Colleges should start a new study abroad program. Exchange each hostage for a hundred Pro-Hamas students and professors from US universities. Everyone wins: America, Israel, and education.

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Richard wonders how the Nazi regime could have happened. He is in good company. In 1945, just before his death at the hands of the Nazis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wonder the same. His answer is in his essay on Stupidity. Read it. In the 1930's, Hitler developed the process. It explains why a small vocal slogan spouting minority can dominate. Essentially, a human individual, being a social animal, wants to belong to a group. The trade off is loss of independent thought. Thought is replaced by slogans and catchwords. The individual is rendered stupid. They become the tool of the regime, "capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil". Currently, this process has been co-opted by the Left. In the current case, oppressor and oppressed, racist, loss of agency, CRT, DEI, DSG, etc. Clever slogans + Stupid People = The results that we see now.

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Yes, and anyone paying attention since 9/11 should have noticed the over compensation given to the Muslim religion (in order to prevent Islamophobia) to the detriment of Christianity and the (white?) west.

Being a Christian is now considered an extremist view according to many in Hollywood, the news media and politicians.

Overcompensation to the extreme.

Read Ayana Hirsi Ali.

Watch hollywoods depiction of catholic priests in Yellowstone’s 1923.

Wonder how the LA dodgers would honor a drag group who debase Jesus and nuns in the most vulgar way.

Jen psaki called Mike Johnson an extremist because of his religion.

School administrators calling any association with a Christianity as dangerous to students. (Somewhere in Arizona)yet insist on allowing satan clubs?

The signs are all around, no bad thought is allowed against Muslims. Why?

And I am not even religious. I can see it.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

I would remind Dr Fish that Brandeis was one of the founding members of cancel culture, when in 2014 it withdrew the honorary degree it had planned to grant to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. That reinforced my decision never to give Brandeis a nickel.

Anything changed on campus since then?

Yitzhak Klein, Brandeis '79.

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The repeat of the Holocaust on October 7th is gut wrenching. But in its wake is another horror—the anti-semitism which far from being on the wane appears to have lain dormant waiting to blossom in all its ugliness. I used to wonder how the Nazi regime with its death camps could have grown out of a culture that gave us Mozart. Puzzled I would nonetheless console myself with the thought, Well, it couldn’t happen here. But in those rallies on American campuses cheering for Hamas, I can hear those Nuremberg rallies cheered on by Goebbels. Sadly it could happen here. And I mourn this sad fact along with all that Israel has suffered and continues to suffer.

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and the vice president (lower case intentional) has a grave concern for islamaphobia...

does anyone remember what happened to Lebanon? IT WAS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY BRUTALLY TAKEN OVER BY ISLAM!!!!

1.4 B muslims in the world and 50 muslim majority states


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This article hits very close to home. This was almost exactly my experience at McGill University, in Montreal. Almost to the date, as my orientation was also in September 2001. It was the first time in my life I was hesitant to tell others that I was Jewish and an Israeli.

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Ironically Muhammad’s Islam is a stupendous example of colonization and settlement as it spread from Arabia into Spain and India and North Africa and Afghanistan and beyond in little more than a century.

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This should be required reading for every American. The Koran should be read so that every non-Muslim understands that as an infidel their life has no value. What disturbs me watching the campus demonstrators spewing hate speech, encouraging violence and death to others, aren’t arrested. This is not free speech to be condoned, when it’s harmful to others.

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I hope everyone reads this - we need to shed light on this important topic

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Another factor helping to explain the spread of this reductionist, biased mind virus that has upended traditional liberal values is social media. In a generation we went from obtaining information from the printed word, including a canon of historical texts supplemented by a plethora of recent books, newspapers and magazines, to short digital bursts w emotion laden images. Youth today (unless required to do so) doesn’t read any print - no books, no newspapers. Nor do they spend the time and focus to read detailed on-line analysis. They receive and rely upon a stream of short, concise messages - often insinuations - supplemented w hip images or clips. Such “info” (combined w the “likes” of friends and celebrities, and the shunning of contrary messages) has powerful, even subliminal, effect. The old school method of reading widely to learn a subject, considering the views of scholars on both sides, seems long gone. My kids began cultishly reading tons of books when they were about eight years old, and used to love intellectual debate. Now in their mid-20s, after very expensive colleges, they know better.

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If a university employed a teacher who stated that he found the mass murder of Blacks by a White Nationalist in a Black neighborhood of S. Africa to be "exhilarating" or who celebrated the mass murder, what would happen to that professor? And if the professor was not terminated by the university, what would happen to federal funds for the university?

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I agree with everything Ms. Fish has stated, deplore and detest Hamas and stand with Israel.

But.....let's not let this obscure the fact that the corrupting influence of money and power is not limited to the forces of anti-Semitism. How about the pernicious and deep influence of the Peoples Republic of China on our universities and colleges? That malign influence threatens not just our ally and friend in the Mideast, but America, itself. If you think that the legions of America-hating anti-Semites chasing down American Jews on campus is an accident - think again. The vicious little Red Guards have been taught to hate all that is good and just in the world - including America, itself.

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The main point here is that nobody in the Jewish establishment helped Rachel. She did it all by herself will some help from friends behind the scenes. She should be a top leader of our people now.

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Tenure is to blame for much of this radical antisemitism and anti American views. This must be changed and all of these antisemitic professors must be purged.

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Thank you for this excellent piece. A lucid, credible analysis of a subject so baffling and dispiriting.

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