Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Isn't it interesting that when any of these effete, coastal liberals visit real people in the American heartland (including their own regions where some real people also reside) they find them to be decent, friendly, tolerant people who are nothing like the hateful cartoons painted by the sneering leftists who degrade our national discussion? In contrast, the leftist wannabe elitists who infest our coastal and university town enclaves turn out to be every bit as unpleasant, hateful and drippingly sanctimonious as their lawn signs proclaim.

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I grew up hunting in north Louisiana, southern Arkansas and north west Mississippi. My dad gave me my first single shot .410 at 11 years old and my first Olt duck call at around 12 or 13. We prepped and dressed our rice field and flooded timber duck blinds every year in early fall. Hunting was, and still is, a way of life across the country and especially the south. Hunting was always for food in our family. My mother and grandmother would make duck gumbo regularly or my father would filet duck breasts, season and fry them in an iron skillet.

Being in North Carolina for the past 25 years, I don't duck hunt anymore, but I do deer hunt regularly. I'll be going this week as a matter of fact. Even if I don't get a shot or even see a deer, its great to sit in my stand and be out in nature, to be still and take in all that is around me. Its good for my mind and my soul. Today I still hunt for food and try to kill around two each year to provide venison for the family and my friends until the following season. If I take more than two, I always donate it to North Carolina Hunters for the hungry which provides ground venison to needy families. Hunting is a wonderful tradition and its great to see it being passed down to upcoming generations.

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"Who knew that straight men...." I hate the ubiquity of this term "straight"....a weasel-word term created some decades ago by the advanced guard of gender meddlers to advance their relativist mental universe. What it presumes to designate is merely the sexuality of the great majority of men and women. Men and women who don't need any relativist label to identify them.

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Cute article, but Ben is much more likely to be shot in the streets of any blue city than by a bunch of law-abiding southerners. What an ignorant comment his friend made, but it goes to show how the elites view the rest of the country.

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I have come to enjoy reading and watching Ben's posts as he gives a taste of the different parts of American culture. In Steven Covey's seven habits, the first one is seek to understand, which helped me learn more about an event and skill I knew nothing about. More than the skill, I learned more about everyday people in Arkansas. This is Trump country, where progressive media always has to throw a few ist labels at them, but what Ben highlighted was a group of honest, decent, savvy, and educated people. Living and not believing progressive nonsense is a great trait to have. It's a blessing to call people in this article my fellow countrymen, including Ben. It's a great way to begin my day. Thanks, Free Press.

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I do quite a bit of hunting and to this day I still say a short prayer to thank the animal for giving their life to feed my family. I am only prompted to do this when I have killed the animal myself - it does not work for me when the bounty is a steak from Food Lion. While it's true that I appropriated this habit from Native American customs - I do not think they originated or have copyrighted the practice.

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So I love a couple of things about this. First that Doug Williams graciously invited Ben to join in a hunt. And second that Ben not only went along, but participated right down to getting involved in gutting the duck. I read a great book recently called Beaverland. The author clearly was not comfortable with hunting/trapping, but takes a deep dive into the topic to where she walks trap lines and participates in skinning etc. to the point where she at least develops an appreciation for a different POV.

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Who would you rather spend a weekend with--hunters in Alabama, or NYC swells?

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That’s it? Where is the rest of the article? I hope your editor did not reimburse your travel expenses!

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

I really enjoy your videos. What's striking to me is how fun and welcoming these hunters are, similar to the Black female entrepreneurs you interviewed a few months ago. It's interesting to see this compared to the miserable histrionics of the Palestinian protesters and Democratic Socialists you interviewed.

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The cycle of life is something that is difficult to confront head on, yet how many of us do it? Good for you for confronting these issues.

My friend's farm recently killed twenty of their ducks, but also fed twenty families. All these ducks were outside and lived a decent existence at least. It was tough seeing them go.

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There now, see; that didn't hurt, did it? I enjoy your features at TFP, and I'm glad you found life outside of LA and insane street demonstrations.

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I have a different take. I think that Ben was actually satirizing, in a subtle way, the pervasive disdain that urban elitist liberals have toward rural America. He showed that these are friendly, tolerant people (often more tolerant than the liberals who look down on them!). In our polarized nation, I appreciate when either ‘side’ makes an effort to get to know the other by joining in dialogue and sharing experiences. Bravo to Ben for at least showing up! PS. loved the shofar reference- gave me a chuckle.

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It’s almost as if wildly conservative Arkansans are friendlier than woke socialists or pro Hamas protesters.

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Ben just became my favorite redneck. The video is f’ing hilarious— as are his others.

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So does this mean those of us not from the city and all of the DEI BS are now considered humans again? Maybe studying the need to cull herds or anything provides a better life for whatever it is. Heck, even on Air Force bases they are forced to cull deer in order to keep them healthy and not overrun all of the habitat and runways. It's really a nature thing combined with providing food for people.

Grew up around guns, hunters, hunted, and never knew a single person willing to shoot and kill something just for fun. It was serious and dangerous if you wee a fool. Never have understood the silly attitudes of people who don't know country folks or even try and meet and get to know them. They are the ones who keep America running and feed those pesky city dwellers.

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