The report wrote "It has been suggested that hormone treatment reduces the elevated risk of death by suicide in this population, but the evidence found did not support this conclusion."

I hope that parents with reservations about this treatment will no longer be pressured to give their consent for their troubled kids.

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I'm happy the Cass Review has laid bare what it has. How will the US respond? Will parents be able to support their questioning kids more easily now? I certainly hope so. I am in 2 different support groups of parents with hundreds of other parents trying to navigate this. We are anonymous bcs activists will literally come for our kids if we use our real names. Our kids think they are in charge. You know why they think they are in charge- bcs teachers, school counselors and doctors have told them they are in charge. We can't trust teachers or doctors. And now the Cass review shows us that we were right all along. I've been listening to a song from the musical "Spring Awakening" today and there is a song called "Totally Fucked". That's what we are.

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I have a co-worker who allowed her daughter to have her breasts removed at age 15. The daughter is now 26, has un-transed (my term) and is now just a gay woman but with no breasts and the same mental health issues she had at age 15. The harm of this movement is mind boggling and I truly hope medical licenses are revoked and lawsuits are plentiful.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

"Gender Affirming Care" is in fact the gay/lesbian conversion therapy from hell.

I am 67 and gay and knew that from the first time I saw that "GAC" euphemism and what it was about.

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Sorry, but a bi-partisan commission of political busy-bodies is not the answer. Only the ban-hammer will do. US professional associations are deeply corrupted by Critical Gender Theory. And the pipeline of new doctors is just as corrupt. I never thought I'd be a ban-hammer advocate, but the time is now.

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The fallout from the report continues in the UK -- both the Government and Labour (most likely to win the next election) have pledged to follow its recommendations.

A review into the practices of Adult clinics has now been ordered. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/10/adult-transgender-clinics-in-england-face-inquiry-into-patient-care

And the Health minister will compel the Adult clinics to release the data they withheld from the University of York review. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/10/nhs-bosses-ordered-reveal-fate-of-young-trans-patients/ or https://archive.is/Sk03a

Basically the Adult clinics fooled around and now they are going to find out.

These are names and faces of the doctors who presided over this. One decided that a girl should be put on a medical pathway because she liked Thomas the Tank! So furious about that one as if liking model train set somehow makes you a boy rather than a girl who happens to like a specific toy. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13291703/Meet-doctors-doled-puberty-blockers-generation-vulnerable-children.html

These are the charities who spun the web which resulted in the medical scandal. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/cass-report-gender-transition-mermaids-charities-web-kxp7fjcfj or https://archive.is/t4KYu

The doors have been blown off but this scandal has a long way to go. Hopefully now a proper service can developed for highly vulnerable children who have complex mental health needs.

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Finally The Free Press reporting on this huge medical fraud scandal that TFP helped air last year.

It would have been better to be in the morning post for maximal exposure

Shellenberger and the WPATH files should have been in this article as there is plent of evidence of the fraud and lying of WPATH( more accurate would be USPATH.)

The lie about the “ high suicide risk” was necessary for the trans ideologue doctors because they knew a risk of imminent death is an accepted reason to use poor quality data to avoid doing randomized controlled trials ( Ie if there is a new drug not yet adequately tested but a patient has an aggressive disease and is expected to die in a few months, that drug mat be used with proper consent.In this example it is understood the drug is experimental or poorly tested to date. In the Gender affirming care model the parents are told the risk of suicide is very high but they are not told this is unproven , untested intervention. That’s a big difference. These doctors knew and know exactly what they were doing. The lies were justified to push their ideology .

The USA does not need an “ investigation or bipartisan commission. The evidence of fraud and danger to minors is overwhelming. The prudent thing is to stop this now on an emergency basis. How these troubled kids should be studies is a separate question now. It’s doubtful that an ethical an RCT design can be done as the drs of WPATH are frauds and can’t be trusted, and unbiased drs will probably not agree to do these interventions in children and young teens when there is such controversy , and observational data that they cause perm harm more than good, and there really is no way to obtain informed consent from the patients.

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Pediatrics and psychiatry in the United States have been bulldozed into accepting and promoting the irreversible hormonal and surgical modification of children. Among children, "gender dysphoria" results primarily from social contagion, anxiety, depression and the normal confusion of adolescence.

Decades from now this will be rightly seen for what it is, a non-scientific, experimental practice upon children that was promoted by unhinged advocates and accepted by fearful gullible physicians. Yes, I am speaking to the pediatricians, psychiatrists and plastic surgeons involved.

"Shame" doesn't do this crime justice. "Gender Affirmation Care" of children will join the annals of other unethical scientific experiments, committed without informed consent of the participants: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the Stanford Prison Experiment, the Milgram Experiment and the Cold-WEra Human Radiation Experiments.

James N. Romanelli, MD, FACS

Plastic Surgeon

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A big step in the right direction, but one that needs to be replicated in in America and Canada.

Ordinary people are appalled by the social demands made by trans rights activists, and most medical professionals are perfectly well aware that there is no evidence for, and much against, the use of dangerous drugs for this bizarre purpose. But so few dare speak out. We live in a climate of fear of cancellation, and it is hard enough to get by without losing your job over someone else's problems. Who dares to say these things:

Sex is observed, not assigned, at birth.

Biological sex is real, and there are two sexes only.

A woman is an adult human female.

Troubled children need proper assessment and advice, not automatic transition.

Single-sex spaces should not be invaded by men.

Men do not belong in women's sports.

Transitioning children who would grow up to be gay is conversion therapy.

And once we have that straightened out, those old enough and certain enough may transition with my blessing. I wish them well and hope they can make the best of their condition.

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Transgenderism is the ultimate denial of objective truth. The left has been destroying objective truths for decades. Why not go after fundamental biology?

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Excellent comments by Tuecer’s Wife and Muffin Mama.

I think it is reasonable at this point for people to be aware of their own vulnerabilities to ideology. This one may not have gotten you, but would the next? Have you ever changed your worldview in light of new evidence?

It seems like a good time for reflection rather than a victory lap. It makes me cringe to think I could get convinced that something absurd is true.

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As my husband so aptly put it, eventually the “professionals” will see the error of this, but we’re going to pay a terrible human cost in thousands upon thousands of young men and women who have bought into this secular gnosticism.

If people ever trust the mental health professionals again, we’re going to need a quite a few of them to set aside their beliefs to help both the detransitioners and their families with the anger, grief, and betrayal of the medical malpractice going on. Unfortunately it’s going to still take some time to build to a crescendo of lawsuits until it can no longer be ignored, until a new crisis used to distract us comes along.

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Hopefully these "physicians" are found criminally responsible. Wpath file crew as well.

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1984. Chilling. Activists have no place in medicine. Or the Arts (museums). Or anywhere. It is like giving a microphone to a baby.

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This is a great 40 minute show released today. It's the first time I've seen a Dr. Phil show. Really worth watching at no cost.

His guests include Jamie Reed (who last year wrote the groundbreaking whistleblower report on gender clinic at Washington University for Free Press) and Leor Sapir who is one of the two or three most articulate and knowledgeable persons on this issue, and a surgeon who blew the whistle, to his great personal cost, on a big Houston hospital, Dr. Eithan Haim.


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Doctor's and nurses who have advocated for these treatments should be chemically sterilized, castrated and forced to undergo mastectomies...

We don't need any more "reports", "investigations" or other bureaucratic bullshit. We need ruthless energy to be pushed against ALL of these people on both sides of "the pond"...

Ruining the lives of children is a despicable offense. It would be better that they have a millstone tied around their necks and be tossed into the sea! (So said a famous Jewish pacifist...)

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