The demand for white supremacists far outweighs the supply. And since there are literally ZERO consequences for making stories like this up we can expect BS like this to continue.

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I don’t mean to exaggerate, but my opinion is that New York Times in particular has not practiced “real” journalism for many years now. As such, it’s difficult for me to be surprised that they once again have presented only what they would like the news to be. I know many writers here and around have friends and colleagues there, and you hope for the best, but the truth is, there’s no there there anymore. It’s been reduced to a mere mouthpiece of the crazy left.

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I would think that BYU would and should sue the Duke player, her family, and Duke U itself for slander. Obviously, Duke’s team players knew that the story was false. They were in attendance after all.

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What stands out to me is that the first reaction wasn’t skepticism and questions. The idea that a racial slur was yelled loud enough and multiple times in at a college volleyball game and nobody did or said anything to that vile person should, at the very least, have raised doubt For this to be true one would have to believe that nearly everyone in the crowd was either a racist or an absolute coward. I can’t imagine anyone hearing this -let alone many college students - and not either saying something directly, reporting it to security, speaking to media outlets or ebb taking a photo of the person and posting on social media to embarrass the person. Yet, major media outlets, celebrities, administrators etc.didn’t even question it. Clearly the fear of being labeled racist by not 100% believing the accusation holds far more influence than the desire to seek the truth. And yet silence from those who chose to perpetuate, at the very least, a questionable story.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

It's really pretty simple to see what the failure of what journalism has become.

Journalists today appear to be trained to be activists, not traditional journalists, and "narrative news" replaced investigative news. If it fits the narrative, it's reported on—endlessly. If not, you'll hear the crickets.

Any dissenting perspective would obviously come from heretics, and the media pundits make up the new inquisition.

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And remember when Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) reported a story that a hospital couldn’t treat sick patients because too many people were coming in sick from taking horse/animal versions of ivermectin—and the whole story was a total lie—and that truth would have instantly appeared with ONE PHONE CALL to the hospital. News isn’t news any more. It’s all a very toxic business model that is spewing hatred and division and feeding it to people who want to hear it. I used to watch Maddow in the Trump years. No more.

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People don’t realize how devastating the effects of an entire generation without work ethic but dedicated to social media praise is to our society. Sure, it’s embarrassing and public when it happens in journalism, but it’s deadly when it happens in medicine, it’s devastating when it becomes the norm in education, and soon, we’ll all feel how truly painful it is when it happens in stock and bond markets.

When it’s more rewarding to follow the crowd than it is to do good work - all across there board and all across industries - society pays the price

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This was fun, thanks. To be fair, though, I would expect the "debunking" journalists to contact Rachel Richardson and ask whether she can explain how nobody else seems to have experienced what she reported, or whether perhaps she'd like to revise her story.

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Thirty years ago, I was a reporter for a mid-sized southern paper owned by the New York Times. As such we were part of the organization’s news wire. The company relied on us reporters to feed it stories, which the Times printed — regularly. In short, the NYT trusted our competence.

That is until a couple of stupid kids drove to high school with a Confederate Flag hanging in the truck’s rear window. Suddenly, we locals, including our African-American education reporter, weren’t up to the job. The NYT flew down at least one reporter and a photographer. A colleague had to give up his desk for a couple of days as the “pros” dug into “the incident.” Voila, a local school disciplinary issue turned into a national story because, of course, the South is a cesspool of racists.

I grew up in Connecticut, left, and returned nine years ago. In my life I’ve seen more racism in this bastion of tolerance than I ever saw in my five years down south. Mostly it was and is manifested in the racism of the lowest of expectations. As goes Connecticut, so goes New York.

I throw this out to echo other comments here that the NYT on the issue of race hasn’t been doing its job for decades. A newspaper’s job is to report news as it is. We all know that, or should. Yet the Times does nothing to explore and report on the daily interactions of those of us who live in this melting pot called the United States. It and its wannabes — the Washington Post, NPR, and the other dying metro dailies — want to keep the activists’ America-is-racist trope alive to sell papers and herald to the world their profound compassion for the lessers in our society. Gee, who are the real racists here?

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"Falsehoods travel on a swift horse, while the Truth walks." What is so striking is the these supposedly intelligent people in many of the major outlets don't seem to learn basic lessons.

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Is it just me or did anyone else think about Oberlin and Jussie when they read this? The notion and pursuit of truth appears to have been canceled by the gray lady. What to conclude about those who continue to swear by the NYT as the paper of record? And silly me as I thought NYT AND WAPO had FACT checkers

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".” It also included a statement from Duke’s athletic director saying the university stood by the volleyball team. The story ends with a reminder that at the overwhelmingly Mormon school, less than 1 percent of students are black, and that a recent report highlighted the university’s diversity issues." - Maybe the New York Times could address this by providing a full ride scholarship for any black student who wishes to attend there and study journalism. NYT should put their money where their mouth is.

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The New Woke Slimes is not journalism. It is now a bunch of woke race hustlers looking for clicks.

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My question is: why did the athlete tell this story? What was going on with her and her family?

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In the real world (where I live) nothing happens at the right place at the right time to satisfy journalists quest for cosmic justice, so they simply change events, ignore contradictory evidence and carnival bark - a chorus of dunces.

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One key trait of the malignant narcissist is to distort interactions to make the other person look nasty. It's the narcissist's nastiness projected onto the real victim. The real racists are Rachel Richardson and the family members who projected this onto innocent people. And they are toxic narcissists. I can use their actual actions to support this assertion. AND I FOR ONE AM SICK OF BLACK NARCISSISTS DERIVING POWER AND CONTROL OVER WHITE PEOPLE BY MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS. We, as a society, have to stop enabling this card-carrying BULLSHIT. It is an ASSAULT.

Last year, I tried to discuss this seriously harmful narrative with my nephew. The "anti-Asian hate?" Most of that was schizophrenic black people, incapable of impulse control, punching Asians and pushing them onto subway tracks. My nephew, apparently, NEEDED TO BELIEVE that WHITE PEOPLE are doing this. WHY? What purpose does this serve? HE'S WHITE.

I presented my experience, now some twenty years old, of a black student not only accusing me of racism, but threatening to knife my face in front of a roomful of people -- and an administration (composed mainly of people of color) refusing to do anything about it until a BLACK STUDENT COMPLAINED. THEN I was vindicated. Is this the world we (WHITE) people want to live in?

I'm in my early 60s and never in my experience have I ever heard a white person say anything "racist" and anything that was said was TRUE, e.g. Don't go in that neighborhood, because....and for anyone who was around in the 70s, the looks of those neighborhoods was NOT GOOD. (Thanks to the War on Poverty, we have a black underclass that expects to be supported and when not supported somehow the 'man' is responsible).

Last spring, I had to go through a kangaroo trial at the university where I teach for volunteering a student of color to co-teach a lesson. This student had been complaining (in a nasty way, by the way, totally unacceptable the way this person treated ME) about having to take my writing class. This student's work, by all objective measures, was not exempt. She wouldn't listen as I tried to go over a poorly written summary with her. No -- I didn't know what I was doing --yes she said this to me. What was my "racism"? I partnered her with a stronger student to give a lesson, thus 'empowering' them. No-- that was "racist" -- it made her feel 'unsafe.' When I asked the HR person what evidence of racism the student provided, she responded:

"She doesn't have to provide evidence. All that matters is the way you made her feel."

THIS HAS TO STOP. It does not help anyone, especially not the aggrieved, narcissistic people of color wielding this insane weapon at innocent people. STOP TAKING THE BAIT.

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