Demonization of middle America has been going on for decades. From presenting them first as uneducated brutes (1980) to virulent racists today that hate diversity. Reason is simple, it created divide between urban and rural population that made it easier for Wall Street and political elites to outsource and gut out manufacturing, that was economics heart of America. Today those devastated communities are being ravaged by fentanyl and other drugs, again they are blamed as racist and deplorable for trying to address their own issues.

But now with migrants showing up in numbers to "sanctuary" cities we see how "welcoming" our Urban areas really are, it is easy to be pro illegal immigration if it is not on your doorstep

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I’m listening to the biography of Elon. An eccentric, on the spectrum genius. No fear of failure, embraces risk. Makes mistakes, apologizes and moves on. Works like a maniac. Doesn’t tolerate mediocrity. Can you imagine running six companies?

An explosion of a rocket is just an experiment in which important data are obtained. He’s undaunted.

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Whoever thought up the idea of bussing migrants to the big cities is a political genius.

When NYC was the point of entry, the elites saw and experienced the effects of their policies. And had to defend them.

When the point of entry is some dusty ranch in the southwest, they don't see the problem and don't care.

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Love the smackdown nocera gave the NYT weenie. Hey FP, at least you know you’re not ignored and it seems you get the msm agitated

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The Democrats have been at the center of nearly every major scandal in the last decade.

COVID lockdowns, illegal immigration, 1A violations, anti-semitism, DEI (actual racism), crime, inflation, election interference, defund police, etc.

A sympathetic MSM has been (fortunately) usurped by independent outlets like The Free Press and the consequences of leftist policies are no longer esoteric; EVERYONE is being affected. There is hope for a red tsunami this year, but I'm equally sure powerful leftist's sympathizers will pull out every stop.

We are truly at war with the soul of this country, and if you want to stop the decline, you MUST vote against the Left.

This is coming from a former lifelong Democrat.

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To Joe Nocera on his powerful rebuttal to Donald McNeil’s Letter to the Editor. This back and forth represents the open dialogue that should have been happening (and continue to happen) regarding Covid restrictions and policies. If not for the infringement of our First Amendment rights, we might have had an open dialogue in real time.

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"The new policy will see more than 2,000 migrants evicted by the end of April. (Approximately 11,000 migrants are currently housed in city-run shelters.)"

Go ahead, evict them. They will live on sidewalks and use homeowners' shrubbery, apartment building vestibules, store grates, and even the post office entrance as their toilets. Nice people and the city will supply them with sandwiches and tacos which, half eaten, will be tossed into gutters and become food for rats.

How do I know? Don't even get me started on what I and my neighbors went through for two years with our drug- and booze-addled Central American vagrants. How our community finally got rid of them I do not know. Fingers crossed; it's been over a year now since they, their litter, their diarrhea and vomit, and their stench are gone.

But the rats remain.

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Anyone with the credentials to label themselves worthy of being listend to on public health policy, who NOW, in 2024, is condemning the Great Barrington Declaration is either dishonest, stupid, or being paid. Those are the three options. There is no fourth.

Farr's Law--the Bell Curve nature of pandemics--is a thing, yeah? The number of people who are infected and who either die or recover with immunity is the same whether it takes three months or three years to run through it. The end result is what they eventually decided to call Herd Immunity. Most of us, we now know, have relatively good natural immunity to COVID, if we had it, as nearly all of us have.

Interestingly, it was established at the outset of COVID, by looking carefully at several cruise ships and naval vessels where 100% of the people were exposed, that seemingly a third of the population probably had natural immunity at the OUTSET, presumably since there are, if memory serves, 6 OTHER coronaviruses, that cause the common cold, to varying forms of which we have all been exposed many times.

So the curve already had a good start at the outset.

And as stated, COVID was LESS DANGEROUS THAN THE FLU FOR HEALTHY PEOPLE UNDER 65 OR SO. How hard is it to keep people of retirement age out of circulation? Not hard. Not hard at all. How dangerous would it have been to keep working age people IN circulation when a disease that was less dangerous than the flu that shows up every year was making its rounds? Well, do we shut down every winter? No, we don't.

The Great Barrington Declaration was common sense. Anyone who denies it is, again, stupid, dishonest, or taking money from someone. I will assume the latter two in the case of this author.

And this is just one aspect of it. The other aspect is that OBVIOUSLY anything that could have been done to further lower mortality should have been done. Vitamin D supplementation should have been recommended everywhere and immediately. But as Pierre Kory states in his excellent interview with Tucker Carlson, Big Pharma is TERRIFIED of Vitamn D. Why? IT HELPS WITH NEARLY EVERYTHING.

Here is that link: https://tuckercarlson.com/the-tucker-carlson-encounter-pierre-kory/

He also points out that most "long COVID" is actually "long vaccine", and seemingly amounts to pharmaceutically induced chronic fatigue syndrome. These jabs seem to have killed outright AT LEAST 10 million people worldwide, and permanently screwed up the lives of perhaps five times that many people. This is the worst iatrogenic genocide in human history, by far. It is malpractice extended into outright murder by silence and complicity.

