
We should just refer to our elections as abortions tbh. I call it Abortion Day instead of Election Day.

Really very excited that we are doing communism and bankrupting the country just so that 3 women per year don’t have to drive to Illinois to get an abortion. You people are such frivolous morons.

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The right to life movement has hijacked the Republican Party. It is sickening as there are far greater issues facing this country — open borders, China’s imperialist march across the world, inflation, Iran’s funding of terrorism, fentanyl crisis. My list could go on.

If a woman makes the difficult decision to have an abortion, it is not my affair. We fought for the right to vote; think we are brilliant enough to know what to do with our uterus. One issue voters will be the demise of this republic.

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One thing that really puzzles me: why were voters so eager to give up parental rights as evidenced by the stunning losses of those who ran for school boards on this issue? In Loudon County, VA (where a two girls in two different schools were raped in the girls restroom by a male claiming to be transgender) only two of nine candidates won on this issue. In rural Spotsville County, VA, these candidates lost, giving up the majority.

Have we gone so far that people trying desperately to protect against government overreach in parental authority cannot even win?

If these were legitimately run elections, this us depressing, indeed.

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I am honestly at a loss as to how any sane person could even entertain voting for Democrats. First, their party is led by a senile imbecile who is demonstrably corrupt and viciously divisive, not to mention incompetent. Second, the Democrats all robotically vote as a block, so they are complicit with Biden and his stooges. Third, they have opened our border, leading even Democrat mayors to wail at the consequences. Without a border we can't have a country. Fourth, the cost of everything has gone up; this did not happen by magic, it was Dem policies and spending. Fifth their policies are destroying our energy industry and jeopardizing our electric grid. I could go on but you get the picture. And yet they win elections. Sure the media lies for them and carries their water but that can't be all it is. This is madness. Maybe a national divorce is the only answer.

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The problem with the issue of abortion is we are once again being run by the extremes at the state level.

The pro abortion wing ( and that seems fair since the push is zero restrictions) has trumped the “its murder wing” ( lets ban it at 6 weeks or less) for the average voter.

The average voter fears the “right” on this issue far more than the left. It is far to restrictive and while voters might abhor the idea of a 35 week abortion intuitively voters know that they dont happen.

Its the reverse of gun control. The voters knows the goal of the gun control and anti abortion advocates is to ban them so they instinctivly reject restrictions as slippery slopes.

As with both issues most voters will never use a gun nor require an abortion but they dont want the option removed.

The unintended consequence is we are amending constitutions by a majority vote which is terrible governance. The Ohio gov tried to point this out but failed. Had he pushed and passed a law allowing abortion to 20 weeks BEFORE the election instead of promising to work it out after he would have had credibility.

The GOP has to get abortion off the ballot which means they have to give up the fight. They should.

Technology as in “Pharma abortion drugs” have changed the entire landscape ( like it or not). The percentage of abortions done this way must be enormous. Late term abortions are primarily truly health induced. One can morally be appalled but the fact remains abortions are never going away.

The right wanted it returned to voters. Voters are deciding.

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“We have to know the difference between good and evil,” Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, said. That’s the only way, she added, that we can “go back to the soul of America.”


Nothing sets off my Vague Manipulative Horseshit Alarm™️ more than “soul of America”.

That said, this isn’t about knowing “the difference between good and evil”, Nikki. Almost everyone knows that. This is about knowing whether or not it is a smart idea to have the same parasitic dipshits, who have lost 17 consecutive wars, lead a bankrupt country into 3 more wars, all at the same time.

That is obviously not a smart idea.

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Relative to the elections, the lovely Mrs. Guy, who is not highly conservative, had this comments-

“I can’t believe that a bunch of women would let this country go to hell on the off chance that they might want to scrape some cells out of their uterus.”

One issue voters will kill this country and, in doing so, the world.

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Do you get it now, GOP? The red wave that turned into a red drip. The losses Tuesday in red states. You continue following the same doomed strategies that will assure you lose the big prize again in 2024.

All because of you are so out of step with the majority of the electorate on abortion. Stay the fuck out of everyone’s bedrooms and doctors offices and you’d be surprised at how many more votes you could pick up.

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Vivak gave an unbelievably true statement at the debate. Look for it on TikTok or Youtube. He's 100% right and I don't even support him. The GOP are a party of losers and if they don't wake up they will lose again in 2024.

