Stalin would be proud of this kangaroo court show trial. 85% of the jury pool is anti trump and majority of those selected read Pravda aka New York Times. The worst part is Judge Marchan. His daughter is paid millions to run campaigns for democrats like Russiagater Schiff. His wife worked for New York AG Letitia James, who campaigned on getting Trump and bragged about the massive fine for the real estate fraud where every bank testified they were fully paid back. Trump has been gagged from drawing attention to this. If the roles were reversed, the left would be shrieking for the judge to recuse himself.

How can Americans trust the outcome with such blatant conflicts of interest? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-conduct-a-show-trial-merchan

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You believed them. Maybe I would, but I'd wonder if the pauses were not about sincerity, but about not giving away enough to be dismissed.

I question if it's possible to prosecute Trump fairly in a blue state. I also question whether this case could be brought in front of an impartial judge - it seems really, really thin - maybe as thin as the last case in New York where he was fined hundreds of millions of dollars and there were no victims at all. Is he ever going to get out of New York courtrooms?

On the other hand, I really dislike Trump as well, and wouldn't mind seeing him go away.

Maybe I shouldn't care about justice. Joe seems to have love for the system, but it seems all New York cares about is getting Trump. Jewish students are being attacked down the street and women are being punched and pushed in front of subway cars and the theft is non-stop and the perpetrators are back on the streets the next day, not even one dollar in bail.

Anyway, the outcome seems inevitable, and this promises to be the absolute worst election ever, this side of Venezuela. But I think the damage done to the judicial system will last a lot longer than Trump will.

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“It took some real courage to be on the Trump jury.”. Why? Because us right wing MAGA loving fascist deplorables will undoubtedly inflict pain and suffering on these public spirited heroes? Get your head out of your butt Nocera. Is this Stalinist court, combined with the atrocities inflicted at Columbia against Jewish students with the implicit blessing of Columbia and NYC officialdom “Americans at their very best”? I weep for our broken country. I fear we are doomed. Delusional musings such as Noceras fantasies do little to help. They are proof positive of the rot.

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This is a wrongfully brought case that has its genesis in hate for Trump. The comment that no one is above the law is itself revealing. Any statute of limitations concerns, any stretch of the law concerns are cast aside with that. The rule of law is not being applied fairly and to be sure, Trump is not a gnarly co-worker. He inspires hateful passion in 85% of New Yorkers; this jury has no chance of being impartial, no matter what these “sophisticates” tell the judge.

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"Most of the reporters believed them" . . . Phew! I was beginning to hope that there might be some semblance of fairness in this whole imbroglio, but in one fell swoop, you've helped me cast aside such foolishness and come back down to reality The imprimatur of the most corrupt, shallow and mendacious of the chattering classes (not you, personally, Joe. I have no idea how corrupt you might be. I'm just talking about your friends and associates) has renewed my confidence that a fair trial for Trump in Manhattan is simply against the laws of physics. It's like you're trying to sell us a perpetual motion machine. It's yet another example of that annoying tic that prevents reporters from mentioning anything related to Trump without prefacing their remarks with "unsubstantiated" or "lies about [insert topic, but usually the election]". Every time it's uttered (and uttered it is, like a champion Wisconsin holstein) it only serves to further cement everyone else's confidence that the "Big Lie" isn't on the lips of a certain former President. It's a tell - more pathological, pompous and plainly transparent with each subsequent utterance, yet increasingly tinged with worry that the jig is up. It's like the Dem hysteria about all things Russian. In for a penny, in for a pound. Gotta keep the heat focused . . . over there. But hey! Wasn't it ol'Hills that hit the unbelievably comically incorrect "reset" button in Moscow? They were buddies.

What happened to their love? 'Cause now it's all Russia RusSIA RUSSIA, all the time. She invented the whole goddamn thing to explain why she, a plainly shit candidate with a YUGE sense of entitlement, lost an election to that boorish real estate developer and reality tv goon, who eats steak with ketchup. I mean, she did everything she could to win - corruptly boxed out ol'Bolshevik Bernie, alienated half the country with high-minded insults weeks before the election, hired a half-assed Brit ex-spook to play spoiler (and hid the payments), had her goons lie to the FBI and CIA . . . the list goes on and on. I mean, she had the press in her pocket and she even spoke with a terrible black accent, I mean, Urban affectation (you know what I'm talkin' about) -- and she still lost! Imagine! What a nation of ingrates, not to recognize what she has done for them, for you - the shit she's put up with, her trials and tribulations, that husband of hers, what with his running around and dipping his wick in whatever honeypot he can find, her time ranching in Little Rock . . . She's better than all that. It was she who deserved the oval office, not that charming rogue bastard peckerwood BillyBob. And then some Bernie-bro dipshit at the DNC leaks all her and her cronies' machinations and blamo! There it is for all to see. Fuck, there has to be someone we can blame. How about that weirdo homoerotic Russian dude - the one shirtless on a horse, petting the tiger and 69-ing a bear? Well son'of'a'bitch if it ain't Russia that's gonna take the fall, or blame, or whatever. Just so long as everyone goes along with it, it'll be ok. Maintain the facade, steady with the mantra, like the frog in Popeye croaking out: "Putin did it, Putin did it". And hey! Think not about how corrupt Ukraine has been - or how they're paying off the Biden syndicate . It's all about saving Europe from becoming Russia's bitch (even though, let's be serious, that's what they secretly desire, ESPECIALLY Germany). Like HRC staring in the mirror and smearing on lipstick as Balalaika blares in the background, or Mary Louise Kelly or Jenn White's stick-up-their-ass, too-smug-to-be-real assurances that Biden was freely and fairly elected (Marc Elias who?) It's a tell - the repetition shows, more than anything, that they realize what they've done and are desperately trying to cover up by placing any kind of questioning of a Biden victory so far outside the bounds of polite society that to suggest otherwise in any fashion makes you a lunatic, in the company of. . . of. . . well, deplorables. There, they haven't said it, but someone else did and they agree. Of any class of people, of any profession, the people who most desperately want the whole circus to appear "fair" are reporters, because the opposite would be yet another step toward their being fully revealed. We can just see them now, shoulder to shoulder in an anteroom, sweat-stained pits, bad haircuts and foul breath notwithstanding, nodding earnestly to each other, "looks good to me, Bob. Clean as a whistle. Sure some lied to the judge, but he knows what's in their hearts, and he's a judge - a pillar of civil government with knowledge and insight beyond reproach, just like Alcee Hastings or Lance Ito.

