The sad commentary is that a private citizen with zero media training communicates badly at a public meeting and the NY Times makes it a headline.

POTUS has a teleprompter, speech writers , briefing books , and 60 years in public office and says stupid stuff ( and unhinged stuff) daily and its ignored.

That is the problem in a nutshell.

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“Obviously, schools do not choose between teaching reading and gender ideology...”

Pretty sure the collapse in national reading and math scores says otherwise.

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If you are taking flak from MSM, SPLC, and CZI, you are over the target. Please stop using the term conspiracy theorist, especially for people like James Lindsay who are well researched. All data shows that the American education system is failing our children and grooming them into Maoist commissars: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-fire-a-commissar-part-2

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My 16 year old child is gender questioning and first encountered the concept of changing gender at school in 6th grade. I didn't consent to the lesson being taught. It harmed my child and left us dealing with unfathomable choices encouraged by activist doctors and therapists. Teaching Gender ideology violates the establishment clause of the constitution. It's a system of beliefs. You can't compel beliefs or speech. Moms for Liberty is on to this and don't want their children harmed like mine has been. Teachers are not parents and need to stay in their lanes. Wouldn't it be easier for the teachers to just teach reading, writing, and arithmetic?

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Who died and made the Southern Poverty Law Center king? Who made them the high priests to decide which group is "hate"?

The Left has lost all credibility when they started calling JK Rowling a "hateful bigot". At this point, only liberals who are still reading legacy left leaning media are fooled by them. They play these language games to brand anyone who disagree with them as "hate", and couch all their sinister agenda from gender ideology to BLM to climate industrial complex to Covid vaccine mind control to war in various "social justice" buzzwords. That's how they keep their own people in check. It's a form of authoritarian tactic to inflict fear. It strikes fear into liberals' hearts and they tip over themselves to fall in line and comply lest they be branded "hateful", or if they don't support some form or another of "social justice". It's all about control. By their standard, they are the real fascists.

The way to immunize yourself from them controlling you with their language reign of terror is to stop being a "liberal". Whatever your politics, shirk that label. Leave their damn cult. Once you get out, they have no more power over your being. They can call you "hate" all they want till they're blue in their faces and they still can't make you afraid again. Let it be known publicly to your friends, family, and everyone else you're not a "liberal". Their fear tactic will stop working. And you will set yourself free.

Signed, former liberal.

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Having been both a teacher and a parent, I hope this group turns its attention to the curricula of education schools -- that's where our teachers are indoctrinated with Paulo Freire and critical race theory.

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Sounds like a wonderful group that is fighting for their children. They are against the sexualization of children and against pornography and pedophilia. They want to have children taught truth not lies. Of course the left is against them and smears them. The left is evil and promotes evil

BTW I believe Lenin made the same point about children that Hitler did. Totalitarian fascists/communists run together, like the left.

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The tone of this whole article is sophomoric and disappointing. I've never even visited their website but I'm heading to a Moms for Liberty site right now to make a donation just because this was so one-sided and weak.

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Baltimore has 23 schools that have a grade level reading proficiency rate of zero, not one student. Over 30% of the city population is illiterate. City has ben run by Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi's father, for 80 years. Tell me again how Democrats care about the success of youth, especially minority youth.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

I can’t seem to get through a Free Press article without at least one off-handed but completely infuriating remark making me question my subscription. What’s been a decent article up to a point suddenly goes to an unsupported assertion that is used to dismiss an opinion you don’t really want to engage with. In this one, it’s the line: “Obviously, schools do not choose between teaching reading and gender ideology...”. Having taught for 30 years in a very ‘progressive’ school district- among the first in the nation to pilot the “Welcoming Schools” curriculum of the HRC, I can attest that, indeed, there are huge opportunity costs to embracing the teaching of ANYTHING above and beyond core curriculum. My district spent unknown thousands- probably millions- of dollars and hours of training on this insidious rot. What started as “anti-bullying” Ed morphed into a very time- and energy- consuming monster. Staff spent far more time in professional development around this curriculum than most everything. The biggest loser was science education. I was the coordinator of science Ed for my school and after we started with the gender and CRT we never again spent efforts helping teachers get good at teaching engaging, hands-on science. We were laser-focused on social justice and I can say that one person who has made sense of the zealous push for these ideologies in schools to the OBVIOUS detriment of effective teaching and learning is James Lindsay, who you also toss off as a kook. His ‘Groomer Schools’ series of podcasts is spot on in tracing the trajectory of queer theory in schools. Also, he is correct in his appraisal of the huge influence of Paolo Freire in the Marxification of education. I started my career all-in with the left’s ideas about education and, having seen the actual results of it, I’m just done and quite ready to join Moms for Liberty in their effort to rid schools of this destructive, undemocratic insanity. Please do better, Free Press.

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"The candidates have all come to pay obeisance to the animating idea that has galvanized these women: that parents—not the government—should be in charge of how their children are raised and educated." - It's a little odd reading this sentence like it is a novel idea or some new child-rearing technique recently discovered by Dr. Benjamin Spock. it is strange how many centuries old truths are now portrayed as quaint notions that should be weighed for their validity against new, untested ideas by liberal machinators.

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Ultimately the success of any student is directly proportional to the involvement of the parents in their education. The best example is the high academic achievement of Asian students pushed to succeed by their parents. Any movement that creates more parent engagement is welcomed. An investigation into low performing schools reveals a lack of parental participation. It makes no difference how much money is thrown into these low performing schools if parents do not actively engage in their children’s education.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

They are hated because the new left (and that's who is doing this, sorry) hates America and families and women and liberty and anything that would detract from achieving absolute totalitarian control of every aspect of life, and at a global level.

The fad du jour (or the many fads, one might say) are mostly distractions from this path. Whether it's COVID or the climate scaremongering or the everyone is "trans" or equity, these are all both distractions and attacks on liberty—each a kind of test to prove the those pushing the agenda can make us all do or react to pretty much anything they want.

So naturally a group that embodies so many of the anathemas to this movement: liberty, moms, family ... control will be labeled a hate group, especially since ad hominem is really the only argument they have.

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A mom will die to protect her children, because we have nothing more important to lose. Brava, Moms!

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There is a picture in the article of a counter-protest with a woman holding a sign that reads "Proud Mom of Gay Kids". So why is this proud mom hiding her face behind a mask and dark glasses?

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I'd rather face a grizzly bear than a pissed off mom because people are f*cking with her kids.

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