One of the joys of becoming ‘awake’ about so many things thanks to the Covid insanity is that I no longer feel I have to watch anything woke. Instead I’ve been rediscovering so many fabulous movies and TV series made before 2000, most of which couldn’t be made now.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

There’s nothing particularly unique about a younger generation that thinks itself more talented and intellectually superior to its predecessors…

It is, however, uniquely annoying when said younger generation manages to grab hold of the megaphone and insists I acknowledge “their truth,” while steadfastly and earnestly denying everyone else’s.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

I'm always arguing with the head of our local theatre festival, which strives to be cutting edge. She's always promoting plays that unflinchingly wrestle with racism, or not afraid to tackle transphobia etc. I tell her filling the stage with Black transgenders isn't cutting edge, it's mandatory in this day and age. A play about transgenders who are desperate to reverse the operation, or a Black rights group that is really a con to dupe virtue signaling corporations out of millions; those would be real cutting edge plays. No interest so far.

And entirely unrelated, I just stumbled on the Daniel Deronda series of ten years ago as well. Who knew I wasn't the only one?

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

the woman who’s gotten so old that men don’t just underestimate her, but look right through her as if she doesn’t exist at all.

IE invisible

And you don’t have to be 70 to be invisible, past 50 will do. Us older women could literally rob a bank, sans mask, and they’d never catch us

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I am always amused when I hear some woke author or movie star talk about how subversive something is. They only know how trivial, boring, and anything but subversive they are if you lump intellectual rot into that category.

One of the great reasons that Hollywood and movies are failing is that people like Brit Marling are writing, producing, and acting in them. There is little intellectual heft with these people. Sadly, they are the product of the woke education and culture where their self-importance is off the charts. But they have yet to read much history or have any worldly knowledge. But as long as the money flows in, culture will keep getting this crap.

But there is a dowside to this; this thought is like donuts, McDonald's, and soda to the body. If our body politics is fed this nonsense, it rots the soul of a culture and society. We as a country need great storytelling that conveys the cardinal virtues of Wisdom, Justice, Courage, and moderation. Our youth and many millennials need to see things that make them productive human beings rather than the neurotic, angry, and depressed group we have today.

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“No one sees a 24-year-old girl coming,” she says, with a wry smile.”


Sex jokes aside, nobody is easier to see coming than a 24-year-old girl. This is not an endorsement of 24-year-old boys, who are also retarded. But God help you if you think 24-year-old girls are doing anything James Bondish.

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“Darby Hart is brilliant, young, bisexual, and beautiful. But she’s no feminist hero, writes Kat Rosenfield.”


This reminds me of the greatest quote I’ve heard recently. I am mad I didn’t come up with it myself.

“We are all, especially children, walking barefoot on the shards of the glass ceiling that women broke.”

-Joshua Slocum

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

I started this on the recommendation of my BIL.

It's a new take on a tired theme, and I don't want to discuss my problems with it, because I may inadvertently disclose spoilers.

In summary, it's been done many times before, but this is the new Hollywood mindset; Let's take something that worked before, only change the races, genders (all 37 of the letters and symbols) and add some new woke spin to the crisis! That's so much easier than actually creating something. Every stereotype represented people who I find annoying, and examples of parental failure on the part of my generation.

Plus, I like Elon.

I told my BIL that he's off my 'critic's choice' list.

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I saw a comment on Twitter recently (@cliftonadunca) about how the entertainment industry, Disney specifically, is failing because it’s not entertaining us with fantasy and escapism but with social justice messages that slap us in the face at every turn. That sounds exactly like what this show is. No wonder all the teenagers are watching The Office, Friends, The Simpsons, etc. It’s exhausting to be lectured to all. the. time. Especially when you’re a teenager and even more so when you’re over 40.

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I personally don’t care if you are any alphabet related sexual preference. Much like race, when you have to make it central to something, then I feel sorry for you. It’s also an immediate signal to not watch.

The entire movie industry has suffered from the alphabet and race syndrome. Everything must be viewed in the woke prisms. All it does is stifle creativity and enjoyment. So pox on the woke so called movie industry.

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Good analysis

What a grand idea. Plagiarize - er, I mean borrow - all the way from Conan Doyle up through Agatha Christie through Columbo, through Murder She Wrote. Take every plot line that has worked for the last - oh, 150 years - put them all in a box, shake them up, add a dash of Woke, and Bob's your uncle. The creator of this series (he/she/they/them/zir/zem/it) should apply for Hahhhhhhhvahhhhhhhhd president. I hear it's available.

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“ She moves through the story like the living embodiment of a comments-section diatribe…”

I love this turn of phrase! 😂

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If a new TV show or movie doesn't contain *the message* does it even exist?

Just think about how many billions of dollars were spending to produce this propaganda, which will be lost to time once society goes sane again.

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And you wonder how Claudine Gay got to the top of Harvard. We live in an instant-ramen, excruciatingly duplicative world where every artistic or social project has to make it through a committee of TV-conditioned children.

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Your review was excellent.

Thank you for your insight and obvious talent.

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"a 70-year-old grandma in bifocals and a housecoat"

Miss Marple, you mean? Or the protagonist in Helene Tursten's "An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good"?

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