After 10/7 America needed a coherent, empassioned rally cry from a President with a moral compass. We needed an evening address from the Oval Office, reminding us all that we are not the type of people who stand by silent, tolerating the atrocities. That we would not tolerate displays of antisemitism and threats and violence against our Jewish citizens. And that if there were immigrants here who felt entitled to do so, we will be preparing their exit papers. And to the universities that provide safe spaces for haters, we are coming for you. No more federal money, no more tax free endowments, no more accepting millions from nations that hate us.

But that didn’t happen because we have a bumbling idiot for a President. We are weak, morally lost, and the world sees it.

The only qualifications now for President are moral clarity and the ability to rally the nation. Another Reagan.

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I JUST read one of the most pathetic comments on an Israeli article where they talked about this exact comparison.

I could NOT believe it. So this is the propaganda distortion the progressives are now pushing.

What an absolute insult to all Jews as well as Blacks.

I despise progressives the older I get. UGH!

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Elon did not attack Jewish people. He attacked the ADL, a group which has been pushing de-facto racism against whites (and now Asians) for years now. I don't want to paint all Jewish people with the same brush I would the ADL, and I'd hope Elon doesn't do that either.

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The Coleman Hughes article was informative and had great logical points, but sadly, the woke and Palestinians are religious zealots, and it won't work on them. That leads me to the coming battle royal of 2024. For the first time in my voting life, I will vote for someone other than a Republican. If Trump wins the nomination and Machin is the No Labels candidate, I will vote for him. He is the best person to lead the country for the next four years. Trump is too toxic to lead, and Biden and team are tired, old, and dangerous. RFK has no executive experience and knows nothing about what he will run. Manchin has eight years of experience as a governor and knows Washington. Making any reform will take consensus of about 60% of Congress. Manchin has the best chance of marginalizing the Woke Squad and MAGA team and doing something that might work. Next year will be fun to observe, but in the end, I want 2025 and beyond to be fun to live in.

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Manchin, who read the writing on the wall from WV and realized he had no chance of re-election will now canvas the country in the hopes that someone, anyone will help him continue his ride on the public gravy train corruption car. Hilarious yet pathetic.

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We hillbillies aren't that bright, but we can smell a phony from a mile away. Many of us were quite taken with Joe Manchin, who, from a Yellow-dog Democrat family suddenly found himself in a state transformed from 80% Democrat to about 80% Republican after Crooked Hillary told us to forget about mining coal and learn to code.

Lawsy, what was he gonna do? Couldn't switch parties; the Manchin Family would turn him from a rooster to a hen with one shot (HT to Dolly Parton in "9 to 5.") So, ever the smart boy, he decided to Talk Republican and Vote Democrat - which he did reliably, even getting re-elected the last go-around.

But now, with his vote along Democrat party lines to usher in the Inflation Creation - er, Reduction, Act, we hillbillies finally see him in all his buck-naked glory, and We Don't Like It A Bit. He's figured that out and decided against running for senate again, since the six-foot-fifteen inch Joy-Behar-Can-Kiss Babydog's-Ass governor, Jim Justice, is set to leave Manchin as a greasy spot in the senate electoral dust.

No, you can turn your attention elsewhere. Joe Manchin has now joined the Mike Pence train to the dustbin of history. Good riddance. I've heard they need a dogcatcher somewhere.

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I would love to see a four party political system in the US. So many western countries have 3, 4, or 5 real choices on the ballot. Most Americans do not fit into one of the current two boxes. It is time to reflect true representation of the electorate.

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We are heading to the scrap heap of history. America will become the United States of Islam if we're not paying attention. The Pro-Israel rally, which I attended, was peaceful and invigorating. The Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic protest was anything but. The Left has no morals. Sad state of affairs in our country and around the world. We need a strong leader in the Oval Office. The current guy is a skeleton of a man. It's sad and scary all at the same time.

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It would be nice if some journalist would.umpack the gross statistic of life expectancy, For.most of history in most places low life expectancy was mostly a function of infant and child mortality. Total life expectancy numbers are not informative and journalists should stop reporting them without investigating the details and unveiling the real information hidden I that gross statistic.

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Haley is a neocon war monger. She LOVES the security state. I would NEVER vote for her.

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If you have to hide under a nom de plume, chances are you are posting something you might not be proud of or do not have enough conviction about.

Seems to me using one’s own name may tidy up a lot of the hate and stupidity on social media

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Meanwhile, Nikki Haley would surely have been on the British side in the lead-in to the American Revolution, demanding identification of those pesky pamphlet authors Publius and Common Sense. Fortunately the British didn't have cell phone tracking at the time.

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Nothing about the poor bus drivers who all got sick Tuesday and could not make the drive to Dulles Airport? I hope they did not have to stay in bed the rest of the week.

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Frankly I am in agreement with Haley’s idea. Social Media has become a human stain and consuming the brains of our youth. The number of likes one receives on a post of a photo is determining self worth. It has become the land of “bots” and cranks...far more than blithely suggested by the author. Obviously you cannot force Social Media companies to do anything but making people use their real names would certainly cut down on the garbage currently being spewed, like anti semitism. I have no problem with using “shame” to modify inappropriate behavior.

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I love Coleman Hughes.

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"... A big part of the story is Trump and Biden: their obvious shortcomings ...."

Other than mean tweets, I'm not sure what the author sees as obvious shortcomings.

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