I think it is worth emphasizing the profit seeking motive on the part of the Gazan elites. First, those in the know were able to financially profit by short selling relevant stocks. Second, they are able to siphon off some percentage of the aid money being sent to Gaza. Finally, they are already calling through their paid agents for multinational money to rebuild Gaza, after a war they planned, funded and approved as business opportunity. They likely own most of the land in Gaza, and will own the properties that are built with other people's money on them. That's smart if sociopathic business.

What Israel needs to fully grasp and factor into its calculations is the fact that these people, who live in Qatar and Turkey and London and presumably elsewhere (anywhere they like!!!) are the main reason peace is impossible. They fund the propaganda that is fed to young Arab refugee grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, which is functionally identical to that which animated the Hitler Youth and Nazis generally.

The war which matters exists in the public perceptions of people in the West. As long as they support this entrepreneurialism via mass murder--it's worth noting that in my understanding the humble appearing Yassir Arafat died worth a billion dollars or more--by hallucinating a moral element that simply is not present to sane minds, it is sure to continue. What is rewarded persists, and parroting the words "Palestinian", and that they have a right to kill all the Jews in Israel (latent but not stated) constitutes reward.

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> Gaza must be internationalized. It must no longer be an Israeli problem or even an Israeli-Egyptian problem, but the responsibility of the international community, above all the United States.

The United States is literally on the other side of the world. Also, is that something Israel would be supportive of? I get the impression that Israel wants to deal with problems inside (or near) their borders, and wants US aid only as far as it helps them achieve their own goals; they don't want to cede sovereignty to a foreign power.

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We hear the usual voices shrieking for a ceasefire and crying crocodile tears for the "innocent people of Gaza." Well, if you really care for the people of Gaza you would want to see them freed from the barbarian fiends who oppress them, use them as human shields and continue to make their lives as miserable as possible while indoctrinating their children with an implacable hatred of Israel.

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Well Mr.Oren you're wrong about other things as well. The best possible outcome would be for the surrounding Arab nations to absorb the so called "Palestinians" into their population. Perhaps some reasearch into why this hasn't happened should begin.

Incidentally are you familiar with how Palestinian is pronounced in Arabic?

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The U.S. should not get involved in the rebuilding of Gaza. Our track record in rebuilding and democratizing other Muslim countries - Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., speaks for itself.

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Regardless of your thoughts on this conflict, the idea that it’s the US responsibility to come in and rebuild Gaza and reestablish order (I.e. military occupation) is BANANAS. This guy is literally living in an alternate reality.

You break it you buy it.

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Western Europe is fucked since they have already been invaded. I think Bibi said to the EU if we do not stop them you are next.

How many believe all of these protests are random? Or are organized by Muslim invaders?

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The author’s solution seems like some imagined utopia, but in reality will never happen. Gaza needs to be once again part of Israel, and settled by Israelis. That will be the only way to ensure the safety of her people. Other countries have taken in refugees. There’s no reason why Arab countries shouldn’t take in Arab refugees.

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Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Palestinian leaders are motivated by self preservation and greed. Their self preservation means they can never make peace with Israel. If they do, they risk assassination. Their greed means they have to keep their people poor so they can embezzle aid money.

Eliminating Hamas may change the self preservation calculations. It will certainly show Israel is no longer deterred by Palestinian human shield casualties. It may show Palestinians that their role as human shields is not a winning role.

Ultimately, Middle East terrorism is largely funded and supported by Iran. If you want to silence Achmed, The Dead Terrorist, you gag Jeff Dunham, not the dummy. The Iranian Mullahs are very unpopular internally in Iran. Maybe it's time to fund an Iranian revolution.

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And, in the aftermath of war, the nations that harbor Hamas terrorists -- Qatar and Turkey for example -- must be exposed, publicly vilified, and punished as outcasts from the civilized world.

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Now how many believe America has been invaded by Muslims?

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Wishful thinking.

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What is Hamas? It's a group of BEASTS. Who supports the BEASTS? Most Palestinians support the beasts. Defeating Hamas is a must because the BEASTS are an existential threat not only to Israel but any Western Democracy & most importantly the U.S.; The destruction of Hamas represents merely a respite for Israel. The snake's venomous head lies in Tehran & unless the snake is destroyed world chaos will reign.

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This will never end. Nobody reads books anymore. Wars used to end and now they don’t. What changed? Nobody wipes out their opponent anymore.

Rome and Carthage were in multiple wars until Rome ended it. You’ll notice the Nazi party isn’t around any more because we killed Nazi’s all the way back to Berlin. With Japan we had to flatten two cities. The Ottomans sliced through Constantinople and took it over. How did the Mongolians do things again? Oh right....

Since WWII smaller “ armies” avoid overwhelming force by mixing in with civilians. In Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan . etc .etc. The resolve to move in and kill every last person to end the conflict permanently isn’t there.

So, nothing in Gaza will change and Israel will end up fighting the same war over and over again. The proper end to the conflict is expelling the Palestinians to one of their Arab neighbors. The same neighbors who get so upset about the fighting yet seem to have no interest in helping in any meaningful way.

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All people in Gaza need to be relocated to Muslim countries far far away. All people in west Bank need to be relocated to jordan. UN red cross and similar need to be relocated. Far far away. Lebanon needs to be resettled as a Christian state- country. All Muslims in Lebanon need to be relocated far far away.

There never will be peace. the Muslims believe convert or die. Just look at how many blacks and Christians the Muslims have killed in Africa. All Christians in Africa can move to Lebanon.

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Before any of this utopia can come about, 2 million Gazans must be de-Islamicized. The fastest way to do that is to Christianize them. Replace UNRWA-Hamas schools with nuns. Of course Christianity has its issues with Jews but jihad is not built into it. If we want our neighbors to be peace -loving Scandinavians instead of barbaric Vikings, Christianize them.

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