Yet the MSM is relentless in degrading SpaceX; actively rooting for failure because they decided that Musk is some sort of Bond villain because he’s slightly - only slightly -right of center of some issues. Their Elon Musk Derangement Syndrome is nearly equal to their TDS. Trump I can understand to a point; but the Musk hate? The electric car guy? The solar guy? The internet satellite guy? The revitalize American space travel guy? He’s your object of paranoia, hate, fear, and hysteria? Meanwhile they subscribe to the WaPo, have no problem with Amazon owning more than half the servers powering the internet and the cloud, and they literally pay to let Bezos/Amazon out a microphone in their homes but because it has a girl’s name they think it’s fine. It’s so weird. SpaceX is American greatness, as is Elon Musk (and I know he’s an immigrant - also a very American phenomenon).

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Elon inspires us all to reach for the stars. He has scaled multiple world class companies that have created many thousands of jobs and many billions in wealth. Yet the Biden regime is attacking this African American immigrant for daring to criticize them and protect free speech. They are seeking to destroy what he has built through lawfare, stealing his compensation package and imposing capricious diversity or regulatory requirements. DIE must die in order for our species to thrive on this planet and others.

Fantastic writing by Max. Jealous I didn't get to see the launch live, but he made it feel like we were all cheering together on the beach. Time to rewatch GATTACA and bask in its gorgeous soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwsLDBsizwM

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Mar 19Liked by Max Meyer

Thank you, Max. This is the kind of reporting and writing we need more of now. I used to read articles like this in the NYT a decade or more ago. This is why I subscribe to The Free Press now.

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So let me get this straight...

A private company can outperform a government agency?

Maybe the people at the Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project (aka The Free Press) should take the template for this article and look at education in the United States...

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Let's be clear: those who make fun of SpaceX's temporary setbacks are a bunch of chortling imbeciles who have never attempted anything difficult and never will. If Musk was a leftist they'd be cheering him on, but their spoon-fed ideology has poisoned their minds and turned them into mean little babies.

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I am an Engineer and I marvel at the pace that SpaceX is able to design and build new stuff! I am keenly aware that we have a front row seat to witness greatness emanating from a mind that only comes along in 100 human generations. I watch almost every launch, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy or Starship, I'm glued to my screen.

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I was reading the headline article on CNN today, condemning Musk as a right-wing nutcase. And what did he say that was so terrible? Nothing that is not a view that might be held by a reasonable person. He certainly doesn't hew to the received wisdom or groupthink of the wokerati, but then again, which intelligent person would? Anyway, aren't these people supposed to be against criticising others with conditions like Asperger's syndrome? Or is this yet another case of "it's alright when we do it"?

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The MSM is utterly and pathetically moronic. I know that's hardly a revelation, but I should stop being surprised at the depths into which it continues to sink. Thank you Free Press, again, for restoring my faith in what remains of journalism.

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As someone else who has watched space laughs from the very beginning through the 3rd Starship launch I find it utterly amazing what we have achieved. Elon is living and building the AMERICAN dream! Watching the latest launch I was thrilled to listen to the clear and concise explanation of the developmental processes, the failures and successes built upon those failures. I found the MSM put down of the launch disgusting. I'm so very happy to read Max's article here!

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NASA's Artemis program has managed to spend nearly $50B of our money over the last twenty years to launch zero astronauts into space. Musk is on to something with SpaceX's approach to developing complex technology. For NASA, a launch event like that first Starship flight would have set them back by years as they went into a bureaucratic analysis paralysis. NASA lost its can do attitude 50 years ago so we need people like Elon Musk.

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Elon is such an inspiration. In the face of some pretty insurmountable odds and immense personal cost (remember that he pretty much single handedly funded SpaceX himself with his PayPal money until that ran out and he had to find investors), he was driven by a purpose (and still is). That unquestioning drive, unwavering in the face of a lot of high profile detractors, is truly admirable. It's how he also approaches his management of X and his fundamental belief in free speech. I'm grateful for everything he's done with SpaceX and with X. Oh, and he's done the impossible task of succeeding with a start-up car company and making electric cars the path forward. As a long time Florida resident who grew up watching launches from my back yard, I was ecstatic to see SpaceX succeed and bring regular launches back to the Space Coast.

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I know it has been written before now, but he is our Edison… I would like to know more about his back story. Was his mother supportive or harsh. I have read that his father admires his brother more than he admires Elon. Huh?! I know enough about news to know that I have not learned the real story… but what if America can grow, or attract, more Elons?

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What a switch to read something so positive this morning. Thanks for this!

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What Max writes about is the spirit in Space X that made America the most exceptional place it is. Let’s pray there are more Elon Musk’s and his team mates in our future. David

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

We all know the MSM narrative would've been so different if Elon was a Good Liberal.

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Outstanding and inspirational article. Everything described in the article is the result of one amazing man's intelligence and persistence. Amazing.

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