Returning to D, the "flu season" is basically Vitamin D deficiency season. It happens farther north in places where it just isn't possible to get enough sun to reach optimal levels, which seem to be much higher than what the--in my view--paid for hacks running the medical system recommend. Best guesses are in the 40-50 ng/ml range. This is not just for bone health, but immunity, emotional wellness, cancer resistance, and a large number of other things.

And anyone who fails to point to the utter and disgusting LIES about Ivermectin and HCQ is really an a-hole. A villain. The bad guy in any movie with bad guys. Both work as very effective zinc ionophores, and particularly in tandem with Z-packs for inflammation, and Vitamins A, C, and D, reduce death rates to near zero. And if the rates were ALREADY low, as they would have been among the under 65 facing a disease less dangerous than the flu, then EVERYTHING THAT WAS DONE WAS CRIMINAL AND ITS SUPPORTERS NOW ARE ACCOMPLICES TO A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

I could go on, but I have work to do. I personally came up with my own version of the Great Barrington Declaration several months before they did, because the logic was OBVIOUS. Anybody insulting those people now is an execrable douchebag. Period.

While I'm at it, here is the Steve Kirsch interview: https://tuckercarlson.com/uncensored-the-vaccine-interview/

I did these debates daily--when I was between bans--for at least two years. NOTHING Fauci did stands up under even basic scrutiny.

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Today is a very sad day because a good and innocent man is going to jail precisely because we have a cowardly, useless Supreme Court, headed by a clown and populated by like thinking toadies. Peter Navarro did nothing that Democrats haven't done with impunity - gave the finger to Congress. But a corrupt and partisan Justice Department, abetted by their Stasi, arrested, charged and convicted him, in a Stalin-like sham trial. Roberts was asked to stay his prison term pending appeal and refused. So it's no surprise the Roberts is similarly indifferent to free speech arguments. Nevertheless, more and more Americans are awakening to the way the elites mock our rights. Right now we have structures in place that keep relative order and comity among us. But if they break down - and the indifference shown by the uniparty elites to the Bill of Rights glue that holds our society together is palpable - that society will disintegrate into tribal madness. And the first to reap that whirlwind will be the very elites - including those robed in black - who now think themselves immune.

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Without Free Speech and Government Control, you have a government that will continue to ride over any rights the average person thought they had. You see it in Imminent Domain, Confiscation of funds and property by police with no charges to support. You see it in government trying to decide what you can drive and how. They want to control speech and that it must follow the government policies. What products you can buy and what you must give up to those unwilling to work or do anything for themselves. Hint, see drug addicts and perverts getting special funding, immigrants fed and supported while the American citizen is disregarded.

Yet, not to worry, it's those rural white people who think the government should function properly, they actually work, worship, believe in a better goodness, produce the things lazy folks consume, and are a true threat to the woke man is a women, whites are racist, Blacks can never be racist, immigrants deserve better than you process. What antiquated, right wing, super, duper MAGA thoughts they have and as the great cow, Hillary says; "should be someplace to send them to deprogram them". Dog whistle, lock their asses up.

I say let the cities burn from their own stupid Utopian policies, make sure you care for your family, and plan ahead as it does not look good for what use to be the Red Blooded American people and their desires. Elections have results and the cities are getting what they asked for, no sympathy here. Unfortunately, their stupid choices are carrying over to the rest of us who just want to be left alone to live.

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What the hell is counter-disinformation complex even mean? Sounds like something goebbels would make up

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How about an honest discussion about the lives of elderly people locked in nursing homes many of whom are already “ locked down and neglected by family or have no family) versus the lives of children? I would argue that protecting children has the higher priority. Putting effort into trying to protect the vulnerable was doable and should not have been scoffed at by that arrogant NYTimes reporter. Calling the Great Barrington belittling names is an example of the disgusting way the govt and it’s media arm ( esp the NYTimes) squelched debate by the world renown and never before controversial authors at the most esteemed institutions. In fact they would not have had to write the GBD if open and honest debate occurred as was imperative at the time.

Is there really a difference if a person in a nursing home dies of urinary sepsis, congestive heart failure , or covid? The nursing home industry was only worried about the epidemic of empty beds that occurs when many residents die at the same time. Most nursing homes are very unpleasant environments to begin with and no one seems to write science articles in The NY Times about the neglect and abuse that goes on in these facilities every single day .

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“Brown Jackson, a liberal justice appointed by President Biden”

Brown Jackson is as far from liberal as you can get. She is an activist progressive Judge which ignores the Constitution happily.

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Can't hamstring the government? Sounds like the perfect way to protect, preserve and save democracy. I wonder if justice Jackson would allow the government to ban "1984" if it deemed the writings of Orwell as having the potential to hamstring Big Sister. We shall see where Kavanaugh and Barrett stand regarding whether and to what extent The Constitution and in particular the First Amendment limit government or if the government gets to decide when it will limit itself.

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Just real high quality stuff. Much better than some of the other things we’ve seen recently. Great!

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Modern liberals support censorship at their own risk. They fail to understand that today they may successfully shut down opposition points of view, but tomorrow the tables can turn and see their own views censored. Everyone should support the enlightenment philosophy that all views, even the hateful and obnoxious ones, must be allowed. In its raw form, it is very much a self-interested position for everyone. The success or failure of an idea should be in the unfettered marketplace of speech and debate, not based on some government official deciding to shut down a speech they don't like.

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