Is this bad for the overall culture? Do we have an overall culture anymore? Ultimately, writing about two people who work hard, love their families, and serve their community is boring and no one wants to read about it. There is no money in it. But that is the vast majority of people, and our problem is we focus on the fringes rather than the best of us. I am still optimistic.

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Ever watch a talent show when a very talented singer performs a popular song? They mimic the original performance and the result is stunning.

But give the same performer a new piece of music and the result is dull?

AI performances will suffer from the same issue. It can duplicate the voice but not the inspiration, style or the hidden something the original performer possessed.

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What happens when the meat puppet holding the highest position in the land has to face a crisis in real time? Who will cajole coerce prod provoke beguile or otherwise LEAD the leader of the free world?

Serious question. Who's going to make the call and who elected THAT person?

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Original Funkadelic doesn’t get the love it deserves.

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The entire “ professional guardianship” industry is a sham and a scam. It has a thin public veneer of respectability but is in fact a very diabolical organized criminal enterprise designed to target vulnerable people with assets in order to steal those assets.

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Radio is full all day long of the music of people long dead--Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms--what would the airways be without their creations? Once art is launched into the world, isn't the fact that it survives the artist one of the most wonderful things about it? That our creations do not have to die along with us is what enables us to have and enjoy musical and other artistic heritages in the first place. The life spans of individual composers, and of their listeners, are in a crucial sense incidental to this enjoyment, even quite irrelevant to it. Consider the following observation by Karl Ove Knausgaard:

"Everyone's life contained a horizon, the horizon of death, and it lay somewhere between the second and third generations before us, and the second and third generations after us. We, and those we lived with and loved, existed between those two lines. Outside were the others, the dead and the as yet unborn. There, life was a chasm without us. That was why a figure like Hamlet could be so important. He was a work of fiction, someone had made him up, given him thoughts and actions and a space in which to act, but the point was that fiction was no longer a valid dividing line, a valid distinction, the moment one stepped beyond the horizon of death, Hamlet was neither more nor less living than the historical figures who had once occupied the earth; in a certain sense anyone from then was fictional. Or, since Hamlet was made of words and ideas, the others of flesh and bone, was it only he and his life form that could overcome time and mortality?"

Substitute Palestrina's 'Missa Papae Marcelli' for 'Hamlet'--'melody and orchestration' for 'words and ideas'--and ask yourself if Knausgaard isn't right.

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Stop using AI in art! Aural and visual. That's it.

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Where are we going? Why are we in this handbasket?

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If I had known my image could be manipulated and sold after death I would protected it. I don’t want my heirs making money off me dancing w a mop . I would never have signed a contract to sell mop and glow . Sincerely, Bing Crosby

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