What most normal, rational conservatives want is to be left the fuck alone. We see Government as a necessary evil that should be as small as possible. We are tired of DC raking in so much of our money in taxes and NYC skimming so much of our hard earned savings in fees then both locales calling us stupid.

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I live on a lake in Michigan. We don't have Trump flotillas, but it's deep red. People are simply puzzled by Democrats more than anything. Why are they mutilating children? Why do they want drag queens reading to children so bad? Why are they denying biological reality? Why are they so irresponsible with foreign policy and budget? Why are they interfering with our lives so bad? It's not hate; it's more like "what the f*** is wrong with these people and WHY?"

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Max Meyer

I love when I am called Sweetie or Honey while ordering a nice juice hamburger and fries. This article perfectly describes the great schism between the two Americas and the thirst for freedom that one half possesses which infuriates the other half. Thanks Max

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Such a fun story. So many are unaware of the quality of life in the "flyover states." You can take a drive on a winding road in rural Wisconsin and come up over a hill and see a huge beautiful house in the middle of rolling hills where a hardworking farmer has created a great life. We have a beautiful country.

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Excellent take on the coastal elite mentality:

The middle of the country has to be reckoned with,” Jason Bateman said in August 2017, seven months into the Trump administration (of which he was not a fan, to put it mildly). “They’re comfortable, they’re happy down there, and there’s no real need for them to adjust or pivot to anybody else’s agenda.

Being “comfortable” and “happy” is a mortal sin to these virtue signaling asses!

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Show this lake to any of my relatives from China and they would tell you this is the true American dream.

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There’s hundreds, if not, thousands of Lake of the Ozarks stories & people all over this US. Those described in this story are the majority. The coastal elites are just the help.

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In the dark of the Black Hills of Rapid City, South Dakota last night at the Mt Rushmore patriotic lighting ceremony, hundreds of American families and visitors, filled the amphitheater...on a Tuesday.

We listened to stories of our American Revolution and the founding principles of our country “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. The Civil War pulled us apart but those principles drew us back together. “All men are created equal!” Our country flourished despite the struggles of developing a nation.

After the stories and the illumination of those rock faces and the crowd singing the National Anthem, with the many veterans and Gold Star families called to the stage, the flag was brought down slowly in total silence, carefully, reverently folded.

I do not doubt that this election is a sink or swim moment in our history. Our Lake of the Ozark freedoms require our sacrifice. We cannot be afraid to speak! To defend our wonderful American way! To point out that the emperor has no clothes!

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34+ year Manhattan resident, and this will not go the way you think...

In 2019, my older son went to Naval Flight School in Pensacola, Florida aka The Beach of the SEC. I just loved it. Florabama, white beaches, very very genuine people, and downtown Pensacola is filled with fun bars and restaurants. Navy towns are pretty much always fun...

For the two years that he was in "P-cola", I always drove down as planes are tough for my vaxx injured younger son with Autism. Same experience on the drive, great people along the way, and a little factoid, Pensacola, Florida is in the Central Time Zone.

Hope to get back...


#Kennedy24 - I want to help heal the divide with RFKJr.

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I agree that would be a really interesting article. Because according to the powers that be, you couldn’t catch COVID at a BLM riot but you could catch it at a Trump rally. Only Republicans spread COVID apparently.

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Great article, while it shows what middle America is, we need to motivate them to take action. Big government and control hungry liberals who grow rich while "serving" in government need to be defeated or this country falls just like all previous human experiments in human civilization. We may want to be left alone but need to get involved the restore government of the people.

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I've fond memories of spending time with my family at Grand Lake outside of Tulsa. Same vibe: down to earth, unpretentious MAGA folks eating fried food and getting sauced on domestic beer. Its a rite of passage all over the midwest for any family with a bit of extra money. The kind of simple joy that evades many striving city slickers saving up for their next overseas vacation.

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How about a child warning before you use a picture of DeLauro. Like to have spit my coffee out. What a poster person for Halloween. Cuban might be rich, but a punk is still a punk! He is the rich typical woke liberal who knows shit and you should worship his wisdom.

As for the normal American people in the article, love them and that is way, way closer to America than the hell holes of the Hampton, NYC, SF, Portland, Chicago, and the blood sucking woke liberals ideas of life.

Not even close to a comparison of who to hang with. Give me true patriotic, law abiding folks who stand up for true freedom I.e The Constitution!

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Max, Bari, now you've done it! A story about middle Americans in middle America having a good time, and also mostly Trump supporters, a story that when seen by the coastal nannies in media and government will start their hair on fire. I expect John Kerry, Bill Gates and others to be flying in on their private, carbon spewing jets to lecture these rubes about all that is wrong with them, while their little weanie assistants start writing regulations to STOP THIS, NOW!

First they'll come for the boats....

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DH and I just came back from a trip across this great land, 5,000 miles and 17 days later my confidence has been restored in the USA. From shore to shore we met and spoke with many people who all want the same thing; to be left alone, to raise their children, to work an honest living to give their children a better life than theirs, to be able to work and live without government interference. From Florida to California and back again, the same stories from all walks of life, so many people feel the same way. If one was to listen to the news media tell it, you would believe that we are in the middle of a civil war, that the unrest and violence in the US is staggering. That is why it should be on everyone's bucket list to get out there, on the ground and visit the flyover states and meet and talk to people. It really helps your morale and gives you new hope for our future.

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Great story that captures a “feel” I hope is strong enough in the ‘24 elections to allow Biden to continue snoozing somewhere other than the White House.

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