The assurances of reporters is a tell, and recounting or crediting their confidence is the absolute undoing of your point. They'd see what they want to see, no matter what, minimally so they can pat themselves on the back about what a great job they did protecting democracy, or some such shit. We've seen this act over and over and it's revolting.

And while we're on the topic of lunacy, we're supposed to believe that the people rioting in the streets, burning down buildings, looting, assaulting police - AND THE PEOPLE/POLITICIANS BAILING THE RIOTERS OUT OF JAIL (ahem, Candy Colored Clown Kamala) -- THOSE PEOPLE who have so little respect for property, or safety, or public order, or anyone else, for that matter, when it comes to the ballot, that's sacrosanct territory, pal.

No way any of them would monkey with an election, no way no how, no siree. It's so far beneath them, to suggest that they would cheat an election is simply beyond the pale. A base calumny. How dare you, sir? HOW DARE YOU? I mean, how dare I? (sometimes I get turned around when I'm mocking absurdity).

So, to make a long story short, you're going to have to do better than "reporters thought it fair", because you're citing the most provably dishonest cohort of hangers-on this society has to offer. Thanks, and have a great day!

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I dunno, Joe. I get the hope but the reality calls bullsh*t. @YuriBezmenov sets it out nicely. It is an ugly place, this blue state. I believe I read today it is the second bluest in the country. (I live in MA so I get it for sure.) I don't think it is at all possible to find an impartial juror in NYC in this matter, which is already so highly stacked against Trump. And God forbid there is an outcome which favors him; the state will work to take care of that too. Did you see Letitia James asked that his bond be voided? Yep let's make his appeal impossible, right? I'm not a fan but he's being railroaded in the most outlandish fashion(s) and it does not bode well for civilized society.


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In what world can an impartial jury be found for a defendant like Trump, in a wildly leftist city like New York, where every juror knows they will eventually become known, in the middle of an election? Just like the jurors in the Derek Chauvin case in Minneapolis, these jurors will know their civic duty, and they will know the consequences for not voting guilty, and 'getting Trump.' It's a show trial. It could have been done long before this, or postponed until next year, but that wouldn't serve it's purpose. It is said we all need to 'come together' and 'put aside our differences' yet this is the kind of thing that make such sentiments impossible. When did conservatives or Republicans ever carry on multiple prosecutions against the Democratic nominee for President in the middle of an election? Never. There can be no compromise with those that abuse power so egregiously.

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"They took a dead misdemeanor, they attached it to dead alleged federal felony, and zapped it back into life. Many of us are just amazed to watch this actually walk into court because it's not a recognizable crime."

Jonathan Turley, constitutional lawyer

If TFP is actually interested in the facts of this case, rather than sharing Friday am snark, perhaps they should invite Mr. Turley to share his views.

And regarding Mr. Nocera's confidence in the jury, is he aware that many of the potential jurors swore that they could be impartial ... only for it to be uncovered they had posted on social media how much they hated and despised Trump and wanted him to be beaten at any cost?

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"When they said they could be fair and impartial, I believed them. So did Judge Merchan."

Well, if Judge Merchan agrees with you, what could possibly go wrong? The judge who denies Trump his First Amendment rights to speak, whose daughter makes millions of dollars opposing Trump, who had turned the accused's right to confront his accuser on its head by demanding that Trump be present, who should have dismissed the made-up case at the outset. Joe, you are a naive fellow.

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This is obviously an opinion piece and not hard news. My opinion is that if there ever was a trial that merited a change of venue it is this one.

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I'm torn about this article. Is it gaslighting? Is it naivete? Is it wilful fraud? I can't decide.

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Are you joking Nocera? New York is literally an insane asylum masquerading as a city. A parody of Bonfire of the Vanities come to life.. The "trial," itself is a joke. A political stunt ginned up by a rotund little clown, whose election was bankrolled by Soros at the direction of the DNC. A leftist who prosecutes brave young men who protect their fellow subway passengers, while letting career criminals go free. The city, itself, is governed by an equally clownish poseur, who promised law and order and permits lunatics to use the subways as their private bedrooms and bathroom. And who squanders city funds on illegal aliens in fine hotels, while American citizens within its borders live in rat infested City run hovels. Trump has as much of a chance of getting a fair trial as the victims of Stalin and Beria.

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I wonder of the jury's "sincerity" comes from their love of due process or from the possibility of a future book deal.

And as for the judge, if he had ANY interest at all I'm seeing Trump gers a fair trial, he would have granted the requested change of venue.

Trump is being railed right into a guilty verdict and everyone knows it.

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What editor approved this drivel?

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It’s beyond amazing to watch the media pretend the Trump trial is a real case over a real crime

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Let the rehabilitation of the Democratic Party machine begin!

Boss Tweed would be proud... The spirit of Tammany Hall is not dead!

Vote blue, no matter who!

Democracy dies in darkness!!

Just never asked who turned out the fucking lights...

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