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If we, as a country, choose to keep voting Democrat because they promise to let mothers kill their children, then we deserve everything we get.

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In Praise of the Dobbs decision, this is what Democracy looks like. What made Roe such an abomination was that there is no right to an Abortion in the United States. Let me define a right as two-thirds of the House and Senate along with three-fifths of the States. That never happened with Abortion. The Vote was 7-2 with a total of nine, not the score of 435 or 100 or 37 states. It was a group of people on the court who felt they knew best rather than letting Democracy decide.

Now it is. The country, for the most part, is Pro-choice, and these state amendments will settle the issue. As a student of History, especially American History, issues get debated, and once one side wins, the issue gets resolved. Soon, we will start having pro-choice Republicans who should use the old Clinton line of safe, legal, and rare to speak about Abortion. It's a personal issue that should be left to an individual. Deep moral matters many have with it, but in the United States, we don't impose our private moral views on others. Roe killed the country having that debate and left it to fester and divide rather than get settled.

Soon. I think by the end of the decade, this will play out, Abortion will be legal, and the debate over making the Dobbs decision a landmark case for the rights of voters to set laws, not people in robes who think they know what is best.

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Let people keep voting for the anti-semite party. I want to see how Bari spins it.

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TFP, you are biased for the Democrats. And they are the party of the demise of the Jews. As an independent voter, I ask you to consider the difference between a candidate that does not agree with your lifestyle and a party that doesn’t think Israel and Jews should exist. To me, it’s a no-brainer, but if you think abortion rights are the real problem in America, well…

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When will people realize that there is no abortion “issue”: The vast majority of Americans believe in a woman’s right to control her body. End of story. Since this is a matter of personal morality, politicians should stick to their beliefs and not change them to gain votes. If you don’t believe in abortion don’t have one.

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I have a really hard time when people start frothing at the mouth over the abortion "issue". For one, it's interesting that people used to rail at Republican evangelicals for being a "single-issue" voter (i.e., they're Republican because that's the pro-life side), when now, dems are voting democratic because that's STILL the single issue, it just switched sides. This ignores so much nuance in individuals and in party politics, it drives me a little bonkers. Second, this is dealing with life, liberty, and human rights, both for mother and child, so it's a big, big, big, (big, big, big) deal.

There STILL doesn't seem to be a consensus on what defines life and autonomy. You could argue that a fetus is solely reliant on the mother's body and therefore isn't autonomous, but that just smacks of "ableism", if I use a term that's more lefty. It's also pretty "ageist" to say that a fetus has rights at 15 or 22 weeks but not 6. Why? Why 15? Why 6? These numbers have NO MEANING. If I'm wrong, please enlighten me. If you say that abortions should be legal up until the age of viability, what does that even mean? Does that mean that rural communities with less advanced NICU technologies can have abortions later than people who live in the city? What happens when technology breakthroughs happen and that age goes way, way down? If you want to talk about rape, incest, etc, then I'm up for that, too, because that small percentage, while it doesn't address the bulk of abortions occurring in America, represents real people, too. While rape, incest, and all forms of sexual assault are never permissible, if a child is a product of rape, should they be punished? I really don't know what the answer is here, but I don't think it's as black and white as people like to believe. Abortion doesn't erase the trauma of the assault, and it could honestly just heap more shame and guilt on the victim(s). Just an additional note for people who like to use this line of reasoning: Be careful when you say this. You don't know who in your audience is a product of rape. I personally know at least 2 people who are products of rape, and I highly doubt they agree with your line of reasoning. Don't use these people (or medically necessary abortions) as a scapegoat for the masses who are getting abortions out of convenience.

There's no point in debating policy if we don't have all the facts. One fact that remains is that no one can give a satisfying answer on when a life is considered a life except the two extremes. Either life begins at conception/implantation, or life begins when a fetus takes its first breath. If life begins at conception, then abortion at any time cutoff is killing someone. If life begins at birth, then abortion should be legal up to birth.

There's a lot more I could say here, but I'd need a long form podcast show to get it all out. If you disagree, I'm happy to discuss this more. I just think all of our policy issues start and end with THIS disagreement. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

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You cannot fix Stupid.

Now we love death more than life. Where have I heard that before?

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